Thursday, July 30, 2009

ANN: Fourth International Workshop on HAPTIC and AUDIO INTERACTION DESIGN (HAID'09)

> On behalf of the organizing committee of the Fourth International
> Workshop
> on HAPTIC and AUDIO INTERACTION DESIGN (HAID'09), we would like to
> invite
> you to attend this exciting event that will happen in Dresden,
> September
> 10-11, 2009.
> The aim of HAID'09 is to bring together researchers and
> practitioners who
> share an interest in finding out how the haptic and audio modalities
> can be
> used together in human computer interaction. The research challenges
> in the
> area are best approached through user-centred design, empirical
> studies or
> the development of novel theoretical frameworks.
> The workshop program is online and can be downloadable:
> Keynotes:
> Prof. Dr. Charles Spence, Oxford University
> Dr. Durand Begault, NASA
> Dr. Christophe Ramstein, Immersion Cooperation
> Paper Presentations - Sorted by Sessions
> Session I: Haptic Communication and Perception
> (I.I) "Communicative Functions of Haptic Feedback", Jonas Moll and
> Eva-Lotta
> Sallnäs
> (I.II) "Target Acquisition with Force Feedback: the Effect of
> Different,
> Forces on the User's Performance", Joan De Boeck, Lode Vanacken and
> Karin
> Coninx
> Session II: Navigation and Guidance
> (II.I) "Evaluating Factors that Influence Path Tracing with Passive
> Haptic
> Guidance", Kurosh Zarei-nia, Xing-Dong Yang, Pourang Irani and Nariman
> Sepehri
> (II.II) "Haptic Interaction Techniques for Exploring Chart Data",
> Sabrina A.
> Panëels, Jonathan C. Roberts and Peter J. Rodgers
> (II.III) "Audio Bubbles: Employing Non-Speech Audio to Support Tourist
> Wayfinding", David McGookin, Stephen Brewster and Pablo Priego
> (II.IV) "Interactive Sonification of Curve Shape and Curvature
> Data", Simon
> Shelley, Miguel Alonso, Jacqueline Hollowood, Michael Pettitt, Sarah
> Sharples, Dik Hermes and Armin Kohlrausch
> Session III: Visual Impairment
> (III.I) "Accessing Audiotactile Images with HFVE Silooet", David
> Dewhurst
> (III.II) "Configurable Design of Multimodal Non Visual Interfaces
> for 3D
> VE's", Fabio De Felice, Giovanni Attolico and Arcangelo Distante
> (III.III) "Tactile Paper Prototyping with Blind Subjects", Mei Miao,
> Wiebke
> Köhlmann, Maria Schiewe and Gerhard Weber
> Session IV: Vibrotactile Feedback and Music
> (IV.I) "The Carillon and its Haptic Signature: Modeling the Changing
> Force-Feedback Constraints of a Musical Instrument for Haptic
> Display", Mark
> Havryliv, Florian Geiger, Matthias Guertler, Fazel Naghd and Greg
> Schiemer
> (IV.II) "Augmented Haptics - An Interactive Feedback System for
> Musicians",
> Tobias Grosshauser and Thomas Hermann
> (IV.III) "Interaction Design: The Mobile Percussionist", Tiago Reis,
> Luís
> Carriço and Carlos Duarte
> (IV.IV) "Vibratory and Acoustical Factors in Multimodal Reproduction
> of
> Concert DVDs", Sebastian Merchel and Ercan Altinsoy
> Session V: Multimodal User Interfaces: Design and Evaluation
> (V.I) "The Effect of Multimodal Feedback Presented via a Touch Screen
> on the Performance of Older Adults", Ju-Hwan Lee, Ellen Poliakoff and
> Charles Spence
> (V.II) "Audiotactile Feedback Design for Touch Screens", Ercan
> Altinsoy and
> Sebastian Merchel
> Session VI: Multimodal Gaming
> (VI.I) "Evaluation of User's Physical Experience in Full Body
> Interactive
> Games", Mitja Koštomaj and Bojana Boh
> (VI.II) "A Tangible Game as Distributable Platform for Psychophysical
> Examination", Matthias Rath and Sascha Bienert
> Posters/Demos (Alphabetical Order)
> "A Multimodal Platform for Audio Manipulation in Virtual Reality",
> Victor
> Zappi, Darwin Caldwell and Andrea Brogni
> "A Novel Approach for Device Independent Gesture Recognition", Mathias
> Wilhelm
> "A shoe-based interface for ecological ground augmentation", Stefano
> Papetti, Marco Civolani and Federico Fontana
> "A visual editor to authoring VE multimodal user interfaces", Fabio De
> Felice, Arcangelo Distante and Giovanni Attolico
> "Ambient Interactive Storybook", Mitja Kostomaj and Bojana Boh
> "An Approach for a Simulator of the Acoustic Feedback of Control
> Elements",
> Alexander S. Treiber, Gregor Rozinaj and Peter Häuptle
> "Audio Effect Control via Head-Position Estimation" Patrick O'Keefe
> and
> Colby Leider
> "Audio Minimization: Applying 3D Audio Techniques to Multi-Stream
> Audio
> Interfaces" Yolanda Vazquez-Alvarez and Stephen Brewster
> "Bending Wave Haptics in Human Interface Devices", Neil Harris
> "Comparing the Effectiveness of Auditory & Tactile Cues in
> Facilitating
> Visual Search Performance", Mary Kim Ngo and Charles Spence
> "Enhanced Mappings for On-Screen Faders", Kristian Gohlke, Jörn Lovi
> scach,
> David Black and Michael Hlatky
> "E-Sense screen: Novel haptic display with Capacitive Electrosensory
> Interface", Jukka Linjama and Ville Mäkinen
> "Experimentation with metaphors of 3D sound", Erik Vladimir Ortega
> Gonzalez,
> Merienne, Frederic; Garbaya, Samir
> "From Audiotactile Perception to Meaning", Ute Jekosch
> "Haptic Audio Guidance for Target Selection in a Virtual
> Environment", Bob
> Menelas, Mehdi Ammi, Patrick Bourdot, Brian FG Katz, Lorenzo Picinali
> "Interactive Haptic Map for the Visually Impaired", Limin Zeng and
> Gerhard
> Weber
> "Modular tacTiles for Sonic Interactions with Smart Environments", Jan
> Anlauff, Jeremy Cooperstock, Tobias Grosshauser and Thomas Hermann
> "New Ways of Playing Old Games", Tiago Reis, Luís Carriço, Carlos Du
> arte and
> Romeu Carvalho
> "Perception of real rubbing sounds", Dik J. Hermes, Steven Brouwer
> de Koning
> and Paul Geelen
> "Recent advances in exploring self-induced sonic interactions in the
> context
> of performing arts", Cumhur Erkut, Inger Ekman and Antti Jylhä
> "Soundcrumbs - Hansel and Gretel in the 21st century", Charlotte
> Magnusson,
> Kirsten Rassmus-Gröhn and Björn Breidegard
> "The Mobile Percussionist", Tiago Reis, Carlos Duarte and Luís Carri
> ço
> "Unimodal and Crossmodal Audiotactile Frequency Matching in the
> Flutter
> range", Valeria Occelli, Massimiliano Zampini, Charles Spence, Bettina
> Forster and Helge Gillmeister
> Registration:
> To register for the workshop please use this link:
> Looking forward to seeing you in Dresden in September 2009!
> Workshop Chair:
> Ercan Altinsoy
> Ute Jekosch
> Stephen Brewster

