Friday, September 25, 2009
ANN: GSU prof to use $1 million grant to improve computer models for fighting wildfires
CFP: MIR 2010 - International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval
ACM SIGMM International Conference on
Multimedia Information Retrieval
ACM MIR-2010
Call for Demo Papers
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
March 29-31, 2010
Call for Demo Papers
The ACM SIGMM International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval
is the leading forum for information retrieval researchers and practitioners
in any area of multimedia technology to explore cutting-edge ideas and
results, and to exchange techniques, tools, and experiences. During the
conference there will be a technical demonstration session collocated with
the poster sessions.
This demo session is meant to allow researchers and practitioners that have
implemented software systems and libraries to describe the design,
and functionality of their work in an interactive setting. The committee
encourages submission of emerging technology and early prototypes but will
also consider mature systems with experimental features. Submissions are
particularly encouraged in the areas of biomedical multimedia retrieval,
3D multimedia and immersive technologies, wireless multimedia applications,
multimedia-based security applications, multimedia databases, content
content-based retrieval, multimedia search, media processing, entertainment,
multimedia social networking, multimedia advertising and innovative
Each submission should consist of a 4-page paper (which will be included in
the proceedings if accepted) formatted in the ACM style, and a URL link or a
presentation or video or an interactive system. Please email your demo
directly to Industrial and Demo Programs Chairs (Drs. Jinbo Bi and Xin Chen)
for consideration. The paper should be prepared in the same style as the
MIR papers and use PDF for the documents. More details at the conference
All submissions will be peer-reviewed to ensure quality. The review
process is
single-blinded. Demonstrators will be provided with space and access to
a local
network (we will seek for Internet access but at the moment cannot
The participants will be required to provide their own computing
equipment and
any additional network, display, haptic, sensor, etc., hardware needed
for the
Important Dates
November 15, 2009 Submission Deadline - submit by email
November 30, 2009 Notification of Acceptance
December 22, 2009 Final Camera Ready Version
Please direct any questions regarding technical demonstrations to the
Jinbo Bi (Siemens Medical Solutions, USA,
Xin Chen (Navteq Corporation, USA,
Thursday, September 24, 2009
CFP: AAAI Artificial Intelligence for Development (AI-D)
Call for Papers
There has been great interest in information and communication
technology for development (ICT-D) over the last several years. The
work is diverse and extends from information technologies that provide
infrastructure for micropayments to techniques for monitoring and
enhancing the cultivation of crops. While efforts in ICT-D have been
interdisciplinary, ICT-D has largely overlooked opportunities for
harnessing machine learning and reasoning to create new kinds of
services, and to serve a role in analyses of data that may provide
insights about socioeconomic development for disadvantaged
populations. The unprecedented volume of data currently being
generated in the developing world on human health, movement,
communication, and financial transactions provides new opportunities
for applying machine learning methods to development efforts, however.
Our aim is to foster the creation of a subfield of ICT-D, which we
refer to as artificial intelligence for development (AI-D), to harness
these opportunities. To this end, we hope the AAAI Spring Symposium at
Stanford will serve as a focal point to bring together a critical mass
of researchers who are interested in applying AI research to
development challenges.
The goals of the symposium will be to (1) identify a core set of AI-D
researchers, (2) explore key topics and representative projects in
this realm, and (3) to lay out an ontology of AI-D research challenges
and opportunities. We are seeking original contributions in the form
of both full papers and position papers on a wide range of related
topics. For example, papers could address the potential for machine
reasoning to make valuable off-line and real-time inferences from the
large-scale mobile phone data sets currently being generated in the
developing world. Such analytics could provide a better understanding
of social relationships and information flows in disadvantaged
societies, as well as guiding and monitoring ICT-D interventions and
public policy, and giving insight into population responses to crises.
Other topics would include exploring how machine learning and
inference could help us understand human mobility patterns, yielding,
for example, real-time estimates of the progression of disease
outbreaks and guiding public health interventions. Machine reasoning
could also provide remote areas with medical support through automated
diagnosis, along with guidance for the effective triaging of limited
resources and human medical expertise. Additional potential topics
include instant machine translation for better communication and
coordination among people who speak different languages, user modeling
for online tutoring, investment advisory tools, and simulation,
modeling, and decision support for agricultural optimization.
The AAAI Artificial Intelligence for Development Spring Symposium at
Stanford will help define this new research area, and identify the
next steps to establishing a sustainable and vibrant AI-D research
community. In conjunction with Symposium, we are working to build a
community of researchers with interests in AI-D, as well as to
identify and make available case libraries of data (such as
communication logs, financial transactions, and local market prices)
for research. A site has been created for AI-D researchers at
Interested participants should submit full papers (6 pages) and
position papers (2 pages) in AAAI format to
Selected papers from the symposium will be published as an AAAI
technical report.
Organizing Committee:
Nathan Eagle, cochair (Santa Fe Institute), Eric Horvitz, cochair
(Microsoft Research), Shawndra Hill, data cochair (Wharton), Ravi Jain
data cochair (Google), Saleema Amershi (University of Washington),
Gaetano Boriello (University of Washington and Google), Neil Ferguson
(Imperial, UK), Ashish Kapoor (Microsoft Research), John Quinn
(Makerere University, Uganda), Roni Rosenfeld (Carnegie Mellon
University), Kentaro Toyama (Microsoft Research), Peter Waiganjo
Wagacha (University of Nairobi)
* Submissions for the symposia are due on October 31, 2009
* Notification of acceptance will be given by November 27, 2009
* Camera-ready material must be received by January 22, 2010
* Symposium at Stanford University will be held on March 22-24, 2010
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
CFP: AVI 2010
AVI 2010
Advanced Visual Interfaces
International Working Conference
In cooperation with ACM-SIGCHI, ACM-SIGMM, SIGCHI Italy
May 25-29, 2010 - Roma, Italy
The 10th International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces
(AVI2010) will be
held in Rome, Italy, May 25-29, 2010. Started in 1992 in Rome, and held
every two years in
different Italian towns, the Conference brings together experts in
different areas of computer
science who have a common interest in the conception, design, and
implementation of visual
and, more generally, perceptual interfaces. Through these 18 years, the
Conference has
witnessed the growing interest within the community for new interaction
paradigms and new
devices such as smartphones and PDAs, in the framework of both traditional
and emerging
environments, such as ubiquitous and pervasive computer applications. Both
formal methods
and concrete applications well fit into the framework of the conference,
whose program also
includes invited talks, given by leaders in the field. Submissions are
solicited in the broad
list of areas given below, with special emphasis on the following specific
topics, without being
limited to them.
Interaction models and techniques Interactive visualization
Interactive systems User interaction
Accessibility and Usability End-User Development
Adaptive Interfaces HCI and Web 2.0
Animated Interfaces Information Visualization Interfaces
Cognitive Models of the User Interface Evaluation
Computer Supported Cooperative Work Interface Metaphors
Context Aware Interaction Mapbased Interaction
Controlled Studies and Usability Testing Mobile Interaction Design
Digital Media Environments Multimodal Interfaces
Natural Interaction New Media and Cultural Heritage
Perceptual Interfaces Tools for Design
Virtual and Augmented Reality Visual Analytics Interfaces
Visual Databases Visual Information Access
Visual Interaction Visual Interface Design
Web Interfaces Web-Based Social Interaction
Abstract submission deadline: December 14, 2009
Paper Submission deadline: December 21, 2009
Acceptance Notification: February 15, 2010
Camera-ready Papers due: March 15, 2010
Demo software due: May 14, 2010
AVI 2010 Conference: May 25-29, 2010
Submissions that address research and development on the above and other
related topics, or
that propose new approaches suitable for fulfilling the demands that
characterize advanced
interfaces of the next generation are strongly encouraged.
