Tuesday, March 16, 2010

CFP: International Journal of People-Oriented Programming (IJPOP) inaugural issue

********************* CALL FOR PAPERS *********************



International Journal of People-Oriented Programming (IJPOP)

Official publication of the Information Resources Management Association

Co-Editors-in-Chief: Steve Goschnick& Sandrine Balbo
Published: Semi-annual (both in Print and Electronic form)

Mission of IJPOP:

The International Journal of People-Oriented Programming (IJPOP) is
cross-discipline in range yet singularly focused on empowering individuals
to conceptualise, design, program, configure and orchestrate
Internet-powered mashups, game mods (modifications), aggregate and
structure personal media and build standalone cloud-based and client-side
applications (on smartphones, netbooks, laptops, desktops, home network
novel appliances) – into self-fashioned tools and products that ultimately
suit the user's own unique needs and aspirations. Other individuals may
well take up such apps, mods and mashups for themselves, further
customising, enhancing and embellishing them, or they may in part be used
in a social or family context (to the benefit of the collective
of those Social Worlds of which the individual is a part) – nonetheless,
the focus of composition, development and customisation is on a product
oneself, upon theory, concepts, techniques, methodologies and ultimately
tools that service a market of one. Our mission is to be the first journal
that comes to mind to academics and practitioners alike and remain the
with regard to all aspects of People-Oriented Programming. Our papers and
reviews will be insightful and compelling to both educators and
researchers, and often to a wider audience too – the people for whom this
paradigm of software development has come about.

International Editorial Review Board:

* Prof. David Benyon,?School of Computing, Edinburgh Napier University, UK
* Prof. Birgit Bomsdorf,?Applied Computer Science, Fulda University,
* Dr. Lawrence Cavedon, Senior Researcher, National ICT Australia (NICTA)
* Ass. Prof. Erik Champion, Auckland School of Design, Massey University,
* Prof. Karin Coninx, EDM, Hasselt University, Belgium
* Prof. Larry Constantine, University of Madeira, Portugal
* Ass. Prof. Virginia Dignum,?Policy& Management, Delft University of
Technology, NL
* Dr. Anke Dittmar, University of Rostock, Germany
* Prof. Alan Dix, InfoLab21, Lancaster University, UK
* Dr. Rod Farmer, Experience Strategy, Vodafone Hutchison Australia
* Prof. Geraldine Fitzpatrick, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
* Prof. Peter Forbrig, Rostock University, Germany??
* Dr. Martin Gibbs, DIS, University of Melbourne, Australia
* Prof. Patrick Girard,?LISI, Ensma, France
* Dr. Judith Good,?Director, IDEAs Lab, The University of Sussex, UK
* Prof. Michael N. Huhns, University of South Carolina, USA
* Prof. Christophe Kolski, LAMIH, University of Valenciennes, France
* Prof. Ryszard Kowalczyk, CS3, Swinburne University, Australia
* Prof. Jiming Liu, Hong Kong Baptist University
* Prof. Kris Luyten, Expertise Centre for Digital Media, Hasselt
University, Belgium
* Prof. Philippe Palanque,?IRIT, University Paul Sabatier, France
* Dr. Fabio Paterno,?CNR, Italy
* Ass. Prof. Philippe Pasquier,?SIAT, Simon Fraser University, Canada
* Dr. John Rooksby, Computer Science, University of St Andrews, UK
* Dr. Mark Rouncefield,?Computing Department, Lancaster University, UK
* Dr. Dominique Scapin, INRIA, France
* Prof. Graeme Shanks, DIS, University of Melbourne, Australia
* Prof. Ian Sommerville, University of St Andrews, UK
* Prof. Ulrike Spierling, University of Applied Sciences, Erfurt, Germany
* Prof. Constantine Stephanidis, ICS, Greece?
* Prof. Leon Sterling, Faculty of ICT, Swinburne University, Australia
* Prof. Christian Stary, Kepler University, Linz, Austria
* Peter J. Wild, Independent Researcher, Cambridge, UK
* Prof. Gerrit van der Veer,?School of Computer Science, Open University,

Associate Editors

* Dr. Connor Graham, Independent Researcher, Singapore?
* Ass. Professor Yusuf Pisan, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
* Ass. Professor Aaron Quigley, HITLab, University of Tasmania, Australia
* Dr. Christine Sun, www.taiwan.com.au, Australia?
* Dr. Daniel Sinnig, Concordia University, Canada


People-Oriented Programming requires high-level tools to empower both the
technical and non-technical user, which in turn calls upon research into
meta-models that inform design and construction, that aid comparisons of
these tools, and facilitates the interchange of content between them. The
meta-models of most interest to POP initially, are drawn from two
disciplines – the Task Analysis (TA) and Agent-Oriented (AO) paradigms–
both of which often have models with representations of entities matching
the needs of POP, e.g. goal, task, object, agent, individual, role,
intention and communication. Several AO architectures and methodologies
have called upon branches of Psychology to formulate AO meta-models that
incorporate mentalistic notions such as perception, motivation and
intention, but which are most often aimed at constructing artificial
and the like. In POP we too call upon those same Psychologies and
enhance and formulate meta-models and methodologies influenced by them,
with the intention of augmenting and empowering the individual human, in
areas where they themselves desire aid or have identified a gap in their
own abilities or resources, which they want to enhance.

