The 2nd Workshop on HCI and Services
to be held at the HCI 2009 conference
Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK
1st September 2009
As well as becoming an ever more important part of local and global
economies; Services and Service Design are emerging, crossing, and in
some cases redefining disciplinary boundaries. Papers have emerged in
HCI venues that have explicitly examined services. Service has
emerged as a frequent metaphor for a range of computing applications,
both web based, pervasive and ubiquitous. Here researchers and
practitioners often talk of services instead of applications. In
addition Service-oriented architectures receive continued attention in
Computing, but research is often divorced from issues of concern to
In turn the user, value, and worth centred ethos of HCI of existing
and emerging approaches, and is making its way into Service design
Service definitions and Service design has often stressed the
intangible, activity and participatory nature of service acts. Vargo
and Lusch define Services as "the application of specialized
competences (knowledge and skills), through deeds, processes, and
performances for the benefit of another entity or the entity itself ."
This definition stresses the activity-based nature of services. HCI
has much to offer in this area, from the foundation principles
espoused by Gould and Lewis, through to approaches that provide
sophisticated analysis of tasks / activities. In addition
characterisation of Service such as Service as experience, Service as
journey, overlap with experience oriented approaches that have emerged
for analysing and designing computing.
In turn, many approaches to Service design either borrow, overlap or
complement HCI's design focus and academic rigour. For example Parker
and Heapy's use of prototypes, personas, and measurement of the
service experience.
However, explicit links between work on Service definition, Service
Design and HCI are still emerging. There have been too few
discussions on the complements and possible tensions between the
The following are goals of the workshop:
• to bring together researchers and practitioners to inform both
research and practice into Service Design
• to continue the exploration of the relationships between HCI (and
its applied manifestations such as Interaction Design, User
experience) and Service Design
• to bring together people in different disciplines to discuss and
address HCI issues in relation to Service Design; and Service Design
issues in relation to HCI;
• to explore the wider implications of Service Design.
• to continue the building of a community of people with interests in
the areas.
The workshop relates to existing work and workshops on Services.
Outside of HCI, several major research projects and programs are
undertaking research into Services in relation to products (e.g. KIM,
IPAS, S4T). A recent AHRC network on service design has also been
undertaken at Oxford; and the IfM and IBM have developed one vision
for moving services research forwards and has resulted in a volume
publication. Cranfield University's IMRC has focussed around the
Product-Service Systems concept, in addition the Service Design
Network network is due to launch a multidisciplinary journal
(Touchpoint), alongside its thriving Facebook community.
The workshop also builds on the work that has attempted to look at
Services issues in public services; on existing general interest in
HCI; existing general interest in service design; research into the
definition of services; and emerging paradigms for Services. In
addition the emergence of design consultancies focussed around
services and the wider design and engineering communities growing
interest in the topic.
The workshop will build on the success of the 1st workshop held at HCI
2008 in Liverpool. This workshop brought together a small amiable, and
focussed group of people
4. Topics
The workshop aims to include rather than exclude. Possible
(contradictory) topics include:
:- Do HCI approaches shed new light on definitions of service?
:- Reports of experiences applying HCI approaches (e.g. Personas) to
the design of services.
:- Reports of experiences using Services Marketing (e.g. Blueprinting)
approaches in HCI contexts.
:- Service Quality (e.g. SERVQUAL) in relation to Usability / User
Experience measures.
:- Conflicts and complements between Service as Experience and
'harder' measures of Service quality.
:- Adaptation of existing perspectives to the analysis and design of
Services (e.g., task analysis, Activity Theory, Distributed Cognition)
:- Why Services mean that existing perspectives can no longer apply.
:- From Service to e-Service and back again.
:- Educational perspectives.
:- Participatory approaches throughout the HCI lifecycle
:- The intersection between theoretical accounts of Participatory
approaches and Value Co-Creation and Co-Production
Participants will be invited to submit a 4 - 6 page position paper on
their work, along with a candidate service for additional activities.
The morning session will be given over to the presentation and
discussion of these papers.
The afternoon session will be split between analysis / design of two
service examples using constructs explored in the morning.
There is also the possibility to run the workshop around the local
Cambridge Service Systems Forum; this is a event that includes a range
of local and national speakers within the service systems area.
In addition, there will be a workshop site linked into the main
conference site that will remain active as a resource for the
Participants would be expected from industry and academia, invites to
those in the Service Design community would also be made.
Because of planning constraints for the HCI conference we are
utilising a 2 part deadline process. There is an deadline for an
initial expression of interest on the 28th May. With additional
deadlines for paper submission in June.. EOI will enable us to plan
conference facilities and will entitle accepted EOIs to claim Early
Bird deadlines...
EOI 28th May
Position Papers 20th June
Paper acceptance 30th June
The EOI needs to include title, authors and one paragraph description
EOI and position papers need to be sent to peter.j.wild@gmail.com
Negotiations are under way for a Special Journal Issue relating to the workshop.
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