Wednesday, April 29, 2009

CFP: Use of Context Workshop

Call for Papers

Workshop on Use of Context in Vision Processing (UCVP)

in conjunction with

Eleventh International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces and Workshop
on Machine Learning for Multi-modal Interaction (ICMI-MLMI 2009)

Boston, USA, November 2-6, 2009

Background. The Workshop on Use of Context in Vision Processing (UCVP)
offers a timely opportunity for the exchange of recent work on employing
contextual information in problems of Computer Vision. Recent efforts in
defining ambient intelligence applications based on user-centric
concepts, the advent of technology in different sensing modalities, as
well as the expanding interest in multi-modal information fusion,
situation-aware and dynamic vision processing algorithms have created a
common motivation across different research disciplines to utilize
context as a key enabler of application-oriented vision. Improved
robustness, efficient use of sensing and computing resources, dynamic
task assignment to different operating modules, as well as adaptation to
event and user behavior models are among the benefits a vision
processing system can gain through the utilization of contextual

Aims and scope. UCVP aims to address the opportunities in incorporating
contextual information in algorithm design for single or multi-camera
vision systems, as well as systems in which vision is complemented with
other sensing modalities, such as audio, motion, proximity, occupancy,
and others. The objective of the workshop is to gather high-quality
contributions describing leading-edge research in the use of context in
vision processing. The workshop further aims to stimulate interaction
among the participants through a panel discussion.

Topics of interest to the workshop include:

* Sources of context (multi-camera networks, multi-modal sensing

systems, long-term observation, behavior models, spatial or temporal
relationships of objects and events, interaction of user with objects,
internet resources as knowledge-base for context extraction)

* User-centric context (demographic information, activity, user's

emotional state, stated preferences, explicit and implicit interfaces,
interaction between users)

* Uses of context (context-driven event interpretation, active vision,

multi-modal activation, service provision and switching based on
context, response and interaction with user, detection of abnormal
behavior, active sensing, task assignment to different sensing modules,
guided vision based on high-level reasoning, user behavior modeling,
applications in smart environments, human-computer interfaces)

The workshop aims to encourage collaboration between researchers in
different areas of computer vision and related disciplines. In addition,
by introducing topics of emerging applications in smart environments,
multi-camera networks, and multi-modal sensing as sources of context in
vision, the workshop aims to extend the notion of context-based vision
processing to include high-level and application-driven information
extraction and fusion.

Paper submission. The workshop solicits original and unpublished papers
that address a wide range of issues concerning the use of context in
vision processing. Authors should submit papers not exceeding six (6)
pages in total in ACM format
( ). Submissions must
be sent in PDF to the following email address: .

Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop and will appear in the
ACM Digital Libraries. A hardcopy proceedings will be available during
the workshop. At least one author of each paper must register and attend
the workshop to present the paper.

Important dates.

Paper submission: July 15, 2009

Author notification: September 1, 2009

Camera-ready due: September 25, 2009

Workshop: November 5, 2009

Registration. Please note that registration is needed in order to
include an accepted paper to the proceedings. Please refer to the main
ICMI 2009 website for more details.

Organizing team

Hamid Aghajan (Stanford University, USA)

Ralph Braspenning (Philips Research, The Netherlands)

Yuri Ivanov (MERL, USA)

Louis-Philippe Morency (USC, USA)

Anton Nijholt (University of Twente, The Netherlands)

Maja Pantic (Imperial College, London UK; University of Twente, The

Ming-Hsuan Yang (Univ. of California Merced, USA)

Program committee

Stan Birchfield, Clemson University, USA

Yang Cai, CMU, USA

Tanzeem Choudhury, Dartmouth College, USA

Bill Christmas, University of Surrey, UK

Maurice Chu, PARC, Palo Alto, USA

David Demirdjian, MIT, USA

Abhinav Gupta, University of Maryland, USA

Ronald Poppe, TU Delft, The Netherlands

Paolo Remagnino, Kingston College, UK

Neil Robinson, Heriot-Watt University, UK

Stan Sclaroff, Boston University, USA

Rainer Stiefelhagen, University of Karlsruhe, Germany

YingLi Tian, CCNY, New York

Fernando de la Torre, CMU, USA

CFP: Information systems and decision technologies for sustainable development


Information systems and decision technologies for sustainable

Forty-third Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
January 5 - 8, 2010 (Tuesday - Friday)
Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort and Spa, Kauai, Hawaii, USA

According to the final report of the World Commission on the
Environment and Development (also known as the Brundtland report)
[WCED, 1987], sustainable development is defined as "development that
meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs". Subsequent international
efforts such as the Rio de Janeiro conference in 1992, the publication
of Agenda 21 [UNCED, 1993], the Rio+5 special session of the United
Nations (UN) in 1997, and the formation of the World Business Council
for Sustainable Development in 1997 can be credited with raising
environmental concerns to increase public awareness, serving as an
initial focus and impetus for collaboration as well as conflict
between government, industry, and academia. The Johannesburg "Plan of
Implementation," revealed at Earth Summit 2002, affirmed commitment by
the UN to the "full implementation" of Agenda 21. Environmental
management systems standards (EMSS), such as ISO 14001 [ISO, 2002] and
the European Eco-management and Audit System (EMAS) [EMAS, 2006]
attempt to provide a sound practical basis for environmental
management within organizations. The urgency and scope of
environmental problems call for both immediate action and sustainable
long-term strategies.

This mini-track emphasizes the significant research synergies that
exist between information systems and environmental management for
sustainable development from an organizational as well as a technical
perspective. We maintain that collaboration and cross-fertilization
between these domains can be mutually beneficial and may in fact
present unique, timely and socially relevant 'real-world' research
opportunities as well as viable public sources of empirical ecological
information for interdisciplinary research and application.
Accordingly, the mini-track welcomes both research articles and
practitioner reports exploring technical and organizational issues
that pertain to the development, implementation, and deployment of
environmental management information systems (EMIS) and environmental
decision support systems (EDSS) in the context of sustainable
development. Theoretically founded papers that illustrate the
application of information systems and decision technologies
technology in sustainable development are particularly welcomed. . The
mini-track is receptive to all types of research methodologies, with a
particular interest in design science research. Possible topics
include (but not limited to):

· Sustainable development and decision making
· Emerging technologies for environmental decision support
systems (EDSS) development and applications (e.g.,
computational intelligence, service-oriented computing, semantic
web, artificial intelligence, agent-based computing,
human computer interaction and multiple criteria decision making).
· Environmental knowledge acquisition and management
· Environmental management information systems (EMIS)
· EMIS and EDSS design and integration
· Adoption and diffusion of EMIS and decision technologies
· Evaluation and cost/benefit analysis of EMIS and EDSS
· Environmental online communication and collaboration
· Environmental education
· Community building and social software applications
· Applications and case studies of EMIS and EDSS for
sustainable development

Important Dates:
• Paper Submission Deadline – June 15th, 2009
• Notification of Acceptance - August 15th, 2009
• Camera Ready Copy Due- September 15, 2009
• Papers without at least one registered author will be pulled from
the publication process; authors will be
notified October 2nd 2009

Mini-track co-chairs:
Omar El-Gayar
College of Business and Information Systems
Dakota State University,
820 N. Washington Avenue, Madison, SD 57042
TEL (605) 256-5799
FAX (605) 256-5060

Arno Scharl
Department of New Media Technology
MODUL University Vienna
Am Kahlenberg 1, 1190 Vienna, Austria

PingSun Leung
Department of Molecular Biosciences and Bioengineering
University of Hawaii at Manoa
3050 Maile Way, Gilmore 111
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822
Daryl H. Hepting, Ph.D.
Associate Professor * Computer Science Department * CW 308.22
University of Regina * Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4S 0A2 *
tel: (306) 585-5210 * fax: (306) 585-4745 * cell: (306) 596-6312

CFP: Ubicomp 2009 Workshops Position Papers



We are pleased to announce that the following eight workshops will be offered at Ubicomp 2009: The 11th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing Disney's Yacht and Beach Club Resort, Orlando, Florida, USA, held September 30 - October 3, 2009. For information on submitting position papers, please refer to the websites of the individual workshops listed below.

