Monday, August 31, 2009

CFP: Special Issue of IJHCS on Designing for Reflection on Personal Experience

> Special Issue on Designing for Reflection on Personal Experience
> International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS)
> ---
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------------
> Guest Editors:
> Corina Sas (Lancaster University, UK)
> Alan Dix (Lancaster University, UK)
> The concept of user experience and its increasingly acknowledged
> role in
> understanding usability of technology has paved the way for
> experience-based design. In this context, conceptualising the
> experience
> of interaction with technology as a reflective, sense making endeavour
> has already started to emerge. Slow design, reflective design,
> inquisitive design, and technology as experience are attempts in this
> direction which particularly highlight the role of emotions and
> artistic
> representations for inviting reflection. Although reflection is a
> required practice in design, we aim to broaden its scope into
> looking at
> how technology should be designed to support people's reflection, when
> the object of reflection is personal and directly related to everyday
> events in people's lives.
> Designing for reflection on personal experience is an emerging field
> capturing the movement from designing for experience as interaction
> with
> technology towards designing for reflection on felt-life experience
> captured by technology. This field is positioned at the intersection
> of
> affective sensors, mobile computing, simulated environments,
> life-logging and autobiographical memory technologies. However,
> despite
> their potential, there has been surprisingly little research into how
> these technologies invite self reflection and support personal sense
> making.
> This special issue aims to present a set of high-quality, high-impact,
> original research outcomes in designing for personal reflection and
> provision of support for the development of abilities for self
> reflection. We invite contributions relating but not limited to:
> * development and critique of technologies for reflection on
> experience
> * design guidelines for developing technology for reflection on
> experience
> * design technology for developing and training reflective skills
> * design technology for assessing and developing emotional
> awareness
> * methods and instruments for the evaluation of technology for
> reflection
> * exploration of the role of arts in technology for reflection on
> experience
> * motivational and persuasive interfaces for reflection on
> experience
> This special issue follows from a very successful workshop held a CHI
> 2009: Designing for Reflection on Experience
> (
> <> ) and we now
> invite
> members of the research community to submit original articles covering
> these issues. Although articles must be based on original research,
> extended versions of conference papers may be acceptable if they
> contain
> at least 50% new material. This applies to papers presented at the
> recent CHI workshop as well. Complete articles should be submitted by
> the deadline of 18 January 2010. Papers will be subject to the full
> IJHCS review process, with decisions expected by 19 April 2010.
> Timeline
> 18 January 2010, 1st full submission
> 19 April 2010, Notification of 1st review
> 21 June 2010, 2nd submission (revised in the light of the first
> review)
> 20 Sept 2010, Final notification
> 18 October 2010, Final revision due
> Target Publication date: February 2011
> Submission instructions
> Manuscripts should generally not exceed 8000 words. Papers should be
> prepared according to the IJHCS Guide for authors, and should be
> submitted online. The IJHCS Guide for authors and online submission
> are
> available at
> <> .
> To submit to the Special Issue, please select Article Type ''Special
> Issue: Reflection on Experience'' and state in the ''Enter Comments''
> section that the paper is intended for the "Designing for Reflection
> on
> Personal Experience Special Issue being edited by "Sas and Dix". If
> you
> are a first time user of the journal's online submission tool, you
> will
> have to register yourself as an author on the system. Potential
> authors
> should contact Corina Sas ( with any questions
> about the special issue.
> For information on the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
> see
> <> .
> Provisional Referee Panel
> Ann Blandford, University College London.
> Paul Brna, University of Edinburgh
> Giancarlo Dimaggio, Terzo Centro di Psicoterapia Cognitiva
> Gavin Doherty, Trinity College Dublin
> Elise van den Hoven, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
> Ann Light, Sheffield Hallam University
> Scott Mainwaring, Intel Labs

ANN: Research resource for students in HCI - The HCI Bibliography

> It's a new school year, so...
> The HCI Bibliography at is a free-access online
> bibliography of Human-Computer Interaction with over 50,000
> bibliographic
> records in a searchable database. The HCI Bibliography is hosted on
> an ACM
> server by ACM SIGCHI:
> The HCIBIB covers major HCI journals
> and conferences
> as well as books
> and over 2000 HCI websites in categories such as accessibility,
> companies
> and consultants, conferences, education, intercultural, kids,
> laboratories,
> organizations, publications, and so on:
> A page of hot topics features carefully prepared searches on dozens
> of topics:
> The hot authors page features links to the works by top authors in
> HCI:
> Gary Perlman, Director, HCI Bibliography Project

Sunday, August 30, 2009

CFP: Designing for a Sustainable Future, Oct 27, Berkeley, Workshop at Creativity & Cognition 09 - DL Sept 21

Can Design help meet our present needs without compromising the ability
of future generations to meet their own?

** Submit your Statement of Interest by Sept 2nd to qualify for early
registration, or by Sept 21st for standard registration**

DESIGNING FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE is a day devoted to creating,
exploring, and applying sustainable system design ideas, methods, and
principles to holistic, software-based solutions. It aims to seed the
creative thought-leadership necessary to conceive of courageous and
radical redefinitions of our live & work experiences towards a
sustainable future.

Leaders in the field will speak throughout the day, to help facilitate
our workshop discussions and exercises that we hope will challenge and
inspire you. By the end of the day you will generate a design agenda
that will describe the responsibilities we bear, cradle to cradle, for
what we choose to make.

We welcome participants from industry, government/NGO/NPOs, and
academia, who are involved with strategy, planning, ideation,
ethnography, synthesis, and/or design, dealing with issues of
Sustainability - whether in theory or in practice.

Topics will ultimately be chosen by you, but candidates include the

- Sustainable Design Theory and Practice. What concepts, practices,
ethics, principles, methods, and case studies can we share that
demonstrate effective and practical ecologic design work? What could a
clear and coherent framework of discourse look like for the field of
Sustainable Design? How do we represent the Future (rather than 'just'
the User)?
- Natural Resources. How must our assumptions and practices change to
make responsible use of energy, water, and precious materials? How can
the results of our design work encourage behaviors that help preserve
and prevent waste and pollution?
- Society. How can our practices - and our designs - encourage
meaningful human interaction and correct issues of social disparity?
- Business. How can we amplify intelligence and divert bad decisions as
we collaborate with executives, managers, and others to design and
operate businesses that truly serve a triple bottom line?
- Healthcare. How can our research, synthesis, and design efforts help
create a sensible healthcare system that provides everyone with the best
care available, that improves treatment outcomes, and that drives costs
- Food. How can our work ensure that everyone benefits from agriculture,
that our land remains bountiful, that people are well-nourished, and
that the health of ecosystems aren't imperiled in the process?
- Transportation. What can transportation systems, services, and
products yield greater efficiencies, comfort, and economy?


If these challenges interest you, and you'd like to contribute to the
growing intellectual commons on sustainable design, please submit your
statement of interest by Sept 2nd to qualify for the early registration
deadline, or at the latest by Sept 21st for standard registration.

The workshop takes place all day on October 27, 2009, during the
Creativity & Cognition '09 Conference in Berkeley, CA.