Three kinds of contribution are solicited:
- Research papers, describing original and unpublished work, up to 8 pages
Proceedings format.
- Poster papers, describing promising work in progress, up to 4 pages in
ACM SIG Proceedings
- System papers (prototypes demonstrations), up to 2 pages in ACM SIG
Proceedings format.
Research and poster papers will be presented in oral or poster sessions.
System papers will be
accompanied by a demonstration of the software prototype, and should
include a description of
hw/sw requirements on a separate sheet. Demonstrators may either use their
personal laptops,
or provide a full working version of accepted prototypes, ready for
installation. Papers will be
submitted electronically. Detailed information on electronic submission
will be provided at the
AVI 2010 web site. Papers from all categories will be included in the
Proceedings published by
ACM Press.
Note that for 8-page full papers only, a 200-word abstract is requested
before paper submission.
In addition to the scientific program, tutorials and workshops are also
planned. Tutorials provide
conference participants with the opportunity to gain new insights in the
area of advanced visual
interfaces, and workshops provide an informal setting where participants
have the opportunity to
discuss specific topics in an atmosphere that fosters the active exchange
of ideas. Workshop
and tutorial proposals should be sent to the Tutorial and Workshop Chair
by November 15th, 2009. The acceptance notification will be sent by
December 20th, 2009.
Giuseppe Santucci, Sapienza Università di Roma
Luciano Gamberini, Università degli Studi di Padova
Paolo Buono, Università di Bari
Emanuele Panizzi, Sapienza Università di Roma
Carola Aiello, Sapienza Università di Roma
Alessio Malizia, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid
Margherita Antona, ICS-FORTH, Greece
Nadia Bianchi Berthouze, University College London, UK
Enrico Bertini, University of Fribourg, CH
Margaret Burnett, Oregon State University, USA
Cristina Conati, University of British Columbia, Canada
Philip T. Cox, Dalhousie University, Canada
Mary Czerwinskj, Microsoft Research, USA
Antonella De Angeli, University of Manchester, UK
Juan De Lara, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
Marilena De Marsico, Sapienza Universita' di Roma, Italy
Boris De Ruyter, Philips Research, The Netherlands
Alberto Del Bimbo, Universita' di Firenze, Italy
Jean Daniel Fekete, INRIA, France
Franca Garzotto, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Vlado Glavinic, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Esther Guerra, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Helwig Hauser, University of Bergen, Norway
John Hosking, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Rosa Lanzillotti, University of Bari, Italy
Kresimir Matkovic, VRVis Research Center, Austria
Mark T. Maybury, MITRE Corporation, USA
Nikolay Mehandjiev, University of Manchester, UK
Mark Minas, Universitat der Bundeswehr Munchen, Germany
Michele Nappi, Universita' di Salerno, Italy
Laurence Nigay, CLIPS-IMAG, France
Kai Olsen, University of Bergen, Norway
Noritaka Osawa, Chiba University, Japan
Philippe Palanque, Universite' Paul Sabatier, France
Cesare Pautasso, ETH, Switzerland
Peter Pirolli, Xerox, USA
Fabio Pittarello, Università Ca' Foscari, Venezia, Italy
Andreas Pleuss, Universitat Munchen, Germany
Roberto Polillo, Universita' di Milano Bicocca, Italy
Mike Sips, Stanford University, USA
Constantine Stephanidis, ICS-FORTH, Greece
Kent Wittenburg, Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs, USA
Kang Zhang, UTDallas, USA
Steering Committee
Paolo Bottoni, Sapienza Università di Roma
Augusto Celentano, Università Ca' Foscari, Venezia
Maria Francesca Costabile, Università di Bari
Stefano Levialdi, Sapienza Università di Roma
Piero Mussio, Università degli Studi di Milano
Consulta Umbria
WWW Page:
Friday, September 18, 2009
PUB: EpiCollect: Linking Smartphones to Web Applications for Epidemiology, Ecology and Community Data Collection
CFP: Demonstrations at CSCW2010
CSCW 2010, the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work
February 6-10
Savannah, Georgia
* October 18, 2009, 5PM PDT: Submissions due (extended abstract
+ demo system summary)
* November 22, 2009: Notification of acceptance
* TBA: Camera-ready abstract due
Submission Categories
CSCW 2010 demonstrations present implementations of new CSCW systems
and concepts. The peer-reviewed demonstrations allow conference
participants to view novel and noteworthy CSCW systems in action,
discuss the systems with those who created them, and try them out.
Appropriate demonstrations include applications, technologies, and
research prototypes. Demonstrations can also serve to showcase novel
commercial products not previously described in the research
literature. Demonstrations should be interactive and provide
attendees a hands-on experience. The demo forum is not an opportunity
for marketing or sales presentations. Presenters must have been
directly involved with the development of the system and be able to
explain the unique and novel contributions of the system. There are
two different types of demos: reception demos and integrated demos.
Reception Demos will be showcased during a special demo reception.
These demonstrations will be spaced around a large room, and will run
concurrently during the block of time set aside for demonstrations.
Attendees will be free to explore the room and visit demos of
interest. This promotes informal interaction and in-depth information
exchange among demo presenters and attendees. A demo presentation
should be brief so that it can be shown repeatedly to many attendees.
Integrated Demos will run throughout the conference, and should in
some way enhance the conference experience for attendees. Examples of
systems appropriate for presentation as an integrated demo might be
systems that enable social networking, or systems that enable
reflection on conference presentations. Because integrated demos will
run throughout the conference, such demos must meet high standards of
robustness. Although preparing, deploying, and supporting an
integrated demo will require a large commitment of time and effort,
it will also provide the presenter with a unique opportunity to
gather data about the use of their CSCW system in a structured
environment with a diverse user population. If you intend to gather
data about the use of your integrated demo, you are responsible for
obtaining the approval of any Institutional Review Board (IRB) and/or
Human Subjects' panels at your home institution, and will need to
provide any required permission/disclosure forms for attendees to
sign. Regardless of whether or not your institution has an IRB, you
must read the ACM's Code of Ethics and be sure your data collection
adheres to those guidelines.
Both categories of demos will be advertised and showcased in the
conference pack and throughout the conference.
Submission Materials
Demonstration submission consists of two required components, both
due on October 18, 2009, at 5 p.m. PDT: (1) a two-page extended
abstract, and (2) a two-page demo system summary.
1. The extended abstract is a two page description of the project
goal or research problem, contribution, and value to CSCW attendees.
The extended abstract details the kind(s) of cooperative work the
demonstration is intended to support, the noteworthy and
distinguishing ideas or approaches it embodies, and a brief
description of the system that will actually be demoed. The extended
abstract should be formatted according to the ACM SIG Proceedings
Templates and submitted in PDF format. The extended abstracts will be
published in a booklet that will be circulated to attendees at the
conference; they will not, however, be incorporated into the main
CSCW 2010 conference proceedings.
2. The demo system summary is a two page description of the demo
and the required setup. It provides information about the presenter
(s), including their relationship to the project. It also provides a
detailed description of needed space, equipment support, Internet
connectivity, and any other related requirements. This document
should clearly state whether the demo is intended as a reception or
integrated demo. If the demo is being submitted as an integrated
demo, please also describe in detail the logistics of how the
conference attendees will get access to and interact with the system
throughout the conference, and what added value attendees will
receive from this special style of presentation. If you plan to
gather data about attendees interactions with the system, please
describe what data you plan to gather, and an example of the release
form that you would ask attendees to sign. If the demo is accepted,
proof of final IRB approval must be submitted by January 15, 2010 (if
your home institution has an IRB). CSCW 2010 can provide a "letter of
cooperation" to assist with your IRB application, if needed. If your
institution does not require IRB approval, a letter stating so from
the demo presenters must be submitted instead.
Optionally, the demo submission can be supported by a short Video
Figure. The video should be at most two minutes long and 30 MB in
size. See the Videos CFP for more information.