Thursday, July 23, 2009

CFP: CRIWG2009 Doctoral Consortium

CRIWG2009 -

Call for Doctoral Consortium

The CRIWG Doctoral Consortium aims at bringing together PhD students
working on groupware and give them the opportunity to present and
discuss their research in a constructive and international atmosphere.
The goals of the Doctoral Consortium event are:

· To provide fruitful feedback and advice to the selected Ph.D. students
on their research thesis.

· To interact with other PhD students and stimulate an exchange of ideas
and suggestions among participants.

Doctoral Consortium Topics

See the theme and topics of the CRIWG conference at

Important Dates:

Notify the organizers if you are interested in participation a.s.a.p.
Submission: September 1st, 2009
Notification of Acceptance : September 5th, 2009
Doctoral Consortium: September 13th 2009

Submission Process

To apply for participation at the Doctoral Consortium, please send a
short paper or research proposal describing your doctoral work to:
Sílvio Meira ( and Carlos Duarte (

The paper/research proposal must:
· clearly describe the motivation for the research,
· clearly formulate the research question & objective,
· describe the proposed approach & research methodology,
· describe the results achieved so far,
· point out the intended contribution to science,
· point out the intended contribution to practice.

We encourage you to use not more than 3000 words.
You will be notified about acceptance.
For the consortium, prepare a 15 minute presentation of your work, using
a maximum of 15 Power-point slides.

Important Notice

Participation in the Doctoral Colloquium has no fee and is open to every
CRIWG 2009 participant.

Faculty of Sciences - University of Lisboa
Department of Informatics - Bloco C6 - Piso 3
Campo Grande - 1749-016 Lisboa - Portugal
Tel: +351 217 500 519 - Fax: +351 217 500 084

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

CFP: WORKSHOP on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence for Human Behaviour Analysis (PRAI*HBA)

WORKSHOP on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence for Human
Behaviour Analysis (PRAI*HBA)
12 December 2009 ? Reggio Emilia (Italy)

Satellite workshop of the AI*IA 2009: International Conference of the
Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence
* * * CALL FOR PAPERS - Deadline October 4, 2009 * * *
Special issue of The Wiley-Blackwell Journal Expert Systems: The Journal of
Knowledge Engineering connected to the workshop
We apologize for any cross-posting of this announcement.
Please, forward this CFP to other potentially interested people. Thanks!

The Workshop on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence for Human
Behaviour Analysis (PRAI*HBA) will take place in Reggio Emilia (Italy)
on December 12, 2009, following the AI*IA 2009: International
Conference (9-11 December 2009)

The conference and all the workshops will be hosted in the new
building of the Department of Social, Cognitive and Quantitative Sciences
and of the Faculty of Communication and Economics, located in the centre of
Reggio Emilia
Address: via Allegri 9, I 42100 Reggio Emilia

Updated information can be found on the workshop section of the
conference website,

Pattern Recognition (PR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) scientific
communities have tried to join their efforts and share knowledge in order to
obtain more effective solutions for many different research areas. However,
although the techniques and approaches are somewhat similar, the two
communities often tackle problems from rather different perspectives.

