Friday, February 19, 2010

CFP: ComposableWeb 2010



Workshop held in conjunction with ICWE 2010
5-9 July 2010, Vienna, Austria

Workshop website:

April 21, 2010: Paper submission (23h59 Hawaii Time)
May 21, 2010: Author notification (23h59 Hawaii Time)
June 7, 2010: Camera-ready submission (23h59 Hawaii Time)

While the word "mashup" is widely used, it is not really clear what a
mashup is and what it is not. Some applications focus on integrating RSS
feeds, others on integrating RESTful services or SOAP services, others
of Atom feeds, and there are those that focus on integrating user
interfaces. However, we believe mashups - and especially mashup tools
with their models, languages and instruments for mashup development - do
bring innovation, in that they tackle integration at the user interface
level (most mashups do integrate presentation content, not "just" data),
they aim at simplicity more than completeness of features (up to the
point that advanced Web users, not only programmers, can develop
composite applications), and they allow fairly sophisticated development
tasks in the Web browser.

Over the last years, we have seen many efforts invested in research on
mashups, in both the industrial and the academic context, yet we are
still far from a common understanding of the problems that drive the
research, of the approaches that best fit given problems, and even of
the benefits of the results achieved so far.

In light of these considerations, the goal of ComposableWeb is to
stimulate the discussion of key issues, approaches, open problems,
innovative applications, and trends in the area of web mashups and
lightweight composition on the Web, so as to accelerate progress.

Areas of particular interest for the Workshop include (but are not
limited to):

- Web/service mashups
- Web composition technologies for data, services, and user interfaces
- Web composition models and languages
- Graphical support for Web composition/mashups
- Lightweight data integration
- Lightweight application integration
- Lightweight UI integration (integration at the presentation level)
- Lightweight (semantic) (meta)data or knowledge integration
- Design methodologies with/without user involvement
- New development models
- User interface aspects of Web composition
- Context-aware and personalized Web composition/mashups
- Usability and Accessibility of composite Web applications
- Evaluation/quality of composite Web applications
- Case studies and industrial experiences

ComposableWeb aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners
with different research interests and belonging to communities like Web
Engineering, Service Engineering, Business Process Management,
Databases, Semantic Web, Software Composition, and Software Engineering.

Authors are invited to submit full research papers (page limit: 12
pages) or short demo papers (page limit: 3 pages). In addition to the
traditional paper presentation sessions, there will be a session
dedicated to the demos.

Papers are submitted using the Easychair conference management system,
at All
papers must be formatted according to the Springer LNCS format.
Submitted papers may not overlap with papers that have already been
published, or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal, conference
or workshop.

Accepted papers will be made available on the workshop Web site ahead of
the workshop and as official Springer LNCS post-proceedings after the
workshop. For a paper to be published, at least one of its authors must
register for the main conference and participate in the workshop.

Florian Daniel, University of Trento, Italy
Sven Casteleyn, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Geert-Jan Houben, TU Delft, The Netherlands

Sven Casteleyn, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Florian Daniel, University of Trento, Italy
Maristella Matera, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Geert-Jan Houben, TU Delft, The Netherlands
Olga De Troyer, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

- Sören Auer, University of Leipzig, Germany
- Boualem Benatallah, University of New South Wales, Australia
- Fabio Casati, University of Trento, Italy
- Francisco Curbera, IBM Research, USA
- Peter Dolog, Aalborg University, Denmark
- Schahram Dustdar, Technical University of Vienna, Austria
- Tom Heath, Talis Information Ltd, UK
- Frank Leymann, University Stuttgart, Germany
- Michael Mrissa, University of Lyon, France
- John Musser,, USA
- Cesare Pautasso, University of Lugano, Switzerland
- Florian Rosenberg, CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia
- Gustavo Rossi, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina
- Michael Weiss, Carleton University, Canada

Florian Daniel
University of Trento
Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Scienza dell'Informazione
Via Sommarive 14, I-38100 POVO (TN), Italy
phone: +39 0461 883780

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

CFP: workshop on designing for crowds @ Pervasive 2010


Helsinki, Finland, May 17th, 2010


As part of the growing ubiquity and pervasive reach of technology, there
been an expanding interest in how interaction with technology in public and
semi-public places plays out. Crowds and crowded places are a major
feature of
these settings. In this workshop we will be interested in:

o Developing our understanding of crowds

o Exploring how existing technologies (e.g., mobile phones, interactive
screens, digital photos and video) are woven into crowd practices

o Discussing the ways in which emerging pervasive technologies can be
designed to fit or perturb crowd phenomena.

The workshop format will be that of a *data session* where *participants
their own data of technology-in-action at crowd events* (e.g., video
of crowd activity, other ethnographic collections) which can then be
and analysed collectively by the group.

Through exploring diverse crowd settings and exhibits of
we aim to compare and contrast different crowd formations. These
will be used to ground discussions on how to develop design frameworks or
recommendations in order to contribute to HCI. We will also aim to produce
documented outcomes from the workshop such as the potential for a journal
special issue, or perhaps collectively authored journal or conference
based upon the analysis during the workshop.


Participants should submit a *short position paper* (1-2 pages)
outlining their
interests with respect to understanding crowd behaviours, the use of
technologies in shaping crowd practices and new applications that are
to fit or perturb crowd phenomena.

We would also encourage participants to contribute to the data session by
*bringing along and presenting their own data at the workshop*. We would
request they submit relevant sections of their data in some form, such as
*documents providing brief outlines of ongoing analysis, short video
clips, and
so on*. We would also share these submissions between participants
before the

Submissions (or any further questions!) may be emailed to
(Stuart Reeves).


March 1, 2010: Submission of data contribution outline / brief position
May 1, 2010: Participant notification
May 17, 2010: Workshop in Helsinki, Finland


Please find attached below the call for papers for ACM First International

Conference on Health Informatics, IHI 2010. Apologies for multiple

Best Regards

Deepak Turaga

CALL FOR PAPERS, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
1st ACM International Conference on Health Informatics (IHI)

IHI 2010
November 11-12, 2010
Washington, DC

We cordially invite you to submit your contribution to the 2010 ACM
International Conference on Health Informatics (IHI 2010).

IHI 2010 is ACM's premier community forum concerned with the application
of computer and information science principles and information and
communication technology to problems in healthcare, public health, the
delivery of healthcare services and consumer health as well as the related
social and ethical issues.