Demo submissions (extended abstracts, system summaries, and optional
videos) should be e-mailed to the Demonstrations Co-Chairs at All submissions must be received by 5:00 p.m. PDT
on October 18, 2009. Submissions received after this date will not be
considered. All submissions will be acknowledged by e-mail.
Please direct all questions regarding the demo submissions to
Looking forward to seeing you in Savannah!
Lui and Jeremy
Demonstrations Co-Chairs
* Jeremy Birnholtz Cornell University
* Luigina Ciolfi University of Limerick
CFP: Labeling the World -- IEEE Pervasive Computing Special Issue
Special Issue of IEEE Pervasive Computing
Submission deadline: 1st November 2009
Publication: April-June 2010
Recent progress in robustly tagging objects and locations in the real
world, semantically
tying them to digital content and mechanisms, enables a variety of
exciting applications
in areas such as context-aware systems and mixed/augmented reality. This
special issue
will report on new research in this expanding area of pervasive
computing, both in terms
of enabling technology and innovative applications.
Suitable topics for submission include, but are not limited to:
New application areas for label-based systems, e.g.
- interesting applications and systems that link physical and virtual
objects into the
Web/Internet of Things;
- new applications of RFID, barcodes or existing tagging technologies;
Information extraction and knowledge generation based on labelled
environments, e.g.
- recognition of objects and activities in real-world environments;
- automatic extraction of semantics from image, audio or video content,
such as
determining where and when a photograph was taken;
- imperceptible spatio-temporal coding of the physical environment;
- exploiting context and relationships to assist labeling of physical
Usability and use aspects of labeling methods and label-based systems, e.g.
- new interaction and presentation models for hybrid physical/virtual
- investigations into usability and cognitive aspects of labeling;
- novel methods for tagging physical objects, animals or people;
- privacy-preserving approaches to tagging
For more information about the focus, contact the Guest Editors:
- Tim Kindberg <>
- Thomas Pederson <>
- Rahul Sukthankar <>
For general author guidelines or submission details, see:
or email
This CFP is available online at
CFP: Society for Applied Learning
To read this information online or to submit a presentation proposal go to:
Abstracts for presentations from knowledgeable professionals in industry,
government, military, and academia are solicited to provide presentations
which would be part of a comprehensive conference program on the latest
learning technologies as they are being applied to training, education and
job performance improvement, including ways to implement technology,
descriptions of education and technical skills applications, e-Learning,
enterprise management, and instructional systems design, together with
Knowledge Management systems.
The submissions should be in the form of individual presentations, panel
discussions, and preconference tutorials. Topics of interest include:
Mobile Computing, Handhelds & PDAs
· Handhelds, PDAs, Smartphones, Tablet PCS
· Using Effective elearning and engaging distance learning for the
· Mobile-optimized Web Applications
· Pervasive computing devices and other ubiquitous computing
· Virtualization, Process Migration, Thin-client Computing, Network
· Security Issues involved in interactions with Mobile Computing
· Mobile Computing's Impact on Workforce Productivity
· Mobile Enterprise Asset Management Systems
Knowledge Management Systems
· Integrating EPSS
· Knowledge Management (KM) systems for operations improvement
· Purchasing KM systems vs outsourcing (ASPs)
· Learning Management Systems (LMS)
· Learning Content Managements Systems (LCMS)
· LMS Interaction with other Enterprise Resource Planning Systems
· LMS Interoperability standards (SCORM, AICC, IMS, IEEE)
· Authoring Systems
Gaming and Simulation for Training and Job Performance Improvement
· Online Games
· Military Applications
· Massively Multiplayer Simulation (MMP)
· Agent-Based gaming, Avatars, and Distributed environments
· Game-based Learning
· Simulations and Games for Strategy and Policy Planning
· Business Gaming Using Expert Systems
· Simulations Utilizing Problem Solving Tools
· Customizable, Computer-based Interactive Simulations
· Simulation gaming for Management Training
New Technologies & the Marketplace
· Cloud Computing
· Social Networks & Net Communities
· Virtual Learning Environments
· Criteria for instructional design & delivery methods
· Return on Investment (ROI) and Improved Productivity
· Integrated Enterprise Learning and Performance Improvement
· Content and Technology Interoperability Issues
· Corporate Learning Portals vs. Application Service Providers (ASPs)
Instructional Systems Design
· Blended Learning strategies
· Strategies to address remote learners
· Implementing Accessibility into e-Learning
· Authoring tools and their effectiveness
· Evaluation processes and assessment techniques
· ISD for the Enterprise and Performance Improvement
· Prototyping in the development process
· Business cases for learning measurement
· Acquiring metrics and developing budgets
Presenters and Attendees would include the following:
· Academic Professionals
· Chief Learning Officers
· Directors of E-Learning
· Directors of Training and Development
· E-learning Project Managers
· Military and Industrial Trainers
· Government Professionals and Managers
· Performance Support Professionals
· Managers of Training
· Management and Training Consultants
· Compliance Training Managers
· Hardware and Software Systems Manufacturers
· Education/Training Facilitators
· Human Performance Technology Professionals
· Instructional Designers
· Instructional Systems Developers
· Curriculum Developers
· Content Developers
· E-Learning Developers
· Application Development Managers
Please submit abstract(s) of your proposed presentation(s) (up to 100 words
per topic suggested). Abstracts will be considered for an individual
presentation, or as a participant in a panel discussion. We are also
seeking proposals for 1/2 day preconference tutorials related to the
foregoing. Abstract submissions should be received by September 30, 2009.
If your abstract is accepted, papers should be submitted by February 3,
in order to be included in the Conference Proceedings. Authors of accepted
papers are expected to attend the conference, present their work to their
peers, and transfer copyright. Primary speakers receive a complimentary
registration to the conference. All other speakers will be required to
pay a
discounted conference registration fee. If you have any questions or would
like to discuss your ideas for a presentation, please call John Fox at
Accepted speakers will have their biographies included on the SALT®
conference web site as well as a photo if this material is provided to
Submit on-line at or send to SALT, 50 Culpeper Street,
Warrenton, VA 20186. Phone: 540-347-0055 / Fax: 540-349-3169 / email: The program schedule will consist of
preconference tutorials on Tuesday, March 2, and the main conference
presentation sessions on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, March 3-5, 2010.
Author's Information
Be sure to include the author's name, title, organization, address, phone
number, and email address. In addition, relevant biographical information
about the author(s) should be included with the abstract submission so it
can be posted on the SALT web site.
Key Dates to note
Deadline for Receipt of Abstracts: September 30, 2009
Notification of Acceptance: October 15, 2009
Submission of Papers: February 3, 2010
Conference Dates: March 3-5, 2010
To submit your abstract online go to:
For a PDF version of the Call for Papers go to:
Society for Applied Learning Technology
50 Culpeper Street
Warrenton, Va 20186
Ph: (540) 347-0055 Fax: (540) 349-3169 Web:
You are receiving this because SALT believes that you will benefit from
information. If you want to be removed from this list paste this link into
your browser to go to our web site and enter your email address:
You can also unsubscribe by sending an email to If
are sending from a different email address be sure to reference the email
address that you would like to have us unsubscribe.
To CHANGE or MODIFY your subscription or to send us comments please go to
our web site,
For other questions, contact SALT at 50 Culpeper Street, Warrenton VA
SALT can be reached by telephone at (540) 347-0055.
Sep-09 [bpltisf]
CFP: Workshop on Patt Rec Artif Intell for Human Beh Analysis + Journal Special Issue
WORKSHOP on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence for Human
Behaviour Analysis (PRAI*HBA)
12 December 2009 -- Reggio Emilia (Italy)
Satellite workshop of the AI*IA 2009: International Conference of the
Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence
* * * CALL FOR PAPERS - Deadline *_October 4, 2009_* * * *
Special issue of* The Wiley-Blackwell Journal Expert Systems: The
Journal of Knowledge Engineering* connected to the workshop
We apologize for any cross-posting of this announcement.