Among these research areas, Human Behaviour Analysis (HBA) has recently
become a very popular topic in computer science, because of its relevance in
many surveillance applications. For instance, with the increasing use of
cameras for video surveillance, it is getting almost unfeasible for security
personnel to monitor scenes or to watch recorded videos looking for a
particular event or visual item. Automatic interpretation of actions,
gestures, and interactions among people as well as automatic situation
recognition and assessment would be extremely useful. Actually, methods for
Human Behaviour Analysis have this specific aim and they are attracting more
and more researchers and ICT industries. Nevertheless, the recognition and
interpretation of human behaviour is still a challenging problem.

Given these premises, this workshop is meant to bring together researchers
which address the problem of HBA from the PR and/or the AI perspective.
Hopefully, this workshop will be the first of a long series of events in
which these two communities actively work together to achieve effective and
efficient solutions to complex tasks in HBA related fields.

Following the above considerations, the workshop topics include, but are not
limited to, the following:
? Gesture and activity classification
? Multi-person interactions
? Multi-camera coordination and data fusion for HBA
? Event recognition and abnormal behaviour detection
? Crowd analysis for behaviour monitoring and alerting
? Machine learning methods for HBA
? Statistical pattern recognition methods for HBA
? Semantic video annotation
? Semantic scene representation and interpretation
? Situation classification and assessment
? Datasets and metrics for performance evaluation of HBA systems

Papers not exceeding 8 pages, written in English and complying with the LNCS
Springer-Verlag format
( should be
submitted electronically. Submissions are due in PDF format attached to an
email sent to the following email address:

Accepted papers will be published on the official CD-Rom of the
AI*IA2009 International conference with regular ISBN number.

***In addition, best selected papers will be invited to submit an extended
version of their paper (at least 30% of new material) for The
Wiley-Blackwell Journal Expert Systems: The Journal of Knowledge Engineering
( - impact factor
2008: 0.717.


* Paper submission: October 4, 2009
* Camera-ready of accepted papers: November 11, 2009
* Workshop day: December 12, 2009


Attendance to the conference and to the workshops IS limited to
members of AI*IA. Participants are kindly requested to register before
the conference, although on-site registration will also be offered.

Attendance to the workshops only (including participation in all the
workshops, coffee-breaks and a CD-ROM with the Proceedings of all Workshops;
it does not include membership to AI*IA):

Advance registration: 100 Euro
On-site registration: 200 Euro

Regular conference fee (including participation in the conference and all
the workshops, a copy of the proceedings volume, the conference CD-Rom,
coffee breaks for all 4 days; it does not include membership to AI*IA):

Early registration, before August 31, 2009: 350 Euros.
Late registration, since September 1, 2009: 400 Euros.
On-site registration: 500 Euro

Student fee (including proceedings volume and participation to the
workshops, not including conference dinner): 130 Euro

Luca Iocchi ( - University ?La Sapienza? -
Andrea Prati ( - University of
Modena and Reggio Emilia
Roberto Vezzani (
- University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

Preliminary list of confirmed program committee members:
Francois Bremond, INRIA (FR)
Simone Calderara, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (I)
Isac Choen, Honeywell (MN)
Rita Cucchiara, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (I)
Luigi Di Stefano, University of Bologna (I)
Tiziana D'Orazio, CNR (I)
Michela Farenzena, University of Verona(I)
Jordi Gonzalez, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ES)
Oswald Lanz, Fondazione Bruno Kessler (I)
Christian Micheloni, University of Udine (I)
Krystian Mikolajczyk, University of Surrey (UK)
Massimo Piccardi, University of Technology, Sydney (AU)
Carlo Regazzoni, University of Genoa (I)
Paolo Remagnino, Kingston University (UK)

Monday, July 20, 2009

CFP: First International Workshop on Smart Healthcare Applications (SmartHealth'09)



+++ SmartHealth'09 +++

First International Workshop on Smart Healthcare Applications

One-day workshop at OZCHI 2009
November 23 - 27, 2009
Melbourne, Australia



Submission Deadline: September 10, 2009

Notification of Acceptance: September 25, 2009



Within the last years a variety of new healthcare concepts for
supporting and assisting users in technology-enhanced environments
emerged. While smart healthcare systems can help to minimize hospital
stays and in so doing enable patients an independent life in a
domestic environment, the complexity such systems raises fundamental
questions of behavior, communication and technology acceptance.
Therefore, this workshop aims to bring together researchers from
different disciplines to discuss the interrelation of medical,
environmental, technical, communicative, psychological and social
factors and their consequences for the design, use and acceptance of
smart healthcare systems.



Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:


* Usability of Healthcare Information Systems
* Usability of Mobile Computing in Healthcare
* User Experience Design
* Universal (or Disability) Access
* Empirical Methods (Qualitative and Qualitative)
* User and Cognitive Models
* Participatory Design
* Model-Based Design of E-Health Systems
* Tools for Design, Modeling, and Evaluation

Concepts and Applications

* Novel E-Health Concepts
* Software Infrastructures and Architectures for Implementing E-
Health Applications
* Tools and Design Techniques for E-Health Systems
* Interaction Design
* Multidisciplinary or Interdisciplinary Design
* Trade-off between Technical, Medical, and User Requirements
* Aesthetic vs. Functional Design Aspects
* Emotional and Hedonic Design

