Monday, March 30, 2009

CFP: Special Volume in Decision Support Systems

Supporting real time decision-making:
The role of context in decision support on the move

Traditionally, decision support systems (DSS) address strategic and long-term decision situations. However, due to the dynamic nature of organisations and of the environment that impose a continuous and rapid re-planning, it is equally important to study and propose approaches for making time-critical operational decisions in real time in the best possible way. The complexity, multiple goals and various time-critical imperatives associated with such decision support increases the importance of identifying, modelling, learning and managing the right context for making an efficient decision. Given the importance of this topic, a volume of Annals of Information Systems is to be published in 2009-2010.

Important Dates

  • 6 April, 2009 – Expression of interest confirmation
  • 25 May, 2009 - Manuscript submission
  • 10 August, 2009 - Outcome of initial screening sent to authors
  • 21 September, 2009 - Resubmission of revised chapter
  • 19 October, 2009 - Final decision
  • 30 November, 2009 - Authors to submit chapter formatted according to the guidelines

FWD: Skype, the Web Phone Giant, Brings Cheap Calls to Cellular

E-Mail This
The New York TimesE-mail This
TECHNOLOGY / INTERNET   | March 30, 2009
Skype, the Web Phone Giant, Brings Cheap Calls to Cellular
The Internet calling service is aggressively moving onto mobile phones with the rollout of software for the iPhone and iPod Touch, followed by various BlackBerry devices.


Sunday, March 29, 2009

CFP: Community Practices and Locative Media - Workshop at MobileHCI 2009


COMMUNITY PRACTICES AND LOCATIVE MEDIA: Workshop at MobileHCI 2009, Bonn, Germany on 15th September 2009

There have been many developments in the design of applications of locative media in urban settings, such as
LBS, location-based gaming and mobile social software applications but little which investigates the use and
integration of such media within existing community structures and practices. The workshop will address the
dual challenge of capturing the temporary and spatially changeful nature of behaviours with locative media, as
well as responding to the intricate web of strong and weak social ties that make up local social networks, in
order to find ways to support community practices. In terms of methodology it will focus on the potential of
ethnographic approaches for investigating and evaluating the integration of media in these social settings.

Workshop Aims
* How can mobile media be located within existing communities and social settings?
* How can we find better ways of enabling and supporting locative media in community practices?
* How can mobile media foster communities and facilitate daily living, such as for communities in rural
areas or the elderly?
* How can ethnographic methods inform and evaluate the place and integration of media in
community settings?

We welcome contributions from researchers and practitioners from a diverse range of fields such as HCI,
media, anthropology, sociology and urban studies. Submissions should have a length of 3- 4 pages and be
formatted using the MobileHCI 2009 proceedings format. We accept full papers, position papers, work-in-progress
or blue-sky thinking. Selection of workshop participants will be based on refereed submissions. It is
our aim to publish and document the outcomes of the workshop.


Submissions and questions:

4th May 2009: Position papers due.
18th May 2009: Acceptance notifications.
15th September 2009: Workshop.

Katharine S. Willis, Claudia Mueller, Pablo Abend, Cornelius Neufeldt - University of Siegen
Keith Cheverst- University of Lancaster

Areti Galani - University of Glasgow
Marcus Foth - Queensland University of Technology
Heather Horst - University of California
Jesper Kjeldskov - Aalborg University
Kari Kuutti - University of Oulu
Eric Laurier- University of Edinburgh
Mark Perry - Brunel University
Jenni Paay - Aalborg University
Volkmar Piepek - Unversity of Siegen
Dave Randall - Manchester Metropolitan University
Andrea Taylor - Distance Lab
Nick Taylor - University of Lancaster
Volker Wulf - Unversity of Siegen



Claudia Müller M.A.
Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik (FB 5)
Universität Siegen
Hölderlinstr. 3
57068 Siegen

fon: +49 271 740 4076
fax: +49 271 740 3384
mobil: +49 176 78 199 788

Thursday, March 26, 2009

CFP: Towards a Manifesto for Living Lab co-creation


You are hereby invited to participate in our WORKSHOP ON CO-CREATION IN LIVING LABS, held at INTERACT 2009, in Uppsala, Sweden, August 24.

A current trend is to see Living Labs as a way to engage users, stakeholders and developers in co-creative practices. However, the existing Living Lab literature seems - with some exceptions - to be in acute lack of established practices supporting co-creation.

We therefore challenge you - the practitioners and researchers of the field - to contribute to our common knowledge of co-creation in Living Labs, and to be engaged in the development of a manifesto for Living Lab co-creation..

Want to contribute? Please submit a presentation of Living Lab co-creation practices as you know them - in less than 1000 words.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: As soon as possible, but no later than May 10.

Read more at the workshop blog:

For inspiration when writing your contribution, you may target one or more of the following:
- Key principles for Living Lab co-creation
- Practices for Living Lab co-creation; processes and methods
- Participatory Design and User-Centred Design in Living Labs
- Living Lab co-creation and intellectual property rights
- Organizational requirements for Living Lab co-creation

Your contribution will be published at the workshop blog immediately upon acceptance; for discussion, commenting, rating, and voting. We encourage you to make your contribution blog-friendly - feel free to add e.g. images or videos as illustrations. Notification of acceptance will be given one week following submission.

