Call for Papers: Workshop on the Social Mobile Web
Held in conjunction with SocialCom '09
29th-30th August, Vancouver, Canada
The mobile space is evolving at an astonishing rate. At present there are over 3.5 billion mobile subscribers worldwide and with continued advances in devices, services and billing models, the mobile web looks set to inspire a new age of anytime, anywhere information access. The inherent characteristics of mobile phones enable new types of interactions, e.g. mobile phones are personal to the individual, they are always on and always connected. And as such we are seeing a shift towards mobile devices for social mediated tasks. The world is also witnessing an explosion in social web services. Online social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace continue to experience huge increases in usage, with more and more users seeking novel ways of interacting with their friends and family.
In this workshop we are interested in the combination of these two exciting research spaces: the social web and the mobile space. We believe that the social mobile web is going to be a highly influential research area in the near future. As such this workshop will investigate the current state of the social mobile web. Topics of interest to this workshop include (but are not limited to) the following:
* Novel social interactions on mobile devices.
* Social mobile content sharing and distribution services.
* Context aware mobile services - beyond location based services.
* Social mobile search and social mobile browsing.
* User evaluations of social mobile services.
* Mobile user interfaces that incorporate social elements.
* Mobility and social networks.
* Models of mobile social behavior and mobile traces.
* Urban gaming, mobile mixed reality, etc.
* Innovative social mobile applications.
This workshop is targeted towards researchers working within the mobile web and social web spaces. Participants are invited to submit: (1) a short position or demonstration paper of 2-4 pages in length or (2) a full length technical paper of up to 10 pages in length. Papers should be in IEEE publication format and should be submitted as a PDF file via email to Workshop papers will be published by IEEE CS Press. Note that at least one author of accepted papers needs to register and attend the workshop.
Organising Committee
* Karen Church, Telefonica Research, Barcelona
* Josep M. Pujol, Telefonica Research, Barcelona
* Barry Smyth, University College Dublin, Ireland
* Noshir Contractor, Northwestern University, Evanston
Program Committee
* Lada Adamic, University of Michigan
* Alex Arenas, Universitat Rovira i Virgili
* John Breslin, DERI Institute, NUI Galway
* Meeyoung Cha, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
* Augustin Chaintreau, Thomson Research
* Nathan Eagle, MIT/Santa Fe Institute
* Andreas Flache, University of Groningen
* Jill Freyne, CSIRO
* Scott A. Golder, Cornell University
* Carmen Guerrero, Universidad Carlos III
* Tom Heath, Talis
* Matt Jones, FIT Lab, Swansea University
* David Lazer, Harvard University
* Nuria Oliver, Telefonica Research
* Alex Payne, Twitter
* Ramon Sangüesa, Technical University of Catalonia, Citilab
* Albrecht Schmidt, University Duisburg-Essen
* Marc Smith, Telligent
* Roger M. Whitaker, University of Cardiff
* Peter Mika, Yahoo Research Labs
Important Dates
11th May 2009: Deadline for submissions
5th June 2009: Notification to authors
15th June 2009: Final paper version deadline
29th-31st August 2009: Conference dates
Further details are available from the workshop website at:
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