Human-Computer Interaction

* Human Aspects of Future and Emerging Healthcare Technologies
* Human-Computer Interaction in Healthcare
* User-Centered or Human-Centered Design
* Emotion and Affective User Interface
* Adaptive and Tangible User Interfaces for E-Health Systems
* Universal (or Disability) Access

Social and Ethical Aspects

* Accessibility and Usability
* User Diversity
* Ethical and Normative Requirements
* Gender Specific Healthcare Design
* Economical, Legal, and Environmental Constraints
* Technology Acceptance and Performance
* Social and Societal Implications of E-Health Applications
* Legal Issues in E-Health Applications
* Privacy, Security, and Trust in E-Health Applications
* Cultural Aspects of E-Health Systems

Technology and Systems

* Technologies and Devices for Smart Healthcare Systems
* Medical Devices and Sensors Infrastructures
* Wireless Communication and Sensor Networks
* Collaborative and Distributed Healthcare Systems
* Handheld Devices and Mobile Computing in E-Health Systems
* Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing in Healthcare
* Ambient Assisted Living Environments



Interested researchers are invited to submit a 2-page position paper
formatted according to the OZCHI format to the workshop organizers
) until September 10, 2009. The papers should focus on current
research activities and/or interesting aspects of future work. All
position papers will be peer-reviewed and evaluated based on their
novelty, originality, and relevance to the workshop theme. Authors of
accepted position papers will be notified until September 25, 2009.
The workshop will be held at OZCHI 2009, November 23-27, 2009 in
Melbourne, Australia.



Carsten Röcker, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Martina Ziefle, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Andreas Holzinger, Medical University Graz, Austria
Russell Beale, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Susan Hansen, CSIRO, Australia

Thursday, July 16, 2009

CFP: MIR 2010 - International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval

ACM SIGMM International Conference on
Multimedia Information Retrieval

ACM MIR-2010
Call for Papers

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
March 29-31, 2010


Call for Papers

Multimedia information retrieval is a cross-cutting field. Extending
beyond the borders of culture, art, and science, the search for digital
information is one of the major challenges of our time. Digital libraries,
bio-computing & medical science, the Internet and social networking sites,
streaming video, multimedia databases, cultural heritage collections and
P2P networks have created a worldwide need for new paradigms and techniques
on how to browse, search and summarize multimedia collections and more
generally how to afford efficient multimedia content consumption.

The 11th ACM International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval
(MIR) is the premier scientific meeting for discussing the latest advances
in the area of multimedia retrieval. MIR 2010 is on its second year as a
full ACM conference, following nine successful years as a workshop held in
conjunction with the ACM Multimedia Conference. The growth of MIR is a
result the growing importance of multimedia content in our lives. In MIR
2008, there were 308 submitted papers with an overall (full and short
papers) acceptance rate of 18%. The conference was attended by more than
150 registered participants.

The purpose of MIR 2010 is to bring together researchers and practitioners
from academia and industry. We are soliciting original papers that address
a wide range of issues in multimedia information exploration, summarization
and retrieval including, but not limited to:

-- Analysis, Indexing, Search and Retrieval of multimedia data: images,
video, audio, music, other data types, multi-modal systems
-- Personal Multimedia Management: analysis, search, retrieval,
-- Novel Interfaces for multimedia management, search and retrieval
-- Digital Life Experience analysis and retrieval - life logs, digital
immortality, life bits Video surveillance browsing and retrieval,
-- Exploration of media archives: browsing, experiential computing
and User Experience for multimedia exploration, visualization,
-- Learning, personalization and relevance feedback in multimedia retrieval
-- Context and content-based approaches to multimedia retrieval
-- Mobile multimedia indexing, search and retrieval applications
-- Preserving cultural heritage,
-- Trademark search, multimedia copy detection, multimedia watermarking
-- Multimedia Data Mining
-- Scientific multimedia, environmental studies, bio-computing and medical
multimedia analysis and indexing (MRI/CT, microscopic images, satellite
imaging, sensors, etc.)

Special Sessions
Special Sessions for emerging frontier theories or applications in MIR. Note
that the novelty requirement in these sessions is much higher than the
paper submissions. Information about these sessions will be available on the
conference Website.

Paper Submission
Full papers (10 pages in the ACM style sheet in English) should be submitted
through the website submission system. Each author can be involved in at
two submissions to this conference. The authors may choose to submit
manuscripts for double-blind review. If that is the case, we recommend that
the authors not give any indications of authorship in the text.

General Chairs
James Z. Wang (Penn State University,
Nozha Boujemaa (INRIA, France,

Technical Program Co-Chairs
Nuria Oliver (Telefonica Research, Spain,
(another co-chair to be named)

Important Dates
September 15, 2009 Paper Submission
November 20, 2009 Acceptance Notification
December 15, 2009 Camera Ready Papers Due

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

CFP: IWSOS 2009 -- 4th Int. Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems

Dear Colleagues,

The submission deadline for IFIP IWSOS 2009 (4th International Workshop on
Self-Organizing Systems), to be held at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, December
9-11, is quickly approaching:

Regular Papers (12 pages): July 20, 2009
Short Papers (6 pages): August 14, 2009

The submission website is accepting submissions via:
(The proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in their Lecture
in Computer Science (LNCS) series.)