Daniela Busse, Brinda Dalal, Eli Blevis, David Fore, Sally Kennedy
Lawler, Catherine Howard, and Lara Lee.


All of you are invited to are invited to participate in the second
annual West CERT Event in Los Gatos. It will be on *Saturday, September
19th at the Los Gatos Civic Center, 110 E. Main Street (at Fiesta
Avenue) Town Council Chambers. The drill begins with sign in at 8 am
and ends at 1 pm*.

For those of you who are CERT members, this is a chance to practice the
skills we learned in CERT training. Several scenarios will be
presented. Before each drill, instructors will give everyone an
overview of the drill and reminder of basic skills needed. There's no
need to anxious if it's been awhile since you took your CERT training*/./*

Drill participants should have all of their CERT equipment including
/helmet, vest, gloves, eye protection, flashlight, and wear long pants
and closed-toed shoes/*/./*

If you are not a CERT Member, you can still get involved! You and your
family and friends can help make this drill more interesting and
realistic by volunteering to be the role-players in the scenarios.
Volunteers are needed (children, too!) to play the role of 'disaster
victims' and will be professionally made up to reflect whatever injury
is appropriate for assigned situation. It's fun to do - and interesting!

/*Can we count on your participation? CERT Participants and role-players
please register by sending an email to
(preferred method of registration) or
calling 408-399-5722. */

After you register, there will be follow-up communications so you are
prepared for the drill. I look forward to seeing you there!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

CFP: Diagrams 2010

Diagrams 2010

Sixth International Conference on the

Theory and Application of Diagrams

9-11 August 2010

Portland, Oregon, USA


Diagrams is an international and interdisciplinary conference series,
covering all aspects of research on the theory and application of

Recent advances in technology have enabled the use of diagrams, sketches
and other visualizations to become an integral part of our lives. For
effective communication with these novel and sophisticated visual
representations, we need insight into how diagrams are used, how they
are represented, which types are available and when it is appropriate to
use them. These concerns have triggered a surge of interest in the study
of diagrammatic notations for communication, cognition, creative
thought, computation and problem-solving.

The study of diagrammatic notations and their use must be pursued as an
interdisciplinary endeavour. Diagrams is the only conference series that
provides a united forum for all areas that are concerned with the study
of diagrams: for example, architecture, artificial intelligence,
cartography, cognitive science, computer science, education, graphic
design, history of science, human-computer interaction, linguistics,
logic, mathematics, philosophy, psychology, and software modelling.

Diagrams 2010 is the sixth event in this conference series, which was
launched in Edinburgh in 2000. Diagrams attracts a large number of
researchers from virtually all related fields mentioned, placing the
conference as a major international event in the area.

Diagrams 2010 will be co-located with the 32nd Annual Meeting of the
Cognitive Science Society (Cogsci-2010). This co-location will provide a
lively and stimulating environment, enabling researchers from related
communities to exchange ideas and more widely disseminate research

Diagrams 2010 will consist of sessions including presentations of
refereed papers, posters, and also tutorial and workshop sessions. For
the first time in history of Diagrams we will organize workshops and
postgraduate student sessions. We invite submissions of:

- long research papers (15 pages)

- short research papers (7 pages)

- posters (3 pages)

- tutorial proposals (1 page; see the conference web page for full

- workshop proposals (1 page; see the conference web page for full

that focus on any aspect of diagrams research. Long papers should
present original research results. Short papers and posters should
present original research contributions, position or problem statements,
summarise software to support the use of diagrams, or integrate results
published elsewhere which are of interest to the Diagrams community.

All submissions will be fully peer reviewed. The proceedings will be
published by Springer in their Lecture Notes in Computer Science series,

Full details on the preparation of submissions can be found on the
conference web site

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- applications of diagrams

- computational models of reasoning with, and interpretation of,

- design of diagrammatic notations

- diagram understanding by humans or machines

- diagram aesthetics and layout

- educational uses of diagrams

- evaluation of diagrammatic notations

- graphical communication

- heterogeneous notations involving diagrams

- history of diagrammatic notations

- information visualization using diagrams

- novel uses of diagrams

- psychological issues pertaining to perception, comprehension or
production of diagrams

- reasoning with diagrams

- software to support the use of diagrams

- theoretical aspects of diagrams including, for example, classification
and formalization

- usability and human-computer interaction issues concerning diagrams

- use of diagrams in disciplines of humanities, engineering,
mathematics, science and technology.

Important dates


Abstract submission: 8 January 2010

Paper, tutorial and workshop proposal submissions: 18 January 2010

Poster submission: 1 February 2010

Notification for workshops: 8 February 2010

Notification for papers and tutorials: 1 March 2010

Notification for posters: 8 March 2010

Camera ready copies due: 29 March 2010

Graduate symposium submissions: 5 April 2010

Notification for graduate symposium submissions: 19 April 2010

Diagrams 2010 conference: 9-11 August 2010



Conference Chairs:

Ashok Goel (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)

Mateja Jamnik (Cambridge University, UK)

N. Hari Narayanan (Auburn University, USA)

Workshop Chair:

Unmesh Kurup (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA)

Tutorial Chair:

Stephanie Elzer (Millersville University, USA)

Graduate Symposium Chair:

Jim Davies (Carleton University, Canada)

Program Committee


Gerard Allwein (Naval Research Laboratory, USA)

Michael Anderson (University of Hartford, USA)

Dave Barker-Plummer (Stanford University, USA)

Alan Blackwell (Cambridge University, UK)

Dorothea Blostein (Queen's University, Canada)

Paolo Bottoni (University of Rome, Italy)

B. Chandrasekaran (Ohio State University, USA)

Peter Cheng (University of Sussex, UK)

Phil Cox (Dalhousie University, Canada)

Richard Cox (University of Sussex, UK)

Frithjof Dau (University of Wollongong, Australia)

Max J. Egenhofer (University of Maine, USA)

Jacques Fleuriot (University of Edinburgh, UK)

Jean Flower (Autodesk, UK)

John Gero (George Mason University, USA)

Mark D. Gross (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)

Corin Gurr (University of Reading, UK)

Mary Hegarty (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)

John Howse (University of Brighton, UK)

Hans Kestler (University of Ulm, Germany)

Zenon Kulpa (Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Poland)

John Lee (University of Edinburgh, UK)

Richard Lowe (Curtin University of Technology, Australia)

Kim Marriott (Monash University, Australia)

Bernd Meyer (Monash University, Australia)

Nathaniel Miller (University of Northern Colerado, USA)

Mark Minas (Universitaet der Bundeswehr, Germany)

Nancy Nersessian (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)

Jesse Norman (University College London, UK)

Luis Pineda (Universidad Nacional Autunoma de Mexico, Mexico City)

Helen Purchase (Glasgow University, UK)

Peter Rodgers (University of Kent, UK)

Frank Ruskey (University of Victoria, Canada)

Atsushi Shimojima (Doshisha University, Japan)

Sun-Joo Shin (Yale University, USA)

Gem Stapleton (University of Brighton, UK)

Nik Swoboda (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain)

Susan Trickett (Naval Research Laboratory, USA)

Barbara Tversky (Stanford University, USA)

Contact Us


2010 NIH Directors New Innovator Award

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-RM-09-011
Opportunity Category: Discretionary
Current Closing Date for Applications: Oct 27, 2009
Archive Date: Nov 27, 2009
Funding Instrument Type: Grant
Category of Funding Activity: Health
Category Explanation:
Expected Number of Awards: 33
Estimated Total Program Funding:
Award Ceiling:
Award Floor:
CFDA Number(s): 93.310 -- Trans-NIH Research Support
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: No

Eligible Applicants

State governments
Public and State controlled institutions of higher education
Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)
Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments)
Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
Private institutions of higher education
For profit organizations other than small businesses
Small businesses
Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)

Additional Information on Eligibility:

Other Eligible Applicants include the following: Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Eligible Agencies of the Federal Government; Faith-based or Community-based Organizations; Hispanic-serving Institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs); Indian/Native American Tribal Governments (Other than Federally Recognized); Regional Organizations; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs) ; U.S. Territory or Possession.