At the workshop, we will take your contributions as a starting point, and work together to establish an initial draft manifesto for Living Lab co-creation. Hope to see you there!

The workshop is organized in cooperation between:

* RECORD online Living Lab, Norway -
* Airport Living Lab, Arlanda, Sweden -
* Botnia Living Lab, Luleå, Sweden -
* OWELA (Open Web Lab), VTT, Finland -

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

CFP: ACM/IEEE Int. Conf. on Distributed Smart Cameras (full papers due: 14 April * new*)

> ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras
> (ICDSC 2009)
> Como (Italy), 30 August - 2 September 2009
> --
> Full paper submission deadline: 14 April 2009 (abstracts: 7 April) *
> new *
> --
> *** Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended
> version
> of their work to one of the following upcoming special issues:
> - "Multi-camera information processing: acquisition, collaboration,
> interpretation and production" (Journal on Image and Video
> Processing)
> - "Video Analytics for Surveillance: Theory and Practice"
> (IEEE Signal Processing Magazine)
> --
> Special sessions (open submission)
> - Embedded techniques for smart cameras
> - Activity monitoring by multi-camera systems
> - Advances in coding for distributed camera networks
> - Collaborative signal processing for distributed systems
> - Dependability, security and privacy in smart camera systems
> Challenge tracks
> - Sports track
> - Smart homes track
> PhD Forum
> --
> Scope
> After the successful meetings in Vienna (2007) and Stanford (2008),
> the third ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart
> Cameras will be held at Como, Italy. The conference provides an
> opportunity for researchers working in the areas of smart camera
> architectures, algorithm design, embedded vision-based processing,
> and smart environments to exchange their most recent results.
> Offering insight into the potentials and challenges of distributed
> vision networks and presentation of design methodologies employed by
> leading research groups working in these areas are also the
> objectives of the conference. Presentations accompanied by
> demonstrations and contributions based on industrial applications
> are also of interest.
> Topics of interest within the scope of the conference include:
> - Distributed vision processing algorithms
> - Distributed appearance modelling
> - Fusion of vision and other sensors
> - Collaborative feature extraction, data and decision fusion
> - Architectures and protocols for camera networks
> - Smart camera architectures
> - Image sensing techniques for smart cameras
> - Embedded vision programming
> - Wireless and mobile image sensor networks
> - Position discovery and middle-ware applications
> - Vision-based smart environments
> - Surveillance and tracking applications
> - Multi-view vision for Human-Computer Interfaces
> - 3D scene analysis
> - Distributed multimedia and gaming applications
> For a more detailed list of areas within the scope and interest of
> the conference see
> Paper Submission: Full length-papers between six (6) and eight (8)
> A4 pages in length are solicited.
> Important Dates:
> Abstract submission: 7 April 2009
> Full paper submission: 14 April 2009
> PhD forum submission: 15 June 2009
> Further information:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> To unsubscribe, send an empty email to
> For further details of CHI lists see
> ---------------------------------------------------------------

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

CFP: Approaching 'Amateur', Group 2009 Workshop


> We are organizing a workshop on supporting the collaborative
> activities of amateur participants at GROUP 2009
> (, which will take place on May
> 10-13th in Sanibel Island, FL.
> Please consider submitting a 1-2 page position paper by Mar 27th,
> 2009. Early submissions are highly encouraged.
> Approaching 'Amateur': Workshop at Group 2009
> Saturday, May 10th
> Organizers:
> Jennifer Thom-Santelli, Cornell University
> Eric Cook, University of Michigan
> Kurt Luther, Georgia Institute of Technology
> Jeffrey Bardzell, Indiana University
> Amy Bruckman, Georgia Institute of Technology
> David McDonald, University of Washington
> What do a birdwatcher, photographer, tennis player, video gamer and
> Wikipedia editor have in common? Each might be characterized as an
> amateur in his or her respective area of participation. While
> discussion of the amateur participant emerges in a number of groupware
> & collaborative contexts, the meaning of amateur and its implications
> for CSCW remain unclear, and few theoretical and practical guidelines
> exist for guiding the design of systems to support amateur activities.
> The purpose of this workshop is as follows: 1) to unpack the concept
> of the amateur, particular in relation to technology design and
> analysis, 2) to develop a more critical stance on the concept, in
> order to bring precision to our use of the term and the particular
> factors and characteristics that it implies, and 3) to build a cohort
> of researchers interested in advancing this topic in the realm of
> Topics for discussion include:
> * Designing for voluntary involvement and variable commitment
> * The acquisition of expertise by amateur participants
> * The relationship between amateurs and professionals in
> collaborative activity
> * The construction of the audience by amateur participants
> * Critical or historical perspectives regarding amateur participation
> and its relationship with technology
> * Addressing methodological challenges in studying amateur
> participants
> Important dates:
> Mar 27th, 2009: Position papers due
> Mar 29th, 2009: Notification of acceptance
> Apr 5th, 2009: Early registration deadline for GROUP 2009
> May 10th, 2009: Workshop
> We invite 1-2 page position papers in ACM proceedings format
> (
> addressing an aspect of the proposed topics of discussion or an
> extended abstract of relevant research.
> Please email .pdf or .doc versions to by 5:00pm PST
> on Mar 27th, 2009.
> For further information about the workshop, including the proposed
> agenda, see the workshop website at
> Please pass on this CFP to colleagues who might be interested.
> --
> Jenn Thom-Santelli
> PhD Candidate
> HCI Group & CEmCom
> Cornell University
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> To unsubscribe, send an empty email to
> For further details of CHI lists see
> ---------------------------------------------------------------