Please, find attached the CfP below. More information can be
found at

Best Regards,

Bernhard Plattner (General Chair)
Thrasyvoulos Spyropoulos (Program Co-Chair)
Karin Anna Hummel (Program Co-Chair)

CALL FOR PAPERS: 4th IFIP International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems
(IWSOS 2009)

To be held at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, December 9-11

*Workshop Scope*

IWSOS 2009 is the fourth workshop in a series of annual workshops dedicated
to self-organization in networks and networked systems. The necessity for
and expected benefit of self-organization is caused by the growing scale,
complexity, and heterogeneity of future networked systems, like the future
Internet. Future networks will form complex networks integrating wired and
wireless infrastructures with mobile ad-hoc, and sensor networks that could
be spontaneously deployed in hostile environments, have a dynamic
and a potentially short life time. In spite of this, there will be
user requirements, such as high availability and real-time guarantees.
Although self-organization is desirable for these kinds of networks, it is
not yet clear to what extent self-organization can be exploited.

Research into networked systems started a few years ago to systematically
investigate self-organization and has lead to a multitude of open research
issues. The applicability of well-known self-organizing techniques to
specific networks and networked systems is being investigated, as well as
adaptations and novel approaches inspired by cooperation in nature and
evolutionary dynamics, sociology, and game theory. Additionally, models
originating from areas like control theory and complex systems research,
being applied to networked systems to analyze their controllability and
behavior. Aspects of engineering self-organizing networked systems are
studied that draw on approaches like programmable networks, and tools and
frameworks for deploying, testing, and monitoring self-organizing networks.
The role of self-organization in the future Internet and the impact on its
architecture is an important topic, as well as the application of
self-organization in future intelligent transportation systems and
ad-hoc networks.

Building on the success of its predecessors, this workshop aims at bringing
together leading international researchers to create a visionary forum for
discussing the future of self-organization in networked systems. Topics
include, but are not limited to the following.

*Key Topics*

- Self-organization and self-management
- Self-configuration and self-optimization
- Self-protection, -diagnosis, and -healing
- Applications, e.g. the self-organizing home network
- Self-organization in peer-to-peer, sensor, ad-hoc and vehicular networks
- Control theory based models and approaches to self-organization
- Applications of game theory for self-organization
- Bio-inspired and socially inspired models of self-organization
- Group-forming networks and techniques
- Programmable and cognitive networks as a basis for self-organization
- Visualization of network state
- Self-organization for Quality of Service
- Resilience, robustness and fault tolerance for networked systems
- Security in self-organizing networked systems
- Self-organization in heterogeneous network convergence
- Evolutionary principles of the (future, emerging) Internet
- Self-configuring place-and-play sensor/mobile networks
- Methods for configuration and management of large, complex networks
- Risks of self-organization
- The human in the loop of self-organizing networks

*Paper Submission*

IWSOS invites submission of manuscripts as full or short papers that
original research results, and that have not been previously published or
are currently under review by another conference or journal. Any
previous or
simultaneous publication of related material should be explicitly noted in
the submission. All papers must be submitted in PDF format. Submissions
be peer reviewed by at least three members of the international TPC and
judged on originality, significance, interest, clarity, relevance, and

Click here ( for detailed
information for authors.

*Full Papers*

Submissions should be full-length papers up to 12 pages using the LNCS
style, including all figures and references, and must include an
abstract of
100-150 words.

*Short Papers*

Submissions should be position papers, challenging papers, and papers
presenting first or late results up to 6 pages length (LNCS style,
all figures and references), and must include an abstract of 100-150 words.


The proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in their Lecture Notes
in Computer Science (LNCS) series. At least one of the authors of each
accepted paper must attend IWSOS 2009 to present the paper.

*Posters and Demonstrations*

To complement the main technical programme of IWSOS 2009, we are soliciting
extended abstracts (up to two pages, LNCS style) that describe posters and
demonstrations that will be presented at an informal session during the
workshop. This session should provide a platform to present and discuss
work-in-progress and demonstrations. The abstracts will be collected and
made available at the event.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

CFP: Posters & Demos - 4th European Conference on Smart Sensing and Context



***** EuroSSC 2009 *****

***** 4th IEEE European Conference on Smart Sensing and Context *****

The deadline for your 4 page submission is on
20 July 2009

16-18 September 2009
Guildford, UK


We would like to invite you to present your recent and on-going work on
smart sensing and context as a poster or demo at EuroSSC 2009.

The annual conference explores new techniques, algorithms, architectures,
protocols, services, and user aspects utilising context and context-aware
services and applications. Topics coverage include smart sensing, context
recognition, and context processing in the framework of a Real World
Internet. Of growing interest are methods and principles for context
abstraction and processing, quality of context, machine-interpretable
representation of context, context- aware service platforms, and
horizontalisation of context information access to leverage smart
surroundings for a wide range of applications rather than single closed

Past editions were held at ETH Switzerland (2008), University of Lancaster
in UK (2007), and University of Twente, Netherlands (2006).