Workshops website:

MELT 2009: The Second International Workshop on Mobile Entity Localization and Tracking in GPS-less Environments


Location-awareness is a key component for achieving context-awareness. Recent years have witnessed an increasing trend of location-based services and applications. In most cases, however, location information is limited by the accessibility to GPS, which is unavailable for indoor or underground facilities and unreliable in urban environments. Much research has been done, in both the sensor network community and the ubiquitous computing community, to provide techniques for localization and tracking in GPS-less environments. Novel applications based on ad-hoc localization and real-time tracking of mobile entities are growing as a result of these technologies. It is time to bring leaders from both the academic and industry research communities to discuss challenging and open problems, to evaluate pros and cons of various approaches, to bridge the gap between theory and applications, and to envision new research opportunities in MELT.


Globicomp: Taking Ubicomp Beyond Developed Worlds


The community's work to date has been focused on the so-called 'developed' world - contexts where there are already well-established technical infrastructures and digital resources. These contexts have users who are relatively highly computer literate, typically have high degrees of textual literacy and have undergone a formal education. Examples include sophisticated 'smart' homes with digital notice boards and even interactive fridge doors (Taylor et al, 2007); embedded technologies for amusement parks (Schnädelbach et al, 2008); and, cities and urban dwellers with time to, "marvel at mundane everyday experiences and objects that evoke mystery, doubt, and uncertainty. How many newspapers has that person sold today? When was that bus last repaired? How far have I walked today? How many people have ever sat on that bench? Does that woman own a cat? Did a child or adult spit that gum onto the sidewalk?" (Paulos & Beckmann 2006).

This workshop is about the billions of people who do not fit these sorts of context. There are hundreds of millions of users, and billions to come in the next 5 years, in places like India, China and Africa, whose first, and perhaps only, experience of computing will be in the form of mobile and other ubicomp technologies. Many of these users will never live in the sorts of home, or work in the types of office, or daydream in the parks, or take a day-off for the sorts of amusement park envisaged by earlier research.


DIPSO 2009: 3rd International Workshop on Design and Integration Principles for Smart Objects


Tagging everyday objects with sensors, actuators and building an instrumented environment are recent practices in industry and academia. In fact, the smart object domain has matured over the years. The combination of Internet and technologies like near field communications, real time localization, sensor networking etc. is bringing smart objects into commercial use. Several successful prototypes and applications have already demonstrated and deployed. However, the lack of commonality among the design principles and the underlying infrastructures of these projects is hindering the exciting future of smart object systems. We believe the primary reason behind this phenomenon is one missing rationale for the design and integration of smart objects. Now it is the time to focus on current practices and align on some key issues to continue the rapid progress of smart objects. DIPSO 2009 seeks to follow the earlier DIPSO workshops, co-located with Ubicomp 2007 and Ubicomp 2008 and will look at the existing smart object systems to extract and extrapolate the best practices to rationalize the design and integration principles for smart objects. The major workshop activity will contain lively discussion phases structured around some concrete agendas. We promise to develop some research directions for smart objects design and integration research.


e-Nutrition 2009: 2nd International Symposium on Ubiquitous Computing Technologies for Nutrition Monitoring and Public Health


The worldwide surge of overweight, obesity, and related cardiovascular diseases has been associated to calorie-rich diets, lack of dieting awareness, food quality, and sedentary lifestyle. Hence, dietary behavior has a critical impact on various health risks. Most importantly, overweight and obesity are not just limited to Western countries, but similarly affecting developing regions. Growing health and economic concerns have prompted public bodies to promote diet-related health policies.

The development of intelligent assistant technologies that support healthy dieting and lifestyle is a promising research topic in Ambient Intelligence and Ubiquitous Computing. Various systems have been proposed to aid users in balancing their diet and controlling calorie intake. Approaches range from PDA-based diaries, Internet community platforms, to sensor-based automatic dietary monitoring. Besides acquiring dietary and lifestyle information, intelligent assistant systems can provide personalized feedback and behavior coaching. Eventually, such systems could complement existing diet and weight management programs. Nevertheless, designing effective dietary monitoring solutions and ubiquitously implementing intelligent assistants remain open research challenges.


Hybrid Design Practice: Situating Ubicomp's Interdisciplinarity


The focus of this workshop is on hybrid design practices, approaches that draw on techniques from various fields to create novel methods of inquiry. The aims of this workshop are, first, to bring together a multi-disciplinary group of practitioners and researchers to learn from one another's expertise in choosing and evaluating methods of design practice, and, second, to discuss implications of the underlying methodologies and epistemologies upon which these techniques are built. Participants will actively contribute to the practical focus of the workshop; we will call for submissions detailing the practices participants leverage in their own work, from which we will select methods of research engagement that will further shape the workshop. Through hands-on field exploration of leisure activities in the public spaces of the Disney properties, design exercises, and brainstorming, participants will be actively involved with the application of a variety of methods to the study and design of ubiquitous computing systems from the ground-up. By leveraging methods and guiding theories that participants commonly use in their own work, we will explore the contrasts and intersections between the variety of approaches put forward by the participants. The goals of this workshop, then, are twofold; first, to open up a space for reflection on current approaches towards interdisciplinary research and design in Ubicomp, and second, to develop a new vocabulary, both practically and theoretically, for "making" interdisciplinary Ubicomp research, thus, marking the study of hybrid design practice as an area of community-wide inquiry.


Architectural Robotics: An Emerging Case of Ubiquitous Computing in the Built Environment


Robotics embedded in our built environment will increasingly support and augment everyday work, school, entertainment, and leisure activities. Archibots, a full-day workshop at Ubicomp, aims to identify opportunities and challenges in research and education in the emerging area of "Architectural Robotics" - intelligent and adaptable physical environments at all scales. For Archibots 2009, we seek position papers representing diverse perspectives from the extended ubicomp community exploring possibilities and defining an agenda for Architectural Robotics for the year 2019 and beyond. Workshop participants will discuss these perspectives and then, in teams, sketch short videos to envision possible futures. The collected videos of the workshop are intended to stream to the Video Program. The organizers plan to publish selected position papers as an edited book or special issue of a journal, and further relations with industry and allied disciplines.


PerEd 2009: Workshop on Pervasive Computing Education


To bring the field of ubiquitous computing to maturity, it is important to address the educational aspects of the field, as well as its technical aspects. There is a growing need to better prepare students for graduate research and for positions in industry and government. Teaching the subject of ubiquitous computing requires innovation, however. It is truly a multidisciplinary field that includes aspects of human computer interaction, low-power system design, networking, wireless communication, computer architecture, operating systems, embedded system design, sensors and actuators, and, no doubt, other topics. Teaching such a multidisciplinary field and offering compelling design and research experiences to students in classes offers challenges to those in academia. Ubiquitous computing technology also presents new opportunities for improving teaching and learning.

The Second Workshop on Pervasive Computing Education will provide a forum to discuss requirements, barriers, and approaches to pervasive computing education and to present innovative courses and design projects in pervasive computing and communications, mobile computing and communications, wearable computing, ad hoc networking, and related topics. The workshop will be organized around the following themes:

Course content and approaches to teaching classes on pervasive computing and related topics;

* Lessons learned from relatively mature course offerings;

* Teaching materials, including textbooks and web-based content;

* The integration of research and teaching through projects;

* The use of pervasive computing tools, toolkits, and technology in education.

The all-day workshop will include a keynote, peer-reviewed papers, technology demonstrations, and work-in-progress presentations. The workshop will have an open format to encourage extended discussion of the presented works and emergent topics.


UbiSys'09: System Support for Ubiquitous Computing


The goal of this workshop is to promote cooperation between ubicomp systems researchers and to address the challenges related to the wider deployment and interoperability of ubicomp systems. The workshop aims at bringing together researchers in this field to discuss the state-of-the-art and to foster discussions and inspire novel techniques for unifying the underlying system platforms for ubicomp. Key issues of discussions will include developing and revising common sets of abstractions of ubicomp environments for supporting ubiquitous applications and services, wide-deployment strategies, and interoperability between different platforms. Currently, the evaluation of ubicomp systems is not well established. For effective deployment of ubicomp systems, we must propose techniques and benchmarks for evaluation that is best suited to our kind of research.


About Ubicomp:


Ubicomp is the premier outlet for novel research contributions that advance the state of the art in the design, development, deployment, evaluation and understanding of ubiquitous computing systems. Ubicomp is an interdisciplinary field of research and development that utilizes and integrates pervasive, wireless, embedded, wearable and/or mobile technologies to bridge the gaps between the digital and physical worlds. The Ubicomp 2009 program features keynotes, technical paper sessions, specialized workshops, live demonstrations, posters, video presentations, panels and a Doctoral Colloquium. We are seeking your innovative and impacting contributions and look forward to welcome you in Orlando next year.