For technical contributions, IHI 2010 is primarily interested in
end-to-end applications, systems, and technologies, even if available only
in prototype form. Therefore, we strongly encourage authors to submit
their original contributions describing their algorithmic and
methodological contributions providing an application-oriented context.
For social/behavioral scientific contributions, we are interested in
empirical studies of health-related information needs, seeking, sharing
and use, as well as socio-technical studies of heath information
technology implementation and use. Topics of interest for this conference
cover various aspects of health informatics, including but not limited to
the following:
- Accessibility and Web-enabled technologies
- Analytics applied to direct and remote clinical care
- Assistive and adaptive ubiquitous computing technologies
- Biosurveillance
- Brain computer interface
- Cleaning, preprocessing, and ensuring quality and integrity of
medical records
- Computational support for patient-centered and evidence-based care
- Consumer health and wellness informatics applications
- Consumer and clinician health information needs, seeking, sharing
and use
- Continuous monitoring and streaming technologies
- Data management, privacy, security, and confidentiality
- Display and visualization of medical data
- E-communities and networks for patients and consumers
- E-healthcare infrastructure design
- E-learning for spreading health informatics awareness
- Engineering of medical data
- Health information system framework and enterprise architecture in
the developing world
- Human-centered design of health informatics systems
- Information retrieval for health applications
- Information technologies for the management of patient safety and
clinical outcomes
- Innovative applications in electronic health records (e.g.,
ontology or semantic technology, using continuous biomedical signals to
trigger alerts)
- Intelligent medical devices and sensors
- Issues involving interoperability and data representation in
healthcare delivery
- Keyword and multifaceted search over structured electronic health
- Knowledge discovery for improving patient-provider communication
- Large-scale longitudinal mining of medical records
- Medical compliance automation for patients and institutions
- Medical recommender system (e.g., medical products, fitness
- Multimodal medical signal analysis
- Natural language processing for biomedical literature, clinical
notes, and health consumer texts
- Novel health information systems for chronic disease management
- Optimization models for planning and recommending therapies
- Personalized predictive modeling for clinical management (e.g.,
trauma, diabetes mellitus, sleep disorders, substance abuse)
- Physiological modeling
- Semantic Web, linked data, ontology, and healthcare
- Sensor networks and systems for pervasive healthcare
- Social studies of health information technologies
- Survival analysis and related methods for estimating hazard
- System software for complex clinical studies that involve
combinations of clinical, genetic, genomic, imaging, and pathology data
- Systems for cognitive and decision support
- Technologies for capturing and documenting clinical encounter
information in electronic systems
- User-interface design issues applied to medical devices and

Each contribution will be carefully evaluated by a set of reviewers,
including experts with multidisciplinary experience spanning computing,
information science, social and behavioral sciences, public health,
medicine, and nursing as appropriate, to ensure that proper and
comprehensive peer-review analysis and feedback can be provided to
authors. Submissions will be judged on validity, originality, technical
strength, practical and clinical significance, quality of presentation,
and relevance to the conference topics.

Because of IHI's multidisciplinary nature, the review process will include
at least a computing expert and a medical expert as well as a review
editor to reconcile the evaluation, making a single recommendation to the
Program Committee Co-Chairs. This process is designed to ensure that
experts from multiple areas can assess the importance and validity of the
work. Therefore, we encourage coherent, application-driven submissions
where in-depth ideas from a variety of fields are presented about
important problems in health informatics.

The conference will accept both regular and short papers. Regular papers
(6-10 pages in length) will describe more mature ideas, where a
substantial amount of implementation, experimentation, or data collection
and analysis will be described. Short papers (1-5 pages) can be less
formal and will describe innovative ideas where minimal validation and
implementation have occurred and can be described. All papers will appear
in the ACM Digital Library. The best papers of IHI 2010 will be considered
for a special issue of Springer's Journal of Medical Systems.

Submitted papers must not have appeared in, or be under consideration for,
another conference, workshop, journal, or other target of publication.

All aspects of the submission and notification process will be handled
electronically. Submissions must adhere to the following formatting

• Papers must adhere to the ACM Proceedings Format available for
LaTex, WordPerfect, WordPerfect 9, and Word. Changing the template's font
size, margins, inter-column spacing, or line spacing is prohibited. Each
paper must be submitted as a single PDF file, formatted for 8.5" x 11"

• The length of submission depends on the type of submission:
- Regular papers must be 6-10 pages long.
- Short papers may be at most 5 pages long.

• Each paper must provide an appendix (which is excluded from the
page limit) indicating the preferred review approach, including:
- The preferred allocation of reviewing expertise. This can be done by
electing the primary and secondary focus of the paper (e.g., Computing,
Information Science, Medicine, Nursing, and Social/Behavioral Science).
- A bulleted list with up to 3 topics covered in the paper (from the list
of conference topics presented above)

Abstract submission deadline: May 24, 2010 11:30pm EST
Paper submission deadline: May 31, 2010 11:30pm EST
Notification of acceptance: August 2, 2010 11:30pm EST
Camera-ready copy due: August 16, 2010 11:30pm EST

General Chair
Ümit Çatalyürek, Ohio State University (catalyurek.1 at osu dot edu)

Honorary General Chair
Gang Luo, IBM Research (luog at us dot ibm dot com)

Program Committee Co-Chairs
Henrique Andrade, IBM Research (hcma at us dot ibm dot com)
Neil R. Smalheiser, University of Illinois – Chicago (neils at uic dot

Steering Committee Members
Dorin Comaniciu, Siemens Corporate Research
Michael D. Larsen, George Washington University
Ching-Yung Lin, IBM Research
Chunqiang Tang, IBM Research
YingLi Tian, City College of New York
Olivier Verscheure, IBM Research
Michael Weiner, Indiana University

Honorary Steering Committee members
Marion J. Ball, Johns Hopkins University& IBM Research
David W. Bates, Partners Healthcare System& Harvard Medical School
Joseph A. Konstan, University of Minnesota
Blackford Middleton, Partners Healthcare System& Harvard Medical School
Joel H. Saltz, Emory University

To be finalized

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

CFP: UX Magazine Issue 9.4 on Communication

UX - User Experience Magazine - is looking for authors to contribute stories
linked to 2010?s World Usability Day theme of ?Communication.?

Issue 9.4, (4th Quarter 2010) ? World Usability Day: Communication
Guest Editor: Elizabeth Rosenzweig

Proposals due by May 3, 2010
Articles due July 2, 2010

If you have a story to tell, a case history to report, a new methodology
twist, or a general article on the theory and practice of usability,
consider writing an article to appear in this special issue of UPA?s
flagship magazine. For an issue on communication, the range of topics is
relatively wide. Consider writing about any of the following areas:

? Telcos
? Intra-office issues
? Web 2.0, Facebook, Twitter
? Advertising
? Usability scripts
? Google, searching, etc.
? Info overload and priority-setting
? Crossing cultural boundaries
? Training, tutorials
? Interactivity
? Translations
? Storytelling
? Standards and Style Guides

Or another topic related to communication and usability.

