Thursday, May 28, 2009

CFP: International Symposium on Wearable Computing (ISWC'09): Last Call for Late Breaking Results, Design Contest and Video Papers (June 3rd 2009)


Sorry for cross-posting, please forward to interested
colleagues. Thanks.

LBR, Video Paper and Design Contest submission deadline is:
Wednesday June 3, 2009 (23:59:59 PST)
Acceptance notification: Wednesday June 17, 2009
Camera ready final submission: Tuesday July 7, 2009
Conference date: Friday September 4 to Monday September 7, 2009

Submit LBR via PCS ( and
Videos, Design contest via (



ISWC'09, the thirteenth annual IEEE International Symposium on
Wearable Computers, is the premier forum for wearable computing
and issues related to on-body and worn mobile technologies.
ISWC'09 will bring together researchers, product vendors,
fashion designers, textile manufacturers, users, and related
professionals to share information and advances in wearable
computing. ISWC'09 explicitly aims to broaden its scope to
include cell phones and cell phone applications as they have
become the most successful wearable computer to date.

ISWC'09 invites to submit original work in one or more of the
following formats: full papers, notes, posters, late breaking
results, demonstrations, videos, tutorials and workshops. As
already successfully performed in the past, this year's ISWC
also invites for a contest of wearable system designs,
encouraging academic and industrial design, media and art
authorities to submit conceptual work in a creative, inspiring,
innovative and future oriented style.

For first time, ISWC'09 will publish adjunct proceedings which
will include the late breaking results, video papers,
demonstrations, design papers of selected workshops.


*Late Breaking Results*
This submission format aims at presenting very topical issues
and late breaking application oriented results in all areas of
wearable computing. Just like regular papers, late breaking
results should present directing research, but in a very
focused and compact format. Late breaking results are not
understood as short papers condensed into less page space, but
are intended to present pointed results at a high level of
technicality. LBR submissions can gain from an "extended
submission deadline" (June 3, 2009), and should be formatted in
Springer LNCS single column format, not exceeding 8 pages).
They will undergo a scientific reviewing process managed by the
LBR program committee under the steering of the LBR chair.
Accepted LBRs will be presented at the conference, and will be
published in the "Advances in Wearable Computing" book of the
OCG (adjunct proceedings), accompanying the conference

*Video Papers*
Submissions (deadline June 3, 2009) are invited to present
novel wearable computing systems, devices or just designs, or
demonstrate innovative styles of interaction or usability of
those systems - in a lively format: as a video. Video clips
should be no longer than 8 minutes and be accompanied by a 4
page (or approx. 2000 words) written summary. Video paper
submissions should be formatted in Springer LNCS single column
format, and not exceeding 4 pages). Accepted video papers will
be published in the "Advances in Wearable Computing" book of
the OCG, accompanying the conference proceedings. The
author(s) of a video are expected to present a brief
introduction at the conference, while all full videos will be
presented during the ISWC'09 night show - a special event in
the frame of the 30th anniversary of the Ars Electronica
Festival. Video papers will be published in the ISWC'09
adjunct proceedings, all video clips will be presented in the
ISWC'09 Video DVD.

*Reviewing Process for Papers, Notes, Posters, LBRs and Videos*
ISWC'09 will adopt a double-blind process for full papers,
notes and posters - as well as for late breaking results and
video papers. Authors' names and their affiliations must not be
revealed or mentioned anywhere in the submission. Please refer
to the paper submission link at the conference website
( Questions about the papers, notes and posters
should be directed to, about late breaking
results submissions to, and about video
papers to

Demonstrations provide an opportunity to show research
prototypes and works-in-progress to colleagues for comment in a
relaxed atmosphere. Both independent demonstrations and those
accompanying accepted papers and posters are welcome.
Demonstrations will not be published in the main conference
proceedings, but will be included in the adjunct proceedings.
Accommodations (power, space, etc...) will be limited, so
participants should plan to be mobile and self-supported. To
apply to perform a demonstration, please submit (i) a one-page
summary that describes what you plan to demonstrate, including
a 200 word abstract (ii) a photo or diagram to be included in
the demonstration handout alongside the abstract (minimum size
640 x 480 pixels), and (iii) to by
Monday, July 13, 2009. Only the abstract will be included in
the "Advances in Wearable Computing" book (adjunct proceedings),
the rest of the summary will be used to judge the quality of
the submission.

