Thursday, March 18, 2010

CFP: HCI-special issue Designing for Personal Memories

call for papers

special issue of Human-Computer Interaction

---Designing for Personal Memories-----------------------------

---Special issue editors---------------------------------------
Elise van den Hoven Eindhoven University of Technology, NL
Corina Sas Lancaster University, UK
Steve Whittaker IBM Research, USA

Where would we be without our personal memories? We use them to
maintain our personal identities, to start and mediate
relationships, to shape our likes, dislikes, to regulate our
moods and solve problems. They allow us to share rich life
experiences and tell our stories to our family and friends.
There is no question about the importance of autobiographical
and episodic memory - the memories of the events that happen in
our lives.

As more and more media become digital (whether these be photos,
videos/audio snippets, or even olfactory or haptic cues), new
ways of cueing our memory are emerging. These will support,
enhance, or possibly even undermine the way we remember our
experiences. The growing importance of this research area is
indicated by "Memories for Life", one of the seven grand
challenges identified by the UK Computing Research Committee,
and by ambitious research programs at Microsoft Research,
supporting "Digital Memories (Memex)", and projects such as
MyLifeBits and SenseCam.

The focus of this special issue, Designing for Personal Memories,
is on ordinary people using digital media to help them remember
in everyday situations. This could mean developing interactive
systems or services for supporting, enhancing or extending
personal memories, but also studies that inform the design of
these systems. Contributions could come from diverse fields,
such as HCI, psychology, sociology, interaction design,
engineering, computer science, design, material culture, etc.

We welcome papers on the following topics:
- Designing and evaluating new technologies for triggering,
capturing, storing and sharing memories;
- Psychological and sociological aspects related to memory
applications, including: privacy, ownership, anonymity;
- Studies of how people capture, organize and use personal
digital archives, e.g. digital photo and video
collections, personal email collections;
- Methods for evaluating memory technologies;
- The social construction of memories in different kinds of
conversations and interactions;
- Designing for engagement/enrichment of emotional aspects
associated with accessing and sharing memories.

This special issue follows upon three successful workshops: the
CHI 2006 workshop "Designing for collective remembering"
organized by Sas and Dix, the HCI 2007 workshop "Supporting
Human Memory with Interactive Systems " by Lalanne and Hoven,
and the CHI 2009 workshop "Designing for reflection on experience"
organized by Sas and Dix.

The aim of this special issue is to present high quality, original
and mature work related to the topic of Designing for Personal

Invitation for proposals: March 15, 2010
Deadline for proposals: June 25, 2010
Response to authors: August 2, 2010
Full papers due: November 22, 2010
Reviews to authors: April 18, 2011
Revised papers due: June 20, 2011
Reviews to authors: October 12, 2011
Final papers due: November 30, 2011

---Submission of proposals-------------------------------------
Proposals should be at least 1000 words and provide a clear
indication of what the paper will be about. Proposals and papers
should be submitted by email to the HCI Administrative Editor,
Patricia Sheehan ( Mention explicitly
in the email that your submission is intended for this special
issue. Further information, including manuscript formatting, can
be found at under the Instructions for Authors
tab. All contributions will be peer reviewed to the usual
standards of HCI.

Elise van den Hoven
Assistant Professor
User-Centered Engineering
Industrial Design Department
Eindhoven University of Technology
Den Dolech 2 - HG 2.53
P.O.Box 513 - 5600MB Eindhoven
Tel. +31 40 247 8360
Fax. +31 40 247 3285

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