For general inquiries about workshops, please contact Jakob Bardram, Workshops Chair, at<>. For inquires about the Ubicomp Conference, please contact Sumi Helal, General Chair, at<>.

CFP: HESSD 2009 (Human Error, Safety and Systems Development)

Working Conference on Human Error, Safety and Systems Development

Systems Development (HESSD)

Brussels - Belgium, September 23-25, 2009


HESSD is a forum that offers to practitioners and researchers an unique
opportunity to discuss leading edge techniques that can be used to
mitigate the impact of human error on safety-critical systems. The
present edition focus on techniques that can be easily integrated into
existing systems engineering practices. With this in mind, we hope to
address a number of different themes, including:
* techniques for incident and accident analysis;
* empirical studies of operator
* behaviour in safety-critical systems;
* observational studies of safety-critical systems;
* risk assessment techniques for interactive systems;
* safety-related interface design,
* development and testing.

We would also encourage papers that cross these boundaries. Finally, we
are interested to encourage contributions from many diverse sectors.
These include but are not limited to aviation, maritime and the other
transportation industries, the healthcare industries, process and power
generation, military application.


HESSD'2009 solicits full paper, short papers and demonstrations
presenting original research in conference topics are being sought. The
proceedings will be published in the Lecture Notes in Computer
Science(LNCS) Series of Springer.


* June 29, 2009, All Submissions
* August 31, 2009, Review notification
* September 12, 2009, Final submissions (Camera ready version)
* September 23-25, 2009, Conference, Brussels, Belgium


General Conference Chair: Jean Vanderdonckt, Belgium
Program Chair: Philippe Palanque, France

Further information at the web site:

GRA: National Dam Safety State Assistance

Current Closing Date for Applications: Jun 30, 2009
Category of Funding Activity: Other (see text field entitled "Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity" for clarification)
Category Explanation: National Dam Safety
Expected Number of Awards: 50
Estimated Total Program Funding: $7,550,000
Award Ceiling:
Award Floor:
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: No

Eligible Applicants

Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)

Additional Information on Eligibility:

State Dam Safety Community

Agency Name

Department of Homeland Security - FEMA


The Federal Emergency Management Agency proposes to enter into fifty (50) Grants for an estimated $7,550,000.00 with 49 States and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico for the development and maintenance of their dam safety programs. The funds will enable the States and Puerto Rico to take precautions to ensure the safety of the dams, such as, the development of regulatory authority for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of dams, the undertaking of dam inspections and development of Emergency Action Planning (EAPs) for dams.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

ANN: Sustainability, Society, and Engineering

> *Registration Extended!*
> 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS '
> 09)
> Theme: Social Implications of Sustainable Development
> May 18-20, 2009
> Tempe, Arizona, USA
> The IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS)
> is an annual international forum exploring the social implications
> of technology. ISTAS'09 will be held concurrently with the IEEE Inte
> rnational Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (ISSST), w
> ith joint sessions related to an overall conference theme of sustain
> ability. ISTAS '09 will bring together participants interested in sh
> aring their research, projects, and ideas about:
> -- Technological innovation as a strategy for sustainable development
> -- Ethical considerations in sustainable development
> -- Roles for expert and lay knowledge in sustainable development
> -- Perspectives from South, North, East, and West on a context of
> globalization
> -- Systems thinking as an approach for analyzing sustainable
> development
> -- Other sustainability-related topics
> -- Other traditional ISTAS topics
> ISTAS '09 will be a multi-disciplinary event for engineers, scientis
> ts, researchers in the social sciences, arts and humanities, and dec
> ision makers in the private and private sectors. Papers and discussi
> ons will address the social implications of specific technology topi
> cs.
> Sponsored by the IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology
> Organizing Committee Chair: Joseph Herkert, Arizona State University
> Program Committee Chair: Clinton Andrews, Rutgers University
> --------------------------------------------------------------

Sunday, April 26, 2009

GRA: Transportation Security Administration (TSA) ARRA Airport Checked Baggage Inspection System

Current Closing Date for Applications: May 25, 2009
Expected Number of Awards: 16
Estimated Total Program Funding: $598,000,000
Award Ceiling: $598,000,000
Award Floor: $0
CFDA Number(s): 97.117 -- ARRA TSA Airport Checked Baggage Inspection System Program
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: Yes

Eligible Applicants

State governments
County governments
City or township governments
Special district governments

Additional Information on Eligibility:

Eligibility is limited to state, local, or other public institution/organizations responsible for commercial airport operations as the certificate holder at airports within their jurisdiction.

Agency Name

Department of Homeland Security


On November 19, 2001, the President and Congress enacted the Aviation and Transportation Security Act (ATSA), P.L. 107-71, 115 Stat. 597, which established TSA as a new Federal agency. ATSA provides authority to the Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration to secure all modes of transportation including carrying out chapter 449 of Title 49 United States Code relating to civil aviation security. This responsibility includes day-to-day Federal security screening operations for passenger air transportation and intrastate air transportation, enforce security-related regulations and requirements; inspect, maintain and test security facilities, equipment, and systems and oversee the implementation and ensure the adequacy of security measures at airports and other transportation facilities. Pursuant to 49 U.S.C. § 44903(h) the Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration in consultation with the Airport Authority is required to deploy personnel and screen and inspect all passengers and their baggage. The requirement also provides for technical support and financial assistance to small and medium airports to defray the costs of enhancing security operations. On February 17, 2009, The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5) was enacted to assist those most impacted by the recession by creating and preserving jobs and promoting economic recovery. The funding was specified for multiple areas of national interest. The Transportation Security Administration received $1 billion specifically for the procurement and installation of checked baggage explosives detection systems and checkpoint explosives detection equipment to accelerate the installations at locations with completed design plans.

Friday, April 24, 2009

GRA: Fire Service Hazardous Materials Preparedness and Response Grant

Current Closing Date for Applications: Jun 15, 2009
Funding Instrument Type: Grant
Category of Funding Activity: Other (see text field entitled "Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity" for clarification)
Category Explanation: U.S. Fire Administration-grant program
Expected Number of Awards: 1
Estimated Total Program Funding: $50,000
Award Ceiling: $50,000
Award Floor:
CFDA Number(s): 97.093 -- Fire Service Hazardous Materials Preparedness and Response
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: No

Eligible Applicants

Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education

Agency Name

Department of Homeland Security - FEMA


To provide information to the fire and emergency services community, emergency managers, and other local government officials concerning issues related to the planning, mitigation, prevention, and response to hazardous materials incidents which includes acts of terrorism

CFP: 1st ACM International Workshop on Events in Multimedia (EiMM09)



1st ACM International Workshop on Events in Multimedia (EiMM09)

held in conjunction with
ACM Multimedia, October 19-24, 2009, Beijing, China

*** Apologies for any cross-postings ***

Important Dates
*** Submission of papers: June 24th, 2009 ***
Notification of acceptance: July 10th, 2009
Camera ready papers: July 24th, 2009
Workshop at ACM Multimedia : October 23rd, 2009

Workshop Description
Humans think in terms of events and entities. Events provide a natural
abstraction of happenings in the real world. The concept of events has a
history in foundational sciences such as philosophy and linguistics. After
first developing objects-based and entity-based approaches, computer science
research is now addressing the concept of events and building many
that consider events at least as important as objects. Consequently, we find
many different solutions and approaches for modeling, detecting, and
processing events. In addition, we find different applications that are
on events and make use of events.
Conferences and workshops on events in computer science typically deal with
the capturing, processing, and management of low-level events such as
subscribe-approaches, middleware-based architectures, complex event
and event stream processing. Although this work is very essential for an
efficient execution of the applications build on top of such approaches, the
understanding of the concept of events is disconnected from the
domain-level of
events that the actual users of such applications have to deal with.
considering multimedia data, its semantics is naturally closely tied to the
event(s) it documents.
The workshop focuses on how to detect, model, and process domain-level
and applications that make use of domain-level events in the context of
multimedia data. We aim at bringing together researchers from the different
fields that are interested in understanding the concept of events on
domain-level. We invite original work in the areas of domain event modeling,
detection of events from multimedia data, processing of events, organization
of multimedia data using events as unifying mechanism, and applications of
these techniques. The submissions should explicitly explain how they
deal with
the events of the considered domain and what kind of benefit is provided
to the
users by using events. Example application areas for events are
experience sharing, lifelogs, emergency response, cultural heritage, news,
surveillance, and others.

