Friday, May 28, 2010

CFP: Workshop on Therapeutic Strategies and User Involvement in Design - 17th October @ NordiCHI 2010


Call For Papers

Workshop on

THERAPEUTIC STRATEGIES - a Challenge for User Involvement in Design

17th October 2010

at NordiCHI, Reykjavik, Iceland

Deadline for submissions: 1st August 2010



Background and Purpose

As more and more interactive technologies are used in various
therapeutic fields, such as rehabilitation, home care, chronic disease
care, Psycho theraphy etc, it becomes increasingly important to consider
the possibilities and challenges when end-users, such as patients, are
involved actively in the design process.

We need a better understanding of the asymmetries that occur when
involving designers, therapists/medical professionals and patients in
design, in particular an understanding of the relation between design
activities and therapeutic interventions, and the role of therapeutic
strategies in relation to the process as well as the product. New
methods are needed to answer to these new requirements; to what degree
can we involve users and what ethic and medical considerations have to
be made? Can user involvement in some cases even be harmful for the
users and can we expect less resourceful users to be able to actively
engage in design activities while struggling to overcome e.g. a
life-threatening situation?

Such design situations challenge the basic perspectives of traditional
participatory design because equal dialog and co-determination is not
possible. Still, these users participation can be crucial for the
outcome and letting e.g. a therapist or relative speak on the patients
behalf can be contra-productive.

The workshop will contribute to the discourse on user involvement in
design of technologies in general as well as for therapeutic contexts
specifically, and on quality of life perspectives on ICT. Furthermore,
it will elicit the specifics of new application domains where
therapeutic strategies play an important role.

Structure of the workshop

Accepted submissions are circulated to the participants before the
workshop. The workshop will begin with a brief introduction of the
participants and the submitted work. All participants will bring a
poster representing their work. The posters will be posted in the
plenary room and used as collective memory during the workshop.

The workshop will be conducted based on the submitted papers. The main
part of the day will be spent on thematic discussions, in alternating
formats ranging from plenary discussions to work in small groups. The
organization of this part depends on the submitted works and the number
and combination of participants.

The day will be concluded with a synthesizing session where the
challenges and possibilities of user involvement when designing for
therapeutic strategies and contexts.

The position papers from the workshop will be published as an issue of
one of the organizers university publication series. Depending on the
quality, character and number of submissions, a special issue of a
journal or a book will be produced.

How to participate

We welcome participants from all parts of HCI and related disciplines,
researchers as well as practitioners, e.g. therapists, nurses, doctors,
who wish to contribute to the establishment of discourse on how
therapeutic strategies may come to play a role in design. The workshop
will accommodate between 8 and 24 participants selected on the basis of
submitted position papers.

We invite workshop papers up to 4 ACM pages long, reporting on recent
experiments, studies of the field and theoretical accounts. We also
invite position papers up to 2 ACM pages stating the submitters'
interest in the field.

(Publication format available at

Submit the position paper in PDF format by email to no later than 1st August, 2010.

Important dates

Deadline for submissions: 1st August 2010
Notification to authors: 17th August 2010.

About the organisers

Madeline Balaam is a Post-Doc in the Interact Lab at the University of
Sussex. She has used participatory design techniques to create bespoke
technologies that motivate stroke patients to complete rehabilitation
exercises in the home. Madeline has organised a number of workshops,
including workshops at BCS/HCI, AIED, and HCT

Olav W. Bertelsen is an associate professor in human-computer
interaction at the Computer Science Department of Aarhus University. He
is involved with the Centre for Pervasive Health Care. He has organized
numerous workshops at HCI conferences such as CHI, NordiCHI and BCS/HCI.

Geraldine Fitzpatrick is a Professor at TU Wien in the Informatics
Faculty. She has worked on a number of health-related projects among
others, including the Motivating Mobility project looking at stroke
rehabilitation at home. She has organized numerous workshops at
HCI-related conferences, including CHI, ECSCW, Pervasive, and BCS/HCI.

Erik Grönvall is a Post-Doc in human-computer interaction and Pervasive
health at the Computer Science Department of Aarhus University. He is a
project leader for projects related to the topics of the workshop and
have published a number of publications and previously organized
international workshops related to this field of research.