Saturday, March 21, 2009

CFP: Online Social Networks to Support Community Collaboration - Workshop

please pass around


Online Social Networks to Support Community Collaboration

Workshop – Call for Papers

June 25 - 27




Connie White, Jacksonville State University, USA -
Linda Plotnick, New Jersey Institute of Tech
, USA -
Jane Kushma, Jacksonville State University
, USA -


Workshop URL:

Conference URL:



The aim of this workshop is to examine the possibilities and potential applications Online Social Networking Sites have for communities in a variety of complex problem domains. Online Social Networking Sites (SNS) are being created to fulfill a multitude of social communicative needs and are fostering productive group dynamics. Social Networks have existed and been studied, but how communities can transfer their needs to an online environment is underexplored and is the scope of this workshop. Through this workshop we will discuss how communities and organizations are using these networks to replace and augment traditional avenues of communication, the types of communities that may benefit the most, and what untapped functionalities may exist. What does the future hold for SNS?  Will SNS change the way we work in the future?

Objectives of Workshop

Online social networks have the potential to aid communities of practice in a variety of domains and promote cross-organizational communication and effectiveness. This is a nascent area of study. A goal of this workshop is to develop an understanding of how these network services can be used, what functionality would be required, and what issues (and how to overcome them) exist that can impede their use. An additional focus is to explore the potential use of Online Social Networking Sites to support more complex entities in the future and forecast what potential they hold for domains and uses not yet envisioned. A few highly creative and insightful papers will be selected for discussion. The session will end with participants engaging in a visioning session using Delphi methods to capture important insights, challenges, and design/development needs.



Full day workshop

Brief introduction by Workshop Keynote Speaker



Feedback and Group Discussion

Group participation on Delphi: Future Uses of Social Networking Sites and Services. 

Discussion, Delphi Results, and Conclusion of Workshop


Submission details

Since it is a workshop you can submit a paper even if it has been submitted elsewhere as the idea of the workshop is to give and receive feedback and comments about current research.   Position papers should contain a brief overview (max. 5000 words) of key ideas of the presentation and some information on the background of the submitter. Position papers should be sent to Position paper submissions: April 30, 2009. Notification of acceptance: May 18.  


Background of Organizers with current SNS publications attached.

Connie White is a doctoral candidate in Information Systems at the New Jersey Institute of Technology.  She presently holds a position with Emergency Management at Jacksonville State University.  Her current work explores how Web 2.0 technologies can be leveraged in the emergency domain.  Her dissertation, A Dynamic Delphi System to Support Decision Making by Large Groups of Crisis Management Experts, focuses on the creation of a crisis management system that is used by large groups dispersed geographically where decisions must be made under uncertainty and among domain driven subgroups.  Her research interests include Social Networking, Decision Making, Thurstone's Law of Comparative Judgment, Artificial Intelligence and Emergency Management. Homepage:


Linda Plotnick is a doctoral candidate in Information Systems at the New Jersey Institute of Technology.  Her dissertation work is on Leadership in Partially Distributed Teams engaged in software development of an EMIS.  She also conducts research in the emergency domain including threat rigidity, Web 2.0 (e.g., SNS) and the emergency domain, and the development of a unified emergency scale. Homepage:


Jane Kushma, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Emergency Management at Jacksonville State University in Alabama.  She has been involved in emergency management teaching, research and practice since 1981.  Her current interests include the use of online social networking tools to aid in the management of disasters.


From: Sean White <swhite@CS.COLUMBIA.EDU>
Date: March 21, 2009 11:09:10 CDT
Subject: CFP: ISMAR 2009
Reply-To: Sean White <swhite@CS.COLUMBIA.EDU>

The Eighth IEEE and ACM International
Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality

Aims and Scope of MR/AR:

Mixed reality (MR) and augmented reality (AR) allow for the convergence of real and virtual worlds.  The evolution of novel MR/AR user interfaces is beginning to have significant impact on industry and society.  The field is highly interdisciplinary, bringing together signal processing, computer vision, computer graphics, user interfaces, human factors, display and sensor technologies, and wearable, mobile and ubiquitous computing.  ISMAR 2009 will focus special attention on Mobile MR/AR applications across different programs and venues.

ISMAR and its forerunners IWAR, ISMR and ISAR, have been the premier forums in this vital field since 1998 (  This year, we place particular emphasis on widening the scope of MR/AR toward the areas of arts, entertainment and the humanities.  To this end, the traditional Science & Technology track will be complemented by an Arts, Media and Humanities track with its unique and separate publication.  Both programs will follow ISMAR's stringent publication requirements with reviews being provided by qualified peers from these respective disciplines.

