Thursday, April 9, 2009

CFP: HCI and Autonomic Computing Workshop 6th September @ HCI2009

HCI and Autonomic Computing

HCI Issues for Emerging Autonomic Cloud Based Systems

A Workshop at HCI 2009: The 23rd BCS Conference on Human Computer Interaction
Cambridge, UK

6th September 2009

Workshop Aims

The main purpose of the HCI Issues for Emerging Autonomic Cloud Based Systems Workshop, organized as part of the HCI 2009 conference, is to bring together researchers from HCI and Autonomic Computing in order to address the needs of distributed, adaptive systems both for the designers of such systems and their users. This workshop seeks to investigate and extend the introduction of adaptable decision processes within complex and adaptive interactive systems with mixed initiatives to reduce software-maintenance complexity and allow for quicker updates of current best practice by the instantaneous, distributed deployment of decision models via Cloud computing technology. Specifically, the workshop aims to:
? Provide a forum for researchers interested in the human-computer interaction aspects of autonomic computing.
? Establish an overview of the current research in the area.
? Identify the vital research issues and future requirements for HCI in autonomic computing
? Record and publish an overview of the current state of the art in the domain with the proceedings serving as a foundation for future research.

Position Papers

The workshop requires the submission, by email, of a 2-4 pages position paper prepared as an electronic document (in pdf, MS Word or postscript) using the ACM 2-column format to

Papers will be reviewed, on the timeliness, quality and relevance of their research to the workshop topic, to select participants and identify potential areas of interest. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
? Foundational elements of autonomic computing systems and how they support interactive systems design.
? Global service modelling, design, deployment, and management of service-oriented computing systems for HCI via a computational Cloud.
? Self-organisation and the principles of emergent outcome for large assemblies of services, applications, etc. in supporting adaption to users? needs.
? Security, trust and social issues in systems where privacy is a vital concern, such as eHealth applications, and their autonomic systems subject to emergent self-organisation.
? Comparison of centralised autonomic computing vs. decentralised emergent self-organising approaches in providing a transparent and seamless human-computational Cloud interaction whatever the context.
? Languages and tools to support autonomic response via self-organisation.
? Biological and economic inspired interaction mechanisms: catallaxy, stigmergy, swarm intelligence, etc.
? Novel architectures, frameworks, tools and techniques exploiting scientific principles for interaction in autonomic computing.
Accepted papers will be posted on the web and authors invited to read the submissions to promote pre-workshop discussions. The organisers will generate a summary paper bringing out the main points of the submissions. These pre-workshop activities will generate a list of research topics and challenges: The key issues identified will be raised for further discussion at the workshop. Delegates, the accepted participants, will tbe asked to give a short 10-15 minute presentations at the workshop in the morning session. In the afternoon smaller groups will be formed to discuss the key issues raised from the pre-workshop activities and the morning presentations. Each group will report back on their discussions. The position papers will be published in Volume 3 of the HCI 2009 proceedings. In the longer term we expect to issue a call for journal papers following the workshop. This will be a general call not limited to workshop attendees.

Important Dates

? Deadline for submission of Position Paper: Tuesday the 5th May 2009
? Notification of acceptance: Tuesday the 12th of May 2009
? Final CRV copy due: Monday the 17th August 2009
? HCI 2009: 1st-5th September 2009
? HCI Issues for Emerging Autonomic Cloud Based Systems at HCI 2009: The 6th of September 2009
? Publication of proceedings in HCI 2009 Volume 3

Workshop Organisation

David England, Liverpool John Moores University
A. Taleb-Bendiab, Liverpool John Moores University
Martin Randles, Liverpool John Moores University

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