Kristina Höök is a professor at Department of Computer and Systems
Science, Stockholm University/KTH since February 2003. She is a senior
researcher in the Mobile Life Centre and upholds a part-time position at
Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS). Her research focus is on
affective, bodily and social interfaces for empowerment.

Friday, May 21, 2010

CFP: ISCRAM2011 Lisbon, Portugal, first announcement

ISCRAM2011 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response Management
8-11 May 2011, Lisbon, Portugal
Each year, ISCRAM brings together top researchers and practitioners  working in the area of information systems and crisis management. 
The conference provides an excellent opportunity to exchange information and knowledge  on new research and best practices with a diverse group of colleagues.
ISCRAM2011 particularly encourages submissions for tracks and papers in the following areas:
- Early warning and alert systems  - Monitoring and observation for disaster management  - Risk perception and management - Education & training - Collaboration and collaborative systems - Human-computer interaction  - Intelligent technologies - Rescue robots - Social media - Decision analysis and decision technologies - Geographic information science and crisis management - Hazard and risk simulation  - Research methods
We also welcome proposals for panels and for sessions on innovative or groundbreaking topics.  A limited number of papers will also be considered for an open track.
Further information can be found in the Conference website:   The Organizing Committee   

Thursday, May 20, 2010

CFP: iConference 2011 in Seattle

Call for Participation: iConference 2011

An open conference sponsored by Information Schools of North America, Europe, and Asia

Seattle, Washington, USA
February 8 - 11, 2011

***PAPER SUBMISSION DEADLINE: August 30, 2010***

Greetings to everyone interested in HCI and Information! Please forward to your colleagues!

We invite you to participate in the sixth annual conference sponsored by the iCaucus, a growing association of over 25 Schools, Faculties, and Colleges in North America, Europe and Asia that focus on Information. The iConference gathers researchers and professionals who share the goal of making a difference through the study of people, information, and technology. Under the banner "Inspiration - Integrity - Intrepidity" we seek to showcase diversity in research interests and approaches, and demonstrate how the field creates leadership and impact on a global scale.

The four days will include peer-reviewed papers, posters, and alternative events. Also being organized is a Doctoral Student Colloquium and a Junior Faculty& Postdoc Colloquium, popular venues at past iConferences. Papers and poster abstracts will be published in the ACM Digital Library. The aim is to build community and promote and share excellence in research on information challenges and opportunities. We have identified cross-cutting themes: social inclusion, context, materiality, personalization, memory. The 2011 iConference should be an exceptional venue for sharing insights and collaborating with others who share your passion and research interests. For more information on the range of topics visit the iConference web site, which includes more detail and paths to past iConferences. But do not feel constrained, this is a dynamic field that you will help shape!

The conference will be held at Seattle's Renaissance Hotel. The local host is the University of Washington Information School.


August 30, 2010: Papers, Poster Abstracts, Alternative Event proposals, Preconference Workshops
November 1: Authors notified
December 1: Final versions submitted

Links and Contact Information:
* CFP:
* Conference:
* iCaucus:

Conference Co-Chairs
* Harry Bruce, University of Washington
* Jonathan Grudin, Microsoft Research

Program and Papers Co-Chairs
* Karen E. Fisher, University of Washington
* Jens-Erik Mai, University of Toronto

Poster Co-Chairs
* Paul Dourish, University of California, Irvine
* Ping Zhang, Syracuse University

Alternative Events Co-Chairs
* Allison Druin, University of Maryland
* Andrea Forte, Drexel University

Doctoral Colloquium Co-Chairs
* Eliza Dresang, University of Washington
* Bonnie Nardi, University of California, Irvine
* Howard Rosenbaum, Indiana University, SLIS

Junior Faculty and Postdoc Colloquium Co-Chairs
* Eileen Abels, Drexel University
* Jack Carroll, The Pennsylvania State University

