Friday, May 8, 2009

CFP: DULP '09 - final call for contributions

*** DULP '09 - final call for paper ***
Rome, September 14th-15th
University of Rome Tor Vergata - ScuolaIaD

D for Design Inspired Learning
U for Ubiquitous Learning
L for Liquid Learning Places (& Liquid Society)
P for Person in Place Centred Design

"Ubiquitous Learning in Liquid Learning Places: challenging Technologies,
rethinking Pedagogy, being Design inspired."

DULP '09 website

Short Introduction
After the eureka phase that usually follows the release of any new
technology, like the web based ones, we are now getting into a more mature
phase of the Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL), characterized by the
search for the Grand Challanges.
In light of the social transformations induced by the gradual emergence of
post-modernity and by the recent and very fast technological development,
a "fil rouge" that starts with Piaget, Vygotskij and Dewey and comes up to
the present suggests that the Holy Gral of Education can be identified
with the definition of an operative pedagogical and technological
framework within which one has to reconsider foundations and practices of
the education in order to support learning processes that take place in
more and more liquid and co-evolutive contexts - organic - and that are
increasingly assuming an ubiquitous character on temporal, spatial and
cultural levels.

The integration of the above phenomena brings to inevitably foresee
scenarios in which the training processes' actors will nomadically
populate more and more sensitive and responsive physical spaces through
which they will interact with socially dense virtual environments. The
disappearance of machine within the everyday life's objects and spaces
will enable individuals to interact with the latter ones in an extremely
natural way using gestures, words and emotions. A more natural
interaction will then bring individuals to give less importance to
functional aspects and more to the so called "use qualities" that will
contribute to define the one's personal EXPERIENCE. Environments will
become able to perceive individual's conditions and to co-evolve in order
to respond to each one's personal needs. They will be populated by social
relations, increasingly simple to start up and at the same time
increasingly complex to be managed: they will become what we defined
within the precedent sections LIQUID "LEARNING PLACES".

The challenge is enormous, both for technologies and pedagogy. It requires
the ability to intervene at many levels: in the design of physical and
virtual liquid spaces, in the search for the most suitable and flexible
processual framework, and in the methodologies that can help the student
to become, at the same time a creative, reflective and conscious designer
of her/his own destiny.
That's exactly the Grand Challenge!

Topics & contexts of interest
- analysis of today?s physical and virtual ?learning spaces? and of the
today?s learning processes
- analysis of the transformations induced by the post-modernity on the
learning processes, on the didactic practices and on their relation with
- theoretical bases and perspectives for DULP
- design, prototyping and evaluation of artefacts, sensitive and virtual
spaces for DULP
- design and on-going experimentation of processes and methods for DULP -
DULP customization and contextualization
- advanced monitoring and evaluation of processes and learners' behaviour
during DULP
- impact, social acceptance, psycho-physical and economic sustainability

- Professional training
- Learning Communities, Professional Communities and Communities of
practice - Life Long Learning & Continuing Education
- Schools
- University

Coordinators & Committees
DULP Coordinators
Carlo Giovannella (ScuolaIaD Università di Roma Tor Vergata)
Oronzo Parlangeli (Università di Siena)
Aurelio Simone (ScuolaIaD Università di Roma Tor Vergata)
Maria Tomarchio (Università di Catania)

International Scientific Committee
Giovanni Anceschi (IUAV, Venezia)
Rafael Calvo (University of Sidney)
Antonella Carbonaro (Università di Bologna)
Teresa Cerratto Pargman ((KTH, Stockholm University)
Mauro Cherubini (TID, Barcelona)
Luigina Ciolfi (University of Limerick)
Luigi Colazzo (Università di Trento)
Tony Hall (National University of Ireland)
Kinshuk (Atabasca University)
Paula Kotze (Meraka Institute, Pretoria)
Ilpo Koskinen (University of Art and Design, Helsinki)
Beatrice Ligorio (Università di Bari)
Patrizia Marti (University of Siena)
Giorgio Olimpo (ITD-CNR, Genova)
Maja Pevic (FH JOANNEUM, Graz)
Pier Giuseppe Rossi (Università di Macerata)
Chiara Rossitto (KTH, Stockholm University)
Saverio Salerno (Università di Salerno)
Luca Simeone (Vianet, Roma)
Ignazio Volpicelli (Università di Roma Tor Vergata)
William Wong (Middlesex University, London)
Massimo Zancanaro (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento)

BarCamp DULP Coordinators
Gianni Marconato
Andrea Volterrani

BarCamp DULP-Life Coordinators
Corrado Presti
Simona Scarsella

Organizing Committee
Andrea Camusi
Alessio Ceccherelli
Carla Santarelli
Angela Spinelli
Andrea Volterrani

Important dates
15 March - First call for paper
5 May - Last call for paper
31 May - Deadline for paper submission
15 June - Communication of contributions' acceptation
25 June - Early registration
5 July - Submission of the final version of the accepted contributions 15
July - Late registration
14 and 15 September - DULP '09

Papers guidelines and submission

DULP '09 will accept three categories of papers: full papers (max 5
pages), short papers (max 3 pages) and position papers (max 2 pages9. All
papers will be subjected to a light-review process.

In the spirit of DULP all papers will be presented within panel sessions
whose purpose is to stimulate the discussion on visions, analysis,
proposals, results.

Proposals for tutorials, demonstrations and practical activities
concerning artefacts (physical and virtual), methods, etc ..., that
represent a clear contribution to DULP, are also welcome.

All submissions should follow the ACM Format and will be subjected to a
light-review process.

Only the contribution to the BarCamp will not undergone any review process.

The proceedings of the event will be published in electronic form and as a
special issue of the journal IxD&A (Interaction Design & Architectures).

Contributions to all the categories will be electronically submitted
through the DULP papers' manager system.
To register please connect to
Once you've registered you can login on the DULP manager using the fields
and the button located on the right column of this website.

More information on the format of the contributions can be found on the
DULP website.

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