Please, forward this CFP to other potentially interested people. Thanks!
The Workshop on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence for
Human Behaviour Analysis (PRAI*HBA) will take place in Reggio
Emilia (Italy) on December 12, 2009, following the AI*IA 2009:
International Conference (9-11 December 2009)
The conference and all the workshops will be hosted in the new
building of the Department of Social, Cognitive and Quantitative
Sciences and of the Faculty of Communication and Economics, located in
the centre of Reggio Emilia
Address: via Allegri 9, I 42100 Reggio Emilia
Updated information can be found on the workshop section of
the conference website,
Pattern Recognition (PR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) scientific
communities have tried to join their efforts and share knowledge in
order to obtain more effective solutions for many different research
areas. However, although the techniques and approaches are somewhat
similar, the two communities often tackle problems from rather different
Among these research areas, Human Behaviour Analysis (HBA) has recently
become a very popular topic in computer science, because of its
relevance in many surveillance applications. For instance, with the
increasing use of cameras for video surveillance, it is getting almost
unfeasible for security personnel to monitor scenes or to watch recorded
videos looking for a particular event or visual item. Automatic
interpretation of actions, gestures, and interactions among people as
well as automatic situation recognition and assessment would be
extremely useful. Actually, methods for Human Behaviour Analysis have
this specific aim and they are attracting more and more researchers and
ICT industries. Nevertheless, the recognition and interpretation of
human behaviour is still a challenging problem.
Given these premises, this workshop is meant to bring together
researchers which address the problem of HBA from the PR and/or the AI
perspective. Hopefully, this workshop will be the first of a long series
of events in which these two communities actively work together to
achieve effective and efficient solutions to complex tasks in HBA
related fields.
Following the above considerations, the workshop topics include, but are
not limited to, the following:
. Gesture and activity classification
. Multi-person interactions
. Multi-camera coordination and data fusion for HBA
. Event recognition and abnormal behaviour detection
. Crowd analysis for behaviour monitoring and alerting
. Machine learning methods for HBA
. Statistical pattern recognition methods for HBA
. Semantic video annotation
. Semantic scene representation and interpretation
. Situation classification and assessment
. Datasets and metrics for performance evaluation of HBA systems
Papers not exceeding 8 pages, written in English and complying with the
LNCS Springer-Verlag format
( should
be submitted electronically. Submissions are due in PDF format attached
to an email sent to the following email address: <>
Accepted papers will be published on the official CD-Rom of
the AI*IA2009 International conference with regular ISBN number.
* In addition, best selected papers will be invited to submit an
extended version of their paper (at least 30% of new material) for The
Wiley-Blackwell Journal Expert Systems: The Journal of Knowledge
Engineering (
- impact factor 2008: 0.717.*
* Paper submission: October 4, 2009
* Camera-ready of accepted papers: November 11, 2009
* Workshop day: December 12, 2009
Attendance to the conference and to the workshops IS limited to
members of AI*IA. Participants are kindly requested to register
before the conference, although on-site registration will also be
Attendance to the workshops only (including participation in all the
workshops, coffee-breaks and a CD-ROM with the Proceedings of all
Workshops; it does not include membership to AI*IA):
Advance registration: 100 Euro
On-site registration: 200 Euro
Regular conference fee (including participation in the conference and
all the workshops, a copy of the proceedings volume, the conference
CD-Rom, coffee breaks for all 4 days; it does not include membership to
Early registration, before August 31, 2009: 350 Euros.
Late registration, since September 1, 2009: 400 Euros.
On-site registration: 500 Euro
Student fee (including proceedings volume and participation to
the workshops, not including conference dinner): 130 Euro
Luca Iocchi (
<>) - University "La Sapienza" - Rome
Andrea Prati ( - University of
Modena and Reggio Emilia
Roberto Vezzani
<>) -
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Preliminary list of confirmed program committee members:
Francois Bremond, INRIA (FR)
Simone Calderara, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (I)
Isac Choen, Honeywell (MN)
Rita Cucchiara, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (I)
Luigi Di Stefano, University of Bologna (I)
Tiziana D'Orazio, CNR (I)
Michela Farenzena, University of Verona(I)
Jordi Gonzalez, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ES)
Oswald Lanz, Fondazione Bruno Kessler (I)
Christian Micheloni, University of Udine (I)
Krystian Mikolajczyk, University of Surrey (UK)
Massimo Piccardi, University of Technology, Sydney (AU)
Carlo Regazzoni, University of Genoa (I)
Paolo Remagnino, Kingston University (UK)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
CFP: IEEE Virtual Reality 2010 submission site now open
> Please note, the abstract deadline for full and short papers is
> September 14th, 2009.
> We encourage submissions as this year, the IEEE VR conference is
> especially interested in VR and gaming, serious games, VR commercial
> applications, and industrial VR submissions.
> *** Call for Participation
> *** IEEE Virtual Reality 2010
> *** March 20-26, 2010
> *** Waltham, MA, USA
> ***
> IEEE VR 2010 is the premier international conference and exhibition on
> virtual reality.
> You will find the brightest minds, the most innovative research, the
> leading companies, and the most stimulating discussions in the fields
> of virtual environments, augmented reality, 3D user interfaces, and
> haptics, all gathered March 20-26, 2010 in Waltham, Massachusetts, USA
> (just west of Boston). We invite you to submit your work, show your
> products, and join us for a fascinating week of presentations,
> exhibits, workshops, and special events.
> The greater Boston area is home to over 50 video-game companies. At
> this year's conference, we will promote the cross-fertilization of
> gaming and VR through several efforts. In addition to traditional VR
> topics, if your work lies at the intersection of VR and gaming, e.g.,
> Serious Games for Education or Health, or MMO design and
> implementation, we look forward to your contributions.
> Once again, IEEE VR 2010 is pleased to be co-located with the IEEE
> Symposium on 3D User Interfaces
> (, which will share the
> opening weekend (March 20-21) with the VR Tutorials and Workshops, and
> the Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environments and
> Teleoperator Systems (, which will
> follow VR on March 25-26.
> Participate... Submit your work for presentation at the world's
> premier conference on all aspects of virtual reality, augmented
> reality, and 3D user interfaces.
> Exhibit... Showcase your company's or lab's most innovative VR
> hardware, software, and applications.
> Volunteer... If you are a student, sign up to help out at the
> conference and receive free registration and other perks.
> Attend... Register today for VR 2010, and reserve your hotel room at
> the elegant Westin Waltham-Boston.
> IEEE VR 2010 is sponsored by the Visualization and Graphics Technical
> Committee of the IEEE Computer Society.
> *** Conference website:
> *** Important Dates:
> Long & Short Paper extended abstracts due: September 14, 2009
> Long & Short Paper submissions due: September 21, 2009
> Long & Short Paper review decisions expected: November 6, 2009
> Workshop submissions due: November 6, 2009
> Tutorial submissions due: November 6, 2009
> Poster submissions due: November 20, 2009
> Panel submissions due: November 20, 2009
> Research Demonstration submissions due: December 4, 2009
> Student Volunteer applications due: December 15, 2009
> Camera-ready papers due: January 6, 2010
> Video submissions due: January 8, 2010
> *** For general information about the conference, please contact:
> Rob Lindeman, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
> Carolina Cruz-Neira, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA
ANN: Latest Issue of the International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction (IJMHCI)
> Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction (IJMHCI) which includes
> contributions from some of the most recognised researchers in the
> field. The details of the latest issue are as follows:
> International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction (IJMHCI)
> Official Publication of the Information Resources Management
> Association
> Volume 1, Issue 3, July-September 2009
> Published: Quarterly in Print and Electronically
> ISSN: 1942-390x EISSN: 1942-3918
> Published by IGI Publishing, Hershey-New York, USA
> Editor-in-Chief: Joanna Lumsden, Aston University, UK
> Special Issue: The Future of Mobile Human Computer Interaction
> Themed Issue: Position Papers from Journal Advisors on "The Future
> of Mobile Human Computer Interaction"
> Jo Lumsden, Editor-in-Chief, IJMHCI
> This issue of the IJMHCI serves two purposes: to introduce the
> journal advisors and to provide them an opportunity to spark debate
> and motive readers to identify research opportunities and contribute
> future papers to the journal. The advisors provide a collection of
> personal reflections on the future of mobile HCI, the challenges it
> presents, and the potential opportunities it offers. In essence,
> this journal steps back and reflects on and assess the position,
> achievements, and future societal and innovative obligations in
> mobile human computer interaction research.