Agency Name

National Institutes of Health


Purpose. The NIH Directors New Innovator (DP2) Award program was created in 2007 to support a small number of early stage investigators of exceptional creativity who propose bold and highly innovative new research approaches that have the potential to produce a major impact on broad, important problems in biomedical and behavioral research. The New Innovator Awards complement ongoing efforts by NIH and its Institutes and Centers to fund early stage investigators through R01 grants, which continue to be the major sources of NIH support for early stage. The NIH Directors New Innovator Award Program is a High-Risk Research initiative of Research Teams of the Future. Mechanism of Support. This FOA will utilize the DP2 grant mechanism. Funds Available and Anticipated Number of Awards. Contingent upon the submission of a sufficient number of scientifically meritorious applications, NIH intends to commit at least $80 million in response to this FOA in fiscal year 2010. We anticipate that at least 33 awards will be made in fiscal year 2010.

Link to Full Announcement

CFP: ExpDes workshop at UCM2009

CFP: Workshop Experience Design and Evaluation of Social UCM
applications (ExpDes)

User experience (UX) design is becoming increasingly important in a
broad range of application settings, as it becomes evident that
providing functionality and usability alone is not sufficient to meet
users' expectations. While this certainly applies to Social
User-Centric Media applications, it is less clear how to actually go
about designing for user experience, and perhaps even less so when it
comes to evaluations. What are we evaluating and why; how do we carry
out evaluations; how to interpret results and how do the results
affect the next design cycle? How can we know if we are on the right
track? What inherent difficulties and fallacies should we be aware of?
This workshop explores methods and techniques for designing and
evaluating Social UCM applications in the context of iterative design
and formulate strong and weak points of these methods and techniques,
thereby helping the UCM community to create better applications.

For whom is this workshop?

This workshop is intended for researchers and practitioners working in
the design, development and implementation and evaluation of (social)
UCM applications. Workshop participants furthermore should have a
clear interest in the users of these kinds of applications and the
influence users are given on the design and in the evaluations of
these kinds of applications.

Call for papers

Please submit a 2-4 page position paper stating your interest and
experience related to the topic of the workshop for participation. The
format for positions papers is the UCMedia 2009 paper format. Please,
follow the instructions of the - Author's Kit.
Submission of position papers is done through the - UCMedia 2009
conference submission system. Position papers should be submitted by
the 13th September 2009. All position papers will be reviewed by the
ExpDes workshop program committee. Acceptance notifications will be
sent by the 19th October 2009.

A maximum of twelve participants will be accepted by the workshop
program committee.

Topics of interest are (but not limited to) the following:

Design methods/tools for UCM
Evaluations methods/tools for UCM
Theory, models and frameworks on UCM
Practical experience in the design, development, implementation and
evaluations of UCM

For submission instructions see the following link:

Workshop program committee:

* Arnold Vermeeren, Technical University Delft (The Netherlands)
* David Geerts, University of Leuven (Belgium)
* Henri ter Hofte, Novay (The Netherlands)
* Huib de Ridder, Technical University Delft (The Netherlands)
* Jo Pierson, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium)
* Marianna Obrist, University of Salzburg (Austria)

Kind regards,
Workshop organizers

Joke Kort,
Rob Willems,
Peter Ljungstrand,

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

CFP: IWSSI/SPMU 2010 (in conjunction with Pervasive 2010)

2nd International Workshop on Security and Privacy in Spontaneous
Interaction and Mobile Device Use (IWSSI/SPMU 2010) - Call for Papers
Helsinki, Finland
in conjunction with Pervasive 2010

*Important Dates*

Submission Deadline: February 01, 2010
Notification to Authors: March 08, 2010
Camera-Ready Papers: March 17, 2010
Workshop: May 11, 2010


Mobile devices in general, and mobile phones in particular, present unique
challenges not only in terms of user interface, battery life, and form
factor, but also in terms of ensuring their users' privacy and security.
Privacy and security are often in conflict with another and have been the
topic of many research projects. Emerging mobile payment and ticketing
solutions require the secure transmission and storage of financial
information, while electronic health records or access certificates/tokens
might imply the use of highly sensitive personal information on such
devices. Securing the potentially massive amount of interactions using
mobile devices is difficult, because typically there will be no a priori
shared information such as passwords, addresses, or PIN codes between the
phone, its user, and the service they want to use. Additionally, mobile
devices often lack powerful user interfaces to support classical
authentication methods.

The 2nd International Workshop on Security and Privacy in Spontaneous
Interaction and Mobile Device Use (IWSSI/SPMU'2010) provides a forum
to discuss these challenges and to put forward an agenda for future
research. The workshop is intended to foster cooperation between research
groups and to establish a highly connected research community. Authors of
selected workshop submissions will be invited to submit an extended
version to a special issue in a renowned international journal.

Topics of interest for this workshop include, but are not limited to,
the following items as they appear in the context of spontaneous
interaction and/or mobile device use:

* Authentication protocols and methods for device pairing or
user authentication
* Sensor-, context-, and location-based authentication methods
* Authorization, access control, and trust management
* Logging and auditing of spontaneous interactions with mobile devices
* Network and system models
* Security and privacy of mobile phone users
* Security and privacy issues in mobile phone networks
* Privacy and anonymous/pseudonymous interactions
* User interfaces and models for user interaction on mobile devices
* Making use of spontaneous interaction in applications
* Public perception of security and privacy issues of mobile phones
* Legal and social issues of security and privacy for mobile phones
* Options for lawful, auditable, and restricted tracking and
surveillance using mobile phones in law enforcement


There will be two separate categories for submission:

* Full papers: We solicit novel contributions of up to 6 pages
(ACM Format)on any of the topics of interest or related areas.
These papers must not significantly overlap with other papers
previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
Accepted papers will be published online on the IWSII/SPMU09
website. Authors of selected submissions will also be invited
to submit an extended version to a special issue in a renowned
international journal.

* Position papers: Position papers should be no longer than 2 pages
(ACM Format) and may present already published work in the context
of this workshop, work in progress, as well as ideas and concepts
for future research.

We encourage authors to submit to both categories if deemed appropriate.