Program Committee
* Eileen Abels, Drexel University
* Alessandro Acquisti, Carnegie Mellon University
* Bill Aspray, University of Texas, Austin
* John Bertot, University of Maryland
* Harry Bruce, University of Washington
* Jenna Burrell, University of California, Berkeley
* Nadia Caidi, University of Toronto
* Jack Carroll, The Pennsylvania State University
* Coye Cheshire, University of California, Berkeley
* Andrew Clement, University of Toronto
* Chris Coward, University of Washington
* Ed Cutrell, Microsoft Corporation
* Paul Dourish, University of California, Irvine
* Eliza Dresang, University of Washington
* Allison Druin, University of Maryland
* Barbara Endicott-Popovsky, University of Washington
* Melanie Feinberg, University of Texas, Austin
* Andrew Fiore, University of California, Berkeley
* Andrea Forte, Drexel University
* Jonathan Furner, University of California, Los Angeles
* Maria Garrido, University of Washington
* Sean Goggins, Drexel University
* Elke Greifeneder, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
* Jacek Gwizdka, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
* Margaret Hedstrom, University of Michigan
* Julia Hersberger, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
* Jette Hyldegaard, Danish Royal School
* Steven J Jackson, University of Michigan
* Julie Kientz, University of Washington
* Paul Marty, Florida State University
* Eric Meyers, University of British Columbia
* Bonnie Nardi, University of California, Irvine
* Geoffrey Nunberg, University of California, Berkeley
* Megan Oakleaf, Syracuse University
* Tapan Parikh, University of California, Berkeley
* Matt Ratto, University of Toronto
* David Ribes, Georgetown
* Howard Rosenbaum, Indiana University, SLIS
* Araba Sey, University of Washington
* Ramesh Srinivasan, University of California, Los Angeles
* Andrea Tapia, The Pennsylvania State University
* Joe Tennis, University of Washington
* Andrea Wiggins, Syracuse University
* Kate Williams, University of Illinois
* Jacob Wobbrock, University of Washington
* Ping Zhang, Syracuse University



Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security
July 14-16, 2010
Redmond, WA

Poster submissions due May 28, 2010

The 2010 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) will
bring together an interdisciplinary group of researchers and
practitioners in human computer interaction, security, and
privacy. The program will feature technical papers, workshops
and tutorials, a poster session, panels and invited talks,
and discussion sessions. Detailed information about poster
submissions appears below. For information about other submissions
please see the SOUPS web site


We seek poster abstracts describing recent or ongoing
research or experience in all areas of usable privacy and
security. Submissions should use the SOUPS poster template
(MS Word:
or LaTeX:
and be at most two pages. Accepted poster abstracts will be
distributed to symposium participants and made available on the
symposium web site. Please follow the final submission
formatting instructions when preparing your poster abstract to
avoid the need to revise poster abstracts after acceptance
decisions are made. In addition, SOUPS will include a poster
session in which authors will exhibit their posters. Note,
poster abstracts should be formatted like short papers, not
like posters. Authors of accepted posters will be sent
information about how to prepare and format posters for the

Submit your poster using the electronic submissions page
A successful submission will display a web page confirming it,
and a confirmation email is sent to the corresponding author.
Please make sure you receive that confirmation email when you
submit, and follow the directions in that email if you
require any follow up.

We also welcome authors of recent papers (2009 to 2010) on
usable privacy and security to present your work at the SOUPS
poster session. Please submit the title and abstract of your
conference paper, full citation, and a link to the published

Submissions will close at 5pm, US East Coast time, the
evening of May 28.

General Chair:
Lorrie Cranor, Carnegie Mellon University

Posters Co-Chairs:
Dirk Balfanz, Google
Konstantin Beznosov, University of British Columbia

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

National Science Foundation (NSF) News - Scientists Seeking NSF Funding Will Soon Be Required to Submit Data Management Plans

The following link at the National Science Foundation ( has been sent to you by

National Science Foundation (NSF) News - Scientists Seeking NSF Funding Will Soon Be Required to Submit Data Management Plans

Monday, May 10, 2010

CFP: Transnational Times: Locality, Globality and Mobility in Technology Design and Use

CFP: Transnational Times: Locality, Globality and Mobility in Technology
Design and Use

A workshop at Ubicomp 2010
September 26, 2010 Copenhagen, Denmark

Organizers: Irina Shklovski, Silvia Lindtner, Janet Vertesi, Paul Dourish

We seek interdisciplinary scholars interested in exploring the role of ubiquitous computing, the use of information and communication technologies and the politics of technological design in transnational settings to participate in our workshop, TRANSNATIONAL TIMES, at
Ubicomp 2010. Through this workshop we aim to expand our current scholarly vocabulary for the conceptualization of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in addressing the interplay of local and global user interaction.