> To read the preface, please consult this issue of IJMHCI in your
> library.
> What does Mobile Mean?
> Russell Beale, University of Birmingham, UK
> This article presents a perspective on what it really means to be
> mobile - why being mobile is different. The authors discusses
> technological and physical implications but also considers broader
> issues: the social implications, the impact that data on the move
> can have on people, and the use of mobile devices as sensors that
> can drive intelligent, contextual systems that provide a much more
> effective experience for the user than existing systems do.
> To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
> Getting Connected: At What Cost? Some Ethical Issues in Mobile HCI
> Antti Pirhonen, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
> Elizabeth Sillence, Northumbria University, UK
> The large scale deployment of mobile applications inevitably impacts
> our culture as a whole and intimately affects our daily lives. In a
> market economy, ethical issues are not the most important drivers in
> the development of technology. In this article, the authors
> discusses the underlying ethical issues in the mobile human-computer
> interaction community. In so doing, they focus their attention on
> developing technology for 'human beings' rather than fine tuning our
> emerging gadgets.
> To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
> Empowering People Rather Than Connecting Them
> Roderick Murray-Smith, Glasgow University, Scotland
> This article discusses the consequences for the fundamentals of
> interaction design given the introduction of mobile devices with
> increased sensing capability. The author discusses location-aware
> systems as one example possibility. This article provides eight
> challenges to the mobile HCI research community and offers
> suggestions for how the journal as a whole could contribute to the
> field.
> To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
> Mobile Internet: Past, Present, and the Future
> Anne Kaikkonen, Nokia Corporation, Finland
> The mobile Internet is no longer a new phenomenon. The first mobile
> devices supporting Web access were introduced over 10 years ago.
> During the past 10 years, many user studies have been conducted that
> have generated insights into mobile Internet use. The number of
> mobile Internet users has increased and the focus of the studies has
> switched from the user interface to user experiences. Mobile phones
> are regarded as personal devices: the current possibility of
> gathering more contextual information and linking that to the
> Internet creates totally new challenges for user experience and
> design.
> To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
> Mobile HCI: Thinking Beyond the Screen-Keyboard-Mouse Interaction
> Paradigm
> Gitte Lindgaard, Carleton University, Canada
> Sheila Narasimhan, Carleton University, Canada
> In this position article, the authors argue that it is time for the
> mobile HCI community to think beyond the traditional screen-keyboard-
> mouse paradigm and explore the many possibilities that mobility,
> mobile platforms, and people on the move offer. This article
> presents a collection of ideas encouraging HCI researchers to
> explore how up-and-coming mobile technologies can inspire new
> interaction models, alternative I/O methods, and data collection
> methods. The range of possible applications designed to make life
> easier for specified user populations is limited. This article
> maintains to understand novel problem spaces, to mix, match, and
> expand on existing methods, as well as to invent, test, and validate
> new methods. In addition, the authors present several case studies
> in an attempt to demonstrate such possibilities for future mobile HCI.
> To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
> Designing Mobile Phones for Children - Is there a Difference?
> Janet C Read, University of Central Lancashire, UK
> The mobile phone is one of the most ubiquitous technologies in the
> developed world. In a market dominated by adults and older
> teenagers, one group of users that is relatively new to the mobile
> phone market is children. When children use mobile phones their
> needs are sometimes complicated by, or conflict with, the needs of
> their parents or primary care givers. As the laptop is being
> redesigned to make it accessible to children, it is worthwhile to
> ask the question 'Do children need a different sort of mobile phone
> than their parents?' By considering data about the use and usage of
> mobile phones, research on designing special children's
> technologies, and research on the needs of children as mobile phone
> users, this paper presents the need to design and rethink the mobile
> phone to meet the needs of children.
> To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
> SatNav or SatNag? A Case Study Analysis of Evolving HCI Issues for
> In-Car Computing
> G.E. Burnett, University of Nottingham, UK
> A wide range of in-car computing systems are either already in
> existence or under development which aim to improve the safety,
> efficiency, and comfort/pleasure of the driving experience. In this
> position paper, the author uses a case study system (vehicle
> navigation) to illustrate the evolution of some key HCI design
> issues that have arisen in the last twenty years. This paper argues
> that while HCI research has had an influence on current designs for
> vehicle navigation systems, this has not always been in a wholly
> positive direction.
> To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
> Paper Rejected (p>0.05): An Introduction to the Debate on
> Appropriateness of Null-Hypothesis Testing
> Mark. D. Dunlop, University of Strathclyde, UK
> Mark Baillie, University of Strathclyde, UK
> Null-hypothesis statistical testing has been seriously criticized in
> other domains, to the extent of some advocating a complete ban on
> publishing p-values. This article introduces the argument to the
> mobile-HCI research community, who make extensive use of the
> controversial testing methods. The article starts with an
> introduction to the key problems raised in the long discussion in
> the statistics and experimental psychology domains and moves on to
> discuss key suggested alternatives. The authors feel these issues
> are relevant to all HCI work but especially relevant to mobile-HCI.
> To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
> ****************************************************
> For full copies of the above articles, check for this issue of the
> International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction (IJMHCI)
> in your institution's library. This journal is also included in the
> IGI Global aggregated "InfoSci-Journals" database: www.infosci-
> *****************************************************
> Mission of IJMHCI:
> The primary objective of the International Journal of Mobile Human
> Computer Interaction (JMHCI) is to provide comprehensive coverage
> and understanding of the issues associated with the design,
> evaluation, and use of mobile technologies. This journal focuses on
> human-computer interaction related to the innovation and research in
> the design, evaluation, and use of innovative handheld, mobile, and
> wearable technologies in order to broaden the overall body of
> knowledge regarding such issues. IJMHCI also considers issues
> associated with the social and/or organizational impacts of such
> technologies.
> Coverage of IJMHCI:
> Topics to be discussed in this journal include (but are limited to)
> the following:
> Case studies and/or reflections on experience (e.g. descriptions of
> successful mobile user interfaces, evaluation set-ups, etc.)
> Context-aware/context-sensitive mobile application design,
> evaluation, and use
> Design methods/approaches for mobile user interfaces
> Ethical implications of mobile evaluations
> Field-based evaluations and evaluation techniques
> Gestural interaction techniques for mobile technologies
> Graphical interaction techniques for mobile technologies
> Issues of heterogeneity of mobile device interfaces/interaction
> Lab v. field evaluations and evaluation techniques
> Lab-based evaluations and evaluation techniques
> Mobile advanced training application design, evaluation, and use
> Mobile assistive technologies design, evaluation, and use
> Mobile commerce application design, evaluation, and use
> Mobile HCI lab design/set-up
> Mobile healthcare application design, evaluation, and use
> Mobile interactive play design, evaluation, and use
> Mobile learning application design, evaluation, and use
> Mobile technology design, evaluation, and use by special (needs)
> groups (e.g. elderly, children, and disabled)
> Multimodal interaction on mobile technologies
> Non-speech audio-based interaction techniques for mobile technologies
> Other emerging interaction techniques for mobile technologies
> Other related issues that impact the design, evaluation, and use of
> mobile technologies
> Speech-based interaction techniques for mobile technologies
> Tactile interaction techniques for mobile technologies
> Technology acceptance as it relates to mobile technologies
> User aspects of mobile privacy, security, and trust
> User interface architectures for mobile technologies
> User interface migration from desktop to mobile technologies
> Wearable technology/application and interaction design, evaluation,
> and use
> Interested authors should consult the journal's manuscript
> submission guidelines at<
> >.