Topics of interest:

* Distributed smart sensing and context recognition
o Smart sensing: sensors inferring context and context-aware sensing
o Context-aware surroundings and infrastructures
o Distributed objects and wearables inferring context
o Algorithms and architectures for scalable context recognition
o Quality of Context (context uncertainty, unreliable sensing)
o Distributed software architectures for context awareness

* Context processing and categorisation
o Context reasoning, fusion, transformation, inference
o Context processing given Quality of Context
o Scalable context management and processing architectures
o Information aspects of context-aware sensor and actuator systems
o Context categorisation and classification

* Context-altering actuators, interaction methods, and human aspects
o Principles and methods for context-aware actuation and feedback
o Distributed context-aware actuators
o Interaction with context-aware objects, wearables and proactive
o Quality of Actuation
o Symbiosis between autonomic context-aware sensor and actuator
systems and users
o Social implications, user-controlled privacy, securing context

* Service environment, applications, deployment, test beds and case
o Real-world experiences with deployed systems
o Applications and case studies related to smart surroundings &
intelligent objects
o Integration with the Internet of the Future ? the Real World
o Development tools, deployment principles, and life-cycle support
o Wearable computing and pervasive computing applications
o Sensor networks and information processing for new generations
of context enabled devices
o Intelligent sensors and sensor network systems
o Context-aware service platforms


* Professor Amit Sheth from the Wright State University will talk
about "Computing for Human Experience: Semantics empowered Sensors,
Services, and Social Computing on ubiquitous Web".
His homepage is at

* Dr. Marimuthu Palaniswami from ARC Research Network on Intelligent
Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP), the
University of Melbourne will hold a talk on "Large Scale Sensor
Networks Deployment: Research Challenges and Opportunities"
His homepage is at

Posters should present recent and on-going research in smart sensing and
context area. The poster submissions should include a 4-page (LNCS
format) description of the current research. The demonstrations also require
a 4-page (LNCS format) submission to describe the presented work. Accepted
submissions for posters and demonstrations will be printed in the adjunct
conference proceedings with an own ISBN number.
The submitted work is expected to be presented at the conference.
Submission open at:

For more information about the conference, please visit:

EuroSSC Poster & Demo Chair
Clemens Lombriser, ETH Zürich

Monday, July 13, 2009

CFP: ACM RecSys'09 Workshop on Recommender Systems and the Social Web


ACM RecSys'09 Workshop on Recommender Systems & the Social Web

New York, October 25, 2009
Submission Deadline: July 13, 2009

The Social Web has been enjoying huge popularity in recent years,
attracting millions of visitors on sites such as Facebook, Delicious,
YouTube. We are no longer mere consumers of information, but we also
actively participate in social networks, upload our personal images,
share our bookmarks, write web logs and annotate and comment on the
information provided by others.

This Social Web provides huge opportunities for recommender technology
and in turn recommender technologies can play a part in fuelling the
success of the Social Web phenomenon as new application areas for RS
technology emerge, new sources of knowledge for RS become available,
and richer user Web interfaces are possible.

The goal of this workshop is to explore, discuss, and understand new
opportunities for recommender systems and the social Web. We solicit
original contributions in the following areas:

* Economy of community-based systems:
* Encouraging users to contribute and sustain participation.
* Social network and folksonomy development:
* Recommending friends, tags, bookmarks, blogs, music, communities etc.
* Recommender systems mash-ups, Web 2.0 user interfaces, rich media
recommender systems
* Collaborative knowledge authoring, collective intelligence
* Recommender applications involving users or groups directly in the
recommendation process
* Exploiting folksonomies, social network information, interaction,
user context and communities or groups for recommendations
* Trust and reputation aware social recommendations
* Semantic Web recommender systems, use of ontologies or microformats
* Empirical evaluation of social recommender techniques, success and
failure measures
* Case studies and fielded applications
* Barriers of acceptance for social recommendations and the role of
social dynamics and online identities in acceptance of recommendations


* July 13, 2009: Paper/position statement submission due
* August 10, 2009: Notification of workshop submitters
* August 17, 2009: Camera-ready workshop abstract due
* October 25, 2009: Workshop held

Papers should be submitted PDF format by email to

The formatting guidelines of the ACM'09 Recommender Systems apply
(see Paper selection will be
based on a peer review process; there will be no blind review process
- author names and affiliations should be included in the paper.

Paper categories:
* Long papers (up to 8 pages) describing original research results
or case studies.
* Short papers (up to 4 pages) describing preliminary results or

* Workshop participants can also show demos. Demos should be submitted
as a short paper describing the research and the demo itself.

Dietmar Jannach, TU Dortmund, Germany
Werner Geyer, IBM Research, Cambridge, MA, USA
Jill Freyne, CSIRO, TasICT Centre, Australia
Sarabjot Singh Anand, University of Warwick, UK
Casey Dugan, IBM Research, Cambridge, MA, USA
Bamshad Mobasher, DePaul University, USA
Alfred Kobsa, University of California, Irvine, USA

CFP: CoVis Workshop at Visweek

*************** CALL FOR PAPERS ******************

Workshop on Collaborative Visualization on Interactive Surfaces - CoVIS'09:

Approx. October 11, 2009, Atlantic City, New Jersey

In conjunction with VisWeek 2009 (Vis, InfoVis, VAST):


Submission deadline: August 1st, 2009
Notification of acceptance: August 26th, 2009
Final camera ready submissions: September 14th, 2009
Workshop: TBD - approx. October 11th, 2009


It is common for small groups of people to gather around visual displays
of information to discuss or interpret the information to form
decisions. Groups
can share the task load of exploring large and complex datasets and can
various interpretations of a dataset when working together. However,
tools to
support synchronous collaboration between several people in their data
are still relatively scarce. Traditionally, visualization and visual
tools have been designed from a single-user perspective and for desktop
computers. While hardware such as multi-touch displays and network
have emerged that lend themselves especially well to collaboration,
support for collaboration around visualizations is still relatively
scarce. One
of the reasons is that single-user systems do not necessarily translate
well to
collaborative scenarios or interactive surfaces and require specific

