Tuesday, July 6, 2010

CFP: The 3rd Workshop on HCI and Services @ HCI 2010

The 3rd Workshop on HCI and Services

to be held at the HCI 2010 conference
University of Abertay Dundee, UK

Tuesday 7th September 2010



Services are considered one of the key areas to focus on for growth
and innovation within local and global economies. Approaches to
service design have emerged that share human-computer interaction's
(HCI) commitment to working with and for people, albeit in the
development of useful services, rather than information technology
(IT) artefacts. However, there has been little explicit interaction
between the two communities, despite this apparent overlap. This
workshop will explore HCI's actual and potential inputs to Service
Design activities (including service design research) and vice versa,
and builds on associated workshops held at BCS-HCI 2008 and 2009.


• to bring together researchers and practitioners, from both HCI and
service design, to inform both research and practice into service
design and service design research;
• to continue the exploration of the relationships between HCI (and
its applied manifestations such as interaction design, user
experience) and service design (plus research), in both theory and
• to bring together people in different disciplines to discuss the
above topics;
• to explore the wider implications of service design, such as links
with public service reform and local democracy movements;
• to continue the building of a community of people with interests in
the areas.


The workshop relates to existing work and workshops on services.
Outside of HCI, several major research projects and programs have
undertaken research into services in relation to products (e.g. KIM,
IPAS, S4T). A recent AHRC network on service design has also been
undertaken at Oxford ; and the IfM and IBM have developed one vision
for moving services research forwards and has resulted in a volume
publication. Cranfield University's IMRC has focussed around the
Product-Service Systems concept in addition the Service Design Network
network has launched a multidisciplinary journal (Touchpoint),
alongside its thriving Facebook and Linked In communities. Recently
the guardian Newspaper published a supplement on service design.
The workshop also builds on the work that has looked at service issues
in public services; on existing general interest in HCI; existing
general interest in service design; research into the definition of
services; and emerging paradigms for services. In addition the
emergence of design consultancies focussed around services and the
wider design and engineering communities growing interest in the topic
The workshop will build on the success of the 1st and 2nd workshops
held at HCI 2008 and HCI 2009, along with the subsequent call for
papers for a Special Issue of Behaviour and Information Technology.
These efforts have brought together a small amiable, and focussed
group of people alongside the gradual development of an international
network of people interested in the interaction between HCI and
service design and research


• Do HCI approaches shed new light on definitions of service?
• Reports of experiences applying HCI design and/or research
approaches (e.g., contextual inquiry, personas) to the design of
• Reports of experiences of using services marketing (e.g., service
blueprinting) approaches in HCI contexts.
• Service Quality (e.g. SERVQUAL) in relation to usability / user
experience measures.
• Conflicts and complements between service as experience and 'harder'
measures of service quality.
• Adaptation of existing perspectives to the analysis and design of
services (e.g., task analysis, activity theory, distributed cognition)
• Why services mean that existing perspectives can no longer apply.
• From service to e-service and back again.
• Educational perspectives.
• What HCI approaches, methods, tools and techniques could be used to
assist service design within the entire service development lifecycle.
• The intersection between theoretical accounts of participatory
approaches and value co-creation and co-production

Participants will be invited to submit a 4 page position paper on
their work, along with a candidate service for additional activities.
Practitioners have the option to submit a slide based presentation in
lieu of a position paper.

The morning session will be given over to the presentation and
discussion of these papers.

The afternoon session will undertake a walkthrough of a Service be
split between analysis / design of one or two service examples using
both constructs explored in the morning and standard

In addition, there will be a workshop site linked into the main
conference site that will remain active as a resource for the

Participants would be expected from industry and academia.

The workshop organisers have built a network and through their work
and attendance at previous workshops and the special issue of
Behaviour and Information Technology.


Position Submission: 9th August 2010
Response: 13th August 2010

Workshop 7th September 2010


Peter J Wild

Emma Pickering

John Knight
Director of Intiuo Design and Research


Workshop Website

HCI 2010 Website

Organiser contact
Peter Wild

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