Sunday, November 22, 2009

CFP: ECCE2010 - Call for Workshop proposals


European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2010
the 28th Conference of the
European Association of Cognitive Ergonomics (EACE)
24-27 August 2010, Delft, The Netherlands.

Caring technology for the future

Call for Participation ? Workshops


The European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2010 (ECCE2010) is the annual conference of the European Association of Cognitive Ergonomics (EACE). This year, for the first time, the main conference will be preceded by a day of workshops. The workshops aim to provide an opportunity for researchers and practitioners with similar interests to exchange new ideas and practical experience in their specific areas of cognitive ergonomics. By presenting, discussing, and reporting innovative research or ideas, workshop participants will explore these research areas with the aim of developing and enhancing the relationship between cognitive sciences and technical information processing system developments.


18 Jan 2010 Submission of Workshop proposal
1 Feb 2010 Notification of Acceptance Workshop proposal
24 August 2010 Workshop


The roles of cognitive ergonomics in the development of IT artefacts and complex systems have become more and more important and widespread. So far, theoretical, empirical, and practical aspects of cognitive ergonomics have been studied in various domains that make intensive use of IT. Recent trends of cognitive ergonomics indicate that human interaction with IT-based systems is increasingly complex and thus needs more sophisticated social, cognitive and affective support, and that diverse user groups should be considered from system requirements analysis and initial design stages, paying attention to personalization, care and complexity.

The ECCE 2010 theme is: caring technology for the future. Computer technology is increasingly being used in a care context, for example in healthcare centers, in the home, at work, but also in crisis situations. In these contexts, caring technology is being developed to improve individuals? mental and physical health or quality of live, to enhance persons? resilience in critical situations and to support recover of undesirable states. The conference will explore new type of cognitive ergonomics issues in this area. Through this conference, it is envisaged that participants will report on inventions, or innovative ideas and concepts to study and develop caring technology. Besides this focus, we also welcome workshop proposals in all other areas of cognitive ergonomics.


We invite the workshop to focus on innovate concepts, fundamentals (concepts, theories, models, and principles), empirical studies, application and case studies, methodologies, surveys, systematic reviews, and critical appraisals which are relevant to the following topics (but not limited to):

Human decision making and problem solving
Knowledge structure and mental model
Human learning behaviour
Human error and reliability
Situation awareness
Collaborative work
Affective/emotional aspects of human interaction with IT artefacts
Design methods, tools, and methodologies for supporting cognitive tasks
Cognitive task analysis and modelling
Human-centred automation
Task/function allocation
Decision aiding, information presentation and visualization
Innovative user interface concepts (including augmented and virtual reality, multimodal user interfaces, and wearable computing)
Intelligent agent design
Training systems design
Joint cognitive systems design
Supporting diverse user groups (the disabled, the elderly, children, personality traits, cognitive styles, gender, culture etc.)
Evaluation of cognitive performance, social interaction, usability, etc.
Methods and tools for studying cognitive tasks

Examples of application or industrial domains include: eHealth services, medical systems, process control, aviation traffic control, advanced manufacturing systems, intelligent vehicles, railroad systems, ubiquitous computing, smart home, mobile devices, digital TV, web applications, electronic commerce, game and entertainment, e-learning, business information systems.

Workshop Proposals
Submissions for one-day workshop are invited. The workshops will be held on 24 Aug 2010, a day before the main body of the ECCE 2010 conference. Workshop proposers should submit a 2 pages paper using the Word Template that is provided on the conference website. The workshop paper should explain the topic of the workshop, how it is set up, the manner in which people can participate and the aim of the workshop (e.g. writing/editing a book, a research proposal, or a special issue for a journal). The organising committee should have members from at least two different organizations or institutes. International consortia are welcomed and preferred. All proposals must be written in English. In addition, a cover letter should be included with background information about the workshop organisers, and the manner in which workshop participants will be invited.


Authors of all categories should use the Word template that is provided on the conference website for their papers. Instruction how to make an online submission as well as registration fee can be found on the conference website (


General Co-Chairs
Mark Neerincx, TNO Human Factors / Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands,
Willem-Paul Brinkman, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands,

Workshop chair
Tjerk de Greef, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands,

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