Send your proposal to
For more information and editorial guidelines, please see:

Susan M. Dray, Ph.D., CUXP
Director of Publications, Usability Professionals' Association
President, Dray & Associates, Inc.
Minneapolis, MN USA
Phone: +1 612 377 1980
Fax: +1 612 377 0363
Mobile: +1 952 463 0505
"If the USER can't use it,
it doesn't work!"?

CFP: Create10 conference :: innovative interaction design in Edinburgh

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Create10 :: the conference for innovative interaction design

30th June - 2nd July 2010

Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh UK

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

The Create10 conference is seeking submissions in the form of full
papers, workshops, short presentations, demonstrations and exhibits.

THEME : : Transitions

Analogue <> Digital

Academic <>Practice

Place <> Time

Real <> Virtual

We invite case studies of innovative design from the commercial,
academic, public, government and research sectors. Cases can come from
any paradigm - the web, mobile and hand held, products or consumer
electronics. We would particularly like to encourage submissions from
students. They will be given the opportunity to showcase and discuss
both finished work and work-in-progress in a supportive environment.

The Create conference centres on the discipline of interaction design,
a young disciple with roots in human-computer interaction, ergonomics,
product and graphic design, multi-media and art. An interaction
designer is a difficult person to pigeon hole and can be found in
mobile phone companies, consumer product manufacturers, design
consultancies, as a single practitioner, or within academic computing
and design departments.

We are seeking original, unpublished work under the following

Full Papers (2 stage submission)

: : High quality academic papers for peer review (max 6 pages)

Other Submissions (single stage)

: : Practical half-day workshops

: : Short papers and/or case studies from practitioners within the

: : Short presentations and/or posters from students to be
presented in informal student sessions

: : Demonstrations and/or videos of installation-based exhibits or
creative work in progress

Please note that all successful authors will be expected to pay to
register for the event.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


Submissions of :

max 1 page abstracts for papers : 15th March 2010

max 2 page proposals for all other submissions : 31st March 2010

Notification of acceptance : Early April 2010

Full paper submission : End of April 2010

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+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Student Design Competition

In addition to the above call Create10 is organising a unique
competition for students.
Today's art, design and technology students are the people who will be
defining what the interdisciplinary field of interaction design will
become in the near future. Create10 is a conference that celebrates
innovative interaction design, whether digital products, services,
environments or new interaction paradigms.

This competition is aimed at students from a wide range of
disciplines, for example: interaction design, product design,
industrial design, communications design, architecture, fashion,
multimedia, HCI, and related fields. Students, both undergraduate and
postgraduate, can enter for up to a year after completing their studies.

Entries will be assessed by a jury of leading creative design
practitioners and academics: Dr Shaleph O'Neill, Mark Daniels, Anab
Jain, Crispin Jones, Di Mainstone, Christopher Pearson

All selected submissions will be exhibited at the Create10 conference
exhibition in June/July 2010 in Edinburgh, at New Media Scotland's
Inspace. There will be one free conference place available for each
successful entry, as well as access to assistance with travel.

Further details here:

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

On 25 February 2009, the University launched its new name, Edinburgh Napier University.

For more information please visit our website.

Edinburgh Napier University is one of the top 10 universities in the UK for graduate employability (HESA 2009)

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Edinburgh Napier University is a registered Scottish charity. Registration number SC018373

Monday, February 15, 2010

CFP: Workshop on Multimodal Location Based Techniques for Extreme Navigation

Second call for papers -

Workshop on Multimodal Location Based Techniques for Extreme Navigation
Workshop in conjunction with Pervasive 2010 Helsinki Finland
Monday 17th May 2010
and twitter as extremenav10

Submission deadline 15th March 2010

Accepted authors may submit extended versions for inclusion in a special issues of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing to appear in 2010.

Location-based data and services for geographical and navigational information (such as electronic maps and gps directions), are usually presented using visual displays. With the increasing complexity of information, and the variety of contexts of use, it becomes important to consider how other non-visual sensory channels, such as audition and touch, can be used to communicate necessary and timely information to users. Activities such as running, rock-climbing and cycling, are all examples of activities where navigational and geographical information may be needed, but where the visual modality is unsuitable. Additionally, there are a number of user groups such as visually impaired people and the emergency services, who also require non-visual access to geo-data. This workshop will provide a forum for sharing  research ideas and findings about new interaction and perceptualization metaphors, novel application contexts, multimodal and context-aware technologies for mobility -- thereby creating a solid foundation for further exploration of pervasive extreme navigation.

Topics of the workshop include, but are not limited to:

Sensing and applying user context to navigation and wayfinding
Multimodal techniques to augment visual map displays
Multimodal navigation systems for extreme sports
Multimodal navigation systems for runners
Multimodal systems for rescue workers
Navigation systems for "eyes-busy" activities
Wearable technology and textiles for navigation
Environmental awareness for Disabilities and Visual Impairment.
User requirements capture/user involvement for non visual design

Submission details
Submissions of either position papers or demo abstracts covering the topics of the workshop should be submitted by 15 March 2010.

4 page position papers or 2 page demo abstracts should be submitted in ACM format ( as camera ready pdf files.

At least one author from each submission is expected to register and attend the workshop.

Accepted authors will be invited to submit extended versions of their work for inclusion in a special edition of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing to appear in 2010.

Submissions or other queries should be mailed to Charlotte Magnusson ( or David McGookin (

Organising Committee
Charlotte Magnusson  Lund University
David McGookin University of Glasgow
Margarita Anastassova CEA
Wilko Heuten OFFIS - Institute for Information Technology
Arantxa Renter Robotiker-Tecnalia
Susanne Boll OFFIS - Institute for Information Technology

This workshop is organized within the HaptiMap project.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

CFP: SOUPS papers due March 5


Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security
July 14-16, 2010
Microsoft, Redmond, WA USA

The 2010 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) will bring
together an interdisciplinary group of researchers and practitioners in
human computer interaction, security, and privacy. The program will
feature technical papers, a poster session, panels and invited talks,
discussion sessions, and in-depth sessions (workshops and tutorials).
Detailed information about technical paper submissions appears below.
For information about other submissions please see the SOUPS web site


We invite authors to submit original papers describing research or
experience in all areas of usable privacy and security. Topics include,
but are not limited to:

* innovative security or privacy functionality and design,
* new applications of existing models or technology,
* field studies of security or privacy technology,
* usability evaluations of new or existing security or privacy features,
* security testing of new or existing usability features,
* longitudinal studies of deployed security or privacy features,
* the impact of organizational policy or procurement decisions, and
* lessons learned from the deployment and use of usable privacy and
security features.

