Wednesday, April 28, 2010


ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems Berlin, Germany | June 21-23, 2010

Would you like to participate in the Second ACM SIGCHI Symposium on
Engineering Interactive Computing Systems to be held in Berlin, Germany
from June 19 to 23, 2010?

EICS focuses on methods and techniques, and the tools that support them,
for designing and developing interactive systems. It brings together
people who study or practice the engineering of interactive systems,
drawing from the HCI, Software Engineering, Requirements Engineering,
CSCW, Ubiquitous / Pervasive Systems and Game Development communities.

EICS encompasses the former EHCI (Engineering Human Computer
Interaction, sponsored by IFIP 2.7/13.4), DSV-IS (International Workshop
on the Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems),
CADUI (International Conference on Computer-Aided Design of User
Interfaces) and TAMODIA (International Workshop on Task Models and
Diagrams) conferences.

The conference is being organized by DAI-Labor Research Center. The
conference will be located at the "Straße des 17. Juni", a famous main
axis crossing the heart of the city west to east from Ernst-Reuter-Platz
through the Brandenburg Gate up to the Palace Square


EICS'2010 features only peer-reviewed contributions in the following
categories: research papers, demonstrations, doctoral consortium, late
breaking results, tutorials, and co-located workshops.

As part of the social program, two visits to leading research
laboratories have been scheduled. At the Deutsche Telekom Laboratories
and DAI-Labor you will be able to experience ambient assisted living and
innovative interaction technologies. At the Human Computer Interaction
Lab, at the Hasso Plattner Institute, interactive devices, miniature
mobile devices and touch interaction will be presented.

| Saturday | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday |
| June 19 | June 20 | June 21 | June 22 | June 23 |
| Doctoral | Tutorials&| Keynote: | Papers | Keynote: Axel |
| Consortium| Workshops | Joëlle Coutaz | sesssions | van Lamsweerde|
| Lunch | Lunch | Lunch& Posters |
| Doctoral | Tutorials | Papers | Papers | Papers session|
| Consortium| | sessions | sessions | sessions |
| Labs Tour:| Labs Tour: |
| HCI Hasso | Telekom Lab |
| Plattner |& DAI-Labor |
| DC Dinner | Welcome | Gala Diner& |
| | Reception | Social Event |


* User Interface Plasticity: MDE to the limit! Prof. Joëlle Coutaz,
University of Grenoble, France -

* Model Engineering for Model-Driven Engineering. Prof. Axel van
Lamsweerde, University of of Louvain, Belgium -


An Automated Routine for Menu Structure Optimizations. Goubko,M.&
Danilenko, A.

Activity-centric support for weakly-structured business processes.
Schmidt, B., Stoitsev, T.& Mühlhäuser , M.

Aligning Business Goals and User Goals by Engineering Hedonic Quality.
Klöckner, K., Kohler, K., Kerkow, D., Niebuhr, S.&
Nass, C.

Beyond Models: An Integrated Environment Supporting Co-Execution of
Tasks and Systems Models to Assist Users during Operations. Barboni, E.,
Ladry, J. , Navarre, D., Palanque, P.& Winckler, M.

Bridging Models and Systems at Runtime to Build Adaptive User
Interfaces. Blumendorf, M.& Lehmann, G.

COMM Notation for Specifying Collaborative and MultiModal Interactive
Systems. Jourde, F.,
Laurillau, Y.& Nigay, L.

Improving modularity and usability of interactive systems with Malai.
Blouin, A.& Beaudoux, O.

Increasing the Automation of a Toolkit without Reducing its Abstraction
and User-Interface Flexibility. Dewan, P.

Mixed-Focus Collaboration without Compromising Individual or Group Work.
Dewan, P., Agrawal, P., Shroff, G.& Hegde, R.

MoPeDT - Features and Evaluation of a User-Centred Prototyping Tool.
Leichtenstern, K.& André, E.

Representations for an Iterative Resource-Based Design Approach.
Dittmar, A.& Harrison, M.

Shape Menu: A Tabletop-Menu Technique for GUI Object Creation. Belatar,
M.& Coldeffy, F.

Software Refactoring Process for Adaptive User-Interface Composition.
Savidis, A.,

Taxonomy proposal for the description of accidents and incidents in the
operation of electrical systems. Scherer, D., Nascimento Neto J. A. do,
da Costa, R. C.& Vieira, M. de F.

User Interface Design by Sketching: A Complexity Analysis of Widget
Representations. Kieffer, S., Coyette, A.& Vanderdonckt, J.

User Interface Model Discovery: Towards a Generic Approach. Gimblett, A.
& Thimbleby, H.


Digisketch: Taming Anoto Technology on LCDs. Hofer, R.& Kunz, A.

Developing Usability Studies via Formal Models of Uis. Bowen, J.&
Reeves, S.

How assessing Plasticity design choices can improve UI quality: a case
study. Serna, A., Calvary, G.& Scapin, D.

Collaboratively Maintaining Semantic Consistency of Heterogeneous
Concepts towards a Common Concept Set. Guo, J., Lam, I, Chan, C.& Xiao, G.

Using Ensembles of Decision Trees to Automate Repetitive Tasks in Web
Applications. Bray, Z.& Kristensson, P. O.

Feasible Database Querying Using a Visual End-User Approach. Borges, C.
R., P.& Iglesias, J. A. M.

The GUISurfer tool: towards a language independent approach to reverse
engineering GUI code. Silva, J., Silva, C., Gonçalo, R. Saraiva, J.&
Campos, J. C.

Magellan: an evolutionary system to foster user interface design
creativity. Masson, D., Demeure, A.& Calvary, G.

Letras: An Architecture and Framework For Ubiquitous Pen-and-Paper
Interaction. Heinrichs, F., Steimle, J., Schreiber, D.& Mühlhäuser, D.

Virtual Collaborative Environments with Distributed Multitouch Support.
Ardaiz, O., Arroyo, E., Righi, V., Galimany, O.& Blat, J.

Exploiting Web Service Annotations in Model-based User Interface
Development. Paternò, F., Santoro, C.& Spano, L. D.

WebWOZ: A Wizard of Oz prototyping framework. Schlögl, S., Doherty, G.,
Karamanis, N.& Luz, S.

An Editor for building Self-Explanatory User Interfaces by Model-Driven
Engineering. Frey, A. G.

Adapting Existing Applications to Support New Interaction Technologies:
Technical and Usability Issues. Andreychuk, D., Ghanam, Y.& Maurer, F.

Semantic Awareness through Computer Vision. Benzaid, S.& Dewan, P.

Service Discovery Supported by Task Models. Kritikos, K.& Paternò, F.

Design Pattern TRABING: Touchscreen-based Input Technique for People
Affected by Intention Tremor. Mertens, A.

Model-driven GUI& Interaction Design. Hinze, A., Bowen, J., Wang, Y.&
Malik, R.

Using the Mobile Application EDDY for Gathering User Information in the
Requirement Analysis. Hammer, S., Leichtenstern, K.& André, E.

History-based Device Graphical User-Interfaces. Omojokun, O.& Dewan, P.

Bridging the Gap: Empowering Use Cases with Task Models. Sinnig, S.,
Mizouni, R.& Khendek, F.

UsabML: Formalising the Exchange of Usability Findings. Feiner, J.,
Andrews, K.& Krajnc, E.

Further information on the web site:

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