> From Sociology, POP draws upon ethnography with a focus on
self-ethnography using tools such as cultural probes, life blogs and life
logs to capture aspects of the individual's own life, themselves (or
through a life coach), from which they draw the desire and/or frame the
need for new technological artefacts to be used in their own lives.
Interactivity, with respect to facilitating and streamlining a regular
user's intention to build their own artefacts, and situatedness in terms
the individual's current location and activities, are two other facets of
HCI (human computer interaction) that POP encompasses.

Video gaming is the first application area where large numbers of everyday
users have been able to envisage and then developed their own innovations
within existing games. So-called game mods are working examples of POP
where players have appropriated userfriendly tools, usually built into the
game engines by the vendors (e.g. The Sims, World of Warcraft, etc.).
games have joined other media (e.g. movie, novel, comic) in the new genre
of transmedia storytelling (e.g. franchises such as Tomb Raider, The
Matrix, Harry Potter), allowing the player to enter the story 'so far',
extending it in the 'now', constructing their own individualised
and increasingly, with the capability to enhance and extend the realm of
the game itself. These individual constructed game mods allow players to
extend virtual realms and narratives in real-time, in directions often
unforeseen by the game engine makers. Such activities are increasingly a
part of an individual's entertainment and education. Game modding as
described, and the engines and tools that enable it, are within the scope
of POP.

Internet-based mashup tools (e.g. Google Wave) have opened up a second
application front beyond game mods, where POP is likely to gain mass
adoption and occasionally produce radical user innovation. The selection
and orchestration of disparate distributed services (e.g. web services;
information feeds; the Cloud) by an individual within a user-friendly
toolkit or framework, is also in the scope of POP. While the formal
protocols and the technical enactment of such specific services are of
little interest here, the quality, access, usage, aggregation and
orchestration of them by the individual themselves, into a personalised
synergy of capability made available through some enacting technology, are
of acute interest to POP. Modeling techniques and people-friendly
that bridge and coordinate distributed services together with local
resources within POP tools – ones that the layperson can understand and
in conceptualising their designs - encompasses another cross-discipline
facet of POP.


Topics to be discussed in this journal include (but are not limited to)
the following:

* Activity theory and modeling
* Agent meta-models, mental models
* Alert filter and notification software, automated task assistance
* Augmented reality, augmented interaction
* Automating personal ontologies, personalised content generation
* Client-side conceptual modeling
* Computational models from psychology
* Context-aware systems, location-aware computing, ubiquitous computing
* Cultural probes, self-ethnography
* End-user composition, end-user multi-agent systems
* Game development support tools
* Game mods, game engines, open game engines
* Home network applications
* Human-centred software development
* Interface generators, XML-based UI notation generators
* Interface metaphors
* Life logs, life blogs, feed aggregators
* Mashups, mashup tools, cloud mashups
* Model-driven design, didactic models, model-based design and
* New generation visual programming
* Personal interaction styles, touch and gestures
* People-Oriented Programming (POP)
* People-Oriented Programming case studies
* Personal ontologies and taxonomies
* Personalisation, individualisation, market of one
* Personas and actors
* Real-time narrative generation engines
* Role-based modeling
* Service science for individuals
* Situated computation, social proximity applications
* Smart-phone mashups, home network mashups, home media mashups
* Software analysis& design, software process modeling
* Software component selection
* Speech and natural language interfaces
* Storyboarding, scenarios, picture scenarios
* Task flow diagrams, Task-based design
* Task models, task analysis, cognitive task models, concurrent task
* Use case models, user interface XML notations
* User-centered design, usage-centered design
* User interface tools, XML-based UI notations
* User modelling, end user programming, end user development
* Wearable computing, bodyware
* Web-service orchestration, web-service co-ordination

Prospective authors should note that only original and previously
unpublished articles will be considered. INTERESTED AUTHORS MUST CONSULT
PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. All article submissions will be forwarded to at least
3 members of the Editorial Review Board of the journal for double-blind,
peer review. Final decision regarding acceptance/revision/rejection will
based on the reviews received from the reviewers. All submissions must be
forwarded electronically to stevenbg@unimelb.edu.au.

The International Journal of People-Oriented Programming (IJPOP) is
published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), publisher of the
"Information Science Reference" (formerly Idea Group Reference), "Medical
Information Science Reference", "Business Science Reference", and
"Engineering Science Reference" imprints. For additional information
regarding the publisher, please visit www.igi-global.com.

All inquiries and submissions should be should be directed to the
attention of:

Steve Goschnick
International Journal of People-Oriented Programming
E-mail: stevenbg@unimelb.edu.au

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