*Workshop on Adaptation in Social and Semantic Web - (SasWeb2010)*
Deadline for submission: March 29, 2010.
in connection with
UMAP 2010, Big Island of Hawaii, June 20-24, 2010.
Social Web, also called Web 2.0, generates a significant part of Web
content and traffic: users collaborate, connect, create, share, tag,
remix, upload and download, new or existing resources in an architecture
of participation, where user contribution and interaction add value. Web
2.0 is growing daily, together with the number of users and applications.
Semantic Web, also called Web 3.0 or Intelligent Web, refers to the
incorporation of high-quality user contributed content and semantic
annotations using Internet-based services and Web 2.0 technology as an
enabling platform.This workshop aims at discussing the state-of-the-art,
open problems, challenges and innovative research approaches in
adaptation and personalization for Web 2.0 and Web 3.0. It provides a
forum for proposing innovative and open model, applications and new data
sharing scenarios, as well as novel technologies and methodologies for
creating and managing these applications. Examples of stimulating
application fields are social bookmarking environments, publication
sharing systems, social networking sites and in extend, digital
libraries and Learning 3.0.
Four specific questions motivate this workshop.
- How adaptation and personalization methodologies can augment Web 2.0
and Web 3.0 environments?
- What models, techniques, and tools are the most adequate to support
Web 2.0 and 3.0 users?
- What are the features and challenges of current applications and
- How Semantic Web advances can be exploited for adaptation in such
The list below provides the topics of interest of this workshop.
- Social Web and Semantic Web: features, limitations, advantages,
- Adaptation and personalization and recommendation models and goals
- User modeling, group modeling, and community modeling in in Social Web
and Semantic Web
- Reasoning and personalization based on semantics in the Social Web and
in Semantic Web
- Semantic Web platforms and applications
- Novel approaches and/or systems combining semantic, social and
adaptive aspects
- The impact of Social Web on Semantic Web, and viceversa
Information Access and Extraction
- Advanced tools for information access
- Recommender Systems
- Personalized content ranking
- Social navigation support
- Social search and browsing
- Personal information Spaces
- Information extraction, opinion mining, and sentiment analysis
- Creation of structured collective knowledge from usersÕ contributions
- How collective knowledge of users can improve the intelligent
behaviour of the systems
Sharing data and Knowledge
- Knowledge sharing
- Sharing user profiles in social networks
- User contribution
- Decentralized user modeling in social networks
- Sharing ontologies
- Mashups
Folksonomies and tagging
- Automatic tagging
- Folksonomies vs Ontologies
- Ontology-based computer supported tagging
- User profile construction based on tagging and annotations
- Tag recommendation
User Awareness
- User awareness
- Personalized and adaptive views
- Motivating participation
- User identities
- Capturing and processing implicit and explicit feedback
- Trust-based recommendation
- Social visualizations
Evaluation methodologies and approaches
We welcome work at all stages of development: papers can describe
applied systems, empirical results or theoretically grounded positions.
Papers accepted will be published in the workshop proceedings of the
UMAP 2010 conference.
* Full papers (10-12 pages)
* Short papers (4-6 pages)
* Demos (2-4 pages for description)
should be formatted according to the general UMAP2010 submission
guidelines. Papers will be peer reviewed by the workshop organizing
committee. Accepted papers will be included in the workshop proceedings
and will be published on the workshop webpage and on site.
All submissions should be formatted according to the official ACM SIG
proceedings template
( Accepted
formats are Postscript and PDF.
Please submit your paper via EasyChair before registration:
You need to open a personal account upon the first login, if you do not
have one.
March, 29 2010 Paper submission
May, 3 2010 Acceptance/rejection notification
May, 24 2010 Camera-ready
The workshop is scheduled for Monday June 21th, 2010
/Program Chair/
Carlo Tasso, University of Udine, Italy
/Program co-chairs/
Federica Cena, University of Turin, Italy
Antonina Dattolo, Universiy of Udine, Italy
Styliani Kleanthous University of Leeds, UK
David Bueno Vallejo, Universidad de M++laga, Spain
Julita Vassileva, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Shlomo Berkovsky, Tasmanian ICT Centre, Australia
Ana Boa-Ventura, University of Texas, US
Peter Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh, US
Ivan Cantador, Universidad Autnoma de Madrid, Spain
Francesca Carmagnola, University of Turin, Italy
Marco De Gemmis, University of Bari, Italy
Darina Dicheva, Winston Salem University , USA?
Vania Dimitrova, University of Leeds, UK
Werner Geyer, IBM T.J. Watson Research Cambridge
Cristina Gena, University of Turin, Italy
Dominik Heckmann, Saarland University, Germany
Geert-Jan Houben, Delft University of Technology, The Netherland
Gilles Hubert, IRIT, Toulouse, France
Pasquale Lops, University of Bari, Italy
Alessandro Micarelli, University Roma Tre, Roma, Italy
Cecile Paris, CSIRO ICT Centre, Sydney, Australia
Giovanni Semeraro, University of Bari, Italy
Sergey Sosnovsky, DFKI, Saarbrucken, Germany
Ilaria Torre, University of Turin, Italy
Markus Zanker, University Klagenfurt, Austria
For any queries please contact:
Web page:
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