Tuesday, March 30, 2010

CFP: Mobile HCI and Technical ICTD: A Methodological Perspective, Workshop at MobileHCI 2010

Call for Papers for the Workshop

"Mobile HCI and Technical ICTD: A Methodological Perspective"

A Workshop at the Mobile HCI 2010 Conference

September 7, 2010


Workshop at MobileHCI 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Lisbon, Portugal


Submission Deadline: Friday April 30, 2010

The workshop "Mobile HCI and Technical ICTD: A Methodological
Perspective" invites papers with focus on experiences, lessons
learned, success stories and failures of technical ICTD research
especially with focus on the utilization of User Centered Design
and Mobile HCI research methods.

Technical Information and Communication Technologies for
Development (technical ICTD) research, which refers to ICTD
topics specifically relevant for computer scientists and engineers,
lacks appropriate research methods along the entire development
lifecycle spanning design, development, deployment, evaluation
and monitoring.

Mobile HCI has a great set of research methods but applying
them unchanged in technical ICTD will fail due to the specific
cultural, infrastructural and governmental context of developing
countries. In this workshop we want to bring together people
who are active in Mobile HCI and ICTD research to elaborate
on Mobile HCI methods and discuss their application for
technical ICTD.

The aim of this workshop is to elaborate on the application
of Mobile HCI methods for technical ICTD research and to
come up with a set of appropriate research methodologies
for technical ICTD and a roadmap of action items of how to
improve current technical ICTD research. We will provide a
forum to share information, results, and ideas on current
research in this area and encourage discussions about future
topics concerning technical ICTD research.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Experiences and Lessons Learned in technical ICTD research

- Success stories and failures of technical ICTD research

- Utilization and combination of Mobile HCI research methods
in technical ICTD research

- Utilization of User Centered Design in technical ICTD research

- Methodologies and Approaches of technical ICTD development
lifecycle (e.g. rapid prototyping, participatory design)

- Definitions of technical ICTD metrics

- Representation of technical ICTD metrics (e.g. personas,
scenarios, use case definitions)

- Friday April 30, 2010 - Submission Deadline
- Friday May 21, 2010 - Notification of Acceptance
- Friday June 4, 2010 - Camera-ready copies
- Tuesday September 7, 2010 - Workshop Date

We accept original and unpublished contributions that are not
under review somewhere else in the following two categories

1) Participants are expected to submit a 2 page position
paper to state their interest.
2) Participant presenters should submit a 4 page short paper,
covering one or more workshop topics.

Authors of accepted presentation papers are invited to
demonstrate their submission during the workshop.
Each presentation should not exceed 10 minutes and will
be followed up by a 5 minute round of discussion.

Paper submissions must be anonymized and should be submitted
following the submission instructions at the workshop webpage
(http://www.uctictd2010.org/) as PDF file conform to the
Mobile HCI 2010 main proceedings format.

To participate at the workshop at least one author of accepted
papers needs to register for the Mobile HCI 2010 conference

Workshop results will be summarized and published on the
workshop website. Selected outcomes and contributions will
be considered to be published in a workshop summary paper.
The selected best workshop paper will be nominated for
inclusion in a Special Issue of the International Journal
on Mobile HCI (IJMHCI).

Joerg Doerflinger, SAP Research, Germany
Dr. Tom Gross, Bauhaus-University Weimar, Germany
Dr. Gary Marsden, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Dr. Matt Jones, Swansea University, United Kingdom
Dr. Mark Dunlop, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom

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