*** CFP: International Workshop on coupled display visual interfaces ***
International Workshop on coupled display visual interfaces
25 May 2010, Rome, Italy
held in Conjunction with
AVI 2010, the 10th International Working
Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces
Important dates:
Paper submission deadline: Mar 19, 2010
Notification of acceptance: Mar 30, 2010
Camera ready version: Apr 10, 2010
Workshop: May 25, 2010
Recent developments have seen the wide spread proliferation of both large
shared displays and small display technologies. In parallel we have seen
the emergence of new classes of device which support both touch or multi
touch interaction. Examples of small touch driven devices include PDAs,
iPads, Tablets and iPhones and examples of large interactive surfaces
(multi-touch driven displays) include the MERL Diamondtouch and Microsoft
Interactive surfaces offer great potential for face-to-face work and social
interaction and provide natural ways to directly manipulate virtual objects
whereas small devices afford the individual a personal workspace or â€Å“scratch
space� to formulate ideas before bringing them to a wider audience.
Advanced visual interfaces can be built around a combination of both private
and public display systems. Such computer mediated multi-device interaction
between local touch-driven displays and shared public ones presents a number
of novel and challenging research problems.
This workshop will specifically focus on the research challenges in designing
visual interfaces for multiple display ecosystems such as the combination of
small touch driven private input displays eg. (a set of iPhones) coupled
with large public displays such as information kiosks, digital notice
boards, Diamondtouch or Microsoft Surface.
Based on the submissions received, these topics will be refined
into 3 or 4 specific themes for group work and discussion at the workshop.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Developing evaluation strategies to cope with the complex nature of
multi-display environments
* Ethnography and user studies of visual interfaces relying on coupled
* Understanding the design space and identifying factors that influence
user interactions in this space
* The impact of social conventions on the design of suitable interaction
techniques for shared and private displays
* Exploring interaction techniques that facilitate multi-display
* Novel interaction techniques for both private and public multi-touch
devices as part of multi-display environments
* Techniques for supporting input re-direction and distributing
information between displays
* SDK/APIs and IDEs for the development of coupled display visual
We invite contributions from researchers and practitioners working in
the area of multi-display environments and interactive surfaces coupled
with private displays. Interested attendees should submit a short
position paper of less than 4 pages according to the format detailed
on our website. Based on a international peer review of the position
papers about 10 to 15 participants will be invited to attend the workshop.
Submission Instructions:
Submissions should be prepared according to the ACM proceedings
template format which are linked from our website. The maximum
number of pages allotted for each workshop position paper is 4
pages. All submissions must be emailed by March 19, 2010, 11:59 pm
PST to ppd10@hitlab.utas.edu.au
International Program Committee:
Antonio Krüger, Saarland University, Germany
Carl Gutwin, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Christian Kray, University of Newcastle, UK
Corina Sas, Lancaster University, UK
Daniel Widgor, Microsoft, USA
Dima Aliakseyeu, Philips Research Labs, The Netherlands
Frédéric Vernier, Uni. Paris Sud, LIMSI-CNRS, France
Giulio Jacucci, Helsinki Ins. for Information Tech., Finland
Kenton O'Hara, Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK
Kevin McCarthy, CLARITY, Univ. College Dublin, Ireland
Miguel Nacenta, University of Calgary, Canada
Umer Rashid, Human Interface Technology Lab, Australia
Ravin Balakrishnan , University of Toronto, Canada
Rodger Lea, University of British Columbia
Stacey Scott, University of Waterloo, Canada
Workshop Organisers
Alan Dix is Professor of Computing at Lancaster University
and has worked for 25 years in many areas of Human-Computer Interaction.
Aaron Quigley is Director of the Human Interface Technology
Laboratory Australia and an Associate Professor at the University
of Tasmania.
Sriram Subramanian is a Senior Lecturer at the University of
Bristol and a visiting staff member at the human-interface
engineering lab at the University of Osaka.
Lucia Terrenghi is an interaction designer and researcher
at Vodafone R&D in Munich.
Dr. Sriram Subramanian
Senior Lecturer sriram@cs.bris.ac.uk
Department of Computer Science Tel: (44 or 0)117-3315235
University of Bristol FAX: (44 or 0)117-9545208
Woodland Road, BS8 1UB UK
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