The participants of the workshop will gain an insight into the current
state-of-the-art of computer science research on domain-level events.
They will
get concrete examples of how events can be leveraged for human-centered
and how it can be detected, processed, modeled, and used for creating human-
centered applications. They will also have the opportunity to discuss their
approach with other researchers from the multimedia community in the
part of the workshop.

Research topics of interest for this workshop include, but are not
limited to:
O Event Detection and Processing in Multimedia Data
o Recognition of events from large scale, unreliable and/or noisy
media data
and media streams
o Event clustering towards domain level-events
o Combining low-level events with domain-level events

O Event Representation and Event Models
o Modeling of events on domain-level
o Ontology-based representation of events
o Languages for events
o Formal modeling of events, activities, accomplishments, achievements,
context, and other related concepts
o Reasoning with events under consideration of causality, uncertainty,
similarity, and others
o Semantic description and annotation for events and event sources

O Events in the Context of Web 2.0
o Collaborative event creation and sharing
o Events in social networks
o Event syndication (e.g., RSS) and attention management

O Architectures for Event Management
o Middleware solutions for event management
o Event-driven architectures
o Experimental methodologies
o Domain-specific solutions for event management such as for
emergency response

O Applications and Tools
o Event-based applications and tools
o Authoring of events
o Events in mobile computing and ubiquituous computing
o Applications that show benefits of using events in practical settings
o User experience, requirements, use cases, and evaluations of event-based

Paper Submission, Review, and Publication
Submissions for the workshop must follow the standard style guidelines
of the
ACM Multimedia conference. They shall be submitted in PDF format and not be
longer than 8 pages. Papers will be submitted using the EDAS system of ACM
Multimedia. In submitting a manuscript to this workshop, the authors
acknowledge that no paper substantially similar in content has been
to another workshop, conference, or journal.
All submitted papers will undergo a double-blind peer review process. At
three reviewers from the PC members and external reviewers will evaluate the
originality, significance, clarity, soundness, relevance, and technical
contents of the submitted manuscripts.

Accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings together
with the
proceedings of the ACM Multimedia 2009 conference. Based on the quality
of the
manuscripts, selected papers will be invited to submit to a special
issue of a
top journal in the multimedia area (tbd).

Program Committee
Pradeep Atrey, University of Winnipeg, Canada
Yannis Avrithis, National Technical University, Athens, Greece
Susanne Boll, University of Oldenburg, Germany
Pablo S. Cesar, CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Thomas Franz, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Daniel Gatica-Perez, IDIAP Research Institute, Martigny
Andreas Girgensohn, FX Palo Alto Laboratory, CA, USA
Niels Henze, OFFIS Research Institute, Oldenburg, Germany
Aisling Kelliher, ASU - Tempe, USA
Vita Lanfranchi, University of Sheffield, UK
Artur Lugmayer, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Phivos Mylonas, National Technical University, Athens, Greece
Philipp Sandhaus, OFFIS Research Institute, Oldenburg, Germany
Frank Nack, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Carsten Saathoff, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Svetha Venkatesh , Curtin Univ. of Tech., Perth, Australia
Utz Westermann, mercatis, Ulm, Germany

Ansgar Scherp, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Ramesh Jain, University of California at Irvine (UCI), USA
Mohan S. Kankanhalli, National University of Singapore, Singapore
For questions and inquiries please contact:

Dipl. Inform. Niels Henze
University of Oldenburg - Department of Computing Science
Media Informatics and Multimedia Systems Group
OFFIS - R&D Division Health - Intelligent User Interfaces Group
Escherweg 2, D-26121 Oldenburg, Germany
Phone: +49 441 9722-183 - Fax: +49 441 9722-102

Thursday, April 23, 2009

ANN: National UASI Conference Registration Deadline

**National UASI Conference Registration Deadline is May 29th**

Please share this with interested parties in all disciplines.

See for details.


The National Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) Conference is designed to
bring local, state, tribal, and federal UASI program participants together
in order to provide a forum for exchange of information on the operational,
technical and project management aspects of the UASI program. The
conference is designed as an opportunity for sharing best practices among
UASI program participants and for hearing the latest guidance from the U.S.
Department of Homeland Security's, Federal Emergency Management Agency

This year's conference will be held June 9-11 in Charlotte, North Carolina
and will be followed by a MMRS conference on June 12. The UASI conference is
hosted by the Charlotte Fire Department with the support of the Charlotte
and Miami UASIs and the in partnership with the NFPA / IAFC Metropolitan
Fire Chiefs Association. Numerous UASI project managers are involved in
putting programs together under six tracks.

The Metropolitan Medical Response System (MMRS) conference is hosted by
FEMA's Grant Programs Directorate (GPD) and the Office of Health Affairs. If
you have any questions about the MMRS conference, please contact your FEMA
Regional MMRS Program Manager or the Centralized Scheduling and Information
Desk at 800-368-6498 or .


Due to conference planning requirements, the deadlines for registration for
the 2009 National UASI Conference are:

- May 22nd if paying by check
- May 29th if paying by credit card

Complete information on the conference, including a flier, program schedule,
and the on-line registration and hotel reservation system, is available at:

If you have not already registered, please do so soon so that the conference
team can finalize conference logistical requirements.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please see the
conference website at or contact

Updates will be provided via Twitter at


Steve Davis, All Hands
Direct: 410-730-5677
Fax: 866-236-5999

Project Manager, Southeast Florida UASI
Office: 305-774-0012
3250 Mary Street, Suite 401
Miami, FL 33133

CFP: Workshop on New Challenges for Participation in Participatory Design at INTERACT 2009


New Challenges for Participation in Participatory Design
in Family, Clinical, and Other Asymmetrical Non-Work settings

1-day Workshop, Monday, 24 August 2009, Uppsala, Sweden.
As part of INTERACT 2009

Deadline for submissions: May 30, 2009.

Organized by:

Olav W. Bertelsen, Aarhus University, Denmark.
Per-Olof Hedvall, CERTEC, Sweden.

Workshop Theme:

Participatory design has taken as its point of view that designers and
users should engage in an equal language game. It has been the
ambition that by making certain conditions for the design activities
equality in design was possible. Whether or not this ideal has ever
been achieved is a big question, but when we take PD to operate in
contexts where some of the involved users are weak, ill, or have
disabilities, we are clearly confronted with a situation where this
assumed equality is no longer an ideal that can be reached.

About the Workshop:

The workshop explores participatory design in non-work settings with
heterogeneous user constellations (e.g. patients, doctors nurses,
relatives), and asymmetrical relations between users and designers and
among users. The workshop will be organized as a mix between
presentations, discussions and various breakout activities, on
established, as well as novel theories, methods and techniques that
can accommodate for the new design challenges.

How To Participate:

Participants will be selected based on the review of the submissions
by a program committee. Submissions can be either workshop papers or
position statements. Accepted submissions will be published in the
printed workshop proceedings.

-- Workshop papers can be max 8 pages and should present a clear

-- Position statements can be max 2 pages and should state the
participants interest in the workshop.

Submissions should be formatted according to the LNCS format and
submitted in PDF format to
Deadline for submissions: May 30, 2009.

At least one author of accepted papers needs to register for the
workshop and for the conference itself.


CFP: SOUPS 2009 posters due May 29


Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security
July 15-17, 2009
Mountain View, CA, USA

Poster submissions due May 29, 2009

The 2009 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) will
bring together an interdisciplinary group of researchers and
practitioners in human computer interaction, security, and
privacy. The program will feature technical papers, workshops
and tutorials, a poster session, panels and invited talks,
and discussion sessions. Detailed information about poster
submissions appears below. For information about other submissions
please see the SOUPS web site


We seek poster abstracts describing recent or ongoing
research or experience in all areas of usable privacy and
security. Submissions should use the SOUPS poster template
(MS Word:
or LaTeX:
and be at most two pages. Accepted poster abstracts will be
distributed to symposium participants and made available on the
symposium web site. Please follow the final submission
formatting instructions when preparing your poster abstract to
avoid the need to revise poster abstracts after acceptance
decisions are made. In addition, SOUPS will include a poster
session in which authors will exhibit their posters. Note,
poster abstracts should be formatted like short papers, not
like posters. Authors of accepted posters will be sent
information about how to prepare and format posters for the

Submit your poster using the electronic submissions page
A successful submission will display a web page confirming it,
and a confirmation email is sent to the corresponding author.
Please make sure you receive that confirmation email when you
submit, and follow the directions in that email if you
require any follow up.