All submissions must relate to both usability and either security or
privacy. Papers on security or privacy applications that do not address
usability or human factors will not be considered.

Papers need to describe the purpose and goals of the work completed
to date, cite related work, show how the work effectively integrates
usability and security or privacy, and clearly indicate the innovative
aspects of the work or lessons learned as well as the contribution of
the work to the field.

Submitted papers must not significantly overlap papers that have been
published or that are simultaneously submitted to a peer-reviewed
venue or publication. With the exception of publicly available prior
that is documented in your related work section, any overlap between
your submitted paper and other work either under submission or
previously published must be documented in a clearly-marked
explanatory note at the front of the paper. State precisely how the two
works differ in their goals, any use of shared experiments or data
sources, and the unique contributions. If the other work is under
submission elsewhere, the program committee may ask to review that
work to evaluate the overlap. Please note that program committees
frequently share information about papers under review and reviewers
usually work on multiple conferences simultaneously. As technical
reports are not peer reviewed they are exempt from this rule. You may
also release pre-prints of your accepted work to the public at the time
of your discretion.

Accepted papers will appear in the ACM Digital Library as part of the
ACM International Conference Proceedings Series. The technical papers
committee will select an accepted paper to receive the SOUPS 2010
best paper award.

New this year, authors have the option to attach to their paper
supplemental appendices containing study materials (e.g. surveys) that
would not otherwise fit within the body of the paper. These appendices
may be included to assist reviewers who may have questions that fall
outside the stated contribution of your paper, on which your work is to
be evaluated. The body of your paper must still be self contained and
provide sufficient detail to elucidate your study methodology and
as reviewers are neither required nor expected to read supplemental
appendices. Accepted papers will be published online with their
supplemental appendices included.

Papers must use the SOUPS formatting template (available for MS Word
or LaTeX) and be up to 12 pages in length, exclusive of the bibliography
and any supplemental appendices described above. Submissions must
be no more than 20 pages including bibliography and appendices. If
your supplemental materials exceed this page limit, you may upload a
separate external appendix file with these materials. The external
appendix file need not conform to the SOUPS formatting template. In
that case, make sure you mention the external appendix in the body of
your paper and describe its contents. For the body of your paper,
is appreciated, as evidenced by the fact that many papers in prior years
have been well under this limit. All submissions must be in PDF format
and should not be blinded. In addition, you must cut and paste an
abstract of no more than 300 words onto the submission form.

Submit your paper using the electronic submissions page for the SOUPS
2010 conference (
A successful submission will display a web page confirming it, and a
confirmation email is sent to the corresponding author. Please make
sure you receive that confirmation email when you submit, and follow
the directions in that email if you require any follow up.

Technical paper submissions will close at 5 PM, US Pacific time, the
evening of Friday, March 5. This is a hard deadline! Authors will
be notified of technical paper acceptance by April 30, and camera
ready final versions of technical papers are due June 12.

Authors are encouraged to review: Common Pitfalls in Writing about
Security and Privacy Human Subjects Experiments, and How to Avoid

General Chair:
Lorrie Cranor, Carnegie Mellon University

Discussion Session Chair:
Heather Lipford, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Invited Talks and Panels Chair:
Cynthia Kuo, Nokia Research Center Palo Alto / Carnegie Mellon Silicon

Local Activities Chair:
Brian LaMacchia, Microsoft Research

Posters Co-Chairs:
Dirk Balfanz, Google
Konstantin Beznosov, University of British Columbia

Technical Papers Co-Chairs:
Andrew Patrick, Carleton University
Stuart Schechter, Microsoft Research

Tutorials and Workshops Chair:
Kirstie Hawkey, University of British Columbia

Technical Papers Committee
Ross Anderson, Cambridge
Alessandro Acquisti, CMU Heinz College
Steven Bellovin, Columbia University
Robert Biddle, Carleton University
Jose Brustoloni
Bill Cheswick, AT&T Research
Rachna Dhamija, Usable Security Systems
Roger Dingledine, The Tor Project
Serge Egelman, Brown University
Carl Ellison, Microsoft
Simson L. Garfinkel, Naval Postgraduate School
Harry Hochheiser, University of Pittsburgh
Markus Jakobsson, PARC
Ponnurangam Kumaraguru (PK), IIIT Delhi, India
Linda Little, Northumbria University, UK
Andy Ozment, US Office of the Secretary of Defense
Rob Reeder, Microsoft
Karen Renaud, University of Glasgow
Angela Sasse, University College London
Diana Smetters, PARC
Paul Van Oorschot, Carleton University
Hao-Chi Wong, Intel
Mary Ellen Zurko, IBM

Friday, February 12, 2010

CFP: M4D 2010 - 2nd Int. Conf. on Mobile Communication Technology for Development

The 2nd International Conference on M4D:

Mobile Communication Technology for Development

M4D 2010

M4D 2010 is the second international conference in M4D following the
inaugural conference in Karlstad, Sweden in 2008 ( <> and M4D in East-Africa 2008 (

The conference will be located in Kampala, Uganda in early November 2010.

M4D2010 aims to provide a forum for researchers, practitioners and all those
with interests in the use of Mobile Communication Technology for

M4D2010 will combine two days of plenary peer-reviewed paper sessions, with
two days of workshops, panel sessions, discussion forums, and demos.

M4D2010 will be one of the most exciting m4d events of 2010!

Important dates:

Submission deadline: 1 July 2010

Acceptance note: 31 August 2010

Final papers due: 30 September 2010

More information will follow shortly.

Gudrun Wicander

Conference Coordinator


Centre for HumanIT


Karlstad University, Sweden


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

ANN: New Demo Options at ISCRAM 2010


7th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and

May 2-5
Seattle WA USA
 We are pleased to announce that there will be two options for demos at the conference this year:  1. As in the past, there will be a concurrent demo/lunch session at which authors can show software associated with their papers.  This will be a common space for only that lunch time and is free of charge for presenters.  If you are interested in giving a demo during this lunch session, be sure the demo box is checked on your conftool submission and I will contact you.  2.  This year we are planning a dedicated demo exhibit area that will serve as an opportunity for vendors or others who wish to have an ongoing exhibition for a majority of the conference period.  There will be breakouts and refreshment breaks in the dedicated demo exhibit area, and this will be a great opportunity to mingle and gain exposure for your work. Vendor demos will cost $1,250, and include a registration, a banquet ticket, and demo space with power/internet connection.  Reduced pricing for nonprofits and universities is available.  Please contact demo chair Carrie Garrison-Laney at for more information.  Looking forward to a great meeting this year!  Carolyn E Garrison-Laney, Demo Chair    

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

[Fwd: Workshop EUD4Services]


Workshop "EUD4Services"
May 25, 2010 -- Rome, Italy -- In conjunction with AVI 2010 <>

** Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement **
** Please pass this CfP to interested colleagues **

Workshop on End-User Development of Software Services and

End-User Development (EUD) has traditionally been focusing on
non-programmers tailoring or even creating software artifacts, often in
organisational context. EUD research covers methods, techniques, and
tools that allow users of software systems, who are acting as
non-professional software developers, at some point to create, modify or
extend a software artifact.

