Monday, July 20, 2009

CFP: First International Workshop on Smart Healthcare Applications (SmartHealth'09)



+++ SmartHealth'09 +++

First International Workshop on Smart Healthcare Applications

One-day workshop at OZCHI 2009
November 23 - 27, 2009
Melbourne, Australia



Submission Deadline: September 10, 2009

Notification of Acceptance: September 25, 2009



Within the last years a variety of new healthcare concepts for
supporting and assisting users in technology-enhanced environments
emerged. While smart healthcare systems can help to minimize hospital
stays and in so doing enable patients an independent life in a
domestic environment, the complexity such systems raises fundamental
questions of behavior, communication and technology acceptance.
Therefore, this workshop aims to bring together researchers from
different disciplines to discuss the interrelation of medical,
environmental, technical, communicative, psychological and social
factors and their consequences for the design, use and acceptance of
smart healthcare systems.



Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:


* Usability of Healthcare Information Systems
* Usability of Mobile Computing in Healthcare
* User Experience Design
* Universal (or Disability) Access
* Empirical Methods (Qualitative and Qualitative)
* User and Cognitive Models
* Participatory Design
* Model-Based Design of E-Health Systems
* Tools for Design, Modeling, and Evaluation

Concepts and Applications

* Novel E-Health Concepts
* Software Infrastructures and Architectures for Implementing E-
Health Applications
* Tools and Design Techniques for E-Health Systems
* Interaction Design
* Multidisciplinary or Interdisciplinary Design
* Trade-off between Technical, Medical, and User Requirements
* Aesthetic vs. Functional Design Aspects
* Emotional and Hedonic Design

Human-Computer Interaction

* Human Aspects of Future and Emerging Healthcare Technologies
* Human-Computer Interaction in Healthcare
* User-Centered or Human-Centered Design
* Emotion and Affective User Interface
* Adaptive and Tangible User Interfaces for E-Health Systems
* Universal (or Disability) Access

Social and Ethical Aspects

* Accessibility and Usability
* User Diversity
* Ethical and Normative Requirements
* Gender Specific Healthcare Design
* Economical, Legal, and Environmental Constraints
* Technology Acceptance and Performance
* Social and Societal Implications of E-Health Applications
* Legal Issues in E-Health Applications
* Privacy, Security, and Trust in E-Health Applications
* Cultural Aspects of E-Health Systems

Technology and Systems

* Technologies and Devices for Smart Healthcare Systems
* Medical Devices and Sensors Infrastructures
* Wireless Communication and Sensor Networks
* Collaborative and Distributed Healthcare Systems
* Handheld Devices and Mobile Computing in E-Health Systems
* Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing in Healthcare
* Ambient Assisted Living Environments



Interested researchers are invited to submit a 2-page position paper
formatted according to the OZCHI format to the workshop organizers
) until September 10, 2009. The papers should focus on current
research activities and/or interesting aspects of future work. All
position papers will be peer-reviewed and evaluated based on their
novelty, originality, and relevance to the workshop theme. Authors of
accepted position papers will be notified until September 25, 2009.
The workshop will be held at OZCHI 2009, November 23-27, 2009 in
Melbourne, Australia.



Carsten Röcker, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Martina Ziefle, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Andreas Holzinger, Medical University Graz, Austria
Russell Beale, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Susan Hansen, CSIRO, Australia

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