> All inquiries and submissions should be sent to:
> Editor-in-Chief: Joanna Lumsden at<
> >
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
CFP: HuCom2010 @ IUI Hong Kong 7 Feb 2010
> Second International Workshop on Human Factors and Computational
> Models in Negotiation
> at the International Conference On Intelligent User Interfaces
> (HuCom2010 @ IUI)
> Sunday 7 February 2010
> Hong Kong, China
> ===============
> 29 November 2009: Paper submissions due
> 18 December 2009: Notification of acceptance / rejection
> 7 Jan 2009: Camera-ready copies of accepted papers
> 7 February 2010: Workshop
> 7-10 February International Conference on Intelligent User
> Interfaces (IUI)
> ===============
> Negotiation is a complex and sometimes emotional decision-making
> process aiming to reach an agreement to exchange goods or services.
> Although a daily activity, extensive research has shown that few
> people are effective negotiators. Current state of the art
> negotiation support systems can help make a significant improvement
> in negotiation performance. In particular, when the negotiation
> space is well-understood, partly because machines can much better
> deal with the computational complexity involved. However, the
> negotiation space can only be properly developed if the human
> parties jointly explore their interests. The inherent semantic
> problem and the emotional issues involved make that negotiation
> cannot be handled by artificial intelligence alone, and a human-
> machine collaborative system is required. Such systems not only
> support humans with strategic advice but also provide advice on
> coping with emotions and moods in human-human interactions.
> To develop the next generation of support systems there are still
> many, diverse challenges, including: models of (qualitative,
> incomplete) preferences, preference change and strategies,
> preference elicitation,
> assessment methods for negotiation performance, learning and
> adaptiveness in negotiation, models of emotion and user awareness.
> Like its predecessor, HuCom08, this workshop aims to bring together,
> and build a community of researchers from artificial intelligence,
> human-computer interaction, affective computing as well as
> researchers who are interested in negotiation support from a
> psychological, economical or social sciences perspective. Whereas
> HuCom08 was a standalone workshop, it is now organized as an IUI
> Workshop because of the shared interest in the combination of AI and
> HCI. We feel that the two communities can greatly benefit from each
> others work.
> ===============
> Topics include but are not limited to:
> • Negotiation strategies (bidding, acceptance)
> • Recommender Systems
> • Trust-inspiring user interfaces for decision-making support
> • Usability and Social acceptability of decision-making support too
> ls
> • Argumentation for negotiation
> • Learning in negotiation
> • Negotiation domain knowledge
> • Preference elicitation
> • Qualitative preferences
> • Incomplete preferences
> • Ontologies for negotiation (protocols, preferences, domain knowled
> ge)
> • Negotiation Support Systems
> • User interfaces for Negotiation Support Systems
> • Human-machine negotiation
> • Negotiation, conflict handling, and experiments related to e.g. co
> nsensus building
> • Personality in negotiation (e.g. Big Five)
> • Emotions in negotiation
> • Cultural factors in negotiation
> • Negotiation bidding advice
> • Bargaining styles
> • Trust in automatically generated negotiation advice
> • Negotiation applications
> • E-commerce
> • Methods and tools for negotiation tasks
> • Design and Evaluation of support systems
> • Conflict handling styles and consensus building
> • HCI aspects and human factors of negotiation
> ================
> We are pleased to solicit original and unpublished papers, currently
> not under review, for publication and presentation in the Workshop
> on Human Factors and Computational Models in Negotiation. Articles
> describing novel ideas and applications in all areas related to
> human factors and computational models in negotiation, preference
> elicitation, recommendations, or group decision are of interest. We
> also invite submissions of statements of interests, position papers
> and demos. Papers should not be more than 10 pages. Each submitted
> paper will be fully refereed by at least three referees. The
> reviewing process will be managed by an international program
> committee.
> Papers will be published in the HuCom10 @ IUI workshop proceedings
> with an ISBN. Accepted papers will be considered for publication in
> a special issue of an international journal.
> Submission is entirely automated by a paper management tool, which
> is available from the main web site:
> . Authors must first register their own account by obtaining a
> password, and then follow the instructions.
> Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their paper will be
> presented at the workshop.
> ================
> A full-day workshop on February 7th, at the International Conference
> on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI), that includes paper
> presentations, a demo session and ample room for discussion of the
> issues and ideas presented during the day.
> ================
> Pascal Wiggers Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
> Alina Pommeranz Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
> Pearl Pu Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
> ================
> For more information please contact: or
ANN: FMICS 2009, 2-3 November 2009
> ************************************************************
> * 14th International Workshop on *
> * Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems *
> * FMICS 2009 *
> * *
> * November 2-3, 2009 *
> * Eindhoven, The Netherlands *
> ************************************************************
> * ** NEWS ** *
> * *
> * >> Full programme for FMICS 2009 now available *
> * *
> * >> Registration for FMICS 2009 is open *
> * Early registration before September 14 *
> * *
> * >> FMICS 2009 proceedings available as LNCS 5825 *
> * *
> ************************************************************
> FMICS 2009 is the fourteenth in a series of International
> Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems.
> Previous workshops of the ERCIM working group on Formal
> Methods for Industrial Critical Systems were held in Oxford
> (March 1996), Cesena (July 1997), Amsterdam (May 1998),
> Trento (July 1999), Berlin (April 2000), Paris (July 2001),
> Malaga (July 2002), Trondheim (June 2003), Linz (September
> 2004), Lisbon (September 2005), Bonn (August 2006), Berlin
> (July 2007), and L'Aquila (September 2008).
> The aim of the FMICS workshop series is to provide a forum
> for researchers who are interested in the development and
> application of formal methods in industry. In particular,
> these workshops bring together scientists and engineers who
> are active in the area of formal methods and are interested
> in exchanging their experiences in the industrial usage of
> these methods. These workshops also strive to promote
> research and development for the improvement of formal
> methods and tools for industrial applications.
> Complete and up to date information can be found at the
> event website
> FMICS 2009 is part of the 1st FMweek (Formal Methods week,
>, which brings together 10
> international scientific events, 6 project and working
> group meetings, and a variety of other activities in
> the area. Further information about the FMICS working
> group and the next FMICS workshop can be found at:
> The topics chosen for FMICS 2009 include:
> - design, specification, code generation and testing based
> on formal methods;
> - methods, techniques and tools to support automated
> analysis, certification, debugging, learning, optimization
> and transformation of complex, distributed, real-time and
> embedded systems;
> - verification and validation methods that address
> shortcomings of existing methods with respect to their
> industrial applicability (e.g., scalability and usability
> issues);
> - tools for the development of formal design descriptions;
> - case studies and experience reports on industrial
> applications of formal methods, focusing on lessons
> learned or new research directions;
> - impact and costs of the adoption of formal methods;
> - application of formal methods in standardization and
> industrial forums;
> In response to the call for papers, 24 contributions
> were submitted from 16 different countries. The Program
> Committee selected ten papers, basing this choice on their
> scientific quality, originality, and relevance to the
> workshop. Each paper was reviewed by at least three Program
> Committee members or external referees. The programme also
> includes four invited contributions as well as six poster
> descriptions.