Some of the more traditional examples of successful EUD concepts include
spreadsheet and word processing macros and the specification of email
filters by means of rules. Some recent developments have renewed
interest in EUD research and applications. For example, Web 2.0 and the
Semantic Web enable users to be contributors rather than just consumers
of information on the WWW. EUD-style applications can now move beyond
the corporate context and into the consumer domain, where mass
customization and personalization are now possible.

Some "best practice" examples of applying mass customization and
personalization with healthy business models have drawn again attention
to EUD. This trend is now moving from content and personalization to
functionality in the direction of user-generated web services. For
example Facebook users can share and develop applications as well as
content, and Yahoo!Pipes allows users to customize and develop fairly
sophisticated information processing applications using visual pipes and

This renewed interest is also evidenced by the increasing number of
large-scale projects focusing on these recent trends, for example
SOA4All, MyMobileWeb, FAST, EzWeb, ServFace. However, these come from
technology perspective, and the interactions between these and the
community of EUD researchers are very accidental. The proposed workshop
is trying to remedy this and create a regular forum for discussion and
fruitful cross-fertilisation of ideas between the communities underlying
these two aspects: software services, human-computer interaction,
software engineering, artificial intelligence, computer-supported
cooperative work and innovation management. Contributions from these
types of professionals are welcome to the workshop, which will integrate
dissemination of cutting-edge research results with trend-setting

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

* Empirical studies of EUD practices, especially those focused on
service development and composition.
* Service Interfaces and Interaction technologies for EUD
* Metaphors for software and service modularisation
* Requirements for EUD in service context
* Service System Architectures for EUD
* EUD as part of software infrastructuring
* EUD for specific types of devices
* EUD in specific fields of application
* EUD for user groups with specific needs
* Education concepts to foster EUD for services
* Business models of EUD for services

The workshop will last one day. The first part of the workshop will be
dedicated to presentations of ongoing research contributed by
participants; the second part will provide time for group discussions
and activities on relevant issues raised by the presentations. In order
to attend the workshop, participants are invited to submit papers
reporting original academic or industrial research relevant to the
workshop's theme.

Submissions should be formatted according to the guidelines used for the
papers of the main conference. They have to be in PDF format and no
longer than 3 pages, with an abstract of up to 200 words.
Abstracts of accepted papers will be included in a paper describing the
workshop, published in the AVI conference proceedings by ACM.
Extended versions of selected papers will be invited for a special issue
of a journal.

Deadline for submission: 28th February 2010
Acceptance notification: 15th March 2010

Maria Francesca Costabile, University of Bari, Italy
Boris De Ruyter, Philips Research Europe, The Netherlands
Nikolay Mehandjiev, University of Manchester, UK
Piero Mussio, University of Milan, Italy

For any further information please visit the website: <>

or contact the scientific secretariat at

Barbara Rita Barricelli
Ph.D. student
Dipartimento di Informatica e Comunicazione (DICo)
Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy)
Personal Homepage:

CFP: International Workshop on coupled display visual interfaces held in Conjunction with AVI 2010


*** CFP: International Workshop on coupled display visual interfaces ***

International Workshop on coupled display visual interfaces

25 May 2010, Rome, Italy

held in Conjunction with
AVI 2010, the 10th International Working
Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces

Important dates:
Paper submission deadline: Mar 19, 2010
Notification of acceptance: Mar 30, 2010
Camera ready version: Apr 10, 2010
Workshop: May 25, 2010

Recent developments have seen the wide spread proliferation of both large
shared displays and small display technologies. In parallel we have seen
the emergence of new classes of device which support both touch or multi
touch interaction. Examples of small touch driven devices include PDAs,
iPads, Tablets and iPhones and examples of large interactive surfaces
(multi-touch driven displays) include the MERL Diamondtouch and Microsoft
Interactive surfaces offer great potential for face-to-face work and social
interaction and provide natural ways to directly manipulate virtual objects
whereas small devices afford the individual a personal workspace or â€Å“scratch
space� to formulate ideas before bringing them to a wider audience.

Advanced visual interfaces can be built around a combination of both private
and public display systems. Such computer mediated multi-device interaction
between local touch-driven displays and shared public ones presents a number
of novel and challenging research problems.
This workshop will specifically focus on the research challenges in designing
visual interfaces for multiple display ecosystems such as the combination of
small touch driven private input displays eg. (a set of iPhones) coupled
with large public displays such as information kiosks, digital notice
boards, Diamondtouch or Microsoft Surface.

Based on the submissions received, these topics will be refined
into 3 or 4 specific themes for group work and discussion at the workshop.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Developing evaluation strategies to cope with the complex nature of
multi-display environments
* Ethnography and user studies of visual interfaces relying on coupled
* Understanding the design space and identifying factors that influence
user interactions in this space
* The impact of social conventions on the design of suitable interaction
techniques for shared and private displays
* Exploring interaction techniques that facilitate multi-display
* Novel interaction techniques for both private and public multi-touch
devices as part of multi-display environments
* Techniques for supporting input re-direction and distributing
information between displays
* SDK/APIs and IDEs for the development of coupled display visual

We invite contributions from researchers and practitioners working in
the area of multi-display environments and interactive surfaces coupled
with private displays. Interested attendees should submit a short
position paper of less than 4 pages according to the format detailed
on our website. Based on a international peer review of the position
papers about 10 to 15 participants will be invited to attend the workshop.