We also welcome authors of recent papers (2008 to 2009) on
usable privacy and security to present your work at the SOUPS
poster session. Please submit the title and abstract of your
conference paper, full citation, and a link to the published

Submissions will close at 5pm, US East Coast time, the
evening of May 29.

General Chair:
Lorrie Cranor, Carnegie Mellon University

Posters Co-Chairs:
Dirk Balfanz, Google
Rob Miller, MIT

CFP: HCSNet Workshop - From Social Butterfly to Urban Citizen, 13/14 July, QUT Brisbane

Call for Papers

From Social Butterfly to Urban Citizen -
A HCSNet Workshop on Social and Mobile Technology to Support Civic

Queensland University of Technology, Kelvin Grove Campus, Brisbane

June 19th, 2009 Workshop position papers due
June 26th, 2009 Author notifications sent
July 13th/14th, 2009 Workshop

This workshop brings together people from a diverse range of
disciplines to discuss social and mobile technologies and how they can
be studied, designed and developed further to support local
participation and civic engagement in urban environments.

Web applications such as blogs, wikis, video and photo sharing sites,
and social networking systems have been termed 'Web 2.0' to highlight
an arguably more open, collaborative, personalisable, and therefore
more participatory internet experience than what had previously been
possible. Giving rise to a culture of participation, an increasing
number of these social applications are now available on mobile phones
where they take advantage of device-specific features such as sensors,
location and context awareness. This workshop will make a contribution
towards exploring and better understanding the opportunities and
challenges provided by tools, interfaces, methods and practices of
social and mobile technology that enable participation and engagement.
It will bring together a group of academics and practitioners from a
diverse range of disciplines such as computing and engineering, social
sciences, digital media and human-computer interaction to critically
examine a range of applications of social and mobile technology, such
as social networking, mobile interaction, wikis (eg.,, twitter, blogging, virtual worlds (eg,, and their impact to foster community activism, civic
engagement and cultural citizenship.


We hope to attract a multidisciplinary range of HCSnet members and
colleagues working in areas such as user experience design, human-
computer interaction, digital media, social sciences and computing and
engineering. The topic and themes to be explored are timely, relevant
and significant to the research work of many academics in Australia
and overseas who are looking at ways to help engender a culture of
local and national participation and engagement. Many colleagues find
that the underlying systems architecture and principles that have
given rise to participatory culture in many social and lifestyle
domains should be examined with a view to reappropriate them to foster
civic engagement and a revival of citizenship.

Event Format

The workshop will be held over two days, on Mon 13th and Tue 14th July
2009, at the Creative Industries Precinct of Queensland University of
Technology, Kelvin Grove, Brisbane. Participants will be given the
opportunity to present their work with a view to stimulate an informed
debate. The workshop will allow plenty of time for both breakout and
plenary discussions.


We are calling for 300-500 word position statements expressing the
interest in the workshop or abstracts of proposed presentations from
prospective participants. Queries can be sent via email to Marcus Foth
at m.foth [AT] Please submit your abstract online by 19
June 2009 at

Note that, although attendance at the workshop is free, membership of
HCSNet and registration for this workshop are required in advance of
the event. Registration deadline: Friday 3rd July 2009

Travel Bursaries

HCSNet will fund a number of travel bursaries of $300 each to help
cover the costs of travel and accommodation for participants from
outside the Brisbane and South East Queensland area. HCSNet has also
approved a Student Support Grant to enable students to participate.
The provision of a submission as described above is a prerequisite for
funding. If not all participants can be covered, funding grants will
be allocated based on the relevance of your abstract to the workshop
theme; also, students and early career researchers will have priority.


Dr Marcus Foth, Queensland University of Technology
Dr Martin Gibbs, University of Melbourne
Dr Christine Satchell, Queensland University of Technology

Dr Marcus Foth
Senior Research Fellow

Institute for Creative Industries and Innovation
Queensland University of Technology (CRICOS No. 00213J)
Victoria Park Rd, Brisbane QLD 4059, Australia
Phone +61 7 313 x88772 - Fax x88238 - Office K506, KG -

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

CFP: TEI'10 :: Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction :: Jan 25-27, 2010, Cambridge, MA, USA



>> The submissions deadlines have changed this year <<
Papers are now due August 3rd (not in October, the deadline for previous TEIs).
Also, there are three new submission types with various deadlines:
Studios, Explorations, and a Graduate Student Consortium.

Submission deadline for Papers and Studios: August 3rd 2009
Submission deadline for Explorations and the Graduate Student
Consortium: October 2nd 2009
Author notification deadline: October 20th 2009
Conference dates: January 25-27, 2010

Location: MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, MA, USA

Computing is progressively moving beyond the desktop into new physical
and social contexts. Key areas of innovation in this respect are
tangible, embedded, and embodied interactions. These concerns include
the interlinking of digital and physical worlds through tangible and
embodied interaction and the computational augmentation of everyday
objects and environments in new ways through embedded technologies.
Research and practice in these innovative areas lead to works of
tangible interfaces, graspable interfaces, physical computing,
whole-body interaction, gesture-based interfaces, and interactive
surfaces. Designing such systems requires interdisciplinary thinking
as their creation not only encompasses software, electronics, and
mechanics, but also form, aesthetics, and social impact.

Following the success of previous TEI conferences we are pleased to
announce the fourth international conference dedicated to presenting
the latest results in tangible, embedded, and embodied interaction. We
will uphold the tradition of a single-track conference that provides a
unique forum for exchange of ideas through talks, hands-on studios,
interactive exhibits, demos, posters, art installations, and

We invite submissions of prototypes and daring ideas, tools and
technologies, methods and models, as well as interactive art,
interaction design, and user experience that contribute new
understandings to the broad area of tangible computing, embodied
interaction, interactive surfaces, and embedded interactive systems.

We invite four types of submissions:

1) Papers: all accepted submissions in this category will be included
in the conference proceedings and published through the ACM Digital
2) Studios: proposals for hands-on workshops to be held on Tuesday
January 26th after the interactive demo and exhibition program
3) Explorations: novel and exciting products, designs, installations,
inventions, and artworks important to the tangible, embedded, and
embodied interaction community
4) Graduate Student Consortium: a chance for students to get feedback
and advice on their final terminal degree project including but not
limited to those leading to a PhD

Submission deadline for Papers is August 3rd, 11:59 pm EDT (GMT-4).

All accepted submissions in this category will be included in the
conference proceedings and published through the ACM Digital Library.
Authors are invited to submit high-quality original work to advance
the field. Appropriate topics include but are not limited to:

• Examples of novel tangible interfaces, embodied interfaces, or
embedded interactive systems
• Provocative design work and interactive art
• Embodied interaction, movement, and choreography of interaction
• Relation of tangible, embodied, and embedded interaction to other paradigms
• Programming paradigms and tools, toolkits, software architectures
• Novel enabling technologies
• Interactive uses of sensors, actuators, electronics, and mechatronics
• Design guidelines, methods, and processes
• Applied design in the form of concept sketches, prototypes and products
• Role of physicality for human perception, cognition and experience
• Novel applications areas, innovative solutions
• Theoretical foundations, frameworks, and concepts
• Philosophical, ethical, and social implications
• Case studies and evaluations of working deployments
• Usability and enjoyment
• Teaching experiences, lessons learned, and best practices
• Sustainability aspects of the design and use of tangible systems

Submission Guidelines:
Authors are invited to submit papers that are 2, 4, or 8 pages long,
formatted to follow the two-column ACM SIGCHI format. We are happy to
consider a variety of styles for inclusion in the proceedings, such as
academic papers, design sketches, and descriptions of art pieces or

All work - both papers and optional video illustrations - must be
submitted electronically via our conference management system. At the
time of submission authors will be able to specify their preferred
format for presenting the work, which includes:

• 15 minute talk
• 5 minute talk
• Poster
• Interactive demo, exhibit or installation

Note that presentation format is independent from submission length.
Submissions of 2, 4, or 8 pages can be presented in any of the above
formats, but please do consider the most appropriate presentation
format for your work. The program consists of a balance of
presentation types, and TEI particularly encourages demonstrations and
installations by publishing their descriptions in the full conference

In case of acceptance, at least one author must register before the
early registration deadline for the conference in order for the final
paper version to be published in the conference proceedings.

IMPORTANT: Submissions will be reviewed in a double-blind process, and
authors must ensure that their names and affiliations do not appear on
the submitted papers. The author and affiliation sections of the ACM
SIGCHI template must be left blank. In case of acceptance, authors
will be asked to provide a camera-ready copy that includes this
information, along with any recommended improvements as suggested by
the reviewers.

