Tuesday, April 27, 2010

CFP Human Computation Workshop (HComp2010)

********** call for papers **********

Human Computation Workshop 2010 (HCOMP 2010)

July 25, 2010 Washington DC, USA

Collocated with ACM SIG KDD-2010

Most research in data mining and knowledge discovery relies heavily on
the availability of datasets. With the rapid growth of user generated
content on the internet, there is now an abundance of sources from which

data can be drawn. Compared to the amount of work in the field on
techniques for pattern discovery and knowledge extraction, there has
been little effort directed at the study of effective methods for
collecting and evaluating the quality of data.

Human computation is a relatively new research area that studies the
process of channeling the vast internet population to perform tasks or
provide data towards solving difficult problems that no known efficient

computer algorithms can yet solve. There are various genres of human
computation applications available today. Games with a purpose (e.g.,
the ESP Game) specifically target online gamers who, in the process of
playing an enjoyable game, generate useful data (e.g., image tags).

Crowdsourcing marketplaces (e.g. Amazon Mechanical Turk) are human
computation applications that coordinate workers to perform tasks in
exchange for monetary rewards. In identity verification tasks, users
need to perform some computation in order to access some online content;

one example of such a human computation application is reCAPTCHA, which
leverages millions of users who solve CAPTCHAs every day to correct
words in books that optical character recognition (OCR) programs fail to

recognize with certainty.

Human computation is an area with significant research challenges and
increasing business interest, making this doubly relevant to KDD. KDD
provides an ideal forum for a workshop on human computation as a form of

cost-sensitive data acquisition. The workshop also offers a chance to
interact with practitioners who have complementary real-world expertise
in gaming and mechanism design.

The first Human Computation Workshop (HComp 2009) was held on June 28th,

2009, in Paris, France, collocated with KDD 2009. The overall themes
that emerged from this workshop were very clear: on the one hand, there
is the experimental side of human computation, with research on new
incentives for users to participate, new types of actions, and new modes

of interaction. On the theoretic side, we have research modeling these
actions and incentives to examine what theory predicts about these
designs. Finally, there is work on noisy results generated by such
games and systems: how can we best handle noise, identify labeler

expertise, and use the generated data for data mining purposes?

Learning from HComp 2009, we have expanded the topics of relevance to
the workshop. The goal of HComp 2010 is to bring together academic and
industry researchers in a stimulating discussion of existing human

computation applications and future directions of this new subject area.
We solicit papers related to various aspects of both general human
computation techniques and specific applications, e.g. general design
principles; implementation; cost- benefit analysis; theoretical

approaches; privacy and security concerns; and incorporation of machine
learning / artificial intelligence techniques. An integral part of this
workshop will be a demo session where participants can showcase their

human computation applications. Specifically, topics of interests
include, but are not limited to:

* Abstraction of human computation tasks into taxonomies of mechanisms
* Theories about what makes some human computation tasks fun and addictive
* Differences between collaborative vs. competitive tasks
* Programming languages, tools and platforms to support human
* Domain-specific implementation challenges in human computation games

* Cost, reliability, and skill of labelers
* Benefits of one-time versus repeated labeling
* Game-theoretic mechanism design of incentives for motivation and
honest reporting
* Design of manipulation-resistance mechanisms in human computation

* Effectiveness of CAPTCHAs
* Concerns regarding the protection of labeler identities
* Active learning from imperfect human labelers
* Creation of intelligent bots in human computation games
* Utility of social networks and social credit in garnering data

* Optimality in the context of human computation
* Focus on tasks where crowds, not individuals, have the answers
* Limitations of human computation

Workshop Format
* Presentations by Authors
* Talks by invited speakers

* Poster/Demo session

Submission Information
* Papers should be prepared as PDF files using the KDD conference-paper
format, available at

* Long papers should be at most nine pages; short papers at most four
pages. Demo submissions should include either a previously published
paper or a one- page extended abstract about the demo.

* Papers must be submitted electronically via CMT at


* Authors are encouraged to present a poster and/or demo of their human-
computation applications during the workshop. Please indicate in your

electronic paper submission whether you will participate in the
poster/demo session.

Important Dates
May 3, 2010 (Monday) Electronic paper submission
May 21, 2010 Friday) Notification of acceptance

May 28, 2010 (Friday) Camera-ready submission
July 25, 2010 (Sunday morning) Half-day Workshop

Program Committee
Serge Belongie, University of California at San Diego
Paul Bennett, Microsoft Research

Sheng-Wei (Kuan-Ta) Chen, Academia Sinica
Ling-Jyh Chen, Academia Sinica
Laura Dabbish, Carnegie Mellon University
Ralf Herbrich, Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK
Jane Hsu, National Taiwan University
Markus Krause, University of Bremen

Edith Law, Carnegie Mellon University
Hao Ma, Chinese University of Hong Kong
David Parkes, Harvard University
Zoran Popovic, University of Washington
Victor Sheng, University of Central Arkansas
Alexander Sorokin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Paul Resnick, University of Michigan

Organizing Committee
Raman Chandrasekar, Microsoft Research
Ed Chi, Xerox PARC
Max Chickering, Microsoft
Panagiotis G Ipeirotis, New York University
Winter Mason, Yahoo! Research

Foster Provost, New York University
Jenn Tam, Carnegie Mellon University
Luis von Ahn, Carnegie Mellon University

Contact email: hcomp2010@gmail.com
Workshop website: http://hcomp.info/hcomp2010

Check out the workshop poster at http://hcomp.info/HComp2010/hcomp2010Poster.pdf

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