Submission Instructions:
Submissions should be prepared according to the ACM proceedings
template format which are linked from our website. The maximum
number of pages allotted for each workshop position paper is 4
pages. All submissions must be emailed by March 19, 2010, 11:59 pm
PST to

International Program Committee:
Antonio Krüger, Saarland University, Germany
Carl Gutwin, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Christian Kray, University of Newcastle, UK
Corina Sas, Lancaster University, UK
Daniel Widgor, Microsoft, USA
Dima Aliakseyeu, Philips Research Labs, The Netherlands
Frédéric Vernier, Uni. Paris Sud, LIMSI-CNRS, France
Giulio Jacucci, Helsinki Ins. for Information Tech., Finland
Kenton O'Hara, Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK
Kevin McCarthy, CLARITY, Univ. College Dublin, Ireland
Miguel Nacenta, University of Calgary, Canada
Umer Rashid, Human Interface Technology Lab, Australia
Ravin Balakrishnan , University of Toronto, Canada
Rodger Lea, University of British Columbia
Stacey Scott, University of Waterloo, Canada
Workshop Organisers
Alan Dix is Professor of Computing at Lancaster University
and has worked for 25 years in many areas of Human-Computer Interaction.

Aaron Quigley is Director of the Human Interface Technology
Laboratory Australia and an Associate Professor at the University
of Tasmania.

Sriram Subramanian is a Senior Lecturer at the University of
Bristol and a visiting staff member at the human-interface
engineering lab at the University of Osaka.

Lucia Terrenghi is an interaction designer and researcher
at Vodafone R&D in Munich.

Dr. Sriram Subramanian
Senior Lecturer
Department of Computer Science Tel: (44 or 0)117-3315235
University of Bristol FAX: (44 or 0)117-9545208
Woodland Road, BS8 1UB UK

Monday, February 8, 2010

CFP: Interactive Data Exploration and Knowledge Discovery (AVI 2010 Workshop)



The AVI 2010 Workshop on
Interactive Data Exploration and Knowledge Discovery
Rome, Italy
May 25, 2010


held in conjunction with the 2010 Working Conference on Advanced Visual

SUBMISSION DEADLINE (abstracts in ACM format): March 4, 2010

People have always relied on visual tools such as maps, charts and
diagrams to better understand problems and solve them in less time.
Continuous improvements in computer processing power and graphics
capabilities have made it possible to incorporate a wide range of
advanced visualization techniques in most computing application domains,
including business, medicine, engineering and science. However, without
interactivity, visualisation is often considered as an end point of the
workflow or as a way of communicating observations. The way people
perceive and interact with visualisations can strongly influence their
understanding of the data as well as the usefulness of a visualisation
system in general.

Important progress has been recently made toward the improvement of a
computer-supported information analysis cycle. However, many challenges
still remain. The greatest challenge is how to efficiently deal with a
community of scientists who generate more data than they can possibly
look at and understand. This requires novel high-performance
visualisation algorithms and feature extraction techniques. Finding
effective visual idioms for direct user interaction is yet another
challenge. Also, it is becoming crucial to develop new guidelines and
metrics to be able to efficiently evaluate interactive exploration
environments. Another concern is how to choose from a wide plethora of
available input devices and display configurations to ensure a good user
experience and 'human-to-human' interaction between scientists while
exploring complex data spaces.

The goal of the workshop is to bring together academic researchers and
practitioners from computer science, HCI, software engineering, social
sciences and psychology to discuss the state-of-the-art research and to
exchange ideas to help overcome the aforementioned challenges. Topics of
interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to the following:

* Advanced visualisation algorithms and systems;
* Augmented and Virtual Reality for exploring complex data spaces;
* Collaborative virtual environments;
* Novel display systems and interaction devices;
* Multi-modal visualisation and interaction;
* Adaptive interaction for effective data exploration and knowledge
* Social user interfaces;
* Human factors in computer-supported exploration;
* Design guidelines for interactive visualisation tools;
* Relevant usability and user experience studies;
* Interactive visualisation applications and systems.

Submission Guidelines:

Please submit a short abstract of maximum one page to and by March 4,
2010. Submissions will be judged based on their scientific quality and
application value.

Please strictly comply with the ACM formats
(, when
preparing your abstract(s).

Submissions are invited from the academic, industrial and commercial
institutes. All accepted abstracts will be published in the AVI 2010
Conference Proceedings by ACM and the authors will be invited to give an
oral presentation during the workshop. Also, following on from the
example of previous related workshops, a selected number of accepted
contributions will be expanded and revised for possible inclusion into a
journal special issue or an edited volume.

Important Dates:

04 March – deadline for abstract submission (ACM format)
14 March – notification of acceptance
25 May – workshop at AVI 2010 (Rome, Italy)

For information on workshop venue, accommodation and registration,
please refer to the website of the 2010 Working Conference on Advanced
Visual Interfaces (AVI 2010):

Workshop Organisers:

Elena Zudilova-Seinstra, University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Tony Adriaansen, PROMIM (Australia)

Program Committee Members:

Ross Brown (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)
Paul Cairns (University of York, UK)
Yang Cai (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Christiaan Gribble (Grove City College, USA)
Andreas Holzinger (Medical University Graz, Austria)
Joseph LaViola Jr. (University of Central Florida, USA)
Frank Marchese (Pace University, USA)
Jean-Bernard Martens (Technical University Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
Anton Nijholt (University of Twente, The Netherlands)

Dr. Elena Zudilova-Seinstra

Scientific Visualisation & VR
Section Computational Science
Faculty of Science
University of Amsterdam

Phone: +31 20 525 7513
Fax: +31 20 525 7419

CFP: Workshop: Engineering Interactive Cloud-Based Systems, Berlin, June 20th, 2010

Engineering Interactive Cloud-Based Systems Workshop

Berlin, June 20th, 2010

In conjunction with ACM SIGCHI Symposium on
Engineering Interactive Computing Systems

Autonomic Computing arose to address issues of complex systems configuration. However research and applications of Autonomic Computing have spread to other areas. This workshop seeks to investigate and extend the introduction of adaptable decision processes within complex and adaptive interactive systems with mixed initiatives to reduce software-maintenance complexity and allow for quicker updates of current best practice by the instantaneous, distributed deployment of decision models via Cloud computing technology. The workshop will attempt to bring together researchers from HCI and Autonomic Computing in order to address the needs of distributed, adaptive systems both for the designers of such systems and their users

The workshop will require the submission of a 2-4 pages position paper. Papers will be assessed for the timeliness, quality and relevance of their research to the workshop topic. Accepted papers will be posted on the web and authors invited to read the submissions to promote pre-workshop discussions. The organisers will generate a summary paper bringing out the main points of the submissions. We expect these pre-workshop activities will generate a list of research topics and challenges. We will identify key issues raised for further discussion at the workshop.

The workshop will seek to build upon advances made on recently completed projects in the field of HCI with large scale. For example, 2Nrich (, reporting on the effectual limits of current self-* tools and techniques to support self-organisation for autonomic computing in e-Healthcare and/or addressing the future direction of autonomic computing and its continuing relevance to emerging trends, architectures and technologies at larger scales. Original research work is sought reporting on advances in (and/or limits of) the state-of-the-art in autonomic and self-organising computer science at large-scales, such as seen in Cloud computing, for interaction. Topics of interest are listed in the call, below.