Please note that the maximum size of your submission should not exceed
10 Mb. If your requirements exceed this limit, please contact the
conference chairs to make alternative arrangements. Any accompanying
video figure is not subjected to the 10 Mb restriction.

For additional information please contact the Program Co-Chairs at

Submission deadline for proposing a Studio is August 3rd, 11:59 pm EDT (GMT-4).

New for this year are Studios. These are hands-on workshops that
introduce tools or techniques for creating tangible artifacts. We are
soliciting studio proposals that cover all aspects of tangible,
embedded, and embodied interaction ranging from new technologies and
tools, to craft and manufacturing techniques. We would like to offer
studios that are of interest to the entire TEI community, from novices
to the most seasoned researchers. Studios will be held at the MIT
Media Lab on Tuesday, January 26th after the interactive demo and
exhibition program. We will accept proposals for 4 and 6 hours
studios. The proposal must be formatted to follow the two-column ACM
SIGCHI format and limited to 2-pages with an additional page that
includes an estimated budget, bill of materials and equipment
requirements. The proposal should describe the studio topic,
proposed Studio activity plan (e.g. what will Studio participants do
during the workshop) and estimated time requirements. Studios will be
included in the price of registration and all conference attendees
will be encouraged to take part in them. The cost of materials for
specific Studios will not be covered by registration and will be paid
for on a per-case basis by participants.

For additional information please contact the Studios Chairs at:

Submission deadline for Explorations is Oct. 2nd, 11:59 pm EDT (GMT-4).

New for this year are Explorations. We created this submission
category to encourage and support the submission of high quality work
that has traditionally fallen outside the scope of ACM conferences.
Explorations are not confined by the form of Papers submissions. This
category is a direct appeal to designers, artists, inventors,
independents, and other practitioners whose work make valuable and
as-yet-unrewarded contributions to our field. Exploration submissions
will be in the form of video that can represent the rich aesthetic and
experiential quality of the submission. Successful Explorations
submissions will be demonstrated 'in the flesh' during TEI 2010. More
information on how to submit explorations and how they will be
presented and archived will be available soon.

For additional information please contact the Explorations Co-Chairs

Graduate Student Consortium
Submission deadline for the Graduate Student Consortium is Oct. 2nd,
11:59 pm EDT (GMT-4).

New this year is the Graduate Student Consortium (GSC). The GSC will
be held on Sunday January 24th, the day before the main conference.
GSC students meet and discuss their work with one another and a panel
of experienced TEI researchers in an informal and interactive setting.
We welcome applications from graduate students in terminal degree
programs, (i.e. doctoral programs in research fields and master
programs in the arts) in any of the disciplines and approaches that
contribute to the TEI community. Each applicant should provide a
short written paper (no more than four pages in normal ACM SIGCHI
archival format). This paper should describe ongoing work and might
summarize the student's dissertation, or highlight a particular
aspect. In addition to the paper submission, graduate student
submissions should be accompanied by a brief letter of support from
the student's principal adviser. Selection of GSC participants will
be made by the GSC committee; please note that GSC submissions are not
anonymous. We anticipate that financial support will be available for
graduate students to attend the GSC and TEI.

For additional information please contact the GSC Chair at

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the
Program Co-Chairs at


General Co-Chairs
Hiroshi Ishii, MIT Media Lab
Robert J. K. Jacob, Tufts University
Pattie Maes, MIT Media Lab

Conference Co-Chairs
Marcelo Coelho, MIT Media Lab
Jamie Zigelbaum, MIT Media Lab

Program Co-Chairs
Thomas Pederson, Lund University
Orit Shaer, Wellesley College
Ron Wakkary, Simon Fraser University

Lisa Lieberson, MIT Media Lab

Studios Co-Chairs
Pamela Jennings, Banff New Media Institute
Amon Millner, MIT Media Lab
Jay Silver, MIT Media Lab

Explorations Co-Chairs
Jon Kolko, Frog Design
Thecla Schiphorst, Simon Fraser University

Graduate Student Consortium Chair
Mark D Gross, Carnegie Mellon University

Demo Session Chair
Leah Buechley, MIT Media Lab

Design Chair
Richard The, MIT Media Lab

Art Co-Chairs
Jean-Baptiste Labrune, MIT Media Lab
Ryan O'Toole, MIT Media Lab

Web Chair
Ryan O'Toole, MIT Media Lab

Video Chair
Michael Weller, Carnegie Mellon University

Engineering and Logistics Co-Chairs
Pranav Mistry, MIT Media Lab
Sajid Sadi, MIT Media Lab

Student Volunteer Co-Chairs
Daniel Leithinger, MIT Media Lab
Chloe Fan, Wellesley College

Publicity Co-Chairs
Sabine Fekete, Institute of Innovation and Design
Dana Gordon, Zazaziza Interaction Design
Takashi Matsumoto, Pileus LLC
Eric Schweikardt, Cornell University

Monday, April 20, 2009

CFP: Special issue of IJHCI on evaluating new interactions in healthcare

Submission deadline: Friday 19th June 2009

New mobile, wireless and sensor-based technologies for supporting the
provision of healthcare are increasingly pervasive. Within hospitals,
technology is moving out of the consulting room and to the bedside via
devices such as tablet PCs and interactive displays. Healthcare technologies
are making their way into patients' homes, in the form of telecare and
assistive technology packages to enable carers and clinicians to remotely
monitor patients and to enable patients to take greater control of their
health. At the same time, both clinicians and patients have access to an
increasing amount of information via a broad range of software solutions
such as electronic patient records and computerised decision support
systems. Such changes raise a number of challenges regarding the evaluation
of the use and impact of such technologies.

To follow on from a CHI2009 workshop on 'Evaluating new interactions in
healthcare: challenges and approaches', we are pleased to announce a call
for papers for a special issue of the International Journal of Human
Computer Interaction on this theme. This special issue invites original
papers that contribute to our understanding of how to evaluate the use and
impact of new technologies in healthcare. Researchers are encouraged share
their experiences and perspectives, and reflect on the theory and methods of
evaluating technologies designed to support the delivery of healthcare.

Research areas include, but are not limited to the following:
- Benefits and limitations of different evaluation methods and how they can
be adapted to meet the challenges of evaluating new healthcare technologies;
- Approaches for increasing the potential of lab-based studies and
simulations to provide insight into how healthcare technologies may be used
in practice;
- Novel methods for the evaluation of healthcare technologies once they have
been deployed that meet the challenges of evaluating technologies in
particular settings such as hospitals, patients' homes or other community
- Questions of who should be involved in an evaluation and innovative
methods for capturing the experience of the patient and/or other stakeholders;
- Theoretical perspectives that can inform our approach to the evaluation of
healthcare technologies;
- Insights from other domains that could provide a framework for evaluation.

Papers should be submitted via email to Rebecca Randell
( by Friday 19th June 2009 as either a Word
document or PDF file.

Manuscripts should be between 9,000 and 14,000 words long (excluding
references and tables). All manuscripts should be double-spaced with 1"
margins on all sides and pages should be numbered consecutively throughout
the paper. You should use 10-12 point Times New Roman font or a similar
font. Authors should also supply a shortened version of the title for a
running head, not exceeding 50 character spaces, an abstract of
approximately 100-150 words, three to six keywords, and the author(s)
affiliation and location. Each submitted article must contain author(s)
mailing address, telephone number, and email. Literature referenced should
be indicated in the text by author and date. Listed references should be
complete and journal abbreviations should conform to Chemical Abstracts style.

Important dates
Submission deadline: Friday 19th June 2009
Notification to authors: Friday 21st August 2009
Submission of revised papers: Friday 23rd October 2009

It is expected that the special issue will be published mid 2010.

Guest editors
Rebecca Randell, City University London, UK.
Geraldine Fitzpatrick, University of Sussex, UK.
Stephanie Wilson, City University London, UK.

For further information, please contact Rebecca Randell at

CFP: Freedom vs Protection in the Age of Networks, Sept 6th, HCI 2009


Freedom vs Protection in the Age of Networks
HCI 2009 Workshop, 6th September in Cambridge, UK

Deadline: 1 May 2009

The first generation of Apple iPods shipped with a piece of cellophane over the screen
bearing the words "do not steal music" in four languages. If it were not already obvious,
the message indicated that here - potentially at least - was a music stealing machine.
Like makers of video recorders, Apple argued that the device was intended solely for
legitimate uses, although the device did not and could not enforce the law. This defence
didn't work for early file sharing sites like Napster and Kazaa and, increasingly, digital
service providers are expected to constrain and restrict their users.