The focus and scope of this call for participation in the Science & Technology track remains similar to previous years.  The procedures are the same for the Arts, Media and Humanities track, but with different topics, reviewers and selection criteria.  Expanded Tutorials, Workshops, Demonstrations and Competitions will provide more opportunities for contributions and submissions.

Topics of the Technical Track include, but are not limited to, the following topics:


Tracking technologies, calibration methods, sensor fusion, vision-based registration and tracking, acquisition of 3D scene descriptions

-Information presentation:
Object overlay and spatial layout techniques, handling of occlusions or x-ray vision, photorealistic augmentation, real-time augmentation, optical display technologies (HWDs, HMDs, HUDs, mobile projectors), aural or haptic augmentation, combined presentation across several displays (combining mobile and stationary devices), display and view management

-User interaction:
Interaction techniques and metaphors for MR/AR, collaborative MR/AR, multimodal input and output, tangible interaction, combined interaction with virtual and real objects

-Human factors:
Usability studies and experiments of MR/AR-based interaction and presentation concepts, acceptance of MR/AR technology, social implications

-System architecture:
Wearable and mobile computing, distributed and collaborative MR/AR, display hardware, performance issues (real-time approaches), embedded computing for MR/AR, integration of MR/AR technologies into wide-area pervasive computing environments MR/AR applications across all areas of personal and professional activities, such as: Personal MR/AR information systems, games, applications in industry, military, medicine, science, entertainment, architecture, tourism, art, cultural heritage, education, training etc. (see Arts, Media & Humanities).

Topics of the Arts, Media & Humanities Track include, but are not limited to, the following novel and compelling applications of Mixed & Augmented Reality.  Applications include artistic expression, experiential media or interpretive pieces that reflect the study of the human condition.


The Art program is looking for notable artists that have stretched the boundaries of expression with the use of Mixed and Augmented Reality.  The creative interaction between real, virtual and the imaginary realities to create provoking experiences are highly encouraged.  Written papers and posters are to include position statement with notes and images on approach, implementation and the technology used.  A gallery show will be mounted to support physical entries (see call for demonstrations).

The Media program will be accepting submissions from media practitioners who have stretched the boundaries of the creative impact of Mixed and Augmented Reality.  This venue seeks innovative uses of creative techniques for communication and entertainment to enhance the experience of MR/AR through novel applications of head-mounted, embedded projection, or mobile displays.  Submissions may include new tools, conventions or taxonomies for developing these new media.

The Humanities program will be accepting academic submissions that relate to Mixed and Augmented Reality content that allows for innovative analytical, critical or speculative approaches to reflect the study of the human condition and digital media.

Call for Papers and Posters (All Tracks):
ISMAR 2009 invites paper and poster submissions in the general field of mixed and augmented reality. Submissions of full papers (up to 10 pages), short papers (up to 4 pages), and posters (up to 2 pages) will be accepted. Don't stretch papers unnecessarily to adhere to the page limits. Only novel contributions will be accepted. As a result of the reviewing process, authors may be asked to change and potentially to reduce the length of their papers (e.g., from long to short papers or posters), requiring a second acceptance process by a shepherd. All accepted papers in each category will be published in the proceedings.

Papers and posters must be formatted according to the IEEE Computer Society TCVG authoring guidelines ( and submitted electronically as PDF documents.  ISMAR uses a single-blind reviewing process.  Thus, authors and affiliations may be mentioned.  Detailed submission instructions will be provided on the web site ( a month before the submission deadline.

- Submission: May 16, 2009
- Notification: August 1, 2009
- Camera-ready copies: September 1, 2009

Call for Innovation Workshops
ISMAR 2009 will have a series of workshops the day before the conference (Monday) to cover the innovative application of Mixed and Augmented Reality to specific industry domains.  Three workshops have been defined.  We invite you to submit papers or panel discussions that will address topics of transferring MR/AR to solve critical real world problems.  (See web site for details.)  If your paper or panel does not fit the existing workshop, you may submit a proposal for a new workshop.

- Designing the Future (Design and Manufacturing Workshop):  This workshop will continue the ISMAR legacy of showcasing the pioneering efforts of the auto and other industries' use of Mixed and Augmented Reality as design tools.

- Falling in Love with Learning (Entertainment & Education Workshop):  Entertainment and Education converge in Mixed Reality Experiential Learning Landscapes for museums, libraries, schools and parks.

- Transforming Lives (Medical and Military Training Workshop):  Extreme Mixed Reality needs to meet high-risk, high-performance training to enhance human preparation for life and death scenarios.

- Submission: May 31, 2009
- Notification: June 30, 2009
- Camera-ready copies: September 1, 2009

Call for Pioneering Tutorials:
To mark ten years of ISMAR, the 2009 conference will include a three-day comprehensive tutorial program that covers a wide spectrum of topics in Mixed and Augmented Reality.  We are looking for submissions from pioneers to share their experiences and insights.  Formats can be from 30 to 90 minutes.  These tutorials will be video captured and distributed as a series along with special features covering the work of pioneering laboratories worldwide.