An international program committee will select around 12-15
contributions. Authors of accepted full and position papers will be
invited to give short presentations at the beginning of the workshop
with brief discussion phases, followed by an open panel and more
specific discussion groups to discuss common ground and open
challenges. The open panel is also a forum for informally presenting
demonstrators, which will be actively encouraged. Video and other
supplementary material will be published on the workshop web page to
provide further incentive for showing prototypes.

Contributions must be sent by email to <> no later
than February 01, 2010, and should be in PDF format. If you have any
questions, we encourage you to contact the organizers at the above
email address.

*Organizing Committee*

Rene Mayrhofer (University of Vienna, Austria)
Marc Langheinrich (University of Lugano, Switzerland)
Kaisa Nyberg (Helsinki University of Technology, Finland)
Alexander De Luca (LMU Munich, Germany)

*Program Committee* (confirmed)

Georg Treu (Aloqa Inc., Palo Alto, US)
Pieter Hartel (University of Twente, NL)
Jonathan M. McCune (Carnegie Mellon University, US)
John Krumm (Microsoft Research Redmond, US)
Alex Varshavsky (University of Toronto, CA)
Ersin Uzun (University of California, Irvine, US)
Apu Kapadia (Indiana University Bloomington, US)
Ponnurangam Kumaraguru (CMU, US)

Alexander De Luca

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
LFE Medieninformatik
Amalienstr. 17
D-80333 München
Fon +49-89-2180-4688
Fax +49-89-2180-4652
Skype: Alexander De Luca

Monday, August 24, 2009

GRA: Emergency System for Advance Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals (ESAR-VHP) Program

Funding Opportunity Number: EP-U3R-09-004
Opportunity Category: Discretionary
Current Closing Date for Applications: Sep 02, 2009 No Explanation
Archive Date: Oct 02, 2009
Funding Instrument Type: Grant
Category of Funding Activity: Health
Expected Number of Awards: 62
Estimated Total Program Funding: $3,442,000
Award Ceiling: $60,000
Award Floor: $50,000
CFDA Number(s): 93.089 -- Emergency System for Advance Registration of Health Professional Volunteers
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: No

Eligible Applicants

Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)

Additional Information on Eligibility:


Agency Name

Office of Public Health and Science


The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response announces the availability of grants to support the efforts of eligible entities to develop, refine, and maintain existing Emergency System for Advance Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals (ESAR-VHP) Programs. The ESAR-VHP program is a national program intended to help health professionals volunteer in public health emergencies and disasters by providing verifiable, up-to-date information regarding a volunteer?s identity and license, credentials, and privileges to hospitals or other medical facilities that require a volunteer?s services. Section 319I of the Public Health Service (PHS) authorizes the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to award a grant for activities relating to the ESAR-VHP network, a national interoperable network of systems. Each system is maintained by a State or group of States, for the purpose of verifying the credentials, certifications, licenses, accreditations, and hospital privileges of health care professionals who volunteer to provide health services during a public health emergency.

Link to Full Announcement

FY09 Announcement of Availability of Funds for the Emergency System for Advance Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals (ESAR-VHP) Program.

GRA: CDC Grants for Public Health Research Dissertation (R36)

Funding Opportunity Number: PAR-07-231
Opportunity Category: Discretionary
Current Closing Date for Applications: Sep 08, 2009 Letters of Intent Deadline: 30 days before application receipt date
Archive Date: Oct 08, 2009
Funding Instrument Type: Grant
Category of Funding Activity: Health
Award Ceiling: $35,000
Award Floor:
CFDA Number(s): 93.061 -- Innovations in Applied Public Health Research
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: No

Eligible Applicants

Public and State controlled institutions of higher education
Private institutions of higher education

Agency Name

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to invite applications for support of public health dissertation research. This program supports research undertaken as part of an academic program to qualify for a doctorate. The CDC dissertation award supports dissertation research costs for students in accredited research doctoral programs in the United States (including Puerto Rico, and other U.S. Territories or possessions). Dissertation applications must focus on methodological and research topics that address the mission and research interests of CDC noted below.

Link to Full Announcement

CDC Grants for Public Health Research Dissertation (R36)

GRA: Collaborative Research

Funding Opportunity Number: 20091029-RZ
Opportunity Category: Discretionary
Current Closing Date for Applications: Oct 29, 2009
Funding Instrument Type: Grant
Category of Funding Activity: Humanities (see "Cultural Affairs" in CFDA)
Expected Number of Awards: 10
Award Ceiling: $300,000
Award Floor: $0
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: No

Eligible Applicants

State governments
County governments
City or township governments
Public and State controlled institutions of higher education
Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)
Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
Private institutions of higher education

Agency Name

National Endowment for the Humanities


Collaborative Research Grants support original research undertaken by a team of two or more scholars or research coordinated by an individual scholar that, because of its scope or complexity, requires additional staff and resources beyond the individual’s salary. Eligible projects include: research that significantly adds to knowledge and understanding in the humanities; conferences on topics of major importance in the humanities that will benefit ongoing research; archaeological projects that include the interpretation and communication of results (projects may encompass excavation, materials analysis, laboratory work, field reports, and preparation of interpretive monographs); and research that uses the knowledge, methods, and perspectives of the humanities to enhance understanding of science, technology, medicine, and the social sciences. These grants support full-time or part-time activities for periods of one to three years. Support is available for various combinations of scholars, consultants, and research assistants; project-related travel; field work; applications of information technology; and technical support and services. All grantees are expected to communicate the results of their work to the appropriate scholarly and public audiences.

Link to Full Announcement

Sunday, August 23, 2009

CFP: Special Issue of Transactions on Software Engineering

> The Socio-Technical Environment: Rethinking Coordination in the
> Software Development Organization of the Future
> Guest Editors
> Marcelo Cataldo, Bosch Corporate Research
> Kate Ehrlich, IBM Research
> Audris Mockus, Avaya Labs
> Software engineering has long been recognized as a human activity that
> is managed through a system of methods, tools and processes. The
> interaction and dependencies between the product, the work and the
> people doing it represents the socio-technical environment of a
> software
> development project. For instance, socio-technical congruence
> provides a
> theoretical and methodological framework to examine the relationship
> between the technical properties of the software systems and the
> development organization including developers, methods, tools and
> processes. This approach opens up new ways of thinking about
> coordination requirements in development organizations (e.g. use of
> architectural patterns that improve modularization), supporting
> coordination activities (e.g. through processes, collaboration tools
> or
> other mechanisms) or both.
> We are soliciting novel work that adopts a socio-technical perspective
> to address open research issues such as coordination and its
> relationship with empirical software engineering, software
> architectures, software processes and development and collaboration
> tools. We encourage the submission of papers utilizing methodological
> approaches traditionally used in other disciplines such as computer
> science, mathematical science, social and management sciences.
> However,
> all papers should make a significant contribution to the literatures
> on
> empirical software engineering, software architectures or software
> processes.
> Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
> * Measuring and assessing the impact of techniques that address
> shortcomings in socio-technical environments of commercial and open
> source projects.
> * Models and techniques for reasoning about tradeoffs between
> congruence and desirable technical characteristics of software
> systems.
> * Advances in methods based on social network analysis applied
> to
> the coordination and congruence in software development projects
> * The development and evaluation of novel methods, processes and
> tools to increase coordination and awareness amongst members of
> software
> teams
> * Methods of mining technical dependencies and inferring
> communication and coordination patterns in a project from software
> repositories.
> * Approaches to assess and maintain coordination across the
> entire
> software development life cycle.
> * Empirical studies evaluating approaches to identify
> coordination
> needs from architectural documentation and the impact of different
> styles of software architecture on coordination among development
> teams
> Manuscripts should adhere to the format guidelines defined by IEEE
> Computer Society, publisher of IEEE Transactions on Software
> Engineering. For further information, authors are welcomed to contact
> the editors of this special issue:,
> Important Dates:
> Submission Deadline: 15 October 2009
> Major Revision Due: 26 February 2010
> Minor Revisions (if needed) Due: 23 April 2010
> Notification of final acceptance Due: 14 May 2010
> Publication Date: Mar/Apr 2011 Issue