However there are many instances where openness in design has led to unexpected
developments. Second Life was built as a space for game designers to try out ideas;
nobody planned for it to be colonized as an online world. During the plane crash in the
Hudson River, the users of Twitter provided images and eye witness accounts before any
of the media: again the site's founders never planned for it to be used in this way. These
media support old human activities in new ways but there are also instances of
technology development allowing for unexpected forms of human behaviour as in, for
instance, new forms of sexual interaction.

The manner in which we design determines what flexibility and discretion stays with
users. Web 2.0 and other network phenomena bring with them new opportunities and
risks and different potential for managing them. Medical, social care and educational
systems link up people considered vulnerable by society with technology in ways that are
protective, but could also be read as normative. Benjamin Franklin said "Those who
desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve,
either one." But HCI as a discipline has successfully used a protective approach to
challenge human cognitive limitations and no one would argue that safety critical systems
need more latitude for human error. This workshop will consider the tensions and the
many dimensions of a protective stance as ubiquitous computing and the "internet of
things" bring new challenges to the embedding of social relations in software.

Position papers that address this tension are invited on topics, such as, but not limited to:
* Intellectual Property and the Right to Share
* Security vs Privacy and Anonymity
* Designer Intent and User Appropriation
* Human Computer Sexual Interactions
* The Social Implications of Digital Networks

The day will include an invited keynote, short presentations and discussion. Both
academic and industrial researchers are invited to reflect across domains on their
practice: any aspect of the theme will be of interest so long as it relates to networked

To participate, please submit a two page position paper to
by May 1st.

The workshop will take place on 6th Sept in Cambridge, UK, to follow the British HCI
conference (2nd-5th).

Organising group:
Ann Light, Sheffield Hallam University
Chris Frauenberger, University of Sussex
Louise Valgerdur Nickerson, Queen Mary University of London
Mark Blythe, University of York

Saturday, April 18, 2009

CFP: Ubicomp 2009 Workshop on Hybrid Design Practices: Situating Ubicomp's Interdisciplinarity

> Hybrid Design Practices: Situating Ubicomp's Interdisciplinarity
> Current Ubicomp research and practice often go beyond
> interdisciplinarity. New hybrid practices are created, by
> synthesizing methods from multiple disciplines, such as design,
> ethnography, engineering, and sociology. This does not only imply
> crossing of disciplinary or epistemological boundaries, but also
> engagement across diverse cultural sites and perspectives. We take
> hybrid practices to mean day-to-day interdisciplinary practices that
> are often established beyond pre-designed institutional,
> disciplinary, or transdisciplinary boundaries. This hands-on
> workshop will focus specifically on hybrids that involve the design
> of ubiquitous computing systems, drawing together both individuals
> who have experience developing and using such hybrids, as well as
> those who have an interest in applying hybrid practices to their work.
> Thus, this workshop explores questions such as:
> • How might ethnographic field work be incorporated into design prac
> tice?
> • How might design practice work be incorporated into ethnographic f
> ield ?
> • How might fieldwork or design sketching be integrated more closely
> into the process of theorizing?
> • What might theory-oriented design or design-oriented theorizing lo
> ok like?
> • What role can Ubicomp design practice play for cross-cultural and
> multi-sited explorations?
> We invite participants with any disciplinary background to submit a
> two-page position paper which expounds on examples of the hybrid
> design practice which they employ in their own research or work;
> details why their current research might benefit from this approach;
> relates an opinion on the current state of, or speculates on the
> future of, hybrid practices in Ubicomp and HCI; or proposes a brief
> exercise, focused on the exploration of leisure activities in Disney
> properties (specifically those areas open to the public, rather than
> those for which admission must be paid), which other participants
> could undertake in order to experience a new form of hybrid practice.
> Please submit position papers to Silvia Lindtner <lindtner [at]
>> by June 25.
> For more details, please see <
> >
> Dates
> June 25 ........... Submission Deadline
> July 20 ........... Acceptance Notification
> August 1 ......... Final Manuscript Due
> September 30 ... Ubicomp Workshop Program
> Workshop Organizers
> Eric Baumer, Informatics, University of California, Irvine
> Johanna Brewer, Frestyl
> Barry Brown, Communication, University of California, San Diego
> Lucian Leahu, Computer Science, Cornell University
> Silvia Lindtner, Informatics, University of California, Irvine
> Karen Martin, Bartlett School, University College London

Friday, April 17, 2009

CFP: Context-Aware Mobile Media and Mobile Social Networks Workshop, 15th September @ MobileHCI 2009

Call for Participation:

MobileHCI 2009 Workshop on Context-Aware Mobile Media and Mobile Social
Networks, September 15th 2009, Bonn, Germany

Scope of the Workshop:

Context-awareness is becoming an important feature of mobile technology, and
with advances in technology development, new application and service
concepts are being developed and demonstrated in an ever-increasing manner.
Although the most typical examples of context-awareness are still concepts
that concentrate on an individual user and his/her interaction with the
device, context-awareness also has great potential in enhancing social
networks, and facilitating collaboration and other social interactions.
Moreover, social networks can also be exploited as contextual information
source. This workshop invites submissions on HCI aspects of context-aware
mobile technology and social networks. The workshop aims to bring together
researchers and practitioners to present their insights and research on new
concepts, interaction design for mobile context-awareness, usability
challenges, collaborative context-aware services and applications for
supporting social network and other topics related to HCI with mobile
context-aware technology.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Novel mobile application and service concepts that utilize information
about, or facilitate the awareness of, a social network and its state
* Novel application and service concepts related to context-aware mobile
media that involve interaction between people
* User studies on social context-aware mobile applications
* Studies on the usability and interaction design of context-aware
multimedia applications
* Privacy and other social aspects of context-aware mobile applications
* Mobile application concepts that utilized distributed

The social networks that are utilized can consist of various different kinds
of social groups – for instance family, colleagues, currently present
people, or a virtual community. As the workshop is targeted to MobileHCI
community, the submissions should highlight HCI related perspective rather
than technical aspects.


Submissions with the maximum length of 3 pages in ACM format should be sent
to by the 4th of May 2009, as a pdf file. The
submissions will be reviewed by the workshop organizers. In addition to
presentations based on the submissions, the workshop provides a forum for
active discussions and an opportunity to present demonstrators.

Important Dates:

* Submission deadline: May 04, 2009
* Acceptance notification: May 18, 2009
* Camera-ready submission deadline: June 18, 2009


Anind Dey, Carnegie Mellon University
Jonna Häkkilä, Nokia Research Center
Jani Mäntyjärvi, VTT
Albrecht Schmidt, University of Duisburg-Essen
Panu Åkerman, Nokia Research Center <CHI-ANNOUNCEMENTS@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG>

CFP: Physicality 2009 Int. Workshop @HCI 2009


CfP: Physicality 2009 – towards a less-GUI interface
Third International Workshop on Physicality
in conjunction with HCI 2009 Conference
1 September 2009, Cambridge University, UK
As digital technology invades more and more of the devices and products that surround
us, it is increasingly important that interaction designers and product designers are able
to make sense of the subtle interactions between physical form and activity and the way
these influence and are influenced by digital functionality and interaction. We need to
take seriously the physical nature of the devices with which we interact and the nature of
our own bodies and brains so we can produce better design.

Despite the dramatic increase in power and functionality in contemporary information
appliances, interaction methods continue to be heavily dependent on more and more
overloaded small graphical user interfaces. Tiny screens are proliferating on appliances in
the home, devices in cars and on the phones, and media players we carry on our bodies.
However, an ageing population means that such screens may have increasingly limited
utility, and even for those with full sight, staring at a tiny screen is not always optimal
whether operating a remote whilst watch TV, or navigating down a busy street.

