Thursday, November 4, 2010

CFP: Workshop on Social Behavior Analysis

Call for papers: Workshop on Social Behavior Analysis

Santa Barbara, CA , 24 or 25 March 2011 (This is a one day workshop,
exact date will be announced soon), in conjunction with FG 2011

Important Dates

* Paper submission: 12 December 2010
* Notification to the authors: 13 January 2011
* Receipt of camera ready copy: 19 January 2011



There is a strong interest in fields like computer vision, audio
processing, multimedia, HCI, and pervasive computing, in designing
computational models of human interaction in realistic social settings.
Such interest is boosted by the increasing capacity to acquire
behavioral data with cameras, microphones and other fixed and mobile
sensors. Unlike the traditional HCI view, which emphasizes communication
between a person and a computer, the emphasis of an emerging body of
research has been shifting towards communicative social behavior in
natural situations, with examples such as informal conversational
settings, general workplace environments, interviews, and meeting

The workshop will gather, discuss, and disseminate unpublished work on
computational models and systems for the analysis of social behavior.
Given the scope of Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition conference, we
would like to focus on automatic techniques for visual analysis of human
communication and on the applications that are built on top of it. We
welcome contributions that present robust techniques for the analysis of
gestures and facial expressions in natural conversational environments
to model social behavior in everyday life and reason about them. We also
strongly encourage the participation of colleagues from behavioral
sciences: studies of nonverbal behavior and social interaction provide
highly valuable information, concepts, and frameworks to guide automatic
analysis, while efforts in automatic analysis of social behavior provide
new tools, data, and insights to behavioral scientists interested in
nonverbal behavior and social interaction.

We invite contributions that address the following (non-exhaustive) list
of topics:

Social behavior analysis
* Analysis and recognition of visual social cues and others:
o Visual nonverbal cues (body postures, hand gestures, head
gestures, actions ...)
o Multimodal affect recognition
o Nonverbal cues from other sensors
* Multimodal computational models for the analysis, estimation, and
prediction of social behavior aspects and dimensions (interest level,
dominance, rapport, deception...) and of individual properties affecting
it (e.g., personality traits, preferences...)
* Analysis of conversational dynamics
* Multimodal data corpora for social behavior analysis

Systems and devices for capturing social behavior
* Smart camera/microphone systems
* Novel sensor technologies
* Wearable devices
* Cell phones

Socially aware systems and applications
* Computers and robots in the human interaction loop
* Individual and group self-awareness
* Educational applications
* Workplace applications
* Healthcare applications
* Game applications
* Art& creative applications

Oya Aran, Idiap Research Institute
Daniel Gatica-Perez, Idiap Research Institute
Louis-Philippe Morency, University of Southern California
Fabio Pianesi, University of Trento

More information can be found on the workshop web site: