Friday, May 28, 2010

CFP: Workshop on Therapeutic Strategies and User Involvement in Design - 17th October @ NordiCHI 2010


Call For Papers

Workshop on

THERAPEUTIC STRATEGIES - a Challenge for User Involvement in Design

17th October 2010

at NordiCHI, Reykjavik, Iceland

Deadline for submissions: 1st August 2010



Background and Purpose

As more and more interactive technologies are used in various
therapeutic fields, such as rehabilitation, home care, chronic disease
care, Psycho theraphy etc, it becomes increasingly important to consider
the possibilities and challenges when end-users, such as patients, are
involved actively in the design process.

We need a better understanding of the asymmetries that occur when
involving designers, therapists/medical professionals and patients in
design, in particular an understanding of the relation between design
activities and therapeutic interventions, and the role of therapeutic
strategies in relation to the process as well as the product. New
methods are needed to answer to these new requirements; to what degree
can we involve users and what ethic and medical considerations have to
be made? Can user involvement in some cases even be harmful for the
users and can we expect less resourceful users to be able to actively
engage in design activities while struggling to overcome e.g. a
life-threatening situation?

Such design situations challenge the basic perspectives of traditional
participatory design because equal dialog and co-determination is not
possible. Still, these users participation can be crucial for the
outcome and letting e.g. a therapist or relative speak on the patients
behalf can be contra-productive.

The workshop will contribute to the discourse on user involvement in
design of technologies in general as well as for therapeutic contexts
specifically, and on quality of life perspectives on ICT. Furthermore,
it will elicit the specifics of new application domains where
therapeutic strategies play an important role.

Structure of the workshop

Accepted submissions are circulated to the participants before the
workshop. The workshop will begin with a brief introduction of the
participants and the submitted work. All participants will bring a
poster representing their work. The posters will be posted in the
plenary room and used as collective memory during the workshop.

The workshop will be conducted based on the submitted papers. The main
part of the day will be spent on thematic discussions, in alternating
formats ranging from plenary discussions to work in small groups. The
organization of this part depends on the submitted works and the number
and combination of participants.

The day will be concluded with a synthesizing session where the
challenges and possibilities of user involvement when designing for
therapeutic strategies and contexts.

The position papers from the workshop will be published as an issue of
one of the organizers university publication series. Depending on the
quality, character and number of submissions, a special issue of a
journal or a book will be produced.

How to participate

We welcome participants from all parts of HCI and related disciplines,
researchers as well as practitioners, e.g. therapists, nurses, doctors,
who wish to contribute to the establishment of discourse on how
therapeutic strategies may come to play a role in design. The workshop
will accommodate between 8 and 24 participants selected on the basis of
submitted position papers.

We invite workshop papers up to 4 ACM pages long, reporting on recent
experiments, studies of the field and theoretical accounts. We also
invite position papers up to 2 ACM pages stating the submitters'
interest in the field.

(Publication format available at

Submit the position paper in PDF format by email to no later than 1st August, 2010.

Important dates

Deadline for submissions: 1st August 2010
Notification to authors: 17th August 2010.

About the organisers

Madeline Balaam is a Post-Doc in the Interact Lab at the University of
Sussex. She has used participatory design techniques to create bespoke
technologies that motivate stroke patients to complete rehabilitation
exercises in the home. Madeline has organised a number of workshops,
including workshops at BCS/HCI, AIED, and HCT

Olav W. Bertelsen is an associate professor in human-computer
interaction at the Computer Science Department of Aarhus University. He
is involved with the Centre for Pervasive Health Care. He has organized
numerous workshops at HCI conferences such as CHI, NordiCHI and BCS/HCI.

Geraldine Fitzpatrick is a Professor at TU Wien in the Informatics
Faculty. She has worked on a number of health-related projects among
others, including the Motivating Mobility project looking at stroke
rehabilitation at home. She has organized numerous workshops at
HCI-related conferences, including CHI, ECSCW, Pervasive, and BCS/HCI.

Erik Grönvall is a Post-Doc in human-computer interaction and Pervasive
health at the Computer Science Department of Aarhus University. He is a
project leader for projects related to the topics of the workshop and
have published a number of publications and previously organized
international workshops related to this field of research.

Kristina Höök is a professor at Department of Computer and Systems
Science, Stockholm University/KTH since February 2003. She is a senior
researcher in the Mobile Life Centre and upholds a part-time position at
Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS). Her research focus is on
affective, bodily and social interfaces for empowerment.

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