This multi-disciplinary workshop is the third in its series and we would like to explore
"towards a less-GUI interface" as a theme, especially the extent to which effective
physical design can reduce the reliance on such screens or obviate them entirely. We
welcome position papers that address this theme, but also those covering other areas of
physicality including:
• enabling technologies for haptic input and output.
• physicality and fidelity in design;
• design at the physical-digital frontier;
• philosophy of physicality;
• artefact-focussed social interaction;
• physically-inspired interaction in virtual worlds;
• creativity and materiality;
• interactive art and performance;
Important Dates
Submission Deadline 17 May 2009
Acceptance Notification 31 May 2009
Camera-ready Deadline 17 August 2009
We invite submissions in the form of a 2-6 page position paper in ACM Format (see web
site for more details). We would also like to encourage contributions in other forms (e.g.
demonstration, artwork, performance) but please contact us. Submissions and enquiries
should be sent to:
<devina AT>

All submissions will be peer-reviewed and judged on the basis of originality, contribution
to the field, technical and presentation quality, and relevance to the workshop. All
accepted contributions will be published in the workshop proceedings as either short or
long papers.

The workshop will include invited talks, short individual presentations and a design
session based on the main theme. There will also be a poster session that will allow
participants to showcase their work or demonstrations.

Previous workshops in the Physicality series have attracted a mixture of designers and
technologists, artists and architects, psychologists and philosophers; we expect a similar
eclectic and enthusiastic combination of researchers and practitioners from industry and
academia for this event.

The workshop is sponsored by DEPtH: Designing for Physicality research project, an
AHRC/EPSRC funded Designing for the 21st century Initiative.
Dr. Devina Ramduny-Ellis (InfoLab 21, Lancaster University, UK)
Prof. Alan Dix (InfoLab21, Lancaster University, UK)
Dr. Steve Gill (National Centre for Product Design & Development Research, UWIC,UK)
Joanna Hare (National Centre for Product Design & Development Research, UWIC, UK)
Related Links
British HCI 2009 conference -
Physicality web site -
Physicality 2007 workshop -
Physicality 2006 workshop -
Designing for the 21st century Initiative -

Thursday, April 16, 2009

CFP: 2009 Joint Virtual Reality Conference of EGVE - ICAT - EuroVR

> *2009 Joint Virtual Reality Conference of
> EGVE - ICAT - EuroVR*
> EGVE - the 15th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments
> ICAT - the 19th International Conference on Artificial Reality and
> Telexistence
> EuroVR - the 6th EuroVR (INTUITION) Conference
> December 7-9, 2009
> Lyon, France
> (during the Light Festival
> see
> Call for Papers and Short Papers: DEADLINE May 29, 2009
> In 2009, the 15th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments,
> the 19th International Conference on Artificial Reality and
> Telexistence, and the 6th EuroVR (INTUITION) Conference are merged
> together into the *JVRC09 - Joint Virtual Reality Conference of EGVE
> - ICAT -- EuroVR.*
> JVRC09 will provide an opportunity for virtual reality researchers,
> engineers and users to interact, share new results and new
> applications, show live demonstrations of their work, and discuss
> emerging directions for the field.
> JVRC09 will include an open call for papers, short papers, posters,
> demos, lab. presentations, as well as industrial presentations and
> exhibitions from industrial partners and research projects in the
> wider area of Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality and 3D User Interfaces.
> The conference is organized by INRIA, France.
> *About EGVE* **
> EGVE is the Eurographics international symposium for the exchange of
> experience and knowledge among researchers and developers concerned
> with using and improving virtual environments. It started in 1993 as
> a workshop, and the symposium has most recently been held in Zurich
> 2003, Grenoble 2004, Aalborg 2005, Lisbon 2006, Weimar 2007 and
> Eindhoven 2008.
> *About ICAT*
> ICAT is the oldest international conference on Virtual Reality and
> Telexistence. ICAT 2009 follows on from the successful ICAT
> conferences held in Tokyo 2003, Coex 2004, Christchurch 2005,
> Hangzhou 2006, Esbjerg 2007 and Yokohama 2008.
> *
> About EuroVR*
> EuroVR is the continuation of the INTUITION Network of Excellence on
> Virtual Reality and Virtual Environments for Future Workspaces (
> <>). INTUITION featured 58
> partners from 15 countries across Europe, representing the key
> player in the field at technology, system, academia, research and
> industry level. EuroVR 2009 follows on from the five successful
> INTUTION conferences held in Athens 2004, Paris 2005, Stuttgart
> 2006, Athens 2007 and Turino 2008.
> Original, unpublished papers and short papers documenting new
> research contributions, practice and experience, or novel
> applications, from all areas of virtual environments, mixed reality
> and 3D user interfaces, are invited. Topics of interest include, but
> are not limited to:
> - Display and Projection Technologies
> - Tracking & Sensing
> - Haptics, Audio and Multimodal Interfaces
> - VR system architecture and development
> - 3D input and output devices
> - Augmented and mixed reality (AR and MR)
> - Collaborative and distributed VR
> - 3D User Interfaces
> - User studies and evaluation
> - Presence and cognition
> - Interactive rendering, modelling and simulation
> - VR, AR, and MR applications
> *Submission information*
> Submissions of papers and short papers will be on-line in PDF format
> only. Information about the submission procedure and formatting
> instructions will be available online at
> Accepted papers will be presented at the conference and published in
> the Eurographics symposium series. Additionally, a selection of the
> best papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of
> a journal.
> *Important Dates*
> May 20, 2009: Deadline for papers and short papers abstracts
> May 29, 2009: Deadline for submissions of papers and short papers
> July 10, 2009: Notification of acceptance of papers and short papers
> *General Co-chairs* ( <
> >)
> Sabine Coquillart (INRIA)
> Carolina Cruz-Neira (U. of Louisiana at Lafayette)
> Yoshifumi Kitamura (Osaka U.)
> Dennis Saluäär (Volvo)
> *International Program Committee Co-chairs* (
> <>)
> Michitaka Hirose (U. of Tokyo)
> Dieter Schmalstieg (TU Graz)
> Chadwick A. Wingrave (U. of Central Florida)
> *Important Contacts*
> For more information on other submissions, please visit

CFP: ICEIS-2009 (Milan, Italy) - 11th Int'l Conf. on Enterprise Information Systems


> ***
> ***
> ***
> ********************************************************************
> 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
> Milan, Italy, 6-10 May, 2009
> Venue: Conference Centre Milanofiori, Milan
> Registration:
> organized by the Institute for Systems and Technologies of
> Information, Control and Communication (INSTICC)
> in cooperation with AAAI, ACM SIGMIS and technically co-sponsored by
> ***
> ***
> ***
> ********************************************************************
> Dear Susanne Jul,
> ICEIS 2009 (the 11th International Conference on Enterprise
> Information Systems -, is a world-class event,
> organized by INSTICC, hosting more than 400 speakers coming from
> more than 60 countries, including 7 distinguished keynote speakers
> and 9 satellite workshops.
> ICEIS 2009 will be held in conjunction with ENASE 2009 (
> ) and registration to ICEIS allows free access to the ENASE
> conference.
> ICEIS has become a major point of contact between research
> scientists, engineers and practitioners in the area of business
> applications of information systems. This year, five simultaneous
> tracks are held, covering different aspects related to enterprise
> computing, including: "Databases and Information Systems
> Integration", "Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support
> Systems", "Information Systems Analysis and Specification",
> "Software Agents and Internet Computing" and "Human-Computer
> Interaction". All tracks focus on the benefits of Information
> Systems and Technology for industry and services, thus making a
> bridge between the Academia and the Enterprise worlds.
> ________________________________________________________________
> 1. Databases and Information Systems Integration
> 2. Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems
> 3. Information Systems Analysis and Specification
> 4. Software Agents and Internet Computing
> 5. Human-Computer Interaction
> ________________________________________________________________
> - Peter Geczy, AIST, Japan
> - Masao J. Matsumoto, Kyushu Sangyo University, Japan
> - Michele Missikoff, IASI-CNR, Italy
> - Barbara Pernici, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
> - Jianchang Mao, Yahoo! Labs, U.S.A.
> - Ernesto Damiani, University of Milan, Italy
> - Mike P. Papazoglou, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
> ________________________________________________________________
> 9th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information
> Systems
> 7th International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification
> and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems
> 7th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems
> 6th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and
> Cognitive Science
> 3rd International Workshop on RFID Technology - Concepts,
> Applications, Challenges
> 3rd International Workshop on Human Resource Information Systems
> 1st International Joint Workshop on Advanced Technologies and
> Techniques for Enterprise Information Systems
> 1st International Workshop on Future Trends of Model-Driven
> Development
> 1st International Workshop on Ontology for e-Technologies
> (details at
> Best regards,
> Vitor Pedrosa
> (Conference Secretariat)
> Av. D. Manuel I, n.27A
> 2910-595 Setubal
> Portugal
> ---------------------------------
> Tel.: +351.265.520.184
> Fax: +44.203.014.