CFP: MUM 2009 - 8th International Conf on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia

> MUM 2009 - The 8th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous
> Multimedia
> 22 - 25 November, 2009, Cambridge, United Kingdom
> ===
> ===
> ===
> ===
> ====================================================================
> SUBMISSION DEADLINE: August 31, 2009
> MUM 2009 ( is organized by Microsoft Research, Nokia
> Research, and University of Cambridge.
> DEADLINE for full and short papers and tutorials is AUGUST 31, 2009.
> Paper submissions are accepted in electronic form through the online
> conference site:
> .
> Deadline for Posters and Demos, Doctoral Consortium, and Student
> volunteers is September 30, 2009. The poster and demo descriptions
> should also be submitted through the online conference site.
> Registration will open SEPTMEBER 25, 2009. Early bird registration
> ends OCTOBER 8, 2009.
> Previous MUM Conferences have been held in cooperation with ACM
> SIGMOBILE with papers published in the ACM Digital Library (pending
> approval for MUM 2009).
> ---
> ---
> ---
> ---
> ---
> ---
> ---
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> We welcome papers submission related to but not limited to the
> following topics:
> - USER RESEARCH AND METHODS for user-centred design of new concepts,
> applications, and services in mobile and ubiquitous multimedia,
> ranging from ethnographic research and case studies to field trials
> and usability evaluations.
> - ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES for novel mobile and ubiquitous multimedia
> applications, including protocols, algorithms, architectures, and
> middleware for mobile roaming, bandwidth and connectivity
> management, media streaming, storage, and integration, user
> authentication, identity and profile management, social interaction,
> distributed computing, and other aspects of ubiquitous media access
> that are essential for emerging applications.
> applications, and systems that address challenging issues in mobile
> interaction and ubiquitous media access across devices with
> different form factors, seamless transition between computing
> platforms, context aware UI and content presentation, management of
> large user populations and complex service interactions.
> network analysis, machine learning, information retrieval, computer
> graphics, computer vision, speech processing, user interfaces and
> interaction design to mobile and ubiquitous multimedia.
> The Conference Program will include tutorials, posters, research and
> industry demo session, doctoral consortium, keynote presentations
> from academia and industry, and a discussion panel. The technical
> programme will be complemented by several social events to
> facilitate informal discussions and networking among the conference
> attendees and invited guest.
> ---
> ---
> ---
> ---
> ---
> ---
> ---
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Conference Chairs
> Natasa Milic-Frayling, Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK
> Jonna Häkkilä, Nokia Research Center Tampere, Finland
> Jon Crowcroft, University of Cambridge, UK
> Program Chairs
> Cecilia Mascolo, University of Cambridge, UK
> Eamonn O'Neill, University of Bath, UK
> Demo & Poster Chairs
> Sean Gustafson, Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany
> Antti Virolainen, Nokia Research Center, Finland
> Doctoral Consortium Chair
> Joerg Ott, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
> For Program Committee and further information, please visit

Saturday, August 22, 2009

CFP: privacy & security of health technologies

Call for Participation

A Research Agenda for Privacy and Security of Healthcare Technologies

Indianapolis, Indiana

October 26-27, 2009

Proposals Due: September 10, 2009.

All expenses for approved participants will be covered by Indiana
University's Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research.

This two-day workshop will identify a US research agenda for the
coming decade on privacy and security of healthcare technologies. The
workshop will include US leaders in academia, industry, and
government. Results of this workshop will be presented to US
government agencies.


In his inaugural speech, President Obama set a challenge for this
country to "wield technology‛s wonders to raise health care‛s
quality and lower it's costs." When utilizing technology in health
care, it is critical to address issues of privacy and security in the
initial design rather than waiting to retrofit patches to a weak
system. Yet our resources, both of money and of time, are limited.
To use these limited resources effectively, the research community and
funding agencies of government must have a clear roadmap detailing
both the needs and the challenges facing the privacy and security of
health technologies.

Key Areas

Medical and health informatics are huge fields to cover in the span of
one workshop. Thus, the workshop will focus on the following four

1) electronic and personal health records,

2) patient centered technologies and devices,

3) systems infrastructure (e.g. for hospital environments), and

4) bio-banking, including DNA sequencing

Workshop Format

In this working meeting, there will be a series of break-out sessions
for each of the key areas described above. White papers will be made
available to all participants before the workshop, and participants
will be expected to read the papers relevant to their areas before the
workshop. Break-out groups will report back to the entire group,
where similar issues and themes that apply to multiple areas will be

Over the course of the workshop, break-out groups will 1) brainstorm
privacy and security issues and problems in their key area, 2) select
the most critical problems to be included in the final report, and 3)
write scenarios appropriate for an educated, but lay, audience that
demonstrate the important nature of their selected problems.

Travel (up to $500), meals, and lodging expenses for up to 60 approved
participants will be paid for by Indiana University's Center for
Applied Cybersecurity Research (CACR).

Proposal Submission

We encourage interested experts from industry, government, and
academia to submit a short proposal via email by September 10, 2009.
The proposal should follow the template available at
, and include:

1) 1) Name, affiliation, and contact info

2) Brief bio

3) A brief statement of what you think are 1-2 of the most critical
privacy and security research challenges we face in the intersection
of technology and healthcare, categorized in one or more of the "key
areas" described above.

Proposals should be no more than 1 page in length, submitted in .pdf
format. Email proposals to, with the subject line
"CACR workshop proposal". Selected applicants will be notified by
September 20, 2009. Accepted proposals will be made available to all
workshop participants before the workshop.