- Submission: May 31, 2009
- Notification: June 30, 2009
- Camera-ready copies: September 1, 2009

Call for Demonstrations:
There will be four formats to submit demonstrations.  Demonstrations can be related to papers, posters or panels, but that is not required.  A proposed abstract, floor plan and list of requirements are requested with the letter of intent.  (See website for details.)  Accepted Participants will receive notification by June 30th, 2009 to start coordination with the ISMAR 2009 Planning Committee.  To accommodate late breaking discoveries, we will accept "Laboratory Demonstrations" until the last minute, pending committee discretion and conference accommodations.  (Submissions received after August 15th, 2009 will not be included in the publications.)  Letters of intent are recommended for all submissions to assist in the planning.

- Laboratory Demonstrations will provide the opportunity for "late breaking" research teams to informally demonstrate their latest inventions and allow for interaction with attendees and other pioneers.

- Research Showcase will be a more formal presentation of innovative Mixed and Augmented Reality content that involve more production support and exhibit design considerations.

- Art Gallery will present innovative Mixed and Augmented Reality artwork within a unique gallery format based on a combination of invited and submitted work.

- Innovation Exhibitions (See industry/Sponsor relations) will feature the latest commercially available products and services for use in Mixed and Augmented Reality applications.  The exhibition will be available for rental to industry buyers from the entertainment, medical, military and educational markets.  A special "Start-up Park" will be available for small, first time commercial exhibitors at more affordable prices.  Early registration is recommended for the expected increased participation and limited space.

- Submission: May 31, 2009 Letter of Intent (to be followed up with coordination with Planning Committee)
- Notification: June 30, 2009
- Camera-ready copies: September 1, 2009

Tracking Competition:
The first event of this kind at ISMAR 08 ( caught much attention.  A sequel will be organized at ISMAR 2009.  Details regarding the tracking task and the rules of competition will be made available on the web site.  It is to be expected that only a limited number of teams can participate.

- Announcement of competition task and rules: June 15, 2009  (See the details on the web site.)
- Registration: first come first served.

Gudrun Klinker, Blair MacIntyre and Hideo Saito
Science and Technology Program Chairs (

Raphael Grasset
Arts Program Chair (

Jay Bolter
Humanities Program Chair (

Jarrell Pair
Media Program Chair (

Charlie Hughes
Tutorial Chair (

Christian Sandor
Laboratory Demonstration Chair (

Sean White
Research Showcase Chair (

Larry Davis
Innovation Exhibition Chair (

Christopher Stapleton
Interim Workshop Chair (

Daniel Pustka
Tracking Contest Chair (   ---------------------------------------------------------------
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  For further details of CHI lists see

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

CFP: CollabTech 2009: The 5th International Conference on Collaboration Technologies 2009

> The Fifth International Conference on Collaboration Technologies
> Sydney, Australia, 12-14 August, 2009
>>>>>> DEADLINE IS COMING!!!<<<<<
> March 22, 2009--- Full paper and poster paper submission
> Conference Web page:
> ==============
> - March 22, 2009--- Full paper and poster paper submission
> The submission systems is open in Feb. 2009. For your submission,
> please create an account on the system.
> - There are two paper categories: full paper (6 pages) and
> poster paper (2 pages).
> Overview:
> =======
> CollabTech 2009 will provide a platform for international
> collaboration
> technology community to showcase, discuss and deliberate on the
> state-of-the art, emerging new technology developments
> and innovative use of these technologies to improve collaborations.
> Topics:
> =====
> Contributions are solicited in all areas of collaboration technology
> research and applications.
> Topics include, but not limited to:
> * Collaboration system architectures
> * Shared virtual/augmented environments
> * Web-based Groupware
> * Single/Multi-display groupware
> * Surface Interface/Interaction technologies
> * Social computing and inter-cultural collaboration
> * Collaboration technology in mobile/ubiquitous computing
> * Computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL)
> * Computer supported cooperative design (CSCD)
> * Collaborative entertainment systems
> * Design, assessments and evaluation methods
> * Multimedia sharing
> * Shared Graphics/Visualization
> Keynote Speaker:
> ================
> Dr Mary Lou Maher
> The Deputy Division Director at NSF
> and Professor at the University of Sydney
> Mary Lou Maher is the Deputy Division Director of the Information and
> Intelligent Systems Division at NSF. She joined the Human Centered
> Computing
> Cluster in July 2006 and initiated a funding emphasis at NSF on
> research in
> creativity and computing called CreativeIT. She is the Professor of
> Design
> Computing at the University of Sydney.
> She received her BS (1979) at Columbia University and her MS (1981)
> and PhD (1984) at Carnegie Mellon University. She was an Associate
> Professor
> at Carnegie Mellon University before joining the University of
> Sydney in
> 1990. She has held joint appointments in the Faculty of Architecture
> and the
> School of Information Technologies at the University of Sydney.
> Her own research includes empirical studies and new technologies for
> design
> in virtual worlds and other collaborative environments, behavior
> models for
> intelligent rooms, motivated reinforcement learning for non-player
> characters in MMORPGs, and tangible user interfaces for 3D design.
> Important Dates:
> ===============
> * March 22, 2009--- Full paper and poster paper submission
> * April 20, 2009 --- Notification of Acceptance
> * May 11, 2009 ---Camera Ready Manuscripts
> * August 12 - 14, 2009 ---Conference
> Paper Submission:
> ================
> The submission systems is open in Feb. 2009. For your submission,
> please create an account on the system.
> There are two paper categories: full paper (6 pages) and poster
> paper (2 pages).
> Submitted papers must be unpublished and not considered elsewhere for
> publication. Only electronic submissions (PDF) will be accepted.
> Papers
> should be formatted using the CollabTech Proceedings Template (click
> for
> download the template) in MS Word and should be no more than 6 A4-
> pages in
> length. No more than 2 A4-pages for poster papers.
> All submitted papers will undergo a rigorous review process managed
> by the
> technical program committee.
> Conference Chairs:
> =================
> Conference committee:
> Conference Co-Chairs:
> Prof. Masa Takatsuka,
> The School of IT,
> The University of Sydney
> Tel: +61 2 9351 5903, Fax: +61 2 9351 3838
> email:
> Prof. Hideaki Kuzuoka,
> Graduate School of Systems & Information Engineering,
> The University of Tsukuba
> Tel: +81 29 853 5258
> email:
> Local arrangements chair:
> Xiangyu Wang,
> The University of Sydney, Australia
> Program committee:
> Co-chairs:
> Christian Sandor, University of South Australia, Australia
> Hiroaki Ogata, Tokushima University, Japan
> --
> shigeki amitani, dr
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> To unsubscribe, send an empty email to
> For further details of CHI lists see
> ---------------------------------------------------------------