> ----------------
> Dino Distefano Queen Mary, University of London, UK
> Diego Latella CNR/ISTI, Italy
> Thierry Lecomte ClearSy, France
> Ken McMillan Cadence Berkeley Labs, USA
> Following a tradition established over the past few
> years, the European Association of Software Science and
> Technology (EASST) will offer an award to the best
> FMICS paper.
> -----
> The venue for FMICS 2009 is the Auditorium of Eindhoven
> University of Technology. The university campus lies in the
> centre of Eindhoven, within walking distance of conference
> hotels. The city itself can easily be reached via both its
> own airport and Schiphol (the Dutch mainport).
> ------------
> The event website provides a one-stop window where
> participants can register to FMICS 2009 and to any
> combination of FMweek events they would like to participate
> in, and make hotel reservation for their stay in Eindhoven.
> ************************************************************
> * *
> * +============================================+ *
> * | | *
> * | ** FMweek ** | *
> * | | *
> * +============================================+ *
> * | FMICS | FM2009 | REFINE | *
> * +--------------------------------------------+ *
> * +--------------------------------------------+ *
> * | FACS | CPA | FAST | FMCO | *
> * +--------------------------------------------+ *
> * | | *
> * +============================================+ *
> * *
> ************************************************************
> --------
> FMICS 2009 is sponsored by the following institutions: the
> Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, ERCIM, FME, Microsoft
> Research, the Departamento de Sistemas Informaticos y
> Computacion (UPV), MEC (Feder) Tin2007-30509-E, EASST, and
> the Technical University of Eindhoven.
Monday, September 7, 2009
ANN: CHI2010 Student Volunteer Lottery is open
It's September and that means that CHI deadlines of all sorts are looming.
For those students who are interested in helping with the conference it is
also the time to sign up for the student volunteer (SV) lottery. You may
enter on September 5th at We will close the
lottery on October 30th, and results will appear in November.
--The detailed information--
Who do we need?
Students who are willing to be shiny helpful and happy people for at least
20 hours during the week of CHI. During that time you must attend SV
orientation and generally show up when you are supposed to and check out as
assigned. Good attitudes, helpfulness, and friendly faces are all
What do you get?
In return for all this your conference registration fees are waived and you
enjoy a number of benefits available in the SV office during the conference,
and an SV party on Thursday night that usually includes food, drinks, and
dancing. Last year we had "Lunch with CHI rockstars" and we all enjoyed
spending time with well-known people in the CHI community, we will repeat
this again.
How does it work?
We typically have several hundred people who want to help and we need about
~120, so everyone interested will be able to put their name in the
proverbial hat and we'll put everyone onto a randomly ordered list.
The first 120 people will be 'accepted' as an SV, the rest will be on the
waitlist. Inevitably as people's papers do or so not get accepted or as
departmental and grant funds get used people find out they cannot attend and
so people drop out and others are accepted.
Where do I sign up?
Sign up and check your status at There will also be
a link to this from the CHI2010 website.
Sara Drenner & Aaron Houssian
SV co-chairs for CHI2010.
Aaron Houssian
Marie Curie Fellow--Philips Research, User Experiences Group
Call me:+1.646.875.8123 Fax:+1.631.885.8958
Skype: ahoussian, GTalk:aaronh, AIM:azonarh Twitter:Houssian
Intentional design is what is needed in every area of life, business, and
"Continuous effort—not strength or intelligence—is the key to unlocking our
potential."- Winston Churchill
Friday, September 4, 2009
EXE: Sep 19, Palo Alto CA USA PANDA drill
Alto on September 19th, noon until 4:30 pm. They still need 40 victims
for this exercise. Victims will be moulaged (made-up) to look injured.
You do not need to be a PANDA. Anyone under the age of 16 must be
accompanied by their parent/s. After registering, you will be given
more details.
For volunteer sign-up go to:
CFP: IEEE Virtual Reality 2010
*** IEEE Virtual Reality 2010
*** March 20-26, 2010
*** Waltham, MA, USA
IEEE VR 2010 is the premier international conference and exhibition on
virtual reality.
You will find the brightest minds, the most innovative research, the
leading companies, and the most stimulating discussions in the fields
of virtual environments, augmented reality, 3D user interfaces, and
haptics, all gathered March 20-26, 2010 in Waltham, Massachusetts, USA
(just west of Boston). We invite you to submit your work, show your
products, and join us for a fascinating week of presentations,
exhibits, workshops, and special events.
The greater Boston area is home to over 50 video-game companies. At
this year's conference, we will promote the cross-fertilization of
gaming and VR through several efforts. In addition to traditional VR
topics, if your work lies at the intersection of VR and gaming, e.g.,
Serious Games for Education or Health, or MMO design and
implementation, we look forward to your contributions.
Once again, IEEE VR 2010 is pleased to be co-located with the IEEE
Symposium on 3D User Interfaces
(, which will share the
opening weekend (March 20-21) with the VR Tutorials and Workshops, and
the Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environments and
Teleoperator Systems (, which will
follow VR on March 25-26.
Participate... Submit your work for presentation at the world's
premier conference on all aspects of virtual reality, augmented
reality, and 3D user interfaces.
Exhibit... Showcase your company's or lab's most innovative VR
hardware, software, and applications.
Volunteer... If you are a student, sign up to help out at the
conference and receive free registration and other perks.
Attend... Register today for VR 2010, and reserve your hotel room at
the elegant Westin Waltham-Boston.
IEEE VR 2010 is sponsored by the Visualization and Graphics Technical
Committee of the IEEE Computer Society.
*** Conference website:
*** Important Dates:
Long & Short Paper extended abstracts due: September 14, 2009
Long & Short Paper submissions due: September 21, 2009
Long & Short Paper review decisions expected: November 6, 2009
Workshop submissions due: November 6, 2009
Tutorial submissions due: November 6, 2009
Poster submissions due: November 20, 2009
Panel submissions due: November 20, 2009
Research Demonstration submissions due: December 4, 2009
Student Volunteer applications due: December 15, 2009
Camera-ready papers due: January 6, 2010
Video submissions due: January 8, 2010
*** For general information about the conference, please contact:
Rob Lindeman, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
Carolina Cruz-Neira, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA
CFP: IEEE Virtual Reality 2010 Call for Participation
*** IEEE Virtual Reality 2010
*** March 20-26, 2010
*** Waltham, MA, USA
IEEE VR 2010 is the premier international conference and exhibition on
virtual reality.
You will find the brightest minds, the most innovative research, the
leading companies, and the most stimulating discussions in the fields
of virtual environments, augmented reality, 3D user interfaces, and
haptics, all gathered March 20-26, 2010 in Waltham, Massachusetts, USA
(just west of Boston). We invite you to submit your work, show your
products, and join us for a fascinating week of presentations,
exhibits, workshops, and special events.
The greater Boston area is home to over 50 video-game companies. At
this year's conference, we will promote the cross-fertilization of
gaming and VR through several efforts. In addition to traditional VR
topics, if your work lies at the intersection of VR and gaming, e.g.,
Serious Games for Education or Health, or MMO design and
implementation, we look forward to your contributions.
Once again, IEEE VR 2010 is pleased to be co-located with the IEEE
Symposium on 3D User Interfaces
(, which will share the
opening weekend (March 20-21) with the VR Tutorials and Workshops, and
the Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environments and
Teleoperator Systems (, which will
follow VR on March 25-26.
Participate... Submit your work for presentation at the world's
premier conference on all aspects of virtual reality, augmented
reality, and 3D user interfaces.
Exhibit... Showcase your company's or lab's most innovative VR
hardware, software, and applications.
Volunteer... If you are a student, sign up to help out at the
conference and receive free registration and other perks.
Attend... Register today for VR 2010, and reserve your hotel room at
the elegant Westin Waltham-Boston.
IEEE VR 2010 is sponsored by the Visualization and Graphics Technical
Committee of the IEEE Computer Society.