*Design Contest*
Participating at the ISWC design contest is a great opportunity
to showcase your product or prototype to the leaders in
wearable computing. The design contest will take place during
the conference banquet dinner on Sunday, September 6, 2009 and
can be used to demonstrate your "smart gadgets" (plan to be
mobile and self-supported). Contributions are encouraged from
all areas of wearable computing, from technologies to textiles,
from potential employers to product vendors. Please submit your
proposals (a one-page summary describing your prototype,
including a 200 word abstract and photos/videos) to at the latest by Wednesday June 3, 2009.
Direct questions related to the Design Contest to

*Tutorials and Workshops*
Workshop proposals should be submitted in PDF format via E-mail
to by February 1, 2009. The workshops will
provide a forum to discuss topical aspects of wearable
computing in focus groups. State of the art tutorials will be
presented by experienced, distinguished presenters. The
workshops and tutorials will take place on Friday, September 4
2009 (a day before the main conference). (,

*Doctoral Colloquium*
The purpose of the colloquium is to offer PhD students and
candidates, interested in the wearable/mixed and augmented
reality fields, an opportunity to present their ideas and
research plans in an international, agile and renowned audience
of junior and senior researchers and developers in the wearable
computing field. Thesis position papers (5 pages including all
figures and bibliography) are solicited relating a problem
statement, methodological approach, potential for innovation
and expected contribution to the international wearable
computing literature. Accepted submissions will be presented
during the colloquium and will be included in the ISWC'09
adjunct proceedings. The doctoral colloquium will take place on
Friday, September 4, 2009 (a day before the main conference).
Authors will also be expected to present a poster of their work
during demonstration session at ISWC (September 6, 2009).
Further information can be obtained from the conference website or from


The ISWC'09 Proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer
Society Press as print proceedings, and on-line via IEEE XPlore
Digital Library (approval pending). The ISWC'09 Adjunct
Proceedings will be published by the OCG, an ISBN carrying
publisher, in the book "Advances in Wearable Computing".


Conference Co-Chairs
Alois Ferscha (University of Linz, Austria),
Gerfried Stocker (Ars Electronica Center Linz, Austria)

Program Committee Co-Chairs
Paul Lukowicz (University of Passau, Germany)
Kent Lyons (Intel Research, USA)

Late Breaking Results Co-Chairs
Lucy Dunne, University of Minnesota, USA
Daniel Roggen, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Video Co-Chairs
Antonio Krüger, DFKI Saarbrücken, Germany
Horst Hörtner, AEC Linz, Austria

Design Contest Co-Chairs
Christa Sommerer, University of Art and Design Linz, Austria
Sabine Seymour, Moondial, Austria

Finance Chair
Gabriele Kotsis (University of Linz, Austria)

Publicity Chair
Andreas Riener (University of Linz, Austria)


Oliver Amft (ETH Zurich, SUI)
Michael Beigl (TU Braunschweig, GER)
Leah Buechley (MIT, USA)
Lucy Dunne (Un. of Minnesota, USA)
Steve Feiner (Columbia University, USA)
Jennifer Healey (Intel, USA)
Holger Kenn (Microsoft EMIC Aachen, GER)
Cornel Klein (Siemens CT SE 2 Munich, GER)
Tom Martin (Virginia Tech, USA)
Kenji Mase (Nagoya University, JPN)
Joe Paradiso (MIT, USA)
Cliff Randell (University of Bristol, GBR)
Daniel Roggen (ETH Zurich, SUI)
Joachim Schaper (SAP Walldorf, GER)
Bernt Schiele (TU Darmstadt, GER)
Dan Siewiorek (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Asim Smailagic (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Mark Smith (KTH, SWE)
Thad Starner (Georgia Tech, USA)
Bruce Thomas (University of South Australia, AUS)
Kristof Van Laerhoven (TU Darmstadt, GER)
Roy Want (University of Trier, GER)
Jamie Ward (Lancaster University, GBR)


Video Papers June 3, 2009
Late Breaking Results June 3, 2009
Design Contest June 3, 2009
Demos July 13, 2009

ISWC'09 will be held from September 4-7, 2009 in Linz (Austria)
Tutorial/Workshops September 4, Doctoral Colloquium September 4
Main Conference September 5-7, 2009

All details or for subscription to the ISWC 2009 Alert Ticker: or

Best regards,
A. Ferscha and G. Stocker, ISWC'09 General Co-Chairs

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