The design of digital systems for collaboration around visualization and
visual analytics systems, therefore, poses additional challenges: we
need to
understand (a) how people collaboratively work with visual
representations of
data and which methods they use to solve information analysis tasks as a
and (b) what the exact design requirements are for collaborative visual

In this workshop we would like to discuss these challenges and discuss
the role of interactive surfaces as an emerging technology for supporting
collaborative visualization and visual analytics settings.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* the design of information visualization, scientific visualization, or
analytics interfaces and environments for co-located collaborative work,
* design of interactive visual representations for collaborative work on
interactive surfaces,
* the use of interactive surfaces to visualize and interact with
information and
* social components in collaborative visual analysis environments,
* aspects of cognition in multi-user visualization and visual analysis
* evaluation of collaborative information visualization, scientific
visualization, and visual analytics systems,
* multiple and coordinated views for collaborative visualization and
dataanalysis systems,
* design of multi-display environments for information analysis work,
* collaborative visualization and visual analytics applications,
* collaborative sensemaking, and
* experience with traditional collaboration in information and data


The main objective of the workshop is to bring people from academia and
industry with relevant backgrounds together (a) to discuss ongoing
research work
in the field of multi-user collaborative visualization and visual
analytics and
(b) to jointly investigate how interactive surfaces can contribute to
this area.
This includes the analysis of problems encountered in the field, the
presentation of specific solutions, and the discussion of special
characteristics compared to the core research areas. The workshop is
intended to
be a platform to exchange information and experiences, to stimulate
and to identify novel aspects and ideas to the topics above. During this
workshop, we would like to identify a number of open problems that need
investigation and identify priorities to target research in this direction.

We would like to put an emphasis on the following two (interrelated)

* What are the existing challenges inherent in designing interfaces
for visualizing, exploring, and analyzing data in a collaborative
* What unique challenges exist in building visualization systems for
collaborative environments?


Prospective participants are invited to submit position papers of up
to four pages in length which outline one or more potential
topics/solutions to discuss during the workshop. Accepted Papers will
be published in the technical report series of LMU Media
Informatics. This means that they will receive an ISSN number.

Papers should be formatted according to the IEEE Vis/InfoVis 2009 format:

Submissions should be sent to Dominikus Baur:

Petra Isenberg, University of Calgary (Primary Contact)
Michael Sedlmair, BMW Group - Research and Technology
Dominikus Baur, University of Munich
Tobias Isenberg, University of Groningen
Andreas Butz, University of Munich

Anastasia Bezerianos, Ecole Centrale Paris
Nathalie Henry, Microsoft Research
Stacey Scott, University of Waterloo
Michael Haller, Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences
Johannes Schöning, DFKI Saarbrücken
Shahram Izadi, Microsoft Research
Raimund Dachselt, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
Daniel Keim, University of Konstanz
David S. Ebert, Purdue University
Melanie Tory, University of Victoria

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at:

For more information, please see the workshop web site:

Prof. Dr. Andreas Butz
Institut fuer Informatik
LFE Medieninformatik
Amalienstrasse 17
80333 Muenchen
Tel.: +49-89-2180-4665
Sekr.: +49-89-2180-4650
Fax: +49-89-2180-4652

CFP: SWUI Workshop at ISWC 2009 -- Semantic Web User Interaction

Sharing Ideas for Complex Problems in User Interaction
SWUI Workshop at the International Semantic Web Conference 2009.
Washington, D.C. USA. 25th October 2009.
Papers due: 17th August 2009.

This workshop seeks to gather researchers and problem owners from a range of

disciplines - both inside and outside the semantic web space - to explore
aspects of the user experience in complex, very heterogeneous data
It is the sixth in the Semantic Web User Interaction (SWUI) series, and
its theme this year in part from the location of ISWC2009: Washington, D.C.
workshop web site, with full details, is at:

Workshop Theme:

Use of semantic web protocols and technologies are increasing rapidly in
government and business, so they are affecting an ever-widening user
population on the web. Increasingly, web and data/archival management tools
are embedding RDF and linked data capabilities into their architectures, and

projects are overlaying standards-based ontologies to supplement older
proprietary vocabularies. However, the key question remains:
* What are the most effective ways to harness these capabilities to support
high quality user interaction by researchers and the public?

A case study provides a focal point for our day-long collaborative
discussion - it centers around the rapidly growing area of large-scale
electronic archives and library collections online
( This domain is
particularly rich to explore, as it offers highly heterogeneous data
sources, a wide mix of structured and unstructured data, diverse user
populations and goals, requirements for a range of query/search/retrieval
strategies, and unique needs for visualizing/rendering both results and
individual objects.

There is a lot of good, relevant research and new interaction techniques
inside and outside the linked data/semantic web community that can
contribute to this domain, and ultimately to many large, heterogeneous data
interaction domains.

Who should participate?