· Foundational elements of autonomic computing systems and how they support interactive systems design.

· Global service modelling, design, deployment, and management of service-oriented computing systems for HCI via a computational Cloud.

· Self-organisation and the principles of emergent outcome for large assemblies of services, applications, etc. in supporting adaption to users' needs.

· Security, trust and social issues in systems where privacy is a vital concern, such as e-Health applications, and their autonomic systems subject to emergent self-organisation.

· Comparison of centralised autonomic computing vs. decentralised emergent self-organising approaches in providing a transparent and seamless human-computational Cloud interaction whatever the context.

· Languages and tools to support autonomic response via self-organisation.

· Biological and economic inspired interaction mechanisms: catallaxy, stigmergy, swarm intelligence, etc.

· Novel architectures, frameworks, tools and techniques exploiting scientific principles for autonomic computing

Please send position papers to by March 15, 2010. Notification of acceptance will be March 29, 2010

Dr David England
Dr Martin Randles
Prof Taleb-Bendiab
Workshop website
Eur Ing Dr David England MBCS CEng,
Head of Computing

CFP: RecSys 2010


++ ACM Recommender Systems 2010
++ September 26-30, 2010 :: Barcelona

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the premier annual
event on research and applications of recommendation technologies, the
Fourth ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. The previous conferences
in Minneapolis (2007), Lausanne (2008) and New York (2009) have been
distinguished by a strong level of interaction between practitioners
and researchers in the sharing of ideas, problems and solutions, and
the 2010 conference will continue in this tradition. The
fully-refereed proceedings will be published by the ACM and, like past
RecSys proceedings, are expected to be widely read and cited.


. Deadline for abstracts (mandatory for long/short papers): April
16, 11.59 pm (PST)
. Deadline for papers (long/short): April 23, 11.59 pm (PST)
. Paper Acceptance Notifications: June 23, 2010
. Deadline for video reports: July 1, 2010
. Camera-ready copy: July 21, 2010
. Conference: September 26-30, 2010


We construe recommender systems broadly, including applications
ranging from e-commerce to social networking, platforms from web to
mobile and beyond, and a wide variety of technologies ranging from
collaborative filtering to case-based reasoning. Topics of interest
include (but are not limited to):

. Case studies of recommender system implementations
. Computational advertising
. Conversational recommender systems
. Context-aware and multidimensional recommender systems
. Evaluation of recommender systems
. Group recommenders
. Impact of recommenders in practice
. Innovative recommender applications
. Machine learning and recommender systems
. Novel paradigms of recommender systems
. Personalization
. Recommendation algorithms
. Recommendation in social networks
. Recommender system interfaces
. Scalability issues
. Security, privacy, and robustness
. Semantic web technologies for recommender systems
. Theoretical aspects of recommender systems
. User modeling and recommender systems
. User studies


All the details can be found in:

- Program Chairs

. Paul Resnick, University of Michigan
. Markus Zanker, University Klagenfurt

CFP: INCoS 2010 Conference




November 24-26, 2010
Thessaloniki, Greece

Web Site:

SUBMISSION Deadline: **June 28, 2010**

This conference covers the latest advances in intelligent and adaptive solutions for social networks and collaborative systems that lead to gain competitive advantages in business and academia scenarios. The ultimate aim is to stimulate research that will lead to the creation of responsive environments for networking and, at longer-term, the development of adaptive, secure, mobile, and intuitive intelligent systems for collaborative work and learning. Industry and academic researchers, professionals and practitioners are invited to exchange their experiences and present their ideas in this field.

Topics of main interest for this conference are (but not restricted to) :

-- Internet applications that shift to an emergent Web paradigm, which locates people at the very center of networks and exploits the value of people's connections and relations.
-- Web 2.0 and its major role to enable a new generation of social networks and web-based communities.
-- Social network analysis as a rapidly growing field to investigate the dynamics and structure of intelligent Web-based networking and collaborative systems.
-- Virtual campuses and organizations that strongly leverage intelligent networking and collaborative systems by a great variety of formal and informal electronic relations (business-to-business, peer-to-peer and many types of online collaborative learning interactions).
-- Latest and powerful technologies based on Grid and Wireless (Mobile) infrastructure as well as Cloud computing.
-- Design and evaluation of Collaborative and Networking applications seen from various challenging perspectives, such as: effective and efficient knowledge management, context and user modelling techniques, exploitation of semantic web technologies, powerful adaptive solutions, design of personalized environments, dynamic formats of information shared among peers and full support for virtual communities of practice (organization, management, mobility and security).

The conference will comprise invited talks, plenary sessions (oral presentations), workshops/tutorials, poster presentations and PhD forum.

The proceedings of the previous INCoS-2009 conference were published by IEEE Conference Publishing Service in the form of CD-ROM with ISBN, and are accessible on-line.
Second edition (INCoS-2010) will again consider IEEE Conference Publishing Service for the proceedings.
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit their work in several Journal Special Issues (to be announced).

Submitted papers should be original and contain contributions of theoretical, experimental or application nature, or be unique experience reports.

>>> Papers must be submitted no later than *** June 28th, 2010 *** and electronic submission in PDF is required (see webpage of conference for details).

The page limit for a Track paper is 8 pages.
Workshop and Special Session papers describing novel research visions, work-in-progress or best practices reports are limited to 6 pages.
The PhD Forum is an opportunity for PhD students to present their ongoing dissertation and to discuss their research with experts in academia and industry. The page limit for PhD Forum papers is 4 pages. Poster sessions provide an excellent possibility for authors to present in an informal and interactive way their original and unpublished work that demonstrates current research about the conference topics. The page limit for Poster papers is 2 pages.
All accepted submissions (regular, workshop, special session, poster, PhD forum paper) will be included in the proceedings of the conference.
All submissions should be in the IEEE 8.5 two-column format (see webpage of the conference for guidelines). Papers should contain up to 5 keywords. Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and soundness, and will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers.
All accepted papers must be accompanied by a full paid registration by at least one of the authors in order to be included in the proceedings. All full papers are to be submitted in PDF electronically via the conference web site.

After its kick-off in Barcelona, Spain ( ) the 2nd INCoS will be held in Thessaloniki, Greece ( ) a city with rich culture and history, second major economic, industrial, commercial and political centre in Greece.