Monday, March 16, 2009

Grant: SBE Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement
Original Closing Date for Applications: Aug 15, 2009 recurring due dates vary by discipline. see program page
Current Closing Date for Applications: recurring due dates vary by discipline. see program page for details.
Funding Instrument Type: Grant
Category of Funding Activity: Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Expected Number of Awards: 300
Estimated Total Program Funding: $2,500,000

Eligible Applicants

Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)

Additional Information on Eligibility:

*Organization Limit: Proposals may only be submitted by the following: -The student must be enrolled at a U.S. academic institution, but need not be a U.S. citizen. Proposals from women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged. *PI Limit:The proposal must be submitted by the dissertation advisor(s) on behalf of the graduate student who is at the point of initiating or already conducting dissertation research.

Agency Name

National Science Foundation


The National Science Foundation's Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences (BCS), Division of Social and Economic Sciences (SES), and Division of Science Resources Statistics (SRS) award grants to doctoral students to improve the quality of dissertation research. These grants provide funds for items not normally available through the student's university. Additionally, these grants allow doctoral students to undertake significant data-gathering projects and to conduct field research in settings away from their campus that would not otherwise be possible. Proposals are judged on the basis of their scientific merit, including the theoretical importance of the research question and the appropriateness of the proposed data and methodology to be used in addressing the question.In an effort to improve the quality of dissertation research, many programs in BCS, SES, and the Research on Science and Technology Surveys and Statistics Program within SRS accept doctoral dissertation improvement grant proposals. Items such as budget limitations, target dates and/or deadlines, page length restrictions, and review procedures vary widely across programs. Please consult the relevant program's webpage for specific information and contact the program director if necessary.The following Programs support dissertation research:Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences (BCS)ArchaeologyCultural AnthropologyGeography & Regional ScienceLinguisticsPhysical AnthropologyDivision of Social and Economic Sciences (SES)Decision, Risk & Management ScienceEconomicsLaw & Social ScienceMethodology, Measurement, and StatisticsPolitical ScienceScience, Technology, and SocietySociologyDivision of Science Resources Statistics (SRS)Research on Science and Technology Surveys and Statistics ProgramFor a list of cognizant program officers for the programs listed above, please visit the SBE Doctoral Dissertation Contact List.

Link to Full Announcement

NSF Publication 06-605

Grant: Emergency Food and Shelter

Current Closing Date for Applications: Apr 30, 2009
Archive Date: May 30, 2009
Funding Instrument Type: Grant
Category of Funding Activity: Other (see text field entitled "Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity" for clarification)
Category Explanation: Emergency Shelter funds
Estimated Total Program Funding: $100,000,000

Eligible Applicants

Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)

Additional Information on Eligibility:

The National Board for the Emergency Food and Shelter Program

Agency Name

Department of Homeland Security - FEMA


The Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program -American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (EFSP) is a Federal program administered by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and has been entrusted through the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11331 et seq.) and Public Law 111-5 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 “to supplement and expand ongoing efforts to provide shelter, food and supportive services” for the nation’s hungry and homeless.

Link to Full Announcement

Grant: Academic Liaison with Industry
Current Closing Date for Applications: Supplements- Investigators should discuss supplemental funding with their NSF program officer prior to submission. Full Proposals Check with the program officer in the specific field of the proposed research for acceptable submission periods.
Funding Instrument Type: Grant
Category of Funding Activity: Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Expected Number of Awards: 80
Estimated Total Program Funding: $10,000,000
Award Ceiling: $100,000
Award Floor: $6,000

Eligible Applicants

Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)

Additional Information on Eligibility:

*PI Limit:For fellowships/traineeships, only U.S. citizens, nationals, or permanent residents are eligible to apply for support under this program.