Direct any questions about the workshop to

Workshop co-chairs:

Kay Connelly, Indiana University

Bob Blakley, Burton Group

Workshop Steering Committee:

Stan Crosley, Eli Lily and Company

Minaxi Gupta, Indiana University

Bill Heetderks, National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and
Bioengineering (NIBIB)

Jonathan Moreno, University of Pennsylvania

Steve Myers, Indiana University

Brian Quick, Clarian Health

Thursday, August 20, 2009

CFP: Posters in CLIHC & LA-WEB 2009

> You are cordially invited to participate in CLIHC /LA-WEB 2009, the
> Joint
> Conference encompassing the 4th. Latin American Conference on Human-
> computer
> Interaction (CLIHC) and the 7th Latin American Web Congress, which
> will be
> held November 9-11, 2009, in Mérida, Yucatán.
> 009
> *Call for posters*
> *Topics, Aims and goals of the conference*
> *CLIHC Topics:*
> *LA-WEB Topics:*
> user interface design and evaluation methods
> Browsers and user interfaces
> universal accessibility
> E-commerce, E-Science, E-government and E-Learning
> cross-cultural and internationalization issues
> Digital libraries
> multi-modal interfaces, theoretical & multidisciplinary aspects
> Multimedia and hypermedia
> social and cultural issues in HCI
> Mobility and ubiquitous web access
> intelligent user interfaces
> Performance, reliability and scalability
> personalization and adaptive interfaces
> Web data mining
> end-user programming, multimedia
> Search
> virtual reality and games
> Semantic web
> online communities and pervasive computing.
> Web engineering
> Collaboration and web communities
> Security, privacy and copyright issues
> XML and web services
> Collaborative tagging
> Blogging
> Social Networks
> Web spam characterization, detection and filtering
> Web visualization
> Web usability and accessibility
> Web 2.0 approaches and applications
> *<<new>> Open Posters submissions and publication*
> Authors are encouraged to submit preliminary research results of
> work-in-progress, use cases, thesis developments, etc. on all
> aspects of
> conference interest topics. Poster presentations will provide
> authors with
> early feedback on their research work and enable them to exchange
> ideas
> during the conference.
> An abstract of 800 words should be submitted through the easychair
> submission management
> system[s3]<!75bEz2Ep7uO5TfXmwdQ-QqG1WYoYR1q59p3lDr0ODg#_msocom_3
> >
> , and should include the essence of the planned presentation.
> All posters will be reviewed by at least two members of the Program
> Committee according to the relevance of the work and to their
> ability to
> generate discussions between the participants of the conference.
> Submissions
> can be in Spanish, Portuguese or English.
> Accepted Posters should submit a two-page extended abstract,
> following the IEEE
> conference format[s4]<!75bEz2Ep7uO5TfXmwdQ-QqG1WYoYR1q59p3lDr0ODg#_msocom_4
> >
> , including no page numbers, in Word format for Windows, that will be
> published in the CLIHC proceedings with ISBN edited by the UABC.
> The posters will be presented during the Welcome cocktail of the
> conference,
> before that you will have a short presentation during the MADNESS
> poster
> track.
> · Attendance by at least one author is mandatory and should
> be
> registered to the conference.
> · MADNESS poster track will be announced soon.
> · The posters for invitation, it is not necessary that are s
> ubmit to
> be evaluated, only send us an email for notify the accepted
> invitation and
> submit the camera-ready at the established date.
> *Important dates*
> 800-word submissions: *September 4th, 2009*
> Notification of acceptance: *September 21st, 2009*
> Two-page camera-ready manuscripts due: *October 1st, 2009*
> Conference dates: *November 9-11, 2009*
> * *
> *Posters chairs:*
> *Victoria Meza* (mmeza**),* Sandra Nava-Muñoz* (al323591@uabc.m
> x) |
> ( and *Juan Pablo García* (netcommx@hotmail.c
> om)

CFP: Workshop "Bridging “Interaction Clouds”: Exploring collaborative interaction across assemblies of mobile and embedded technology"

**********************CALL FOR PAPERS**********************
Workshop "Bridging "Interaction Clouds": Exploring collaborative
interaction across assemblies of mobile and embedded technology"

To be held at ECSCW 2009, Vienna, Austria 7-8 September.

Portable technology, particularly in the shape of mobile phones and
personal digital assistants, has become a ubiquitous force in everyday
life. Advances in communication technologies have also meant that we
are rapidly moving towards the convergence of mobile and stationary
systems: this has allowed people to use mobile technology to engage
with systems embedded in the environments they inhabit, offering a
greater range of interaction possibilities and patterns that we have
labeled "Interaction Clouds". By "Interaction Clouds" we mean the
complex patterns of interaction, sharing and exchange that unfold
around assemblies of mobile and embedded technologies.
This workshop aims at exploring such issues in greater detail, with a
specific focus on the design of a coherent social and collaborative
experience for people as the transverse an "assembly" of technologies.
The notion of Interaction Clouds also resonates with the emergence of
the internet as a resource free of device and location constraints has
brought about the concept of "cloud computing", where technology is
emerging that allows people to shift between multiple contexts (mobile/
embedded), facilitated by a connection to remote computing resources
(clouds). This devolving of traditional interaction paradigms brings
with it new challenges to support meaningful user social and
collaborative experiences, specifically how such hybrid systems can
facilitate salient aspects of user experiences such as collaboration
and participation.
Topics of Interest
• Studies of social and collaborative activity around
interaction clouds
• Design for the support of collaboration and participation
across interaction clouds
• New interaction modalities in interaction clouds that support
social interaction
• Theoretical issues of how to define and study interaction
clouds (merging mobility-oriented and space-oriented frameworks, new
conceptual approaches, development of existing frameworks, etc.)
• Explorations of settings where interaction clouds can be
meaningfully deployed: e.g. public spaces (museums, urbans areas),
workplaces, domestic spaces, etc.

Dates and deadlines
Submissions are open indefinitely.
Workshop at ECSCW 2009: September 7th - 8th, 2009

Interested participants are invited to submit position papers in PDF
format with a word limit of 5000 words. Papers should be formatted
according to the ECSCW template see
The .pdf files should be sent to:

Workshop outline
The Workshop will run over 1 day. The Workshop call requests the
submission of short position papers. However, during the workshop, we
will foster debate moving away from traditional presentations, and by
facilitating discussions on shared artifacts. We will invite the
participants to contribute to the workshop with either posters, or
demos/prototypes, or video data documenting an experience, and these
materials will be the main subject of the discussion. In the afternoon
session, we will lead more focused small-group discussions and
brainstorming, and practical design exercises.

Publication & dissemination
Accepted papers will be included in the Workshop Webpage. During the
workshop participants will be asked to prepare posters for display
during the conference. During the workshop, opportunties for future
publications (such as a journal special issue) will be discussed.

Marc McLoughlin, Interaction Design Centre, University of Limerick,
Luigina Ciolfi, Interaction Design Centre, University of Limerick,
Mike Fraser, University of Bristol, UK
Eva Hornecker, University of Strathclyde, UK
John Bowers, Interaction Research Studio, Goldsmiths, University of
London, UK

Contact Details
Workshop Webpage:
Please Contact the workshop chairs at:

