Wednesday, June 30, 2010

ANN: Wipro funding for ACM-W Scholarships

Wipro has generously agreed to fund the ACM-W scholarship program for women students to attend a research
conference. While the number of scholarship per year will remain steady at 20, we will now differentiate between intra-continental conference
attendance and inter-continental conference attendance. The former will carry a stipend of $600 while the latter stipend will be $1,200.

As before, several ACM Special Interest Groups (SIGs) have also generously agree to provide complementary registration for scholarship
winners who attend one of their conferences and also provide a mentor at the conference.

For further information please see

Monday, June 21, 2010

CFP: Workshop on Accessible Electronic Health RecordsWorkshop on Accessible Electronic Health

Call for Participation: Workshop on Accessible Electronic Health Records

(October 23-24, 2010; Orlando, Florida)
[NSF support for this workshop is being pursued]

Electronic solutions for storing, retrieving, sharing, and analyzing
health related information are being rapidly developed and deployed.
Solutions may be designed for health care professionals or consumers.
resulting in a wide range of challenges. Textual and graphical
information must be entered, updated, and retrieved. Frequent and
infrequent users must be supported. Security must be maintained,
collaboration should be supported, and privacy must be ensured.

This workshop focuses on the issues and challenges associated with
ensuring access to this information by providers and consumers with
disabilities. We seek to bring the health care and accessibility
communities together to share experiences, discuss challenges, and
develop a research agenda. This includes:
- individuals engaged in developing, deploying, or using electronic
health records,
- individuals engaged in research on electronic health records
- individuals engaged in research on information technology accessibility
- individuals interested in becoming involved in any of the activities
listed above.

This one and one-half day workshop will be co-located with ASSETS 2010
in Orlando, Florida and will take place on October 23-24. Travel funds
including airfare, local travel, and hotel will be provided as well as
several group meals.

Individuals interested in participating should submit a position
statement of no more than two pages which outlines their background,
relevant experience, how they anticipate contributing to the workshop,
and the benefits they expect to receive through their participation.
Position statements should be submitted electronically (send to no later than August 2, 2010. Individuals will be
informed if they have been selected to participate by August 16, 2010.

Workshop Organizers
Andrew Sears, UMBC
Vicki Hanson, University of Dundee

Andrew Sears
Constellation Professor of Information Technology and Engineering
Chair, Information Systems Department,
Director, Interactive Systems Research Center,
1000 Hilltop Circle
Baltimore, MD 21250
Phone: (410) 455-3883
FAX: (410) 455-1531

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

CFP: ACM DEV 2010: 1st Annual Symposium on Computing for Development (DEV)

Call for Papers

DEV 2010 provides an international forum for research in the design and implementation of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for social and economic development. In particular, we focus on emerging contexts where conventional computing solutions are often inappropriate due to various contextual factors - including, but not limited to, cost, language, literacy, and the availability of power and bandwidth. Focusing on innovative technical solutions to these unique application, infrastructure and user challenges, DEV fosters exchange between computer scientists, engineers, and other scholars and practitioners interested in the use of ICTs for development.

Papers should describe original and previously unpublished research. Three metrics will be applied to judge papers: (a) Relevance of the problem for development; (b) Novelty of the technical solution; (c) Evaluation of the solution, making a case for development-focused impact. All DEV paper submissions should either provide or directly motivate a novel technical solution that has direct implications for development. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

DEV provides a high-quality, single-track forum for presenting results and discussing new ideas. We expect paper contributions from different existing sub-areas of Computer Science and Engineering with a direct relevance to development.

Important Dates
Paper Registration Deadline July 3, 2010
Submission Deadline July 10, 2010
Paper Acceptance September 5, 2010
Final Version October 5, 2010
Conference December 17-18, 2010

Further details