Wednesday, December 16, 2009

CFP: CHI 2010 Workshop on Free/Libre/Open Source Software and HCI

*Note new extended deadline: January 6, 2010*

ACM CHI 2010 Workshop on
Free/Libre/Open Source Software and HCI

April 11, 2010, Atlanta, GA, USA

Extended submission deadline: January 6, 2010

In the past 10 years, Free/Libre/Open Source Software (FLOSS) has become
a ubiquitous and vital force in business, education, government, and
research. This vibrant new community of software developers creates new
opportunities and challenges for HCI that are only beginning to be
explored and understood.

This workshop will:
* identify key differences between FLOSS environments and closed source
software production with respect to culture, practices, and motivations
for HCI,
* examine how these differences can (or should) impact the design of
tools and practices for usability/UX in FLOSS development, and
* explore the development of new theoretical approaches, tools, and
practices for HCI in the FLOSS community.

An important, overarching goal of the workshop is to bring the two
communities together to explore collaboration opportunities. As such,
the workshop invites practitioners and researchers in both the CHI and
FLOSS communities.

Interested individuals should submit one of the following in a two-page
conference publication format:

* A case study describing experiences in introducing and/or practicing
usability/UX in a FLOSS development context
* A summary of research conducted in the FLOSS community related to the
workshop's theme (for example, understanding motivations of designers in
FLOSS, mapping design conversations, design tools and methods used in
FLOSS, etc.)

Submissions should use the HCI Archive Format template found here:

Deadline for submissions is January 6, 2010. Submissions should be
emailed to

More information about the workshop can be found at the workshop
website: Questions about the workshop can be
directed to

Workshop organizers:
Paula Bach (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Michael Terry (University of Waterloo, Canada)

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