CFP: Applied Learning Conference

> Abstracts for presentations from knowledgeable professionals in
> industry, government, military, and academia are solicited to
> provide presentations which would be part of a comprehensive
> conference program on the latest learning technologies as they are
> being applied to training, education and job performance
> improvement, including ways to implement technology, descriptions of
> education and technical skills applications, e-Learning, enterprise
> management, and instructional systems design, together with
> Knowledge Management systems.
> The submissions should be in the form of individual presentations,
> panel discussions, and preconference tutorials. Topics of interest
> include:
> Mobile Computing, Handhelds & PDAs
> · Handhelds, PDAs, Smartphones, Tablet PCS
> · Using Effective elearning and engaging distance learning fo
> r the enterprise
> · Mobile-optimized Web Applications
> · Pervasive computing devices and other ubiquitous computing
> technologies
> · Virtualization, Process Migration, Thin-client Computing, N
> etwork Mobility
> · Security Issues involved in interactions with Mobile Comput
> ing
> · Mobile Computing's Impact on Workforce Productivity
> · Mobile Enterprise Asset Management Systems
> Knowledge Management Systems
> · Integrating EPSS
> · Knowledge Management (KM) systems for operations improvement
> · Purchasing KM systems vs outsourcing (ASPs)
> · Learning Management Systems (LMS)
> · Learning Content Managements Systems (LCMS)
> · LMS Interaction with other Enterprise Resource Planning Sys
> tems (ERP)
> · LMS Interoperability standards (SCORM, AICC, IMS, IEEE)
> · Authoring Systems
> Gaming and Simulation for Training and Job Performance Improvement
> · Online Games
> · Military Applications
> · Massively Multiplayer Simulation (MMP)
> · Agent-Based gaming, Avatars, and Distributed environments
> · Game-based Learning
> · Simulations and Games for Strategy and Policy Planning
> · Business Gaming Using Expert Systems
> · Simulations Utilizing Problem Solving Tools
> · Customizable, Computer-based Interactive Simulations
> · Simulation gaming for Management Training
> New Technologies & the Marketplace
> · Cloud Computing
> · Social Networks & Net Communities
> · Virtual Learning Environments
> · Criteria for instructional design & delivery methods
> · Return on Investment (ROI) and Improved Productivity
> · Integrated Enterprise Learning and Performance Improvement
> · Content and Technology Interoperability Issues
> · Corporate Learning Portals vs. Application Service Provider
> s (ASPs)
> Instructional Systems Design
> · Blended Learning strategies
> · Strategies to address remote learners
> · Implementing Accessibility into e-Learning
> · Authoring tools and their effectiveness
> · Evaluation processes and assessment techniques
> · ISD for the Enterprise and Performance Improvement
> · Prototyping in the development process
> · Business cases for learning measurement
> · Acquiring metrics and developing budgets
> Presenters and Attendees would include the following:
> · Academic Professionals
> · Chief Learning Officers
> · Directors of E-Learning
> · Directors of Training and Development
> · E-learning Project Managers
> · Military and Industrial Trainers
> · Government Professionals and Managers
> · Performance Support Professionals
> · Managers of Training
> · Management and Training Consultants
> · Compliance Training Managers
> · Hardware and Software Systems Manufacturers
> · Education/Training Facilitators
> · Human Performance Technology Professionals
> · Instructional Designers
> · Instructional Systems Developers
> · Curriculum Developers
> · Content Developers
> · E-Learning Developers
> · Application Development Managers
> Please submit abstract(s) of your proposed presentation(s) (up to
> 100 words per topic suggested). Abstracts will be considered for an
> individual presentation, or as a participant in a panel discussion.
> We are also seeking proposals for 1/2 day preconference tutorials
> related to the foregoing. Abstract submissions should be received
> by September 30, 2009. If your abstract is accepted, papers should
> be submitted by February 3, 2010 in order to be included in the
> Conference Proceedings. Authors of accepted papers are expected to
> attend the conference, present their work to their peers, and
> transfer copyright. Primary speakers receive a complimentary
> registration to the conference. All other speakers will be required
> to pay a discounted conference registration fee. If you have any
> questions or would like to discuss your ideas for a presentation,
> please call John Fox at (540) 347-0055.
> Accepted speakers will have their biographies included on the SALT®
> conference web site as well as a photo if this material is provided
> to SALT. Submit on-line at or send to SALT, 50 Culpeper
> Street, Warrenton, VA 20186. Phone: 540-347-0055 / Fax: 540-349-3169
> / email: The program schedule will cons
> ist of preconference tutorials on Tuesday, March 2, and the main con
> ference presentation sessions on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, Ma
> rch 3-5, 2010.
> Author's Information
> Be sure to include the author's name, title, organization, address,
> phone number, and email address. In addition, relevant biographical
> information about the author(s) should be included with the abstract
> submission so it can be posted on the SALT web site.
> Key Dates to note
> Deadline for Receipt of Abstracts: September 30, 2009
> Notification of Acceptance: October 15, 2009
> Submission of Papers: February 3, 2010
> Conference Dates: March 3-5, 2010
> To submit your abstract online go to:
> For a PDF version of the Call for Papers go to:
> Society for Applied Learning Technology
> 50 Culpeper Street
> Warrenton, Va 20186
> Ph: (540) 347-0055 Fax: (540) 349-3169 Web:

Friday, August 14, 2009

CFP: GCE09 Worksohop Call for Papers

GCE09 Worksohop Call for Papers (

Scientific portals and gateways are important components of many large-
scale Grid and Cloud computing projects. They are characterized by Web-
based user interfaces and services that securely access Grid and Cloud
resources, data, applications, and collaboration services for
communities of scientists. As a result, the scientific gateway provides
a user- and (with social networking) a community-centric view of

Web technologies evolve rapidly, and trends such as Cloud Computing are
changing the way many scientific users expect to interact with
resources. Academic clouds are being created using open source cloud
technologies. Important Web standards such as Open Social and OAuth are
changing the way Web portals are build, shared, and secured. It is the
goal of the GCE workshop series to provide venue for researchers to
present pioneering, peer-reviewed work on these and other topics to the
international science gateway community.

Topics of interest include the following:

* Integration of Web 2.0 technologies with science gateways;
* Gateways to cloud computing services;
* Applications of virtual world technologies to science and
education gateways;
* Social networks for scientific communities;
* Grid portals and gateways deployments, including User Portals,
Application Portals, Science Gateways, Education Portals, User
interface/usability studies;
* Design and architecture of Grid portals, portal containers, and
* Tools and frameworks that make developing Grid Portals and
gateways easier;
* Portal security models and solutions;
* Middleware solutions in support of scientific portals and Gateways
including Web Services, workflow and mashup composers and engines,
and similar capabilities;
* Non-browser gateways: desktops and mobile computing gateways; and
* Summary and survey papers.

Venue: Supercomputing 2009, Portland, Oregon, USA

Important Dates:

* Papers Due: September 13, 2009
* Acceptance Notification: Sep 28, 2009
* Workshop: November 20, 2009

Workshop Format: The workshop format will be consist of 30 minute
presentations of peer-reviewed papers.