Agency Name

National Science Foundation


Grant Opportunities for Academic Liaison with Industry (GOALI) promotes university-industry partnerships by making project funds or fellowships/traineeships available to support an eclectic mix of industry-university linkages. Special interest is focused on affording the opportunity for: Faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and students to conduct research and gain experience in an industrial setting; Industrial scientists and engineers to bring industry's perspective and integrative skills to academe; and Interdisciplinary university-industry teams to conduct research projects. This solicitation targets high-risk/high-gain research with a focus on fundamental research, new approaches to solving generic problems, development of innovative collaborative industry-university educational programs, and direct transfer of new knowledge between academe and industry. GOALI seeks to fund transformative research that lies beyond that which industry would normally fund.

Link to Full Announcement

NSF Publication 09-516

Grant: Earthquake Engineering Simulation Research

Current Closing Date for Applications:
Mar 27, 2009
Full Proposal Deadline(s):
March 27, 2009 Fourth Friday in March, Annually Thereafter
Funding Instrument Type:
Category of Funding Activity:
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Expected Number of Awards:
Estimated Total Program Funding:
Award Ceiling:
Award Floor:

Eligible Applicants

Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)

Additional Information on Eligibility:

*Organization Limit: Proposals may only be submitted by the following: -Universities and Colleges - Universities and two- and four-year colleges (including community colleges) accredited in, and having a campus located in the US, acting on behalf of their faculty members. Such organizations also are referred to as academic institutions.

Agency Name

National Science Foundation


The Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) in the Directorate for Engineering (ENG) of the National Science Foundation (NSF) invites proposals for research that uses the George E. Brown, Jr. Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES) to advance knowledge discovery and innovation for (1) earthquake and tsunami loss reduction of our nation's civil infrastructure, and (2) new experimental simulation techniques and instrumentation for NEES. NEES comprises a network of earthquake engineering experimental equipment sites available for experimentation on-site or in the field and through telepresence. NEES equipment sites include shake tables, geotechnical centrifuges, a tsunami wave basin, unique large-scale testing laboratory facilities, and mobile and permanently installed field equipment. The NEES networking cyberinfrastructure connects, via Internet2, the equipment sites as well as provides telepresence, a curated central data repository, simulation tools, and collaborative tools for facilitating on-line planning, execution, and post-processing of experiments. Projects proposed and supported under this solicitation must use one or more of the NEES equipment sites listed at and their related cyberinfrastructure.

Link to Full Announcement
NSF Publication 09-524

Grants: International Planning Visits and Workshops

Current Closing Date for Applications:Contains annually recurring due dates: For Planning Visit proposals: Proposals may be submitted at any time; For Workshop Proposals: February 20, May 20 and September 20 annually
Funding Instrument Type:Grant
Category Funding Activity:Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Expected Number of Awards:50
Estimated Total Program Funding:$1,500,000

Eligible Applicants



This solicitation describes International Planning Visit/Workshop awards to support the early phases of developing and coordinating a research and education activity with a foreign partner(s).

Link to Full Announcement

NSF Publication 04-35

CFP: Research 2.0: Web 2.0 and Virtual Worlds as Research Environments, HICSS 2010

We invite you to submit papers for a new "minitrack" event at the 43rd HICSS

conference in Hawaii, January 2010. We look forward to seeing your

Please forward to your colleagues and friends.

Lisa Given & Dinesh Rathi (co-chairs)

*Call for Papers*
*Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
Research 2.0: Web 2.0 and Virtual Worlds as Research Environments
* *
* * Please visit the minitrack website for more details: *<>
*Part of the Track:** Internet and Digital Economy*

*Paper Submission Deadline:June 15, 2009*

The Web 2.0 environment offers many new opportunities for researchers
undertaking both qualitative and quantitative research (e.g., increased
potential for collecting data from online communities and social networks
around the globe). However, these technologies can also be used by
researchers to enhance the research process (e.g., facilitating research
collaboration between project team members to develop tools and technologies
to analyze data and write papers). Understanding the privacy and legal
implications in both contexts – i.e., the implementation of the study, as
well as the research process – is an area that warrants further exploration
in a minitrack environment.

*This minitrack invites papers on topics including (but not limited to):*

- Changing landscape for qualitative and quantitative research due to
emergence of Web 2.0 and virtual worlds;
- Development of online research communities;
- Online collaborative techniques in Web 2.0 environments for advancing
research methodologies;
- Use of Web 2.0 tools and technologies in data collection and analyses;
- Use of Web 2.0 platforms and virtual worlds (e.g., Second Life) such as
avatars, online communities, for conducting qualitative and quantitative
- Effectiveness of Web 2.0 for increasing participating rates in research
(e.g., questionnaire response rates; online focus groups);
- Using user-generated content as a data source in research;
- Ethical and legal issues (e.g., privacy; copyright) in conducting
qualitative and quantitative research in virtual environments;
- Use of social computing in building research communities;
- Role of social computing in the advancement of data collection
- New data collection approaches in Web 2.0 environments.