This workshop will be of interest to researchers and designers from a
range of disciplines, including:
* Semantic Web
* Linked Data
* Machine Learning
* NLP, concept and entity extraction, and linguistic analysis
* Search and indexing of structured and unstructured data,
images and multimedia
* Visualization
* Text entry, tagging and annotation
* Ontology and taxonomy modeling and integration
* Social and community interaction
* Multimedia
* Grid and cloud computing
* Agents

Participating in the Workshop:

A written research/position paper must be submitted and accepted to
participate in the workshop. The deadline for papers is August 17, 2009
(see key dates, below). Because of the short review time for our PC, we
would really appreciate your submitting an abstract and your intention
to submit by Friday, August 7th. Papers do not need to be full length
research papers to be accepted - high quality ideas, contributions, and
imagination are most important.

For acceptance into the workshop, participant papers must contain:
* A summary of your related research/practice work, with examples
that describe unique aspects of your research and any tools or
models you

are developing.
* Links to existing papers that describe your work in more
detail; for researchers doing newer or more exploratory work, a longer
paper describing new and unpublished work can also be accepted by
the PC.

* Specific ideas on how your research is a "piece in the larger puzzle" that

contributes to improving the situation for users in the case study

Position papers can be as short as 4 pages, and the maximum length for
research papers is 12 pages. Accepted papers are expected to be published to

the CEUR-WS website.

Workshop Format:

The workshop will feature collaborative activities to
understand the relationships between participants' work, in order to find
points for cross-fertilizing and extending future research. This will be a
highly interactive workshop! Some of the specific activities for the
workshop will be determined based on the participants and the research work
they are bringing to the event.

The workshop aims to produce a strong and detailed outline/extended abstract

on the UI challenges presented by the case study domain and the types of
approaches that apply - and hopefully by extension can benefit other large,
heterogeneous data domains. We will ask participants to continue
contributing to the outline, with the aim of publishing the workshop
outcomes as a paper or journal special edition.

Key Dates:

Abstract/intent due: 7 August 2009
Submissions due: 17 August 2009
Notification by: 6 September 2009
Final papers due: 9 October 2009
Workshop date: 25 October 2009

Questions to:
Submissions to:
All papers submitted will be reviewed by the workshop program committee.

Duane Degler, Design for Context, USA
Jennifer Golbeck, University of Maryland, USA
m.c. schraefel, University of Southampton, UK
Lloyd Rutledge, Open Universiteit Nederland, NL

For More Information:

Workshop website:
Case study:

ISWC2009 (Washington, D.C. USA, 25-29 October 2009):
Westfields Conference Center:

Previous workshops in Semantic Web User Interaction:


======== IPCITY SUMMER SCHOOL 2009 - 22-25/09/2009 VIENNA =========

IPCity Summer School 2009
September 22-25, 2009 in Vienna, Austria.

The IPCity project invites international graduate students to join us
for the 2009 summer school. Students will be given the opportunity to
work alongside experts in the field of urban mixed realities. The summer
school will bring together students from a range of backgrounds
including: architecture, urban planning, computer games design and
information technology with the aim of creating an atmosphere similar
to those found in leading research labs.

The Summer School 2009 will introduce students to the IPCity project,
in particular the core theories, key concepts and underlying
technologies. In workshop groups students will get hands-on
experience on novel application areas including: urban life and
social gathering, environmental awareness, urban renewal scenarios,
mixed-reality gaming and community story-telling in urban

Together with workshop supervisors students will create their own
content for existing mixed reality systems using provided building
blocks, conduct tests and field trials, and on the last day present
their groups' work to the other workshop participants!

The Summer School 2009 is part of the IPCity Integrated Project on
Interaction and Presence in Urban Environments which is an EU funded
Sixth Framework programme (FP-2004-IST-4-27571). The aim of
the IPCity project is to investigate analytical and technological
approaches to presence in real life settings. This includes extending
the presence by taking into account the participative and social
constitution of presence as well as the multiplicity and distribution of
events in time and space.

The Application deadline for graduate (Msc., PhD.) students is August 1,
2009! Notification of acceptance will be made on August 15, 2009. The
working language of the Summer School is English, 3 ECTS credits can be
awarded. There are a limited number of travel grants available to
help pay for some or all of the costs involved in attending the
summer school!

For further information on the IPCity Summer School 2009 please visit
the website.

---===>>>>>> <<<<<<===---

The IPCity Summer School 2009 Organizing Team.

======== IPCITY SUMMER SCHOOL 2009 - 22-25/09/2009 VIENNA =========

Dr Rod McCall
Collaborative, Virtual and Augmented Environments
Fraunhofer FIT, Sankt Augustin, Germany

CFP: Innovations'09

6th International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology
December 15-17, 2009
Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
*IEEE pending upon Approval
Conference web site:

Innovations in Information Technology (Innovations'09), is a premier Forum
for the presentation and discussion of technology advances and research
results in the field of Information Technology (IT). Held in the oasis city
of Al Ain, the fourth largest city in the United Arab Emirates (UAE),
Innovations'09 is the sixth in the series that has been held in Dubai since
Innovations?09 will be hosted by the College of Information Technology
(CIT). The CIT is the newest addition to the United Arab Emirates University
(UAEU), the oldest and largest university in the UAE.
The latest research advances in fields ranging from Communication Networks
and Security to evolving Computing Systems, Software Engineering,
Information Systems, Web Technologies, Bioinformatics and Healthcare
Informatics are explored in Innovations' technical sessions.

Tutorial proposals due: August 24, 2009
Workshop proposals due: August 24, 2009
Paper and poster submissions due: August 31, 2009
Notification of acceptance: October 5, 2009
Final camera ready paper due: November 2, 2009

Topics within the following Tracks:
