Tuesday, January 12, 2010

CFP: IWSSI/SPMU 2010 (in conjunction with Pervasive 2010)

2nd International Workshop on Security and Privacy in Spontaneous
Interaction and Mobile Device Use (IWSSI/SPMU 2010) - Call for Papers

Helsinki, Finland
in conjunction with Pervasive 2010

*Important Dates*

Submission Deadline: February 01, 2010
Notification to Authors: March 08, 2010
Camera-Ready Papers: March 17, 2010
Workshop: May 17, 2010


Mobile devices in general, and mobile phones in particular, present unique
challenges not only in terms of user interface, battery life, and form
factor, but also in terms of ensuring their users' privacy and security.
Privacy and security are often in conflict with another and have been the
topic of many research projects. Emerging mobile payment and ticketing
solutions require the secure transmission and storage of financial
information, while electronic health records or access certificates/tokens
might imply the use of highly sensitive personal information on such
devices. Securing the potentially massive amount of interactions using
mobile devices is difficult, because typically there will be no a priori
shared information such as passwords, addresses, or PIN codes between the
phone, its user, and the service they want to use. Additionally, mobile
devices often lack powerful user interfaces to support classical
authentication methods.

The 2nd International Workshop on Security and Privacy in Spontaneous
Interaction and Mobile Device Use (IWSSI/SPMU'2010) provides a forum
to discuss these challenges and to put forward an agenda for future
research. The workshop is intended to foster cooperation between research
groups and to establish a highly connected research community. Authors of
selected workshop submissions will be invited to submit an extended
version to a special issue in a renowned international journal.

Topics of interest for this workshop include, but are not limited to,
the following items as they appear in the context of spontaneous
interaction and/or mobile device use:
* Authentication protocols and methods for device pairing or
user authentication
* Sensor-, context-, and location-based authentication methods
* Authorization, access control, and trust management
* Logging and auditing of spontaneous interactions with mobile devices
* Network and system models
* Security and privacy of mobile phone users
* Security and privacy issues in mobile phone networks
* Privacy and anonymous/pseudonymous interactions
* User interfaces and models for user interaction on mobile devices
* Making use of spontaneous interaction in applications
* Public perception of security and privacy issues of mobile phones
* Legal and social issues of security and privacy for mobile phones
* Options for lawful, auditable, and restricted tracking and
surveillance using mobile phones in law enforcement


There will be two separate categories for submission:

* Full papers: We solicit novel contributions of up to 6 pages
(ACM Format)on any of the topics of interest or related areas.
These papers must not significantly overlap with other papers
previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
Accepted papers will be published online on the IWSII/SPMU09
website. Authors of selected submissions will also be invited
to submit an extended version to a special issue in a renowned
international journal.

* Position papers: Position papers should be no longer than 2 pages
(ACM Format) and may present already published work in the context
of this workshop, work in progress, as well as ideas and concepts
for future research.

We encourage authors to submit to both categories if deemed appropriate.

An international program committee will select around 12-15
contributions. Authors of accepted full and position papers will be
invited to give short presentations at the beginning of the workshop
with brief discussion phases, followed by an open panel and more
specific discussion groups to discuss common ground and open
challenges. The open panel is also a forum for informally presenting
demonstrators, which will be actively encouraged. Video and other
supplementary material will be published on the workshop web page to
provide further incentive for showing prototypes.

Contributions must be sent by email to <iwssi@lists.inf.ethz.ch> no later
than February 01, 2010, and should be in PDF format. If you have any
questions, we encourage you to contact the organizers at the above
email address.

*Organizing Committee*

Rene Mayrhofer (University of Vienna, Austria)
Marc Langheinrich (University of Lugano, Switzerland)
Kaisa Nyberg (Helsinki University of Technology, Finland)
Alexander De Luca (LMU Munich, Germany)

*Program Committee* (confirmed)

Georg Treu (Aloqa Inc., Palo Alto, US)
Pieter Hartel (University of Twente, NL)
Jonathan M. McCune (Carnegie Mellon University, US) John Krumm
(Microsoft Research Redmond, US)
John Krumm (Microsoft Research Redmond, US)
Alex Varshavsky (University of Toronto, CA)
Ersin Uzun (University of California, Irvine, US)
Apu Kapadia (Indiana University Bloomington, US)
Ponnurangam Kumaraguru (CMU, US)

Alexander De Luca

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
LFE Medieninformatik
Amalienstr. 17
D-80333 München
Fon +49-89-2180-4688
Fax +49-89-2180-4652
Skype: Alexander De Luca


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