Current work in Ubiquitous computing is already considering the use of technologies in the developing world and marginalized users in the developed world. This workshop extends such an interest to examine interactions with ubiquitous technology in a transnational context. After all, technologies such as mobile phones, social networking applications and the internet writ large complicate the framing of use and culture as bounded by national or geographical borders, as such illuminating diverse user practices and identities. In this analytical frame we take inspiration from theorists of the global in anthropology, sociology, and HCI who focus on flows across boundaries, hybridity and transnationality.

Examples of possible papers or research topics of interest include (but are not limited to): the use of pervasive technologies such as multiplayer gaming across borders, studies of the use of social network sites among diaspora communities, use of the internet and
other ICTs in censorship state zones, the role of mobile technologies in reconfiguring the local and the global, technology in the context of international migration networks, ubiquitous computing and cross-cultural collaboration, and the role of technology in international politics. Papers that develop theoretical approaches, that examine or
report on empirical work, or that design technological artifacts are welcome, and need not be limited to "developing world" sites of interest.

We hope to attract submissions from scholars working in a range of fields across computational, social and humanistic studies, such as human computer interaction, anthropology, media studies, sociology, science and technology studies and social and cultural geography. The goal of the workshop is to assemble like minds and projects, to
develop a language and toolset appropriate for the study of ubiquitous technologies in transnational spaces, and to engage a wider community of researchers working in this area. We also hope this workshop will interest technology designers and developers currently working in non-western contexts. Full papers may later be solicited for a potential
edited volume.


Interested participants should submit a 2-4 page paper in Ubicomp Archival Format describing your current project and its contribution to the workshop topic and themes. As you prepare your paper we suggest you visit our website for more information at

Papers must be emailed by JUNE 15, 2010. Decisions will be announced by June 30.
All accepted participants should plan to attend at least one full day of Ubicomp 2010 in addition to the workshop. Registration will be handled by Ubicomp 2010's central registration page via

Irina Shklovski
Assistant Professor
Digital Culture and Mobile Communication (DCMC)
IT University of Copenhagen
Rued Langgaards Vej, 7
2300, Copenhagen S. Denmark

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

CFP: MobileHCI 2010 Workshops

Apologies for cross-postings. Please send to interested colleagues and

Workshops @ MobileHCI 2010 || Call for Workshop Participation

12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI 2010),
A Mobile World for All
September 7-10, 2010, Lisboa, Portugal

Workshops and Tutorials will be held on September 7th, 2010.

MobileHCI 2010 is organised by the University of Lisboa, with the collaboration of the New University of Lisboa and the research centres LaSIGE and CITI, and in cooperation with ACM SIGCHI and ACM SIGMOBILE.

MobileHCI is the leading conference in the field of Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services. The MobileHCI series provides a forum for academics and practitioners to discuss the challenges and potential solutions for effective interaction with mobile systems and services. It covers the design, evaluation, and application of techniques and approaches for mobile and wearable computing devices and services. MobileHCI is now on its 12th Edition.

Workshops at MobileHCI 2010 offer a chance for members of a community with common interests to meet in the context of a focused and interactive discussion. This year, we have a very exciting series of workshops planned. We would encourage you to consider submitting a paper to one of the workshops - visit for a list of available workshops; the details of each workshop - including submission deadlines - can be viewed by following the appropriate link. Additionally, this year, the best paper of each workshop will appear in a special issue of the International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction (IJMHCI).

Workshop Chairs:
- Jo Lumsden, Aston University, UK
- Carlos Duarte, LaSIGE& University of Lisboa, Portugal

Contact the workshop chairs at:

MobileHCI 2010 is supported by Nokia, Anacom, and Telefonica