Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Fwd: CfP: ECSCW Workshop "Online communities in social and caring professions"

************CALL FOR PAPERS***************

On-Line Communities for Social and Caring Professions

ECSCW 2011 Workshop on September 24th at Aarhus University, Denmark

Workshop submission deadline: June 1st 2011

Workshop homepage:https://sites.google.com/site/olcacp/


Workshop Theme

Understanding and supporting the practices of collaborative work is one
of the core goals of CSCW research. Online communities are an important
setting in which shared work practices can emerge and become subject to
joint improvement. The concept of communities of practice is frequently
mentioned in this context. This workshop will take a closer look at the
interplay of technical, social and learning aspects of communities of
practice for social and caring professions. These domains have in common
that the typical primary activity does not involve computer use to a
large extent. Communities of practice still exist (and have their
value), but the opportunities for computer mediated communication in
these communities are not well investigated. The goal of this workshop
is to bring together researchers and practitioners experienced in
communities for social and caring professions. We will discuss lessons
learned with the goal of finding socio-technical design patterns and
determining a research roadmap.

How to Participate

We invite you to share your experiences with designing, facilitating or
studying online-communities in caring and social professions. Relevant
topics are (but not limited to):

- Self-organization and moderation of these communities
- Communities of practice involving both professionals and volunteers
- Communities of service providers and their relationship with service users
- Sharing innovative work practices in on-line communities
- Communities for learning, support and improvement of practices
- Inter-organizational learning in communities
- Communities fostering Open Innovation
- Blended interactions in communities (combining co-located face to face
interaction with distributed online interaction)
- Engagement of "digital immigrants" (i.e. people who are less familiar
with digital communications technologies) in online communities
- Knowledge sharing in communities
- The role of mobile devices as community support technologies
- Communities that cross international borders

Please submit a short position paper no longer than 6 pages. Submissions
should be sent electronically to till.scheummer@fernuni-hagen.de. Please
adhere to the ECSCW style guidelines found at the ECSCW web site (e.g.,

The workshop organizing committee will review all papers. Workshop
participants will be selected based on the appropriateness and quality
of their position paper. On acceptance, you will be asked to 1) prepare
a poster about your position paper, 2) read two other position papers to
serve as a discussant, and 3) prepare one slide, answering the following

Who is the community?
How big it the community (number of participants / broadness/ ...)?
Major challenges faced?
Number one recommendation for someone else?
Stuff not to do?

All accepted position papers will be published on-line. We are currently
negotiating publication opportunities in special issues of highly
visible journals in which extended versions of the best contributions
shall appear.

Important Dates

1st of June 2011: Deadline for submitting position papers electronically
to Till Schümmer (till.schuemmer@fernuni-hagen.de)

15th June 2011: Acceptance notification

28th June 2011: Early registration deadline for ECSCW 2011

24th or 25th September 2011: Workshop in Aarhus, Denmark

Please note that workshop participants are required to register for the
full conference.

Workshop Organizers

Till Schümmer
FernUniversität in Hagen, Cooperative Systems (Germany)

Niels Pinkwart
Clausthal University of Technology, Department of Informatics (Germany)

Andrew M. Dearden
Sheffield Hallam University (UK), Communication& Computing Research
Centre (UK)

Ann Light
Sheffield Hallam University (UK), Communication& Computing Research
Centre (UK)

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