Organized by: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece & University of Macedonia, Greece


The main topics of interest of INCoS 2010 include but are not limited to the following track areas:

-Intelligent networking for virtual organizations and campuses

Web 2.0, Enterprise 2.0, Mashups eHome/Smart Home networking
Virtual environment architecture
Virtual Museum, Electronic library, Tele-Medicine
Evaluation of Network-Oriented application systems
Community Building and Communities of Practice
Design, model and framework of e-Learning Systems
E-learning metadata and standards
Educational Gaming and Multimedia for Learning
Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning Systems
Lifelong Learning: continuing professional training & development
Theoretical bases of e-Learning environments
Distance and e-Learning in a global context
Context dependent learning

-Intelligent networking for social networks

Social Network Sites and Collective Intelligence
Social Software for Technology Enhanced Learning
Information diffusion in social networks
Virtual and Web Communities
Intelligent Search engines
Intelligent networking between Web Sites
Intelligent tutoring systems on the WWW
Infrastructure and Tools for e-Social network
Interdisciplinary Research and e-Social network
International Collaborations in e-Social network
Online communities and computer networks

-Intelligent collaborative systems for work and learning

Collaborative computing
Web-Based Cooperative Work
Collaborative Learning
Computer Supported Cooperative Care/Health
Methodologies and tools for design and analysis of collaborative practices
Ethnographic and case studies of work practice
Data management for collaborative systems
Collaboration in pervasive computing applications
Collaborative e-education, e-learning, and collaborative computing in large scale digital libraries
Human/robot collaboration
Human-centric ubiquitous collaboration

-Security, organization, management and autonomic computing for intelligent networking and collaborative systems

Autonomic computing
Case studies for autonomic computing
Learning algorithms for autonomic computing
Autonomic monitoring and management
Autonomic policy and QoS management
Learning Resource Deployment, Organization and Management
Self-organization, and Intra- and inter-organizational networks
Geographical clusters, networks, and innovation
Workflow technology and workflow management for collaborative network management
Network management systems
Security and trust management in collaborative networks, systems, and applications
Trustworthy collaborative business processing in virtual organizations
Security and privacy in collaboration
Network security, intrusion detection
Energy management for collaborative networks
Network measurements and testbeds

-Grid and P2P distributed infrastructure for intelligent networking and collaborative systems

Computer Supported Collaborative Work with distributed systems
Distributed technologies and architectures to support group collaboration, activity, and awareness
Grid and high-performance networking
Convergence of Web services, Grid computing and Autonomic computing for Networking
Intelligent Cloud Computing & Networking
P2P platforms for supporting collaboration
P2P and overlay networks, systems, and applications
Web services technologies for collaborative networking and applications
Collaborative, context-aware infrastructure
Middleware support for collaborative information systems
Architectures, protocols, and enabling technologies for collaborative computing networks and systems
Multi-agent technology and software technologies for collaborative networking and applications

-Wireless and sensor systems for intelligent networking and collaborative systems

Collaborative sensor systems
Collaborative mobile networks, sensor networks, unmanned air and ground vehicle networks & applications
Collaboration with and through advanced sensing systems
Ad hoc and sensor Networks
Handoff, Mobile networks and Wireless Web
Mobile Internet architectures
Mobility models for networking
Collaborative technologies for fast creation and deployment of new mobile services
Collaborative, location aware mobile systems
Sensor array structure and signal processing
Technology and system for collaboration in real-time enterprises

-Data mining and knowledge management for intelligent networking and collaborative systems

XML mining for Networking
Social Network Mining
Automatic discovery and analysis of Web based social networks
Intelligent Visualization of Social Network Analysis
Intelligent agents and interfaces for Personalization and Adaptivity
Adaptive hypermedia systems
Computational models and agent-based simulations of networks
Web Services modeling for Networking
Modeling for Collaboration
Knowledge Community Formation and Support
Network evolution and growth mechanisms

- Collaborative Healthcare Systems: Issues, Solutions, and Trends
Web services for collaborative healthcare systems
Semantic technologies for collaborative healthcare systems
Ontologies for various fields of health systems
Collaborations among components within healthcare systems
Intelligent queries across collaborative healthcare systems
Improvements of healthcare standards
Agent technologies for healthcare systems
Integrated healthcare system
Intelligent healthcare systems

- Special track for Networking and Collaboration at School (educators' track)
- Special track for Networking and Collaboration for People with Special Needs
- Special regional track for Intelligent Networking and Collaboration in the Balkan countries

- March 15, 2010 Workshop - Tutorial Proposal
- March 30, 2010 Workshop - Tutorial Proposal Notification
- June 28, 2010 Paper Submission
- July 31, 2010 Notification of Acceptance
- September 20, 2010 Camera-Ready Submission
- September 20, 2010 Conference Registration
- November 24-26 2010, INCoS Conference days

The conference is organized by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and University of Macedonia, and will be held in Thessaloniki, Greece.

-General Chairs
Fatos Xhafa, Birkbeck, University of London, UK
Andreas Pombortsis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Vassilios Dagdilelis, University of Macedonia, Greece

-Programme Committee Chairs
Stavros Demetriadis, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece
Nik Bessis, Bedfordshire University, UK

-International Co-Chairs (open list)
Yannis Dimitriadis, University of Valladolid, Spain
Frank Fischer, University of Munich, Germany
Maria Grigoriadou, University of Athens, Greece
Stefanos Gritzalis, University of Aegean, Greece
Lakhmi C. Jain, University of South Australia
Janusz Kacprzyk, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Charalampos Karagiannides, University of Thessaly, Greece
Mario Koeppen, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
George Magoulas, Birkbeck University of London, UK
Panos Pardalos, University of Florida, USA
Demetrios Sampson, University of Piraeus, Greece
Maya Satratzemi, University of Macedonia, Greece
Vaclav Snasel, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
Christine Solomonidou, University of Thessaly, Greece
Hideyuki Takagi, Kyushu University, Japan
Pierre Tchounikine, University of Grenoble, France
Albert Zomaya, University of Sydney, Australia

-Workshop Chairs
Youakim Badr, INSA, Lion, France
Santi Caballe, Open University of Catalonia, Spain
Thrasyvoulos Tsiatsos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

-PhD Forum Chairs
Thanasis Daradoumis, Open University of Catalonia, Spain
George Palaigeorgiou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

-Proceedings Chairs
Ajith Abraham, Machine Intelligence Research Labs (MIRLabs), USA
Ioannis Manolopoulos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

-Steering Committee Chairs
Fatos Xhafa, Birkbeck, University of London, UK
Ajith Abraham, Machine Intelligence Research Labs (MIRLabs), USA
Stavros Demetriadis, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece

-Committee Members: for full committee list please refer to