*** Conference website:
*** Important Dates:
Long & Short Paper extended abstracts due: September 14, 2009
Long & Short Paper submissions due: September 21, 2009
Long & Short Paper review decisions expected: November 6, 2009
Workshop submissions due: November 6, 2009
Tutorial submissions due: November 6, 2009
Poster submissions due: November 20, 2009
Panel submissions due: November 20, 2009
Research Demonstration submissions due: December 4, 2009
Student Volunteer applications due: December 15, 2009
Camera-ready papers due: January 6, 2010
Video submissions due: January 8, 2010
*** For general information about the conference, please contact:
Rob Lindeman, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
Carolina Cruz-Neira, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
CFP: 2010 ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2010) (full paper abstract is due on Sept. 21)
7-10 February, 2010
Hong Kong, China
Full Paper Abstract Deadline: September 21, 2009
Full Paper Submission Deadline: September 25, 2009*
We are very pleased to invite you once again to participate in 2010 ACM
International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces.
IUI 2010 is the annual meeting of the intelligent interfaces community
and serves as the principal international forum for reporting
outstanding research and development on intelligent user interfaces.
IUI is where the community of people interested in Human-Computer
Interaction (HCI) meets the Artificial Intelligence (AI) community.
We're also very interested in contributions from related fields, such
as psychology, cognitive science, computer graphics, the arts, etc..
Long & Short Paper ABSTRACT submissions: Monday, 21 Sept. 2009, 11:59pm US
Long & Short Paper submissions: Friday, 25 Sept. 2009, 11:59pm US PDT
Long paper review notification: Monday, 2 November 2009 Rebuttal process
Long paper rebuttals due: Monday, 9 November 2009 Rebuttal process
Long and Short Paper final notification: Friday, 23 November 2009
Long & Short Paper camera-ready due: Friday, 11 December 2009
Why submit to IUI?
Unlike traditional AI, our focus is not so much to make the computer
smart all by itself, but to make the interaction between computers and
people smarter. Unlike traditional HCI, we're more willing to consider
solutions that involve large amounts of knowledge, heuristics, and
emerging technologies such as natural language understanding or
gesture recognition.
The IUI conference gives you a chance to present and to see work in an
intimate, focused, no-nonsense event. It is large enough to be diverse
and lively (we expect around 200 people), but small enough to avoid
the circus-like atmosphere of conferences with thousands of people.
The vast majority of the attendees are actively involved with
conceiving and developing cutting-edge interfaces leading to a high
and fast impact of research results presented at IUI. It brings
together people from academics, industry, and nonprofits. As an ACM
conference, papers appear in the ACM Digital Library and citation
indices. There will also be a journal publication path for selected
papers. It's a single track conference, so you don't have to miss
anything. And it's always in a beautiful place!
IUI topics include, but are not limited to:
Processing of user input
Processing and integration of multimodal input
Natural language and speech processing
Gesture and handwriting processing
Generation of system output
Smart visualization tools
Intelligent generation of multimedia presentations
Generation of situation-specific output (e.g., on mobile
devices, wall-size displays, multi-touch screens, meeting
accessibility criteria)
Ubiquitous computing
Intelligent interfaces for ubiquitous computing
Smart environments
Help intelligent assistants for complex tasks
Support for collaboration in multiuser environments
Intelligent information and knowledge management
Novel, intelligent interaction system
Affective, social and aesthetic interfaces
User-adaptivity in interactive systems
Personalization and recommender systems
Modeling and prediction of user behavior
Planning and plan recognition
IUI design
Knowledge-based approaches to user interface design and generation
Proactive and agent-based paradigms for user interaction
Example-based and demonstration-based interfaces
User studies
User studies concerning intelligent interfaces
Evaluation methods and evaluations of implemented intelligent user
Conference Co-Chairs:
Charles Rich (Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA)
Qiang Yang (Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, China)
Program Co-Chairs:
Marc Cavazza (U. Teesside, UK)
Michelle Zhou (IBM Research, China)
Workshop Co-Chairs:
Tsvi Kuflik (University of Haifa, Israel)
Patrick Gebhard (DFKI, Germany)
Demonstrations Chair:
Joyce Chai (Michigan State University)
Local Arrangements Co-Chairs:
Wenyin Liu (City University of Hong Kong, China)
Philips F.L. Wang (City University of Hong Kong, China)
Huamin Qu (Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, China)
Registration Chair:
Howard Leung (City University of Hong Kong, China)
Publicity Chair:
Li Chen (Hong Kong Baptist University, China)
Sponsorship Chair
Doug Riecken (IBM Research)
Publicity Chair
Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
ANN: Registration Open: International Workshop: "Open-Ended Design: Future Challenges for Designers and Developers"
Registration for the International Workshop on "Open-Ended Design: Future
Challenges for Designers and Developers", hosted at the Tweak Festival In
Limerick, is now open. Place are limited and will be assigned on a first
come first served basis.
International Workshop: "Open-Ended Design: Future Challenges for Designers
and Developers"
Tweak Festival, University of Limerick (Ireland), September 23rd 2009
Invited Speakers: Massimo Banzi (Arduino, Italy), Rob Van Kranenburg
(Council, the Netherlands), Tobie Kerridge (Goldsmiths College, UK), John
McCarthy (UCC, Ireland)
Workshop Theme
This workshop is aimed at exploring issues surrounding new forms of
technology design and development that reflect the increasing role that
end-users have in dealing with novel technologies.
Web 2.0, social networks, and open source hardware and software platforms
have led to a major shift in the conceptualization of "users", from passive
recipients of previously packaged content and/or functionality, to active
participants that are able to re-configure, personalize and adapt the
Increasingly designers of current interactive technologies are faced with
the challenge of catering for a two-way interaction, in which the user wants
to alter and adapt the technological object to make it useful to them. The
designer and developer's role becomes one of facilitating and enabling
adaptive experiences rather than directing the user towards a specific
experience of use. Additionally computers are also evolving in their form
and function they are becoming objects we live with, not just tools for
work, therefore the need to explore people's broader relationships with
technology and what these relationships say about our technology and our
humanity becomes more apparent.
The conception of design being an ongoing, social process is not new and
there have been many studies of open source communities in this respect.
However, there is a current debate relating to several aspects related to
such new patterns of usage and re-appropriation of technology. Some of the
open questions are: Can we deliberately design for appropriation? What
does it really mean to modify and develop technologies for such behavior in
practical terms? How is the role of the designer or developer changing?
Which new hardware and software platforms are being developed with an eye
towards user participation?
The proposed workshop will explore challenges related to the conceptual
framework for the design of interactive systems, the changing role of the
designer/developer, the emergence of new technical platforms for open-ended
user participation. The discussion at the workshop and its dissemination
will contribute to the ongoing debate on these topics in the Interaction
Design, Human-Computer Interaction and Software Development communities.
Preliminary programme:
Presentations and discussions in the morning, followed by hands-on sessions
facilitated by the speakers in the afternoon
Massimo Banzi <> (
<> , Arduino <> , Italy)
Rob Van Kranenburg <> (Council
<> , Netherlands)
Tobie Kerridge <> (Material Beliefs
<> , Goldsmiths
<> , UK)
John McCarthy <> (UCC
<> , Ireland)
Date: Wednesday 23rd Sep 2009
Doors open: 9.30 am
Starts: 10am - 4.30pm
Kilmurry Hall, University of Limerick
Castletroy, Limerick, Ireland
Tickets are €50 and available on a first come first served basis.
Booking opens 3rd Sep 2009 - 12:00 pm
Full info:
Dr. Luigina Ciolfi
Interaction Design Centre
Course Director, Digital Media Design
Dept. of Computer Science and Information Systems
ER1 005, University of Limerick, Ireland
Tel. +353 61 213530
Fax. +353 61 213484
Skype: luigina.ciolfi