*Minitrack Co-Chairs:*
*Lisa M. Given <>*
(Primary Contact)
School of Library and Information Studies
International Institute for Qualitative Methodology (IIQM)
University of Alberta

*Dinesh Rathi <>*
School of Library and Information Studies
University of Alberta

Ingbert Floyd
PhD Student
Graduate School of Library and Information Science
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign || skype/twitter/etc.: spacesoon

Check out the unofficial GSLIS Wiki:

"Dream in a pragmatic way."
-Aldous Huxley

Grant: TSA Boating Safety Grants for Non-Profits

Current Closing Date for Applications: Mar 10, 2009
Funding Instrument Type: Grant
Category Explanation: 2009 Boating Safety Federal Financial Assistance - Nonprofit Organizations
Expected Number of Awards: 100
Estimated Total Program Funding: $6,000,000

Eligible Applicants

Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education


The purpose of the Boating Safety Grant Program is to provide financial assistance for selected "national boating safety activities of national nonprofit public service organizations." Section 13104(c) of Title 46, United States Code, provides that up to 5% of the funds made available each fiscal year for State Recreational Boating Safety Programs may be used to support nonprofit organization's boating safety projects with the amount of funding being determined by the needs of the Coast Guard, budget limitations and negotiations between the Coast Guard and potential grantees. The amount of funding available for grants this fiscal year is anticipated to be up to $6,000,000. The national nonprofit public service organization grant program has been successful. It has enabled numerous national boating safety activities to be carried out. The program has been instrumental in getting many more national organizations involved in boating safety.

CfP - Mobile Living Labs 09 a MobileHCI09 workshop (deadline May 4th, 2009)

(Call for position papers)

Mobile Living Labs 09: Methods and Tools for Evaluation in the Wild

A one-day workshop at MobileHCI09, September 15th, 2009, Bonn, Germany.

In a Mobile Living Lab, mobile devices are used to evaluate concepts and prototypes in real-life settings. In other words: the lab is brought to the people. This one-day workshop provides a forum for designers, researchers and practitioners who are interested in sharing experiences and issues with methods and tools for Mobile Living Labs. In particular, we seek to attract both people who have applied methods in Mobile Living Labs and people who build tools for Mobile Living Labs.

== Important dates

Submission deadline of workshop paper: Monday, May 4th, 2009

Notification of acceptance: Monday, May 18th, 2009

Early registration deadline: Monday, June 1st, 2009

Late registration deadline: Monday, August 10th, 2009

Workshop: Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

We invite designers, researchers and practitioners who want to contribute to a vivid discussion leading to improved methods and tools to study user experience in the real context of use to submit a 2-4 page position paper, on any relevant topic for the workshop, including challenges and solutions for Mobile Living Labs, innovative methods and tools for data collection and analysis.

== Submission

Submissions should be e-mailed as a PDF attachment in the MobileHCI09 other tracks paper format ( on or before Monday, May 04, 2009 to

== Topics

Topics and questions to be addressed in the workshop include:

- When to choose taking the lab to the people instead of taking people to the lab?

- What are the merits and limitations of Mobile Living Lab methods in general?

- For which kind of applications are Mobile Living Labs beneficial? (e.g., only applications that involve social networks and context-aware applications, or are there other categories as well?)

- What are the merits and limitations of Mobile Living Lab evaluation methods in general? What are the merits and limitations using it for formative evaluation (i.e., to inform the design of new applications) and for summative evaluation (i.e., to assess (the user interface of) an application)?

- What are the relative merits and limitations of self-report methods, measurement methods and observation methods for studying various aspects of mobile user experience?

- How to deal with long-term and large-scale Mobile Living Labs?

- Which tool support is needed for configuring, deploying, data collection and analysis of studies in Mobile Living Labs?

- What are the merits and limitations of using people's own mobile devices versus handing out new devices for a study?

- To what extent can we study mobile user experience with tools embedded in stationary infrastructure?

- What is known about the reliability and validity of these methods and tools? What are the open issues?

- How to deal with informed consent, privacy, data/device theft, loss and corruption?

- What have we learned so far? What have been the big outcomes from previous Mobile Living Lab workshops?

== Notification

Participants will be selected to represent diverse perspectives and the organizers are searching for positions that can stimulate discussion. Notification of acceptance will be sent on Monday, May 18, 2009. One author of each accepted paper needs to register for the workshop and for at least one day of the conference.

== Organizing Committee

Henri ter Hofte, Telematica Instituut*, The Netherlands

Kasper Løvborg Jensen, Aalborg University, Denmark

Petteri Nurmi, HIIT, Finland

Jon Froehlich, University of Washington, USA

== Program Committee

Tom Broens, Telematica Instituut*, The Netherlands

Sunny Consolvo, Intel Research, USA

Alexandre Fleuri, Aalborg University, Denmark

Anne Marie Kanstrup, Aalborg University, Denmark

Joke Kort, TNO Information & Communication Technology, The Netherlands

James Landay, University of Washington, USA

Yelena Nakhimovsky, Google, USA

Ingrid Mulder, Delft University of Technology & Rotterdam University, The Netherlands

*In April 2009, Telematica Instituut will change its name to NOVAY.