Publication: Accepted papers will be published through the ACM Digital
Library website at

GRA: Repetitive Flood Claims

Document Type: Modification to Previous Grants Notice
Funding Opportunity Number: DHS-10-FEMA-092-001
Opportunity Category: Discretionary
Current Closing Date for Applications: Dec 04, 2009 Application closing date for all of FEMA’s Mitigation non-disaster programs (PDM, FMA, RFC, and SRL)
Funding Instrument Type: Grant
Category of Funding Activity: Disaster Prevention and Relief
Other (see text field entitled "Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity" for clarification)
Category Explanation: Homeland Security – FEMA - Mitigation
Expected Number of Awards: 20
Estimated Total Program Funding: $10,000,000
Award Ceiling:
Award Floor:
CFDA Number(s): 97.092 -- Repetitive Flood Claims
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: Yes

Eligible Applicants

State governments
County governments
City or township governments
Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)

Additional Information on Eligibility:

Entities eligible to apply for grants include State emergency management agencies or a similar office of the State (e.g., the office that has primary emergency management or floodplain management responsibility); the District of Columbia; American Samoa, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands; Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands; and Indian Tribal governments. Each State, Territory, Commonwealth, or Indian Tribal government shall designate one agency to serve as the Applicant. For the definition of the term Indian Tribal government refer to 44 CFR 201.2. INCREASED FEDERAL SHARE OF COSTS: An application may be submitted for RFC funding if neither the Applicant nor the subapplicant can currently meet the FMA non-Federal share requirement. For RFC, FEMA may contribute up to 100 percent of the project cost. The Application and the subapplication must include certification (e.g., signed letter from an authorized local government official) explaining why the FMA cost sharing requirement cannot be met. If a project to mitigate this particular property was previously identified on a subapplication for HMA funding and the project was not funded, the Applicant or subapplicant must explain why the 25 percent non-Federal cost share is no longer available for this project.

Agency Name

Department of Homeland Security - FEMA


RFC grants are awarded nationally without reference to State allocations, quotas, or other formula-based allocation(s) of funds. The RFC program is subject to the availability of appropriation funding, as well as any directive or restriction made with respect to such funds. All RFC grants are eligible for up to 100% Federal assistance. Projects or initiatives that are eligible for funding under this announcement may or may not involve Geospatial (GIS) issues.

Link to Full Announcement

GRA: Pre-Disaster Mitigation

Document Type: Modification to Previous Grants Notice
Funding Opportunity Number: DHS-10-FEMA-047-001
Opportunity Category: Discretionary
Current Closing Date for Applications: Dec 04, 2009 Application closing date for all of FEMA’s Mitigation non-disaster programs (PDM, FMA, RFC, and SRL)
Funding Instrument Type: Grant
Category of Funding Activity: Disaster Prevention and Relief
Other (see text field entitled "Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity" for clarification)
Category Explanation: Homeland Security – FEMA - Mitigation
Expected Number of Awards: 75
Estimated Total Program Funding: $90,000,000
Award Ceiling: $3,000,000
Award Floor:
CFDA Number(s): 97.047 -- Pre-Disaster Mitigation
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: Yes

Eligible Applicants

State governments
County governments
City or township governments
Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)

Additional Information on Eligibility:

Entities eligible to apply for grants include State emergency management agencies or a similar office of the State (e.g., the office that has primary emergency management or floodplain management responsibility); the District of Columbia; American Samoa, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands; Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands; and Indian Tribal governments. Each State, Territory, Commonwealth, or Indian Tribal government shall designate one agency to serve as the Applicant. For the definition of the term Indian Tribal government refer to 44 CFR 201.2.

Agency Name

Department of Homeland Security - FEMA


The PDM program is subject to the availability of appropriation funding, as well as any directive or restriction made with respect to such funds. PDM grants are awarded to each State and Territory as directed by Congress. COST-SHARE: Up to 75% Federal cost share. Small and impoverished communities may be eligible for up to a 90% Federal cost-share. Projects or initiatives that are eligible for funding under this announcement may or may not involve Geospatial (GIS) issues

Link to Full Announcement

GRA: Severe Repetitive Loss Pilot Program

Document Type: Modification to Previous Grants Notice
Funding Opportunity Number: DHS-10-FEMA-110-001
Opportunity Category: Discretionary
Current Closing Date for Applications: Dec 04, 2009 Application closing date for all of FEMA’s Mitigation non-disaster programs (PDM, FMA, RFC, and SRL)
Funding Instrument Type: Grant
Category of Funding Activity: Disaster Prevention and Relief
Other (see text field entitled "Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity" for clarification)
Category Explanation: Homeland Security – FEMA - Mitigation
Expected Number of Awards: 75
Estimated Total Program Funding: $70,000,000
Award Ceiling:
Award Floor:
CFDA Number(s): 97.110 -- Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) Pilot Program
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: Yes

Eligible Applicants

State governments
County governments
City or township governments
Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)

Additional Information on Eligibility:

Entities eligible to apply for grants include State emergency management agencies or a similar office of the State (e.g., the office that has primary emergency management or floodplain management responsibility); the District of Columbia; American Samoa, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands; Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands; and Indian Tribal governments. Each State, Territory, Commonwealth, or Indian Tribal government shall designate one agency to serve as the Applicant. For the definition of the term Indian Tribal government refer to 44 CFR 201.2.

Agency Name

Department of Homeland Security - FEMA


The SRL Program provides funding to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk of flood damage to severe repetitive loss structures insured under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Participation in this program is voluntary. However, the SRL program differs from FEMA’s other mitigation grant programs in that those property owners who decline offers of mitigation assistance will be subject to increases to their insurance premium rates. Interested Applicants should consult Part III (A) of the FY 2010 Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) Grant Program Guidance. Projects or initiatives that are eligible for funding under this announcement may or may not involve Geospatial (GIS) issues. Projects or initiatives that are eligible for funding under this announcement may or may not involve Geospatial (GIS) issues

Link to Full Announcement

GRA Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) Grant Program FY2009

Document Type: Modification to Previous Grants Notice
Funding Opportunity Number: DHS-09-FEMA-110-001
Opportunity Category: Discretionary
Original Closing Date for Applications: Dec 31, 2010 Application closing date for all of FEMA’s Mitigation non-disaster programs (PDM, FMA, RFC, and SRL)
Current Closing Date for Applications: Application closing date for all of FEMA’s Mitigation non-disaster programs (PDM, FMA, RFC, and SRL)
Funding Instrument Type: Grant
Category of Funding Activity: Disaster Prevention and Relief
Category Explanation: Homeland Security – FEMA – Mitigation
Expected Number of Awards: 75
Estimated Total Program Funding: $160,000,000
Award Ceiling:
Award Floor:
CFDA Number(s): 97.110 -- Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) Pilot Program
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement: Yes

Eligible Applicants

State governments
County governments
City or township governments
Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)

Additional Information on Eligibility:

The State Emergency Management Agency or a similar office of a State; Territory; Commonwealth; or Federally recognized Indian tribal government, is eligible to apply for assistance as Applicants. State-level agencies; Federally-recognized Indian tribal governments participating in NFIP including State-recognized Indian tribes, authorized Indian tribal organizations, and Alaska Native villages; and local communities that are participating in the NFIP are eligible to apply to the Applicant for assistance. More information regarding eligible Applicants can be found in Section 1.4, SRL Program Eligibility, of the SRL Program Guidance.

Agency Name

Department of Homeland Security - FEMA


The SRL Program provides funding to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk of flood damage to severe repetitive loss structures insured under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Participation in this program is voluntary. However, the SRL program differs from FEMA’s other mitigation grant programs in that those property owners who decline offers of mitigation assistance will be subject to increases to their insurance premium rates. Interested Applicants should consult Section 1.3, Authorization and Appropriation, of the SRL Program Guidance. Projects or initiatives that are eligible for funding under this announcement may or may not involve Geospatial (GIS) issues.

Link to Full Announcement